Graph Api share_count rate limit - facebook-graph-api

We have a set of 40,000 Urls for which we are to build a console app which will call each of the urls using graph api 40,000 times :
According to FB documentation there is a rate limit on the graph API call per user. In our instance what would be the user equivalent to ?
How does FB determine the rate limit for our console app and what are our options if there is a limit? Does multi threading mean the limit will not be reached since each thread would mean a new user?


Google API quota usage conditions

I'm looking for ways to overcome API quotas without resorting to requesting a raise, and would like to know what is classified as .. per user.
For example:
Google People API has this quota: Read Requests per 100 seconds per user
I setup an OAuth Client ID:
And for whatever reason, my queries are going to exceed "100 seconds per user".
My question/concerns:
Can I create another client ID and have both call the same API so that I now essentially have requests per 200 seconds per user?
Or is per user not tied to the client IDs, but instead, to the project id.
Could I create another project and re-route extra API calls to there?
Or must I throttle my querying so it stays within the limit.

Detect exceeded limit of ad creation in Facebook Marketing API

I have to create number of ads per one loop interation. For example I have pre-set 100 campaigns on my backend and then by one click I want to create ads. During one iteration I create one AdSet, one AdCreative, one AdImage and finally one Ad. So the maximum of ads I can create is 2 ads per 5 minute (then it throwing error that limit is over for Ad creation). It's terrible. I want to see why it's so limited, but cannot find any chance too see exceeded limit. I am using PHP Facebook Marketing API SDK ver. 2.6
Hope there are some developers how know about it.
Error code:
Array (
[code] => 613
[error_subcode] => 1487742
[message] => Calls to this api have exceeded the rate limit.
[error_user_title] => There have been too many calls from this ad-account. Wait a bit and try again.
[error_user_msg] => There have been too many calls from this ad-account. Wait a bit and try again.
[error_blame_field_specs] => [type] => OAuthException )
Marketing API has it is own rate limiting logic and is excluded from all the graph api rate limitations.
You can check Marketing API Rate Limiting Marketing API Rate Limiting
Also Limit of ads creation or API Rate Limiting depends on your Marketing API Access Levels Marketing API Access Levels
If you have higher access level (i.e Standard) then your API Rate Limiting will be higher

Facebook Graph API rate limiting

We want to collect some metrics about our client public Facebook pages (~1-5K users) on a daily (or weekly) basis.
I'm talking about 3-5 typical metrics : "likes", "fan posts" etc.
I understand that according to the "Rate Limiting on the Graph API" documentation [1] it's possible to have 200 calls per 1 hour.
For now we don't have any FB public application that can help us to increase this limit. To generate application token we will create it to but I doubt it will have a lot of users.
Does anybody know will we have problems with rate limit exceptions while invoking Graph API more than 200 times per 60 min.?
I guess our expected rate is 5-10K calls per 60 min (once a day).
Phrase from the documentation [1] "Rate limiting in the FB Graph API is encountered only in rare circumstances" gives me hope that it won't be a problem.
Thank you!
You won't have any problems initially. Facebook does not necessarily block apps immediately for being over the limits.
As per their documentation
If your app is making enough calls to be considered for rate limiting by our system, we return an X-App-Usage HTTP header
So, if you don't get any X-App-Usage header,Then your app hasn't be considered "worthy" of throttling by their automated systems yet.
So it would be best to check for this header, while making your api requests. Once you start receiving this Header, it would be best change your frequency of the API calls or give a timeout.

Is user rate limit for token or user in Facebook API?

I just want to know the user rate limit calculated in Facebook API is for user id basis or token basis.I have 2 access token for the same userid for the same app.Could i make 600calls/600sec/token? Can anyone help me?
Rate limit is calculated on both, per account basis (limit is undocumented) and per token basis (token from each user adds ability for the app to make additional 200 calls per hour).
Rate Limiting - Graph API
Account Level, on a per user basis. The total max number of calls from all tokens which belong to a user (to different apps) is not known. This type of rate limit throws Error Code 17.
These limits apply to calls made using user access tokens. Your app will receive error code 17 if this limit is reached. This happens when a specific user account is making too many calls to the API. Note:This can include user calls made over many apps and not just yours.
Application level, on per-token basis (only one token from one user per app), and it's documented (Error Code 4):
The total number of calls your app can make per hour is 200 times the number of users. This isn't a per-user limit; any individual user can make more than 200 calls per hour, as long as the total for all users does not exceed the app maximum. For example, if your app has 100 users, the app can make 20,000 calls per hour.
token can add 200 additional calls to your app (if App hits limit, all API calls with all tokens generated for this app get error code 4),
the user is allowed to make some (undocumented) amount of API calls per all apps (if the user hits limit, all API calls with all tokens generated for this user get error code 17)
200 API calls / user / hour
So each access token for unique user has it's own 200 calls per hour. If you use app token, you have just total of 200 requests per hour.
Only applies to Graph API. For Marketing API, see the Marketing API rate limiting
Also note that a single HTTP request can count as multiple API requests. For example the following request counts as 3 API requests:,5,6

Understanding social networks API limits

I couldn't figure out a very strange thing that i see in the Instagram and Twitter API limits.
It seems that your user base can't exceed a very LOW limit, and than your app will just be blocked because limits are per app .
Instagram :
Per app, you have 5000 requests per hour(Auth/or not) .
see here :
That means if my app created in instagram,which has client ID, is making a call on behalf of a mobile user- that will be counted as 1 call -so i can't have more than 5000 users per hour using my app with my client id ??
from the API limit doc :
If user A launches application Z, and app Z makes 10 calls to user A’s
mention timeline in a 15 minute window, then app Z has 5 calls left to
make for that window
can find here:
That means that if i created an app in Twitter, and my mobile user request his time line, so i can only have 15 active users in 15 minutes ?
I dont know if i miss something big here, or that the whole API is just worthless, you can't do anything big(or medium) with 15 users in 15 minutes, or even 5000 users per hour.
I think you misinterpret things...
Instagram is stating
Authenticated Calls: 5,000 / hour per token
Unauthenticated Calls 5,000 / hour per application
As you normally will HAVE to use authenticated calls to get user information, I think 5000 per Access Token (User) per hour should be more than enough.
Twitter is stating that
Rate limiting in version 1.1 of the API is primarily considered on a per-user basis — or more accurately described, per access token in your control. If a method allows for 15 requests per rate limit window, then it allows you to make 15 requests per window per leveraged access token.
The rate window is considered as 15min. This doesn't mean that you can only make 15 requests per Access Token in 15min, but e.g. 15 requests to GET account/settings per Access Token per 15min. See