ESI include on akamai setup - akamai

I have a static HTML site, stored within Akamai's NetStorage. I have been looking into ESI so that I can include content within other pages, e.g. include navigation.html on all pages.
Akamai have produced some good documentation around the structure of the tags, e.g.
<esi:include src="navigation.html"/>
However, is there something I am missing?
When I add the tag to the page and upload the to the NetStorage account, the server is not processing this. Is there something that needs setting up in the Property Manager with Akamai's Luna Control Center that I am missing?

you will have to provide more information before i comment on what needs to be done. Are there two origins? I mean one is your origin server and another netstorage?
And have you added ESI in your property manager configuration? If not then you should.


How to integrate 1С with Django?

There is an online store built on Django. How do I set up an exchange of data on products between Django and 1C? I have checked some documentation on the CommerceML format, but it is still unclear how to set it up on the 1C side. As far as I understand, all uploads are configured quite simply. You just need to register the URL of the handler. And then everything happens automatically
Yes, 1с provides an algorithm for interacting with the upload script by which files of product offers are uploaded to the server.
Therefore, you can configure data exchange with external sources and sites, for this in your solution, go to the menu item Administration - Data Exchange and check the box "Data exchange with sites" where you specify the directories and documents involved in the exchange. After downloading the XML files, you just need to process them on the server side. There is information on the developer's forum with the methods of exchange settings and API , see if one of the methods suggested there will help you. They also have a blog article about different ways of integration

Next.js: How to make links work with exported sites when hosted on AWS Cloudfront?

I'm trying to get a prototype Next.js project up by doing a Static html export (i.e. next export) and then copying the generated output to AWS S3 and serving it via Cloudfront.
I've got the following two pages in the /pages directory:
Then, following along from the routing doco I added a Link to the pricing page from the index page, like so:
<Link href="/Pricing">
This results in a link that looks like (when you hover over it and when you click the link, the page does change to the pricing page and the browser shows in the URL bar).
The problem is, that link is not real - it cannot be bookmarked or navigated to directly via the url bar.
The problem seems to be that when I do a next export, Next.js generates a .html file for each page, but the router doesn't use those .html suffixes.
So when using the site, if the user tries to bookmark; loading that bookmark later will fail because Cloudfront will return a 404 (because CF only knows about the .html file).
I then tried changing my Link to look like:
<Link href="/Pricing.html">
That causes the router to use and that works fine with Cloudfront - but it actually causes a 404 during local development (i.e. using next dev)!
Other workarounds I could try are renaming all the .html files and removing the extension before I upload them to S3 (and make sure they get a content-type: text/html header) - or introducing a Cloudfront lambda that does the renaming on the fly when .html resources are requested. I don't really want to do the lambda thing, but the renaming before uploading shouldn't be too difficult.
But it feels like I'm really working uphill here. Am I doing something wrong at a basic level? How is Next.js linking supposed to work with a static html export?
Next.js version: 9.5.3-canary.23
Alternate answer if you want your URLs to be "clean" and not have .html on the end.
To get Next.js default URL links working properly with S3/Cloudfront, you must configure the "add a trailing slash" option in your next.config.js:
module.exports = {
trailingSlash: true,
As per the documentation
export pages as index.html files and require trailing slashes, /about becomes /about/index.html and is routable via /about/. This was the default behavior prior to Next.js 9.
So now you can leave your Link definition as:
<Link href="/Pricing">
This causes Next.js to do two things:
use the url - note the / on the end
generate each page as index.html in it's own directory - e.g. /Pricing/index.html
Many HTML servers, in their default configuration, will serve up the index.html from inside the matching directory if they see a trailing / character in the URL.
S3 will do this also, if you have it set up to serve as a website and IFF you access the URL through the website endpoint, as opposed to the REST endpoint.
So your Cloudfront distribution origin must be configured as a Origin type = Custom Origin pointing at a domain something like, not as an S3 Origin.
If you have your Cloudfront/S3 mis-configured, when you hit a "trailing slash" style URL - you will probably see your browser download a file of type binary/octet-stream containing 0 bytes.
Edit: Beware pages with . characters, as per issue 16617.
Followup to Shorn's self-answer of using the as field in the next/link component. This worked for me, however it would fail if I refreshed the page I was on.
Instead, I used exportPathMap to link my pages to a page.html equivalent that would be created when running next export.
The downside of this approach is that when running next start, those .html files will not be created or accessible. They will, however, from next dev. As I am creating a purely static website, I've now just been using next dev.
While making this change I was validating by manually copying my built assets from next export into S3 and hosting in CloudFront as Shorn was doing -- I no longer do this to validate and haven't had issues so far.
If anyone knows, let me know what I else may be missing by ignoring next start as part of development. This solution has worked for me so far though.
After writing this question, I found a reasonable workaround - though I'm not sure if it's the "right" answer.
Change the Link to:
<Link href="/Pricing" as="/Pricing.html">
This seems to work in both local dev and for bookmarking the site as served by Cloudfront. Still feels kind of wonky though. I kind of like those non .html urls better too. Oh well, maybe I'll do the renaming workaround instead.

Graphs in Lucee

I see an error using CFCHART with Lucee. Same code works in CF. But in Lucee it try to refer to a file graph.cfm in a folder lucee.
Do I need to create any mapping? Should this mapping be in Lucee admin or in IIS?
The short answer is: No, you don't need to add any additional mapping in IIS, nor in Lucee or Tomcat.
I've seen this question here for too long, so I'm placing an answer here to shed some light into Lucee's graph.cfm.
Some tags in CFML need to create additional image files to later embbed them as an inline HTML element into the reendered output altogether. Examples for such file creation are <cfimage type="captcha" ...> or like you have already noted in your issue, <cfchart>.
For such functionality Lucee needs to create these files temporarily somewhere and also make them publicly available. To achive this for cfimage/cfchart, Lucee creates the files in the web context folder of your webroot (which typically is located at path-to-your-webroot\WEB-INF\lucee\temp\graph ) and embbed them inline with a link to graph.cfm. The template graph.cfm just reads the temporary file from that folder, and delivers it in realtime to your application.
If you want to take a look into Lucees original graph.cfm, we can take a peek thanks to OpenSource:
source of Lucees graph.cfm at github
In order to make the files and the template graph.cfm temporarily publicly available, which by the way sits behind the WEB-INF folder ( which is also hidden/blocked by default in Tomcat for securtiy reasons), Lucee MUST have a virtual mapping. But you don't need to set it up, because these are already set up by default. You can see this in the image below taken from the "Mapping"-section of Lucee Administrator:
Because graph.cfm is a .cfm file, IIS will redirect the request directly through the implemented CFML connector ( probably Boncode Connector ) per AJP to Tomcat. Thus you don't need to set any mapping in IIS neither.
Because you have not submitted any additonal error information, such as http error codes or stack traces, I don't have any clue of what might be the cause of your error. It may also be some incompability issue which might be addressed if you submit it to the Lucee core team.
Another possibility is that many installation guides advise you to lock down the "/lucee/" path with IIS URL Rewrite Module, because this is also the path where the Lucee Administrator sits behind. If so, you can change the setting in IIS Rewrite Rule and adapt the rule in such a manner, that it would not block the graph.cfm.
It's also important to note that many of these cftags are implemented as Lucee extensions (.lex files). These are not necessarily pre-shipped or pre-installed in Lucee, but you may install it within Lucee Administrator or get them from Lucees Download site and upload it through your Lucee Administrator in the "Extension" section.
I've just encountered this too. Issue being though the the default mapping still don't navigate to "graph.cfm" so we've added an IIS virtual mapping instead.

CloudFront versioning and invalidation when you cannot change the link

I'm using CloudFront to embed some JavaScript on another persons website. The other person installs the JavaScript by placing the link on their website. They use the link rather than the JavaScript itself so that I can change the JavaScript to push updates to them without them touching it at all.
When I push these changes to CloudFront it takes a while for the changes to propagate which isn't desirable. What the best method for changing the file in this case?
Here are the methods I tried:
Let the changes propagate on their own. This is bad because it can theoretically take up to 24 hours.
Invalidate the cache using the API requests or the UI. This is okay, but it still takes 10-30 minutes.
Version the files (file_v1.js) and have the other person change the link manually.
Is there another solution?
There is no third option here. If changing the link is an option for you, and other person's site is NOT served through any CDN it is the fastest way.

In Django, can I always force browser and provider caches to load new pages with a global setting?

I have a handful of users on a server. After updating the site, they don't see the new pages. Is there a way to globally force their browsers and providers to display the new page? Maybe from I see there are decorators that look like they do this on a function level.
Depends on browser and cache settings.
There may be no way to tell browsers to do so (as pages are cached, they are not even talking to server, so there is nothing You can do there).
Good trick is to set Vary: Cookie header, so You can always invalidate cache (by changing cookie somewhere) in case of need.
One way to force the browser to load a new page rather than loading the cached version is to change the file name. You could add a date/time to the file name and use a rewrite rule (assuming Apache web server here) to get the new page.
This site gives a quick explanation:
and google will show many more.
you may also have to examine your cache control headers.