Using dugway in maintenance mode - bigcartel

Is there any way to use dugway while your big cartel site is in maintenance mode?
I currently get the following error when running dugway server:
/Users/****/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.1/gems/dugway-0.10.5/lib/dugway/store.rb:125:in `locale': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

Unfortunately there's not a way to use Dugway with stores in maintenance mode, sorry about that. Dugway uses the public Big Cartel API to retrieve store information and that's unavailable during maintenance.
Since Dugway takes advantage of caching though, you could temporarily disable maintenance mode in a store, start Dugway, and then turn on maintenance mode again. This way the store information is cached and you can test your theme with store data until you the next time you restart the server.


How may seconds may an API call take until I need to worry?

I have to ask a more or less non-typical SO question and hope you don't mind. Right now I am developing my very first web application. I did set up an AJAX function that requests some data from a third party API and populates my html containers with the returned data.
Right now I query one single object and populate 3 html containers with around 15 lines of Javascript code. When i activate the process/function by clicking a button on my frontend, it needs around 6-7 seconds until the html content is updated.
Is this a reasonable time? The user experience honestly will be more than bad considering that I will have to query and manipulate far more data (I build a one-site dashboard related to soccer data).
There might be very controversal answers to that question, but what would be a fair enough time for the process to run using standard infrastructure? 1-2 seconds? (I will deploy the app on heroku or digitalocean and will implement a proper caching environment to handle "regular visitors").
Right now
I use a virtualenv and django server for the development
and a demo server from the third party API which might be slowed down for whatever reason (how to check this?)
which might effect the current time needed (there will be many more variables obv.).
Looking forward to your answers.
I personally think (probably a lot people might too) 6-7 secs is a significant delay for rendering a small page. The cause of this issue might not came from django directly. Check for the following:
I use a virtualenv and django server for the development
you may be running django devserver, production server might make things bit faster (use django-debug-toolbar to find what causing the delay)
Do db index in your model.
a demo server from the third party API which might be slowed down for whatever reason
use chrome developer tools 'network' tab to watch how long that third party call takes. it might not visible there if you call api in your in that case, add some timing code there to calculate how long it takes to return.

Should I implement revisioning using database triggers or using django-reversion?

We're looking into implementing audit logs in our application and we're not sure how to do it correctly.
I know that django-reversion works and works well but there's a cost of using it.
The web server will have to make two roundtrips to the database when saving a record even if the save is in the same transaction because at least in postgres the changes are written to the database and comitting the transaction makes the changes visible.
So this will block the web server until the revision is saved to the database if we're not using async I/O which is currently the case. Even if we would use async I/O generating the revision's data takes CPU time which again blocks the web server from handling other requests.
We can use database triggers instead but our DBA claims that offloading this sort of work to the database will use resources that are meant for handling more transactions.
Is using database triggers for this sort of work a bad idea?
We can scale both the web servers using a load balancer and the database using read/write replicas.
Are there any tradeoffs we're missing here?
What would help us decide?
You need to think about the pattern of db usage in your website.
Which may be unique to you, however most web apps read much more often than they write to the db. In fact it's fairly common to see optimisations done, to help scaling a web app, which trade off more complicated 'save' operations to get faster reads. An example would be denormalisation where some data from related records is copied to the parent record on each save so as to avoid repeatedly doing complicated aggregate/join queries.
This is just an example, but unless you know your specific situation is different I'd say don't worry about doing a bit of extra work on save.
One caveat would be to consider excluding some models from the revisioning system. For example if you are using Django db-backed sessions, the session records are saved on every request. You'd want to avoid doing unnecessary work there.
As for doing it via triggers vs Django app... I think the main considerations here are not to do with performance:
Django app solution is more 'obvious' and 'maintainable'... the app will be in your pip requirements file and Django INSTALLED_APPS, it's obvious to other developers that it's there and working and doesn't need someone to remember to run the custom SQL on the db server when you move to a new server
With a db trigger solution you can be certain it will run whenever a record is changed by any means... whereas with Django app, anyone changing records via a psql console will bypass it. Even in the Django ORM, certain bulk operations bypass the model save method/save signals. Sometimes this is desirable however.
Another thing I'd point out is that your production webserver will be multiprocess/multithreaded... so although, yes, a lengthy db write will block the webserver it will only block the current process. Your webserver will have other processes which are able to server other requests concurrently. So it won't block the whole webserver.
So again, unless you have a pattern of usage where you anticipate a high frequency of concurrent writes to the db, I'd say probably don't worry about it.

Sitecore performance enhancements

We need our Sitecore web application to process 60-80 web requests per second. We are using Sitecore 7.0. We have tried a 1 Webserver + 1 Database server deployment, but it only processes 20-25 requests per second. Web server queues up all the other requests in the Memory. As we increase the load, memory fills up.(We did all Sitecore performance enhancements recommended). We need 4X performance to reach the goal :).
Will it be possible to achieve this goal by upgrading the existing server, or do we have to add more web servers in production environment.
Note: We are using Lucene indexing as well.
Here are some things you can consider without changing overall architecture of your deployment
CDN to offload media and static asset requests
This leaves your content delivery server available to handle important content queries and display logic.
Configure and use Sitecore's built-in caching
This is from the guide:
Investigation and configuration of the Sitecore Caches is broken down
into multiple tasks. This way each task is more focused and
simplified. The focus is on configuration and tuning of the Sitecore
Database Caches (prefetch, data, and item caches.)
For configuration
of the output rendering caching properties, the customer should be
made aware of both the Sitecore Cache Configuration Reference and the
Sitecore Presentation Component Reference as to how properly enable
and the properties to expire these caches.
Check out the Sitecore Tuning Guide
Find Slow Queries or Controls
It sounds like your application follows Sitecore best practices, but I leave this note in for anyone that might find this answer. Use Sitecore's built-in Debug mode to identify the slowest running controls and sublayouts. Additionally, if you have Analytics set up there is a "Slow Pages" report that might give you some information on where your application is slowing down.
Those things being said, if you're prepared to provision additional servers and set up a load-balanced environment then read on.
Separate Content Delivery and Content Management
To me the first logical step before load-balancing content delivery servers is to separate the content management from the equation. This is pretty easy and the Scaling Guide walks you through getting the HistoryEngine set up to keep those Lucene indexes up to date.
Set up Load Balancer with 2 or more Content Delivery servers
Once you've done the first step this can be as easy as cloning your content delivery server and adding it to your load balancer "pool". There are a couple of things to consider here like: Does your web application allow users to log in? So you'll need to worry about sticky sessions or machine keys. Does your web application use file media instead of blob media? I haven't had to deal with this, but I understand that's another consideration.
Scale your SQL solution
I've seen applications with up to four load balanced content delivery servers and the SQL Server did not have a problem - I think this will be unique to each case depending on a lot of factors: horsepower and tuning of SQL Server, content model of your application, complexity of your queries, caching configuration on content delivery servers, etc. Again, the Scaling Guide covers SQL Mirroring and Failover, so that is going to be your first stop on getting that going.
Finally, I would say contact Sitecore. These guys have probably seen more of what's gone right and what's gone wrong with installations and could get you on the right path. Good luck!
This answer written from a Sitecore developer perspective:
Bottom line: You need to figure out exactly where your performance bottleneck is. That is going to take some digging, but will be very worthwhile. You should definitely be able to serve 60-80 requests/s without any trouble... but of course that makes a lot of assumptions about the nature of your site and the requests.
For my site, I found Sitecore's caching implementation to be sub-par... I created some very simple and aggressive application-specific caches in my app and this made all the difference in the world. For instance, we have 900+ "Partner" items where our sites' advertisements live... and simply putting all these objects in an array in the Application object sped up page requests significantly. Finding an object in a Hashtable indexed by its Item.Name or ID is going to be a lot faster than Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/itempath") or a SelectItems() call (at least, that's my experience). If your architecture and data set will allow this strategy, we've had good experience with it.
Another thing to watch out for is XSLT renderings. Personally, I avoid them completely in favor of ASP.NET UserControls. The XSLT rendering is just slow. As much as 10x slower than a native UserControl rendering the same HTML. So if you have a few of these... replace with some custom code and you'll see a world of difference.

Why is Django so Slow to Refresh Compared to a PHP Site?

This is a nagging issue that I've had with Django.
Compared to a typical PHP site, it takes forever to refresh and see any changes I've made. During development I have Apache set to MaxRequestsPerChild 1 - this is fairly slow but is necessary because you end up viewing 'stale' code without it. Running the development server is far worse as it restarts and churns away after a one-liner change.
With PHP, changes are instantaneous.
Is there any way to accelerate this on the Django side?
For development, it's rarely useful to be running Django behind a "real" web server like Apache. I understand the frustration with the auto-reloading dev server, but you can always give the --noreload option if you want to control the restarting yourself. I leave it on because I forget to restart, and the time that it saves me is usually worth a couple frustrating moments while editing.
However, I've never found the development server being the hinderance. Use SQLite while developing. Setting up a "real" database is usually not necessary when coding and testing. And templates will always refresh instantaneously.

Web application monitoring best practices [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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We are finishing up our web application and planning for deployment. Very important aspect of deployment to production is monitoring the health of the system. Having a small team of developers/support makes it very critical for us to get the early notifications of potential problems and resolve them before they have impact on users.
Using Nagios seams like a good option, but wanted to get more opinions on what are the best monitoring tools/practices for web application in general and specifically for Django app? Also would welcome recommendations on what should be monitored aside from the obvious CPU, memory, disk space, database connectivity.
Our web app is written in Django, we are running on Linux (Ubuntu) under Apache + Fast CGI with PostgreSQL database.
We have a completely virtualized environment under Linode.
We are using django-logging so we have a way separate info, errors, critical issues, etc.
Nagios is good, it's good to maybe have system testing (Selenium) running regularily.
Edit: Hyperic and Groundwork also look interesting.
There is probably a test suite system that can keep pressure testing everything as well for you. I can't remember the name off the top of my head, maybe someone can mention one below.
Other things I like to do:
The best motto for infrastructure is always fix, detect, repair. Get it up, get to the root of it, and cure/prevent it if you can.
Since a system exists at many levels, we should test at many levels:
Edit: Have all errors or warnings posted directly to your case manager via email. That way you can track occurrences in one place.
1) Connection : monitor your internet connectivity from the server and from the outside. Log this somewhere
2) Server : monitor all the processes that you need to to ensure they are running and not pinning the server. Use a HP Server or something equivalent with hardware failure notification that it can do from a bios level. Notify and log if they are.
3) Software : Identify the key software that always needs to be running. Set the performance levels if any and then monitor them. Nagios should be able to help with this. On windows it can be a bit more. When an exception occurs, you should be able to run a script from it to restart processes automatically. My dream system is allowing me to interact with servers via SMS if the server sees it as an exception that I have to either permit, or one that will happen automatically unless I cancel by sms. One day..
4) Remote Power : Ensure Remote power-reset capabilities are in your hand. You might want to schedule weekly reboots if you ever use windows for anything.
5) Business Logic Testing : Have regularly running scripts testing the workflow of your system. Selenium can probably achieve some of this, but I like logging the results as well to say this ran at this time and these files had errors. If possible anywhere, have the system monitor itself through your scripts.
6) Backups : Make a backup that you can set and forget. If you can get things into virtual machines it would be ideal as you can scale, move, or deploy any part of your infrastructure anywhere. I have had instances where I moved a dead server onto my laptop, let it run in vmware while I fixed a problem.
Monitoring the number of connections to your Web server and your database is another good thing to track. Chances are if one shoots through the roof, something is starving for resources and the site is about to go down.
Also make sure you have a regular request for a URL that is a reasonable end-to-end test of the system. If your site supports search, then have nagios execute a search - that should make sure the search index is healthy, the Web server and the database server.
Also, make sure that your applications sends you email anytime your users see an error, or there is an unhandled exception. That way you know how the application is failing in the field.
If I had to pick one type of testing it would be to test the end-user functionality of the system. The important thing to consider is the user. While testing things like database availability, server up-time, etc, are all important, testing work-flows through your system via a remote UI testing system covers all these bases. If you know that the critical parts of your system are available to the end-user, then you know your system is prolly Ok.
Identify the important work-flows in your system. For example, if you wrote an eCommerce site you might identify a work-flow of "search for a product, put product in shopping cart, and purchase product".
Prioritize the work-flows, and build out higher-priority tests first. You can always add additional tests after you roll out to production.
Build UI tests using one of the available UI testing frameworks. There are a number of free and commercial UI testing frameworks that can be run in an automated fashion. Build a core set of tests first that address critical work-flows.
Setup at least one remote location from which to run tests. You want to test every aspect of your system, which means testing it remotely. Is the internet connection up? Is the web server running? Is the connection to the database server working? Etc, etc. If you test remotely you make sure you system is available to the outside world which means it is most likely working end-to-end. You can also run these tests internally, but I think it is critical to run them externally.
Make sure your solution includes both reporting and notification. If one of your critical work-flow tests fails, you want someone to know about it to fix the problem ASAP. If a non-critical task fails, perhaps you only want reporting so that you can fix problems out-of-band.
This end-user testing should not eliminate monitoring of system in your data-center, but I want to reiterate that end-user testing is the most important type of testing you can do for a web application.
Ahhh, monitoring. How I love thee and your vibrations at 3am.
Essentially, you need a way to inspect the internal state of your application, both at a specific moment, as well as over spans of time (the latter is very important for detecting problems before they occur). Another way to think of it is as glorified unit-testing.
We have our own (very nice) monitoring system, so I can't comment on Nagios or other apps. Our use case is similar to yours, though (cgi app on apache).
Add a logging.monitor() type method, which will log information to disk. This should support, at the least, logging simple numbers and dicts of numbers (the key=>value association can be incredibly handy).
Have a process that scrapes the monitoring logs and stores them into a database.
Have a process that takes the database information, checks them against rules, and sends out alerts. Keep in mind that somethings can be flaky. Just because you got a 404 once doesn't mean the app it down.
Have a way to mute alerts (very useful for maintenance or to read your email).
Thats all pretty high level. The important thing is that you have a history of the state of the application over time. From this, you can then create rules (perhaps just raw sql queries you put into a config somewhere), that say "If the queries per second doubled, send a SlashDotted alert", or "if 50% of responses are 404, send an alert". It also bedazzles management because you can quantify any comment about whether its up, down, fast, or slow.
Things to monitor include (others probably mentioned these as well): http status, port accessible, http load, database load, open connection, query latency, server accessibility (ssh, ping), queries per second, number of worker processes, error percentage, error rate.
Simple end-to-end tests are also very handy, though they can be brittle. Its best to keep them simple, but you should have one that tries to touch core pieces of the app (caching, database, authentication).
I use Munin and Monit, and have been very happy with both of them.
Internal logging is fine and dandy but when your whole app goes down or your box/enviro crashes you need an outside check too. has been very reliable for me.
My only other advice is I wouldnt spent too much time on this. my best example is twitter, how much energy did they put into the system being able to half-die instead of just investing that time and energy into throwing more hardware / scaling it out.
Chances are what ends up taking you down, your logging and health systems will have missed anyway.
The single most important way to monitor any online site is to monitor externally. The goal should be to monitor your site in a way that most closely reflects how your users use the site. In 99% of cases, as soon as you know that your site is down externally, it's relatively easy to find the root cause. The most important thing is to know as soon as possible that your customers are unable to load your site.
This generally means using an external performance monitoring service. They very from the very low end (, pingdom) to the high end (Webmetrics, Gomez, Keynote). And as always, you get what you pay for. The things to look for when shopping around for a monitoring service include:
The size and distribution of the monitoring network
Whether or not the monitoring solution is able to monitor your site using a real browser (otherwise you aren't testing your site like a real user would)
The scripting language (to script the transactions against your site)
The support department, to help you along the way, and provide expertise on how to monitor correctly
Good luck!
Web monitoring by IP Patrol or SiteSentry have been useful for us. The second is a bit like site confidence but slightly prettier lol.
Have you thought about monitoring the functionality as well? A script (either in a scripting language like Perl or Pyton or using some tool like WebTest) that talks to your application and does some important steps like logging in, making a purchase, etc is very nice to have.
Aside from what to monitor, which has already been answered, you need to make sure - whatever system you use - that you get only one notification of an error that happens multiple times, on each request. Or your inbox will run out of memory :) Plus, it's plain annoying...
Divide the standby shifts among the support/dev team, so one person does not have to be on call every single evening. That will wear people down. Monitoring is a good thing, but everyone needs to get a chance to have a life once in a while. Your cellphone buzzing at 2AM for a few nights will get very old pretty soon, trust me. And not every developer is used to 24/7 support, so you need to find the balance between using monitoring and abusing monitoring.
Basically, have distinct escalation levels, and if the sky is not falling, define a "serenity now" window at night where smaller escalation levels don't go out.
I've been using Nagios + CruiseControl + Selenium for running high-level tests on mission critical web applications. I got burned pretty hard by a simple jquery error that stopped users from proceding through an online signup form.
You can take a look at AlertGrid. This web application allows you to filter and forward alerts to your team (worldwide). It has also nice ability to monitor if something did not happen.
To paraphrase Richard Levasseur: ah, monitoring tools, how your imperfections frustrate me. There doesn't seem to be a perfect tool out there; Nagios is pretty easy to set up but the UI is kinda old fashioned and you have to have a daemon running on each server being monitored. Zenoss has a much nicer UI including trend graphs of resource usage, but it uses SNMP so you have to have some familiarity with that to get it working properly, and the documentation is not the best - there are hundreds of pages but it's really hard to find just the info you need to get started.
Friends of mine have also recommended Cacti and Hyperic, but I don't have personal experience with those.
One last thing - one of the other answers suggested running a tool that stresses your site. I wouldn't recommend doing that on your live site unless you have a reliable quiet period when nobody is hitting it; even then you might bring it down unexpectedly. Much better to have a staging server where you can run load tests before putting changes into production.
One of our clients uses Techout ( and is very pleased with the service.
There is no charge for alerts, no matter what kind or how many, and they offer email, voicemail and SMS alerts -- and if something major happens, a phone call from a live person to help you out.
It's all based on service -- you don't install the software and you have a consultant who works with you to determine the best approach for your business. It's one of the most convenient web application monitoring services because they take care of everything.
I would just add that you can predict error likelihood somewhat based on history of past errors and having fixed them. With smaller scale internal testing if you were to graph the frequency and severity of problems that have been corrected to this point you'll have an overview of predictable new problems. If everything has been running error free for some time now, then the two sources of trouble would be recent changes or scalability issues.
From the above it sounds like scalability is your only worry, but I just mention the past-error frequency test because the teams I've been on invariably think they got the last error fixed and there are no more. Until there is.
Changing the line a little bit, something I really think is useful and changed a lot how I monitor my apps is to log javascript exceptions somewhere. There's a very nice implementation that logs that directly from user browsers to Google Analytics.
This is a must for Javascript centered web applications, and can give you results based directly on users browsers what can lead to very unexpected errors (iE and mobile browser are pain)
Disclaimer: My post bellow
For the internet presence monitoring, I would suggest the service that I am working on: Sucuri NBIM (Network-based integrity monitor).
It does availability and integrity checks, looking for changes on your internet presence (sites, DNS, WHOIS, headers, etc) and loss of connectivity. It is free and you can try it out here.