How to share a terraform script without module dependencies - amazon-web-services

I want to share a terraform script that will be used across different projects. I know how to create and share modules, but this setup has a big annoyance: when I reference a module in a script and perform a terraform apply, if the module resource does not exist it will be created, but also if I perform a terraform destroy this resource will be destroyed.
If I have two projects dependent on the same module, and in one of them I call a terraform destroy it may lead to a inconsistent state, since the module is being used by another project. The script can either fail because it cannot destroy the resource or it will destroy the resource and affect the other project.
In my scenario, I want to share network scripts between two projects and I want the network resources to never be destroyed. I cannot create a project only for this resource because I need to reference it somehow in my projects, and the only way to do it is via its ID, which I have no idea what is going to be.
prevent_destroy is also not an option, since I do need to destroy other resources but the shared script resource. This configuration makes terraform destroy fail.
Is there any way to reference the resource, like by its name, or is there any other better approach to accomplish what I want?

If I understand you correctly, you have some resource R that is a "singleton". That is, only one instance of R can ever exist in your AWS account. For example, you can only ever have one aws_route53_zone with the name "". If you include R as a module in two different places, then either one may create it when you run terraform apply and either one may delete it when you run terraform destroy. You'd like to avoid that, but you still need some way to get an output attribute from R (e.g. the zone_id for an aws_route53_zone resource is generated by AWS, so you can't guess it).
If that's the case, then instead of using a R as a module, you should:
Create R by itself in its own set of Terraform templates. Let's say those are under /terraform/R.
Configure /terraform/R to use Remote State. For example, here is how you can configure those templates to store their remote state in an S3 bucket (you'll need to fill in the bucket name/region as indicated):
terraform remote config \
-backend=s3 \
-backend-config="bucket=(YOUR BUCKET NAME)" \
-backend-config="key=terraform.tfstate" \
-backend-config="region=(YOUR BUCKET REGION)" \
Define any output attributes you need from R as output variables. For example:
output "zone_id" {
value = "${aws_route_53.example.zone_id}"
When you run terraform apply in /terraform/R, it will store its Terraform state, including that output, in an S3 bucket.
Now, in all other Terraform templates that need that output attribute from R, you can pull it in from the S3 bucket using the terraform_remote_state data source. For example, let's say you had some template /terraform/foo that needed that zone_id parameter to create an aws_route53_record (you'll need to fill in the bucket name/region as indicated):
data "terraform_remote_state" "r" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = "(YOUR BUCKET NAME)"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
resource "aws_route53_record" "www" {
zone_id = "${data.terraform_remote_state.r.zone_id}"
name = ""
type = "A"
ttl = "300"
records = ["${}"]
Note that terraform_remote_state is a read-only data source. That means when you run terraform apply or terraform destroy on any templates that use that resource, they will not have any effect in R.
For more info, check out How to manage terraform state and Terraform: Up & Running.


Create Terraform Cloudwatch Dashboards dynamically

Currently, dashboards are being deployed via Terraform using values from a dictionary in
resource "aws_cloudwatch_dashboard" "my_alb" {
for_each = local.env_mapping[var.env]
dashboard_name = "${each.key}_alb_web_operational"
dashboard_body = templatefile("templates/alb_ops.tpl", {
environment = each.value.env,
account = each.value.account,
region = each.value.region,
alb = each.value.alb
tg = each.value.alb_tg
This leads to fragility because the values of AWS infrastructure resources like the ALB and ALB target group are hard coded. Sometimes when applying updates AWS resources are destroyed and recreated.
What's the best approach to get these values dynamically? For example, this could be achieved by writing a Python/Boto3 Lambda, which looks up these values and then passes them to Terraform as env variables. Are there any other recommended ways to achieve the same?
It depends on how much environment is dynamical. But sounds like Terraform data sources is what you are looking for.
Usually, loadbalancer names are fixed or generated by some rule and should be known before creating dashboard.
Let's suppose that names are fixed, and names are:
variable "loadbalancers" {
type = object
default = {
alb01 = "alb01",
alb02 = "alb02"
In this case loadbalancers may be taken by:
data "aws_lb" "albs" {
for_each = var.loadbalancers
name = each.value # or each.key
And after that you will be able to get dynamically generated parameters:
If loadbalancer names are generated by some rule, you should use aws cli or aws cdk to get all names, or just generate names by same rule as it was generated inside AWS environment and pass inside Terraform variable.
Notice: terraform plan (apply, destroy) will raise error if you pass non-existent name. You should check if LB with provided name exists.

Terraform - Manage destroy of everything except the S3 bucket

We create all our AWS resources using Terraform and we are having issues with our S3 bucket.
We are in a development environnement so sometimes we wants to destroy everything and recreate everything except the S3 Bucket.
We tried to implement the following attribute for our S3 Bucket :
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
bucket = "${}-${var.environment}-data"
lifecycle {
prevent_destroy = true
It seems like the prevent_destroy attribute is not working as we thought it would work. Instead of skipping the deletion of the bucket and terminate the terraform destroy with a success state, it fails instead (as if this attribute tells terraform to fail on purpose).
I've found out similar conclusions already on stackoverflow but what would be the best way to avoid that issue and also the way that would be the best practice please ?
We use also github actions so we have thought of using it to create the bucket but if there's a solution using terraform, it will be easier for us (as there are other resources that are linked to the bucket id).
Thanks in advance !
prevent_destroy is used as a safety measure to ensure that the deletion of the resource does not occur. It is expected that it errors out. From the docs:
This meta-argument, when set to true, will cause Terraform to reject with an error any plan that would destroy the infrastructure object associated with the resource
so you shouldn't be using this meta-argument for your purposes.
Instead, if you want to delete everything except the bucket, you will need to remove the bucket from the terraform state before running the destroy operation, e.g.:
terraform state rm aws_s3_bucket.bucket
terraform destroy
for your next deployment, you will then need to import the bucket back into the terraform state before running the apply:
terraform import aws_s3_bucket.bucket bucket-name
terraform apply

Avoid replacement in the terraform code while changing module versions

Well, I have some resources in AWS that were created via terraform module. But now I have to change source module to the identical module except some stuff like name of some resources and now I need to use another module and avoid replacement. Now I have problems only with names of 4 resources. Here is the example:
KMS-ALIAS: BEFORE: kms-alias-s3bucket, CHANGES IN MODULE: kms-alias-s3bucket-dev. How to avoid replacement without changing the resources names'. I heard about terraform state mv but actually don't know how to properly configure that
Here is the output:
Here is how changes looks like:
Changing the terraform state to add the prefix -dev in the resources names will force terraform to diff from your Cloud environment, any update on those resources afterwards will force a replacement unless you do not touch those resources anymore.
If you cloud environment has this bucket named xyz, you want your state with the bucket name as xyz. So changing those names will depend on what those 4 resources are, bucket name change forces replacement for instance, so if you really want this environment as prefix you can create another bucket with the desired name <bucket-name>-dev and move everything from the old to the new one and then import the new one using terraform import into your state, then terraform will not force replacement anymore.
terraform import aws_s3_bucket.bucket <new-bucket-name>-dev
Additional Info
Modifying your state directly is usually for changing structural stuff and the resource local name could be among those potential changes.
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" { #bucket = resource local name
bucket = "my-tf-test-bucket" # my-tf-test-bucket = bucket name itself, it is unique and could not be changed without creating another bucket. AWS api does not allow that. That's why always depends on which resource.
tags = {
Name = "My bucket"
Environment = "Dev"
In resume I would say if terraform try to replace when you change some argument (such as "bucket name") you will need to replace to be applied in your remote system (cloud environment). If AWS API / AWS Console allow you to change without recreating (even terraform saying that you need, it could happen sometimes), you can then import the resource into your state instead of editing the state.

Can terraform duplicate the content of an s3 bucket?

I am using terraform to manage aws environments for our application. The environments have s3 buckets for various things. And when setting up a new environment I just want to copy the buckets from a base source bucket, or from an existing environment.
But I can't find anything that will provision a copy. The AWS interface lets you duplicate the setting when creating (which I don't need), but not the objects, so it may not be something terraform can do directly.
If so, how about indirectly?
There is no resource that enables the copying of objects from one S3 bucket to another. If you want to include this in your Terraform setup then you would need to use a local-exec provisioner.
It would need to execute the command below, with the support the AWS CLI to run aws s3 cp.
resource "null_resource" "s3_objects" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "aws s3 cp s3://bucket1 s3://bucket2 --recursive"
For this to run the local server would need to have the AWS CLI installed with a role (or valid credentials) to enable the copy.
Generally-speaking, Terraform providers reflect operations that are natively supported by the underlying APIs, but in some cases we can use various Terraform resource types together to achieve functionality that the underlying provider lacks.
I believe there's no native S3 operation for bulk-copying objects from one bucket to another, so to solve this with Terraform requires decomposing the problem into smaller steps, which I think in this case would be:
Declare a new bucket, the target
List all of the objects in the source bucket
Declare one object in the new bucket per object in the source bucket.
The AWS provider can in principle do all three of these operations: it has managed resource types for both buckets and bucket objects, and it has a data source aws_s3_bucket_objects which can enumerate some or all of the objects in a bucket.
We can combine those pieces together in a Terraform configuration like this:
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "target" {
bucket = "copy-example-target"
data "aws_s3_bucket_objects" "source" {
bucket = "copy-example-source"
data "aws_s3_bucket_object" "source" {
for_each = toset(data.aws_s3_bucket_objects.source.keys)
bucket = data.aws_s3_bucket_objects.source.bucket
key = each.key
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "target" {
for_each = aws_s3_bucket_object.source
bucket =
key = each.key
content = each.value.body
With that said, Terraform is likely not the best tool to for this situation for the following reasons:
The above configuration will cause Terraform to read all of the objects in the bucket into memory, which would be time consuming and use lots of RAM for larger buckets, and then ultimately store all of them in the Terraform state, which would make the state itself very large.
Because the aws_s3_bucket_object data source is intended mainly for retrieving small text-based objects, the above will work only if everything in the bucket meets the limitations described in the aws_s3_bucket_object documentation: the objects must all have text-indicating MIME types and they must all contain UTF-8 encoded text.
In this case then, I would prefer to use a specialized tool for the job which is designed to exploit all of the features of the S3 API to make the copy as efficient as possible, such as streaming the list of objects and streaming the contents of each object in chunks to avoid the need to have all of the data in memory at once. One such tool is in the AWS CLI itself, in the form of the aws s3 cp command with the --recursive option.

Terraform Replacing Bucket Object Instead of Versioning

I'm setting up some Terraform to manage a lambda and s3 bucket with versioning on the contents of the s3. Creating the first version of the infrastructure is fine. When releasing a second version, terraform replaces the zip file instead of creating a new version.
I've tried adding versioning to the s3 bucket in terraform configuration and moving the api-version to a variable string.
data "archive_file" "lambda_zip" {
type = "zip"
source_file = "main.js"
output_path = ""
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "lambda_bucket" {
bucket = "s3-bucket-for-tft-project"
versioning {
enabled = true
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "lambda_zip_file" {
bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.lambda_bucket.bucket}"
key = "v${var.api-version}-${data.archive_file.lambda_zip.output_path}"
source = "${data.archive_file.lambda_zip.output_path}"
resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda_function" {
s3_bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.lambda_bucket.bucket}"
s3_key = "${aws_s3_bucket_object.lambda_zip_file.key}"
function_name = "lambda_test_with_s3_version"
role = "${aws_iam_role.lambda_exec.arn}"
handler = "main.handler"
runtime = "nodejs8.10"
I would expect the output to be another zip file but with the lambda now pointing at the new version, with the ability to change back to the old version if var.api-version was changed.
Terraform isn't designed for creating this sort of "artifact" object where each new version should be separate from the ones before it.
The data.archive_file data source was added to Terraform in the early days of AWS Lambda when the only way to pass values from Terraform into a Lambda function was to retrieve the intended zip artifact, amend it to include additional files containing those settings, and then write that to Lambda.
Now that AWS Lambda supports environment variables, that pattern is no longer recommended. Instead, deployment artifacts should be created by some separate build process outside of Terraform and recorded somewhere that Terraform can discover them. For example, you could use SSM Parameter Store to record your current desired version and then have Terraform read that to decide which artifact to retrieve:
data "aws_ssm_parameter" "lambda_artifact" {
name = "lambda_artifact"
locals {
# Let's assume that this SSM parameter contains a JSON
# string describing which artifact to use, like this
# {
# "bucket": "s3-bucket-for-tft-project",
# "key": "v2.0.0/"
# }
lambda_artifact = jsondecode(data.aws_ssm_parameter.lambda_artifact)
resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda_function" {
s3_bucket = local.lambda_artifact.bucket
s3_key = local.lambda_artifact.key
function_name = "lambda_test_with_s3_version"
role = aws_iam_role.lambda_exec.arn
handler = "main.handler"
runtime = "nodejs8.10"
This build/deploy separation allows for three different actions, whereas doing it all in Terraform only allows for one:
To release a new version, you can run your build process (in a CI system, perhaps) and have it push the resulting artifact to S3 and record it as the latest version in the SSM parameter, and then trigger a Terraform run to deploy it.
To change other aspects of the infrastructure without deploying a new function version, just run Terraform without changing the SSM parameter and Terraform will leave the Lambda function untouched.
If you find that a new release is defective, you can write the location of an older artifact into the SSM parameter and run Terraform to deploy that previous version.
A more complete description of this approach is in the Terraform guide Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda and API Gateway, which uses a Lambda web application as an example but can be applied to many other AWS Lambda use-cases too. Using SSM is just an example; any data that Terraform can retrieve using a data source can be used as an intermediary to decouple the build and deploy steps from one another.
This general idea can apply to all sorts of code build artifacts as well as Lambda zip files. For example: custom AMIs created with HashiCorp Packer, Docker images created using docker build. Separating the build process, the version selection mechanism, and the deployment process gives a degree of workflow flexibility that can support both the happy path and any exceptional paths taken during incidents.