What's the difference between BigQuery and Bigtable? [closed] - google-cloud-platform

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Is there any reason why someone would use Bigtable instead of BigQuery? Both seem to support Read and Write operations with the latter offering also advanced 'Query' operations.
I need to develop an affiliate network (thus I need to track clicks and 'sales') so I'm quite confused by the difference because BigQuery seems to be just Bigtable with a better API.

The difference is basically this:
BigQuery is a query Engine for datasets that don't change much, or change by appending. It's a great choice when your queries require a "table scan" or the need to look across the entire database. Think sums, averages, counts, groupings. BigQuery is what you use when you have collected a large amount of data, and need to ask questions about it.
BigTable is a database. It is designed to be the foundation for a large, scaleable application. Use BigTable when you are making any kind of app that needs to read and write data, and scale is a potential issue.

This may help a bit in deciding between different datastore solutions that Google cloud offers (Disclaimer! Copied from Google Cloud page)
If your requirement is a live database, BigTable is what you need (Not really an OLTP system though). If it is more of an analytics kind of purpose, then BigQuery is what you need!
Think of OLTP vs OLAP; Or if you are familiar with Cassandra vs Hadoop, BigTable roughly equates to Cassandra, BigQuery roughly equates to Hadoop (Agreed, it's not a fair comparison, but you get the idea)
Please keep in mind that Bigtable is not a relational database and it does not support SQL queries or JOINs, nor does it support multi-row transactions. Also, it is not a good solution for small amounts of data. If you want an RDBMS OLTP, you might need to look at cloudSQL (mysql/ postgres) or spanner.
Cost Perspective
https://stackoverflow.com/a/34845073/6785908. Quoting the relevant parts here.
The overall cost boils down to how often you will 'query' the data. If
it's a backup and you don't replay events too often, it'll be dirt
cheap. However, if you need to replay it daily once, you will start
triggering the 5$/TB scanned very easily. We were surprised too how
cheap inserts and storage were, but this is ofc because Google expects
you to run expensive queries at some point in time on them. You'll
have to design around a few things though. E.g. AFAIK streaming
inserts have no guarantees of being written to the table and you have
to poll frequently on tail of list to see if it was really written.
Tailing can be done efficiently with time range table decorator,
though (not paying for scanning whole dataset).
If you don't care about order, you can even list a table for free. No
need to run a 'query' then.
Edit 1
Cloud spanner is relatively young, but is powerful and promising. At least, google marketing claims that it's features are best of both worlds (Traditional RDBMS and noSQL)

BigQuery and Cloud Bigtable are not the same. Bigtable is a Hadoop based NoSQL database whereas BigQuery is a SQL based datawarehouse. They have specific usage scenarios.
In very short and simple terms;
If you don’t require support for ACID transactions or if your data is not highly structured, consider Cloud Bigtable.
If you need interactive querying in an online analytical processing (OLAP) system, consider BigQuery.


Price aside, why ever choose Google Cloud Bigtable over Google Cloud Datastore?

If I have a use case for both huge data storage and searchability, why would I ever choose Google Cloud Bigtable over Google Cloud Datastore?
I've seen a few questions on SO and other sides "comparing" Bigtable and Datastore, but it seems to boil down to the same non-specific answers.
Here's my current knowledge and my thoughts:
Datastore is more expensive.
In the context of this question, let's forget entirely about pricing.
Bigtable is good for huge datasets.
It seems like Datastore is, too? I'm not seeing what specifically makes Bigtable objectively superior here.
Bigtable is better than Datastore for analytics.
How? Why? It seems like I can do analytics in Datastore as well, no problem. Why is Bigtable seemingly the unanimous decision industry-wide for analytics? What value do GMail, eBay, etc. get from Bigtable that Datastore can't provide?
Bigtable is integrated with Hadoop, Spark, etc.
Is Datastore not as well, considering it's built on Bigtable?
From this question, this statement was made in an answer:
Bigtable and Datastore are extremely different. Yes, the datastore is build on top of Bigtable, but that does not make it anything like it. That is kind of like saying a car is build on top of [car] wheels, and so a car is not much different from wheels.
However, this seems analogy seems nonsensical, since the car (including the wheels) intrinsically provides more value than just the wheels of a car by themselves.
It seems at first glance that Bigtable is strictly worse than Datastore, only providing a single index and limiting quick searchability. What am I missing?
Bigtable and Datastore are optimized for slightly different use-cases, and offer different tradeoffs. The main ones are:
Data model:
Bigtable is a wide-column database -- think HBase and Cassandra
Datastore is a document database -- think MongoDB
Note that both of these can be used for key-value use cases
Cost model:
Bigtable charges per provisioned nodes
Datastore is serverless and charges per operation
In general, Bigtable is a good choice if you need:
Fast point-reads and range scans (especially at scale). Bigtable will offer lower latency for key-value lookups, as well as fast scans of contiguous rows - a powerful tool since rows are stored in lexicographic order. If you have simple, predictable query patterns and design your schema well, reading from Bigtable can be incredibly efficient.
High throughput writes (again, especially at scale). This is possible in part because Bigtable is eventually consistent - in exchange you can see big wins in price/performance.
Example use-cases that are great for Bigtable include time series data (for IoT, monitoring, and more - think extremely write heavy workloads and massive amounts of data generated over x units of time), analytics (think fraud detection, personalization, recommendations), and ad-serving (every microsecond counts).
Datastore (or Firestore) is a good choice if you need:
Query flexibility: Datastore offers document support and secondary indexes.
Strong consistency and/or transactions: Bigtable has eventually consistent replication and does not support multi-row transactions.
Mobile SDKs: Datastore and Firestore are incredibly well-integrated with firebase ecosystem.
Example use-cases include mobile and web applications, game state, user profiles, and product catalogs.
To answer a few of your questions explicitly:
Why is Bigtable used for analytics? It's mostly about performance: analytics use-cases are more likely to have large datasets and require high write throughput. It's a lot easier to run into the limits of a database if you're storing clickstream data, as opposed to something like user account information. Fast scans are also important for analytics use-cases: Bigtable allows you to retrieve all of the information you need about a user or a device extremely quickly, which you can process in a batch job or use to create recommendations and analysis on the fly.
Is Bigtable strictly worse than Datastore? Datastore definitely provides more built-in functionality like secondary indexes and document support, and if you need those features, Datastore is a fantastic choice. But that functionality comes with tradeoffs. Bigtable provides perhaps lower-level, but incredibly performant APIs that allow users to make those tradeoffs for themselves: If a user values, say, write performance over secondary indexes, Bigtable is an excellent option. You can think of it as an extremely versatile and powerful infrastructural building block. I actually like the wheel/car analogy: sometimes you don't want the car -- if what you really need is a dirt bike, a set of solid wheels is much more useful :)

Is dynamodb suitable for growing or pivotable product?

Amazon said
NoSQL design requires a different mindset than RDBMS design. For an RDBMS, you can create a normalized data model without thinking about access patterns. You can then extend it later when new questions and query requirements arise. For DynamoDB, by contrast, you shouldn't start designing your schema until you know the questions it needs to answer. Understanding the business problems and the application use cases up front is absolutely essential.
It seems that I should design the tables after designing the product for efficient query cost.
But a product can be pivoted or be appended new features. In early stage, nobody knows where the product goes.
Is dynamodb suitable for growing or pivotable product?
In my opinion, the main benefit of Dynamo DB over other NoSQL solutions is that it is a managed database service. You pay for reads and writes and you never worry about scaling to handle larger data, more users. If you are doing a prototype or don't have technical know-how to setup a database server and host in the cloud it could be useful and cost effective. It has its limitations however so if you do have technical resources consider another open source NoSQL option.
I think that statement by Amazon is confusing and is probably more marketing than anything else. Use NoSQL in cases where your data is only accessed in distinct elements that do no have to be combined in a complex manner. It's also helpful if you don't have an exact schema defined because NoSQL doesn't require a hard set schema you can store any fields in a table and you can always add new fields. This is helpful when things are changing rapidly and you don't want to migrate everything as strictly as an RDBMS would require. If however you're going to have to run complex logic or calculations combining data from across tables you should use an RDBMS. You could use NoSQL for some data and and RDBMS for other data in a hybrid fashion but in that case you probably wouldn't want to use Dynamo DB because you'd want full ownership to set it up properly. Hope this helps I'm sure others have more to say and I welcome comments to help me refine my answer.

Aggregate tables vs real-time analytics [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've been researching different approaches to streaming data to a real-time dashboard. One way that I have done in the past is using a star schema/dimension and fact tables. This would be an implementation of aggregate tables. For example, the dashboard would contain multiple charts, one being the total sales for the day, total sales by product, total sales by manufacturer, etc. etc.
But what if this needed to be real-time? What if the data needs to stream to these charts and do the analytical processing real-time?
I've been looking into solutions like Kinesis streams and Kafka, but I may be missing something obvious. For example, consider the following example. A company runs a website where they sell pies. The company has a backend dashboard where they keep track of all data and analytics related to sales, users, orders, etc.
Custom places order through website
The relational (mysql) database receives this new order
The charts and analytical data updates real-time on the backend, for example total sales for the day, or total sales for the year by user.
If the scenario is that this data needs to be streamed, what is the best approach to this? Aggregate tables seem like the obvious but it seems that would be periodic and not real-time. Kinesis/Kafka feels like it would fit somewhere in here. The other option would be something like Redshift but it's pretty pricey and still may not be the best way to address the issue and scale.
Here is an example of a chart that would need to be updated in real-time that could suffer by just doing place aggregate SQL queries when there are tons and tons of rows to parse.
In case of "always up-to-date" reports like this (sales, users, orders etc) that don't need live updates with near-zero-latency streaming processing might be overkill, and ROLAP-like approach seems to be more optimal in meaning of efforts/result.
You mentioned Redshift, and if you already ready to mirror your data for analytics purposes and only problem is a price you can consider another free open-source alternatives that could be used for handling OLAP (aggregate) queries in the real-time (like Yandex ClickHouse, or maybe MongoDb in some cases).
A lot of depends on the dataset size; unless you have really big data that need to be aggregated (hundreds of GB) you can try to keep using mysql and use some tricks:
use separate slave mysql server with high IOPS for analytics and replicate only tables needed to build your reports; possibly use another table engine, more suitable for analytical queries. Setup indexes specially for these queries, to avoid table full scan if you need to get numbers only for last weeks.
pre-calculate metrics for previous periods (with materialized view-like approach) and refresh them on schedule (say, daily), and then combine pre-calculated aggregates with on-the-fly aggregates only for last period to get actual report data without need to scan whole facts table each time.
use data visualization backend that can efficiently cache reports data in-memory to prevent SQL DB overload because of many similar queries (and if the same report or dashboard is displayed for 100 users SQL DB load will be the same as for 1). BTW, I develop solution like that (cannot adv it here as it is commercial product).
This is a typical trade-off for most the architects. Amazon Redshift offers exemplary read optimisations but AWS stack comes for a price. You may try using Cassandra, but it comes with its own set of challenges. When it comes to analytics, I never recommend going real time for the reasons elaborated below.
Doing analytics at real time is not desired, specially using MySQL
The solution for above comes by seggregating transactional and analytical infra. This involves cost but will make sure you don't have to spend time in housekeeping once you scale. MySQL is a row based RDBMS mostly used for storing transactional data. Being row based, it optimises writes i.e. the writes are almost real time and thus, it compromises on reads. When I say this, I refer to a typical analytics dataset running into millions of records/day. If your dataset is not that voluminous, you might still be able to render a graph showing transactional status. But since you're referring to Kafka, I assume the dataset is very large.
A real-time dashboard with visualisations gives a bad customer experience
Considering the above point, even if you go for a warehouse / a read optimised infra, you need to understand how the visualisations work. If 100 people access the dashboard at the same time, 100 connections will be made to the database, all fetching the same data, putting them in memory, applying calculations, parameters and filters defined in your dashboard, adjust the refined dataset in the visualisation and then render the dashboard. Till this time, the dashboard will simply freeze. A poorly constructed query, inefficient use of indexes etc will further make the matter worse.
The above problems will amplify more and more with the increase in your dataset. Good practices to achieve what you need would be:
To have almost realtime (delay of 1hr, 30 mins, 15 mins etc) rather than an absolute real time system. This will help you to create a flat file with the data already fetched in the memory. Your dashboard will simply read this data and will be extremely fast in terms of responses to filters etc. Also, multiple connections to databases will be avoided.
Have a data structure, database/warehouse optimised for reads.
For these types of operational analytics use-cases where the real-time nature of the data is critical, you're completely correct that most "traditional" methods can be quite clumsy, especially as your data size increases. A quick overview of your options:
Historical Approach (TLDR– Meh)
Up until about 5 years ago, the de facto way to do this looked something like
Set up a primary OLTP database that will handle the data in its raw form and have stricter guarantees on performance or ACID properties. Usually this is something SQL-esque, i.e. MySQL, PostgreSQL.
Set up a secondary OLAP database that is meant for serving offline (aka non user-facing) queries. This could also be a SQL-esque db but its schema would be drastically different because it stores the data in enriched form.
Set up some mechanism by which you can keep these 2 in sync. This pretty much boils down to either a) changing your application to always write to both databases and performing the necessary data enrichment or b) building a stand-alone application that reads from your OLTP database, performs the necessary transformations and enrichment and writes to your OLAP database
Plug your dashboard into your OLAP database which will have a schema and indexes optimized for the kind of queries you want.
Using your example about the pie store, the OLTP database would be used to store the purchases of all the pies and reference things like customer ids, billing information, delivery information, etc. In contrast, the OLAP database might just maintain a table with a schema
purchase_totals(day: Date, weekNumber: int, dayOfWeek: int, year: int, total: float)
While the weekNumber, dayOfWeek, and year and technically redundant they make your queries faster! With the proper indexes on these fields, your dashboard has turned into 5 simple (and fast!) aggregation queries with a group by and sum, and then the differences week-over-week or year-over-year can be computed on the client-side. As long as your dashboard refreshes every minute or so you have near-real-time data at your fingertips.
Current Approach (TLDR– Ok)
The recent trends in computing, database technologies, and data science/analytics have led to improvements to the above process, namely by replacing certain components of it. The changes include
Making the OLTP db, the OLAP db, or both a NoSQL database (Mongo usually being the most popular). The pro here is that you have a more flexible schema which won't break if something upstream changes (say, you start selling cakes in addition to pies).
Keeping the SQL db but shifting to cloud provider solution like AWS RDS or Google Cloud SQL. This fundamentally doesn't change anything about the architecture, but it does significantly reduce your operational burden.
Using hard-to-maintain ETL pipelines on top of streaming platforms like Kafka or AWS Kinesis to act as the middle layer between OLAP and OLTP.
Using dedicated tools for data cleaning and transformation as you plan out how to do your ETL
Using dedicated visualization tools on top of your OLAP db (think Tableau)
Using a pull-based approach for getting data out of your OLTP db or your application directly instead of waiting for it to eventually reach your OLAP db. This is helpful for online services because it actually gives you both the data you want AND confirmation that the service is alive and running well (because it just served your request for data). Systems like Prometheus are quite popular for this now.

What is the different between AWS Elasticsearch and AWS Redshift

I read the document that both for data analysis and in cluster structure but I don't understand what use case different.
Amazon Elasticsearch is a popular open-source search and analytics engine for use cases such as log analytics, real-time application monitoring, and clickstream analytics.Amazon Elasticsearch
Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. You can start with just a few hundred gigabytes of data and scale to a petabyte or more. Amazon Redshift
Amazon Redshift is a hosted data warehouse product, while Amazon Elasticsearch is a hosted ElasticSearch cluster.
Redshift is based on PostgreSQL and (afaik) mostly used for BI purpuses and other compute-intensive jobs, the Amazon Elasticsearch is an out-of-the-box ElasticSearch managed cluster (which you cannot use to run SQL queries, since ES is a NoSQL database).
Both Amazon Redshift and Amazon ES are managed services, which means you don't need to do anything in order to manage your servers (this is what you pay for). Using the AWS Console you can add new cluster and you don't need to run any commands on order to install any software - you just need to choose which server to run your cluster on (number of nodes, disk, ram, etc).
If you are not familiar with ElasticSearch you should check their website.
Edit: It is now possible to write SQL queries on ElasticSearch: SQL Support for AWS ElasticSearch
I agree with #IMSoP's assertions above...
To compare the two is like comparing an elephant and a tiger - you're not really asking the right question quite yet.
What you should really be asking is - what are my requirements for my use cases to best fulfill my stakeholder / customer needs, first, and then which data storage technology best aligns with my requirements second...
To be clear - Whether speaking of AWS ElasticSearch Service, or FOSS / Enterprise ElasticSearch (which have signifficant differences, between, even) - ElasticSearch is NOT a Relational Database (RDBMS), nor is it quite a NoSQL (Document Store) Database, either...
ElasticSearch is a Search Engine / Index. It does some things very well, for very specific use cases, however unlike RDBMS data models most signifficantly, ElasticSearch or NoSQL are not going to provide you with FULL ACID Compliance, or Transactional Statement Processing, so if your use case prioritizes data integrity, constrainability, reliability, audit ability, regulatory compliance, recover ability (to Point in Time, even), and normalization of data model for performance and least repetition of data while providing deep cardinality and enforcing model constraints for optimal integrity, "NoSQL and Elastic are not the Droids you're looking for..." and you should be implementing a RDBMS solution. As already mentioned, the AWS Redshift Service is based on PostgreSQL - which is one of the most popular OpenSource RDBMS flavors out there, just offered by AWS as a fully managed solution / service for their customers.
Elastic falls between RDBMS and NoSQL categories, as it is a Search Engine / Index that works most optimally with "single index" type use cases, where A LOT of content is indexed all at once and those documents aren't updated very frequently after the initial bulk indexing,but perhaps the most important thing I could stress is that in my experience it typically does not scale very cost effectively (even managed cluster services) if you want your clusters to perform well, not degrade over time, retain large historical datasets, and remain highly available for your consumers - and for most will likely become cost PROHIBITIVE VERY fast. That said, Elastic Search DOES still have very optimal use cases, so is always worth evaluating against your unique requirements - just keep scalability and cost in mind while doing so.
Lastly let's call NoSQL what it is, a Document Store that stores collections of documents (most often in JSON format) and while they also do indexing, offer some semblance of an Authentication and Authorization model, provide CRUD operability (or even SQL support nowadays, which makes the career Enterprise Data Engineer in me giggle, that SQL is now the preferred means of querying data from their NoSQL instances! :D )- Still NOT a traditional database, likely won't provide you with much control over your data's integrity - BUT that is precisely what "NoSQL" Document Stores were designed to work best for - UNSTRUCTURED DATA - where you may not always know what your data model is going to look like from the start, or your use case prioritizes data model flexibility over enforcing data integrity in general (non mission critical data). Last - while most modern NoSQL Document Stores may have SOME features that appear on the surface to resemble RDBMS, I am not aware of ANY in that category at current that could claim to offer all that a relational database does, with Oracle MySQL's DocumentStore being probably the best of both worlds in my opinion (and not just because I've worked with it every day for the last decade, either...).
So - I hope Developers with similar questions come across this thread, and after reading are much better informed to make the most optimal design decisions for their use cases - because if we're all being honest with ourselves - everything we do in our profession is about data - either generating it, transporting it, rendering it, transforming it....it all starts and ends with data, and making the most optimal data storage decisions for your applications will literally define the rest of your project!
This strikes me as like asking "What is the difference between apples and oranges? I've heard they're both types of fruit."
AWS has an overview of the analytics products they offer, which at the time of writing lists 21 different services. They also have a list of database products which includes Redshift and 10 others. There's no particularly obvious reason why these two should be compared, and the others on both pages ignored.
There is inevitably a lot of overlap between the capabilities of these tools, so there is no way to write an exhaustive list of use cases for each. Their strengths and weaknesses, and the other tools they integrate easily with, will change over time, and some differences are a matter of "taste" or "style".
Regarding the two picked out in the question:
Elasticsearch is a product built by elastic.co, which AWS can manage the installation and configuration for. As its name suggests, its core functionality is based around search - it can be used to build a flexible but fast product search for an e-commerce site, for instance. It's also commonly used along with other tools to search and aggregate logs and monitoring data.
Redshift is a database system built by AWS, based on PostgreSQL but optimised for extremely large data sets. It is designed for "data warehouse" applications, where you want to write complex logical queries against the data, like "how many people in each city bought both a toothbrush and toothpaste, this year compared to last year".
Rather than trying to make an abstract comparison of all the different services available, it makes more sense to start from the use case which you actually have, and see which tool best fits that need.

Are there any less costly alternatives to Amazon's Relational Database Services (RDS)? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have the following requirement. I have with me a database containing the contact and address details of at least 2000 members of my school alumni organization. We want to store all that information in a relation model so that
This data can be created and edited on demand.
This data is always backed up and should be simple to restore in case the master copy becomes unusable.
All sensitive personal information residing in this database is guaranteed to be available only to authorized users.
This database won't be online in the first 6 months. It will become online only after a website is built on top of it.
I am not a DBA and I don't want to spend time doing things like backups. I thought Amazon's RDS with it's automatic backup facility was the perfect solution for our needs. The only problem is that being a voluntary organization we cannot spare the monthly $100 to $150 fees this service demands.
So my question is, are there any less costlier alternatives to Amazon's RDS?
In your case of just contact and address data I would choose Amazon SimpleDB. I know SimpleDB might not be suitable for a large number of tables with relationships and all, but for your kind of data I think SimpleDB is sufficient. And costs is much much cheaper than Amazon RDS.
I also wanted to use RDS, but the smallest db size costs $80 p/month.
With out a bit more info I may be way off base here. but 2000 names addresses etc. is not a large DB and I would have thought that the possible use of Amazons RDS was a bit "overkill" to say the least.
Depending on how (and who) you want view edit etc. there are a number of free or almost free alternatives.
One method may be to set up /use a hosting package that has something like phpMyAdmin linked to a mySQL DB. Doing this it is possible to access and edit etc. the DB without having a website front end. Not pretty (like a website front end) but practical. A good host should also back up for you.
Another is to look at Google Documents. OK not really a database more a spread sheet, but very much on the lines of Excel. You can share Google docs with invited people and even set up a small website via Google Docs. This is a free method, but may not be that practical depending on your needs.
Have you taken a look at Microsoft SQL Azure? You can use it free for something like 90 days and then if you only need a 1GB db it would only be about $10 a month.
You mention backup so I thought I would talk about that as well. They way SQL Azure works is that it automatically creates 2 additional copies of your database on different machines in the data center. If one of the machines or db's become unavailable it automatically fails over to one of the other db's.
If you need anything above that you can also use the copy command to backup the database.
You can check
They work for Postgres and MySQL.
For a frankly tiny db of that size I'd seriously look at http://www.sqlite.org/
it's inprocess, easy to constantly .dump off to S3 and you can use update hooks to keep checkpoints after updates.
backups/restores are almost the equivalent of windows batchfiles and wgets
good encryption using http://sqlcipher.net/
standard OS Filesystem and user level ACLs control security.
running a file backed db makes sense given the fragility of a normal EC2 backed RDBMS to EBS gremlins.
there are exclusions from to SQL92 (no real showstoppers), but given the project cost sensitivity and the RPO and RTO's of an alumni database, I reckon it's a good bet.