Getting bool from C to C++ and back - c++

When designing data structures which are to be passed through a C API which connects C and C++ code, is it safe to use bool? That is, if I have a struct like this:
struct foo {
int bar;
bool baz;
is it guaranteed that the size and meaning of baz as well as its position within foo are interpreted in the same way by C (where it's a _Bool) and by C++?
We are considering to do this on a single platform (GCC for Debian 8 on a Beaglebone) with both C and C++ code compiled by the same GCC version (as C99 and C++11, respectively). General comments are welcome as well, though.

C's and C++'s bool type are different, but, as long as you stick to the same compiler (in your case, gcc), it should be safe, as this is a reasonable common scenario.
In C++, bool has always been a keyword. C didn't have one until C99, where they introduced the keyword _Bool (because people used to typedef or #define bool as int or char in C89 code, so directly adding bool as a keyword would break existing code); there is the header stdbool.h which should, in C, have a typedef or #define from _Bool to bool. Take a look at yours; GCC's implementation looks like this:
* ISO C Standard: 7.16 Boolean type and values <stdbool.h>
#ifndef _STDBOOL_H
#define _STDBOOL_H
#ifndef __cplusplus
#define bool _Bool
#define true 1
#define false 0
#else /* __cplusplus */
/* Supporting <stdbool.h> in C++ is a GCC extension. */
#define _Bool bool
#define bool bool
#define false false
#define true true
#endif /* __cplusplus */
/* Signal that all the definitions are present. */
#define __bool_true_false_are_defined 1
#endif /* stdbool.h */
Which leads us to believe that, at least in GCC, the two types are compatible (in both size and alignment, so that the struct layout will remain the same).
Also worth noting, the Itanium ABI, which is used by GCC and most other compilers (except Visual Studio; as noted by Matthieu M. in the comments below) on many platforms, specifies that _Bool and bool follow the same rules. This is a strong garantee. A third hint we can get is from Objective-C's reference manual, which says that for Objective-C and Objective-C++, which respect C's and C++'s conventions respectively, bool and _Bool are equivalent; so I'd pretty much say that, though the standards do not guarantee this, you can assume that yes, they are equivalent.
If the standard does not guarantee that _Bool and bool will be compatible (in size, alignment, and padding), what does?
When we say those things are "architecture dependent", we actually mean that they are ABI dependent. Every compiler implements one or more ABIs, and two compilers (or versions of the same compiler) are said to be compatible if they implement the same ABI. Since it is expected to call C code from C++, as this is ubiquitously common, all C++ ABIs I've ever heard of extend the local C ABI.
Since OP asked about Beaglebone, we must check the ARM ABI, most specifically the GNU ARM EABI used by Debian. As noted by Justin Time in the comments, the ARM ABI indeed declares C++'s ABI to extend C's, and that _Bool and bool are compatible, both being of size 1, alignment 1, representing a machine's unsigned byte. So the answer to the question, on the Beaglebone, yes, _Bool and bool are compatible.

The language standards say nothing about this (I'm happy to be proven wrong about this, I couldn't find anything), so it can't be safe if we just limit ourselves to language standards. But if you're picky about which architectures you support you can find their ABI documentation to see if it will be safe.
For example, the amd64 ABI document has a footnote for the _Bool type that says:
This type is called bool in C++.
Which I can't interpret in any other way than that it will be compatible.
Also, just musing about this. Of course it will work. Compilers generate code that both follow an ABI and the behavior of the largest compiler for the platform (if that behavior is outside the ABI). A big thing about C++ is that it can link to libraries written in C and a thing about libraries is that they can be compiled by any compiler on the same platform (this is why we have ABI documents in the first place). Can there be some minor incompatibility at some point? Sure, but that's something you'd better solve by a bug report to the compiler maker rather than workaround in your code. I doubt bool would be something compiler makers would screw up.

The only thing the C standard says on _Bool :
An object declared as type _Bool is large enough to store the values 0
and 1.
Which would mean that _Bool is at least sizeof(char) or greater (so true / false are guaranteed to be storable).
The exact size is all implementation defined as Michael said in the comments though. You're better off just performing some tests on their sizes on the relevant compiler and if those match and you stick with that same compiler I'd consider it's safe.

As Gill Bates says above, you do have a problem that sizeof(bool) is compiler-dependent in C. There's no guarantee that the same compiler will treat it the same in C and C++, or that they would be the same on different architectures. The compiler would even be within its rights (according to the C standard) to represent this as an individual bit in a bitfield if it wanted.
I've personally experienced this when working with the TI OMAP-L138 processor which combines a 32-bit ARM core and a 32-bit DSP core on the same device, with some shared memory accessible by both. The ARM core represented bool as an int (32-bit here), whereas the DSP represented bool as char (8-bit). To solve this, I defined my own type bool32_t for use with the shared memory interface, knowing that a 32-bit value would work for both sides. Of course I could have defined it as an 8-bit value, but I considered it less likely to affect performance if I kept it as the native integer size.
If you do the same as I did then you can 100% guarantee binary compatibility between your C and C++ code. If you don't then you can't. It's really as simple as that. With the same compiler, your odds are very good - but there is no guarantee, and changing compiler options can easily screw you over in unexpected ways.
On a related subject, your int should also be using int16_t, int32_t or another integer of defined size. (You should include stdint.h for these type definitions.) On the same platform it is highly unlikely that this will be different for C and C++, but it is a code smell for firmware to use int. The exception is in places where you genuinely don't care how long an int is, but it should be clear that interfaces and structures must have that well-defined. It is too easy for programmers to make assumptions (which are frequently incorrect!) about its size, and the results are generally catastrophic when it goes wrong - and worse, they often don't go wrong in testing where you can easily find and fix them.


Attempting to standardise a may_alias idiom in C++?

From my understanding GCC and Clang both support: __attribute__((may_alias))
So I believe for example if I wanted to define a fallback type for say a 128-bit SSE type that works across GCC/Clang/MSVC on x64/ARM I could do something like:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define UNIONALIAS union
#define UNIONALIAS union __attribute__((may_alias))
uint64_t uint64[2];
uint32_t uint32[4];
uint16_t uint16[8];
uint8_t uint8[16];
int64_t int64[2];
int32_t int32[4];
int16_t int16[8];
int8_t int8[16];
Now as far as I understand it currently all versions of MSVC will allow you via undefined behaviour to ignore strict aliasing rules and access the different types within that union and get what you 'would hope for' despite the C++ standard providing no guarantee etc. With the attribute tag on GCC/Clang this will likely future proof the code on those compilers despite not being standard C++.
I suspect if something like this became a standard idiom then future versions of MSVC would surely take it into account even if they didn't adopt compatible attribute syntax - maybe they have something planned already? Also maybe any future C++ standard would also make room to allow for a suitable transition if it directly added support for may_alias?
I use a fallback SSE type as an example but maybe an integer AVX2 one would have been better. But the point remains is sometimes you do want to do things like this and the memcpy route may not be viable due to performance in debug builds and sometimes it can cause a lot of excessive typing and contorted effort really.
Apart from it being non standard (!) is there any major flaw in this approach, or my understanding current compiler behaviour regards this?

Memory-layout compatibility between C and C++

I'm building a C++ library which uses many functions and struct's defined in a C library. To avoid porting any code to C++, I add the typical conditional preprocessing to the C header files. For example,
//my_struct.h of the C library
#include <complex.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
double d1,d2,d3;
#ifdef __cplusplus
std::complex<double> z1,z2,z3;
std::complex<double> *pz;
double complex z1,z2,z3;
double complex *pz;
int i,j,k;
} my_struct;
//Memory allocating + initialization function
my_struct *
#ifdef __cplusplus
The implementation of alloc_my_struct() is compiled in C. It simply allocates memory via malloc() and initializes members of my_struct.
Now when I do the following in my C++ code,
#include "my_struct.h"
my_struct *const ms = alloc_my_struct(2.);
I notice that *ms always have the expected memory layout, i.e., any access such as ms->z1 evaluates to the expected value. I find this really cool considering that (correct me if I'm wrong) the memory layout of my_struct during allocation is decided by the C compiler (in my case gcc -std=c11), while during access by the C++ compiler (in my case g++ -std=c++11).
My question is : Is this compatibility standardized? If not, is there any way around it?
NOTE : I don't have enough knowledge to argue against alignment, padding, and other implementation-defined specifics. But it is noteworthy that the GNU scientific library, which is C-compiled, is implementing the same approach (although their structs do not involve C99 complex numbers) for use in C++. On the other hand, I've done sufficient research to conclude that C++11 guarantees layout compatibility between C99 double complex and std::complex<double>.
C and C++ do share memory layout rules. In both languages structs are placed in memory in the same way. And even if C++ did want to do things a little differently, placing the struct inside extern "C" {} guarantees C layout.
But what your code is doing relies on C++ std::complex and C99 complex to be the same.
So see:
C Complex Numbers in C++?
Your program has undefined behaviour: your definitions of my_struct are not lexically identical.
You're gambling that alignment, padding and various other things will not change between the two compilers, which is bad enough… but since this is UB anything could happen even if it were true!
It may not always be identical!
In this case looks like sizeof(std::complex<double>) is identical to sizeof(double complex).
Also pay attention to the fact that the compilers may (or may not) add padding to the structs to make them aligned to a specific value, based on the optimization configuration. And the padding may not always be identical resulting in different structure sizes (between C and c++).
Links to related posts:
C/C++ Struct memory layout equivalency
I would add compiler-specific attributes to "pack" the fields,
thereby guaranteeing all the ints are adjacent and compact. This is
less about C vs. C++ and more about the fact that you are likely using
two "different" compilers when compiling in the two languages, even if
those compilers come from a single vendor.
Adding a constructor will not change the layout (though it will make
the class non-POD), but adding access specifiers like private between
the two fields may change the layout (in practice, not only in
C struct memory layout?
In C, the compiler is allowed to dictate some alignment for every
primitive type. Typically the alignment is the size of the type. But
it's entirely implementation-specific.
Padding bytes are introduced so every object is properly aligned.
Reordering is not allowed.
Possibly every remotely modern compiler implements #pragma pack which
allows control over padding and leaves it to the programmer to comply
with the ABI. (It is strictly nonstandard, though.)
From C99 §
12 Each non-bit-field member of a structure or union object is aligned
in an implementation- defined manner appropriate to its type.
13 Within a structure object, the non-bit-field members and the units
in which bit-fields reside have addresses that increase in the order
in which they are declared. A pointer to a structure object, suitably
converted, points to its initial member (or if that member is a
bit-field, then to the unit in which it resides), and vice versa.
There may be unnamed padding within a structure object, but not at its
In general, C and C++ have compatible struct layouts, because the layout is dictated by the platform's ABI rules, not just by the language, and (for most implementations) C and C++ follow the same ABI rules for type sizes, data layout, calling conventions etc.
C++11 even defined a new term, standard-layout, which means the type will have a compatible layout to a similar type in C. That means it can't use virtual functions, private data members, multiple inheritance (and a few other things). A C++ standard-layout type should have the same layout as an equivalent C type.
As noted in other answers, your specific code is not safe in general because std::complex<double> and complex double are not equivalent types, and there is no guarantee that they are layout-compatible. However GCC's C++ standard library ensures it will work because std::complex<double> and std::complex<float> are implemented in terms of the underlying C types. Instead of containing two double, GCC's std::complex<double> has a single member of type __complex__ double, which the compiler implements identically to the equivalent C type.
GCC does this specifically to support code like yours, because it's a reasonable thing to want to do.
So combining GCC's special efforts for std::complex with the standard-layout rules and the platform ABI, means that your code will work with that implementation.
This is not necessarily portable to other C++ implementations.
Also note that by malloc() a struct with C++ object (std::complex<double>) you skipped the ctor and this is also UB - even if you expect the ctor is empty or just zero the value and harmless to be skipped, you can't complain if this breaks. So your program work is by pure luck.

What type for operations on pointers

I've searched quite a bit, but couldn't find anything helpful - but then I'm not sure I'm searching for the right thing.
Is there any scalar defined by the standard that has to be at least as large as a pointer? I.e. sizeof(?) >= sizeof(void*).
I need it because I'm writing a small garbage collector and want something along the lines of this:
struct Tag {
uint32_t desc:sizeof(uint32_t)*8-2; // pointer to typedescriptor
uint32_t free:1;
uint32_t mark:1;
I'd prefer something that's valid according to the standard (if we're at it, I was quite surprised that sizeof(uint32_t)*8-2 is valid for the bitfield definition - but VS2010 allows it).
So does size_t fulfill this requirement?
Edit: So after my inclusion of both C and C++ lead to some problems (well and there I thought they would be similar in that regard), I'd actually settle for one of them (I don't really need C++ for this part of the code and I can link C and c++ together so that should work). And C99 seems to be the right standard in this case from the answers.
You could include <stdint.h> (or <cstdint>) and use uintptr_t or intptr_t.
Since MSVC refuses to support C99, you may need to include <Windows.h> and use ULONG_PTR or LONG_PTR instead. (See C99 stdint.h header and MS Visual Studio)
(Also, please use CHAR_BIT instead of 8.)
C99 has the optional uintptr_t in <stdint.h>which guarantees that you can convert between a uintptr_t and a pointer value, though it doesn't say anything about any operations on integer.
Generally, on common platforms a void* is the same as any other pointer and converting a pointer to an integer, manipulating that integer and converting it back to a pointer yields well defined resultes, but C does not guarantee this so you'll have to know the compilers/platform you want to target.
Best you probably can do is use the above mentioned uintptr_t if you have a C99 compiler, or compile a program on the target platform which checks whether sizeof(void*) is equal to any of the sizeof unsigned short,int,long,long long and generate a header file where you typedef your own uintptr according to what the program found out.

Could C++ or C99 theoretically be compiled to equally-portable C90?

This is a big question, so let me get a few things out of the way:
Let's ignore the fact that some C++ features cannot be implemented in C (for example, supporting pre-main initialization for any global static object that is linked in).
This is a thought experiment about what is theoretically possible. Please do not write to say how hard this would be (I know), or that I should do X instead. It's not a practical question, it's a fun theoretical one. :)
The question is: is it theoretically possible to compile C++ or C99 to C89 that is as portable as the original source code?
Cfront and Comeau C/C++ do compile C++ to C already. But for Comeau the C they produce is not portable, according to Comeau's sales staff. I have not used the Comeau compiler myself, but I speculate that the reasons for this are:
Macros such as INT_MAX, offsetof(), etc. have already been expanded, and their expansion is platform-specific.
Conditional compilation such as #ifdef has already been resolved.
My question is whether these problems could possibly be surmounted in a robust way. In other words, could a perfect C++ to C compiler be written (modulo the unsupportable C++ features)?
The trick is that you have to expand macros enough to do a robust parse, but then fold them back into their unexpanded forms (so they are again portable and platform-independent). But are there cases where this is fundamentally impossible?
It would be very difficult for anyone to categorically say "yes, this is possible" but I'm very interested in seeing any specific counterexamples: code snippets that could not be compiled in this way for some deep reason. I'm interested in both C++ and C99 counterexamples.
I'll start out with a rough example just to give a flavor of what I think a counterexample might look like.
#ifdef __SSE__
#define OP <
#define OP >
class Foo {
bool operator <(const Foo& other) { return true; }
bool operator >(const Foo& other) { return false; }
bool f() { return Foo() OP Foo(); }
This is tricky because the value of OP and therefore the method call that is generated here is platform-specific. But it seems like it would be possible for the compiler to recognize that the statement's parse tree is dependent on a macro's value, and expand the possibilities of the macro into something like:
bool f() {
#if __SSE__
return Foo_operator_lessthan(...);
return Foo_operator_greaterthan(...);
It is not only theoretically possible, but also practically trivial - use LLVM with a cbe target.
Theoretically all Turing-complete languages are equivalent.
You can compile C++ to an object code, and then decompile it to plain C or use an interpreter written in plain C.
In theory of course anything could be compiled to C first, but it is not practical to do so, specifically for C++.
For Foo operator< in your example it could be converted to:
bool isLess(const struct Foo * left, const struct Foo * right );
as a function signature. (If C90 doesn't allow bool then return int or char, and similarly old C versions that don't allow const, just don't use it).
Virtual functions are more tricky, you need function pointers.
struct A
virtual int method( const std::string & str );
struct A
int (*method)( struct A*, const struct string *);
a.method( "Hello" );
a.method( &a, create_String( "hello" ) );
// and take care of the pointer returned by create_String
There are a number of subtle differences. For example, consider the line:
int i = UINT_MAX;
IIRC, in C++ this assigns an implementation-defined value. In C99 and C89, it assigns an implementation-defined value, or raises an implementation-defined signal. So if you see this line in C++, you can't just pass it through to a C89 compiler unmodified unless you make the non-portable assumption that it won't raise a signal.
Btw, if I've remembered wrong, think of your own example of differences in the standards relating to relatively simple expressions...
So, as "grep" says, you can do it because C89 is a rich enough language to express general computation. On the same grounds, you could write a C++ compiler that emits Perl source.
By the sound of your question, though, you're imagining that the compiler would make a set of defined modifications to the original code to make it compile as C89. In fact, even for simple expressions in C++ or C99, the C89 emitted might not look very much like the original source at all.
Also, I've ignored that there may be some parts of the standard libraries you just can't implement, because C89 doesn't offer the capabilities, so you'd end up with a "compiler" but not a complete implementation. I'm not sure. And as dribeas points out, low-level functions like VLAs present problems - basically you can't portably use the C89 "stack" as your C99 "stack". Instead you'd have to dynamically allocate memory from C89 to use for automatic variables required in the C99 source.
One big problem is exceptions. It might be possible to emulate them using setjmp, longjmp etc., but this would always be extremely inefficient compared to a real device-aware unwind engine.
There's no better proof of feasibility than a working example. Comeau is one of the most conforming c++03 compiler, and has support for many features of the upcoming standard, but it does not really generate binary code. It just translates your c++ code into c code that can be compiled with different C backends.
As for portability, I would assume it is not possible. There are some features that cannot be implemented without compiler specific extensions. The first example that comes to mind is C99 dynamic arrays: int n; int array[n]; that cannot be implemented in pure C89 (AFAIK) but can be implemented on top of extensions like alloca.

How to limit the impact of implementation-dependent language features in C++?

The following is an excerpt from Bjarne Stroustrup's book, The C++ Programming Language:
Section 4.6:
Some of the aspects of C++’s fundamental types, such as the size of an int, are implementation- defined (§C.2). I point out these dependencies and often recommend avoiding them or taking steps to minimize their impact. Why should you bother? People who program on a variety of systems or use a variety of compilers care a lot because if they don’t, they are forced to waste time finding and fixing obscure bugs. People who claim they don’t care about portability usually do so because they use only a single system and feel they can afford the attitude that ‘‘the language is what my compiler implements.’’ This is a narrow and shortsighted view. If your program is a success, it is likely to be ported, so someone will have to find and fix problems related to implementation-dependent features. In addition, programs often need to be compiled with other compilers for the same system, and even a future release of your favorite compiler may do some things differently from the current one. It is far easier to know and limit the impact of implementation dependencies when a program is written than to try to untangle the mess afterwards.
It is relatively easy to limit the impact of implementation-dependent language features.
My question is: How to limit the impact of implementation-dependent language features? Please mention implementation-dependent language features then show how to limit their impact.
Few ideas:
Unfortunately you will have to use macros to avoid some platform specific or compiler specific issues. You can look at the headers of Boost libraries to see that it can quite easily get cumbersome, for example look at the files:
and so on
The integer types tend to be messy among different platforms, you will have to define your own typedefs or use something like Boost cstdint.hpp
If you decide to use any library, then do a check that the library is supported on the given platform
Use the libraries with good support and clearly documented platform support (for example Boost)
You can abstract yourself from some C++ implementation specific issues by relying heavily on libraries like Qt, which provide an "alternative" in sense of types and algorithms. They also attempt to make the coding in C++ more portable. Does it work? I'm not sure.
Not everything can be done with macros. Your build system will have to be able to detect the platform and the presence of certain libraries. Many would suggest autotools for project configuration, I on the other hand recommend CMake (rather nice language, no more M4)
endianness and alignment might be an issue if you do some low level meddling (i.e. reinterpret_cast and friends things alike (friends was a bad word in C++ context)).
throw in a lot of warning flags for the compiler, for gcc I would recommend at least -Wall -Wextra. But there is much more, see the documentation of the compiler or this question.
you have to watch out for everything that is implementation-defined and implementation-dependend. If you want the truth, only the truth, nothing but the truth, then go to ISO standard.
Well, the variable sizes one mentioned is a fairly well known issue, with the common workaround of providing typedeffed versions of the basic types that have well defined sizes (normally advertised in the typedef name). This is done use preprocessor macros to give different code-visibility on different platforms. E.g.:
#ifdef __WIN32__
typedef int int32;
typedef char char8;
#ifdef __MACOSX__
//different typedefs to produce same results
Other issues are normally solved in the same way too (i.e. using preprocessor tokens to perform conditional compilation)
The most obvious implementation dependency is size of integer types. There are many ways to handle this. The most obvious way is to use typedefs to create ints of the various sizes:
typedef signed short int16_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
The trick here is to pick a convention and stick to it. Which convention is the hard part: INT16, int16, int16_t, t_int16, Int16, etc. C99 has the stdint.h file which uses the int16_t style. If your compiler has this file, use it.
Similarly, you should be pedantic about using other standard defines such as size_t, time_t, etc.
The other trick is knowing when not to use these typedef. A loop control variable used to index an array, should just take raw int types so the compile will generate the best code for your processor. for (int32_t i = 0; i < x; ++i) could generate a lot of needless code on a 64-bite processor, just like using int16_t's would on a 32-bit processor.
A good solution is to use common headings that define typedeff'ed types as neccessary.
For example, including sys/types.h is an excellent way to deal with this, as is using portable libraries.
There are two approaches to this:
define your own types with a known size and use them instead of built-in types (like typedef int int32 #if-ed for various platforms)
use techniques which are not dependent on the type size
The first is very popular, however the second, when possible, usually results in a cleaner code. This includes:
do not assume pointer can be cast to int
do not assume you know the byte size of individual types, always use sizeof to check it
when saving data to files or transferring them across network, use techniques which are portable across changing data sizes (like saving/loading text files)
One recent example of this is writing code which can be compiled for both x86 and x64 platforms. The dangerous part here is pointer and size_t size - be prepared it can be 4 or 8 depending on platform, when casting or differencing pointer, cast never to int, use intptr_t and similar typedef-ed types instead.
One of the key ways of avoiding dependancy on particular data sizes is to read & write persistent data as text, not binary. If binary data must be used then all read/write operations must be centralised in a few methods and approaches like the typedefs already described here used.
A second rhing you can do is to enable all your your compilers warnings. for example, using the -pedantic flag with g++ will warn you of lots of potential portability problems.
If you're concerned about portability, things like the size of an int can be determined and dealt with without much difficulty. A lot of C++ compilers also support C99 features like the int types: int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint32_t, etc. If yours doesn't support them natively, you can always include <cstdint> or <sys/types.h>, which, more often than not, has those typedefed. <limits.h> has these definitions for all the basic types.
The standard only guarantees the minimum size of a type, which you can always rely on: sizeof(char) < sizeof(short) <= sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long). char must be at least 8 bits. short and int must be at least 16 bits. long must be at least 32 bits.
Other things that might be implementation-defined include the ABI and name-mangling schemes (the behavior of export "C++" specifically), but unless you're working with more than one compiler, that's usually a non-issue.
The following is also an excerpt from Bjarne Stroustrup's book, The C++ Programming Language:
Section 10.4.9:
No implementation-independent guarantees are made about the order of construction of nonlocal objects in different compilation units. For example:
// file1.c:
Table tbl1;
// file2.c:
Table tbl2;
Whether tbl1 is constructed before tbl2 or vice versa is implementation-dependent. The order isn’t even guaranteed to be fixed in every particular implementation. Dynamic linking, or even a small change in the compilation process, can alter the sequence. The order of destruction is similarly implementation-dependent.
A programmer may ensure proper initialization by implementing the strategy that the implementations usually employ for local static objects: a first-time switch. For example:
class Zlib {
static bool initialized;
static void initialize() { /* initialize */ initialized = true; }
// no constructor
void f()
if (initialized == false) initialize();
// ...
// ...
If there are many functions that need to test the first-time switch, this can be tedious, but it is often manageable. This technique relies on the fact that statically allocated objects without constructors are initialized to 0. The really difficult case is the one in which the first operation may be time-critical so that the overhead of testing and possible initialization can be serious. In that case, further trickery is required (§21.5.2).
An alternative approach for a simple object is to present it as a function (§9.4.1):
int& obj() { static int x = 0; return x; } // initialized upon first use
First-time switches do not handle every conceivable situation. For example, it is possible to create objects that refer to each other during construction. Such examples are best avoided. If such objects are necessary, they must be constructed carefully in stages.