How to only output warnings when launching a program under gdb? - gdb

I have a program which i am trying to debug. When the program is started under gdb, there are several warnings being outout, but then those warnings are hidden under the output of the program.
How can one ensure that only warnings are shown and remain avalable to be read?

If you're asking how to suppress output from your program, then the answer is to do it exactly as you'd do it in the shell. gdb actually uses the shell to start the inferior when you type run, so some kinds of redirection work.
In this case, to suppress all output, you could do something like:
(gdb) run > /dev/null 2>&1
I'm assuming here that the warnings are things gdb is printing that you want to see. Unfortunately gdb doesn't remember what it has printed, so there's no way to ask it after the fact.


How to find the line caused segmentation fault in c++ compiled program

I am using vim for c++ programming. I have bound the compile command to ctrl+c in vim and I run it in another tmux pane by running ./main.out. My problem is that when my c++ program gives me segmentation fault error, I don't know which line has caused the problem. But when I compiled and ran the program in vscode, it showed me the line that caused the error.
I'm seeking for a way to find out the lines that cause runtime errors like segmentation fault error while running the program's binary file in console.
This is an example output when I do ./main.out:
[1] 24656 segmentation fault (core dumped) ./main.out
When compiling the program, add the -g compiler flag, or even better -ggdb3, which will give you a much prettier output, by adding debugging symbols to the executable. Also, make sure that you compile with the -O0 optimization level.
To actually debug the program, run gdb ./main.out to start the program in a debugging session. If you then run r, gdb will start executing the program, and then stop at the line that gives the segfault.
To figure out how you got to that point, run bt while in the debugging session, and you will get a backtrace, which will show you all the function calls that were made to get to the line of code that crashed.
You can of course do a lot more than this (and you will probably need to, since locating the source of an error is often only the first step). You can use p to print the values of variables, set watchpoints, and many more things. For a while now, gdb even ships with a full fledged python interpreter, so you can even write a python script for your custom debugging needs.
Learning how to use gdb can seem overwhelming at the start, but persevere, and I guarantee the effort will pay off big time :)
Ditto on Adin
Also your code can crash due to a call in which the parameter/s are acceptable but cause the proverbial out of range protection fault from some library somewhere if you don't have those debug versions. If an assembly routine is used inside there, they can do some strange things.
So don't be afraid to add temporary code to help like finding a single call that crashes when 1,000,000 other calls to the same did not.
Is why I like to use a lot of generated randoms if possible to test when you got it fixed.

how to make gdb output only to the file

I'm not very into unix/linux, I'm using rhat linux with sh, tcsh shells.
What I'm trying to do is to debug lifecycle of the object of the class by breaking on it's default, copy c-tors, on d-tor and on operator=; move operations are not defined neither by compiler or me. I break on these functions and printf some lines and also print backtrace
br /project/src/some_file.c:408
printf "<%p> D E F A U L T c-tor bt:\n", this
The thing is there're a lot objects of this class, so there is a lot of output, and nothing helps me to disable output to the terminal, so I want see gdb output only in the file, not in the shell. Is it possible to achieve using sh or tcsh? - I can't really impact on the environment and use some other debugger or shell. The reason I want to disable any output from gdb and process being debugged to the shell is because I believe it slows down gdb and execution of the debugged process, which breaks behavior of debugged application.
Using gdb 8.1. I tried logging options of gdb, redirecting output by
run > somefile
and I tried to run gdb like this
gdb -p 1000 -x breakpoint.txt | tee somefile.txt
Thanks many times!
this link has various option for logging
simple one is
set logging file file
Change the name of the current logfile. The default logfile is gdb.txt.
set logging on
Enable logging.

gdb segmentation fault line number missing with c++11 option [duplicate]

Is there any gcc option I can set that will give me the line number of the segmentation fault?
I know I can:
Debug line by line
Put printfs in the code to narrow down.
bt / where on gdb give No stack.
Helpful suggestion
I don't know of a gcc option, but you should be able to run the application with gdb and then when it crashes, type where to take a look at the stack when it exited, which should get you close.
$ gdb blah
(gdb) run
(gdb) where
Edit for completeness:
You should also make sure to build the application with debug flags on using the -g gcc option to include line numbers in the executable.
Another option is to use the bt (backtrace) command.
Here's a complete shell/gdb session
$ gcc -ggdb myproj.c
$ gdb a.out
gdb> run --some-option=foo --other-option=bar
(gdb will say your program hit a segfault)
gdb> bt
(gdb prints a stack trace)
gdb> q
[are you sure, your program is still running]? y
$ emacs myproj.c # heh, I know what the error is now...
Happy hacking :-)
You can get gcc to print you a stacktrace when your program gets a SEGV signal, similar to how Java and other friendlier languages handle null pointer exceptions. See my answer here for more details:
how to generate a stacktace when my C++ app crashes ( using gcc compiler )
The nice thing about this is you can just leave it in your code; you don't need to run things through gdb to get the nice debug output.
If you compile with -g and follow the instructions there, you can use a command-line tool like addr2line to get file/line information from the output.
Run it under valgrind.
you also need to build with debug flags on -g
You can also open the core dump with gdb (you need -g though).
If all the preceding suggestions to compile with debugging (-g) and run under a debugger (gdb, run, bt) are not working for you, then:
Elementary: Maybe you're not running under the debugger, you're just trying to analyze the postmortem core dump. (If you start a debug session, but don't run the program, or if it exits, then when you ask for a backtrace, gdb will say "No stack" -- because there's no running program at all. Don't forget to type "run".) If it segfaulted, don't forget to add the third argument (core) when you run gdb, otherwise you start in the same state, not attached to any particular process or memory image.
Difficult: If your program is/was really running but your gdb is saying "No stack" perhaps your stack pointer is badly smashed. In which case, you may be a buffer overflow problem somewhere, severe enough to mash your runtime state entirely. GCC 4.1 supports the ProPolice "Stack Smashing Protector" that is enabled with -fstack-protector-all. It can be added to GCC 3.x with a patch.
There is no method for GCC to provide this information, you'll have to rely on an external program like GDB.
GDB can give you the line where a crash occurred with the "bt" (short for "backtrace") command after the program has seg faulted. This will give you not only the line of the crash, but the whole stack of the program (so you can see what called the function where the crash happened).
The No stack problem seems to happen when the program exit successfully.
For the record, I had this problem because I had forgotten a return in my code, which made my program exit with failure code.

GDB and NS2: how to stop program at some Function call

I am using gdb to debug NS-2 which is a simulator for network protocols. It takes an .tcl file as input and interpret it. [I think it is an interpreter.]
Some of the code is written in tcl (events and creation of network components) and some in C++ (especially Packet Formats, Agents etc.).
I have created an Agent in C++ and i want to stop it at some function call so that i can see the stack trace and find which other classes have been called before it.
This is what i have done:
There was some error in one of my MyAgent::function and it was giving Segmentation Fault and gdb was stopping there automatically. I could then see the stack trace. I rectified the error.
Now when i run
gdb ./ns
b MyAgent::function()
When i press TAB after writing "b MyA" it gives me all functions
of my class :). when i press enter after above command --
it asks me "Breakpoint on future shared library load" and i say Yes.
I hope this is ok ??
r myfiles/myWireless.tcl
Now it runs and do not stop anywhere. :(
I am sure that this function is being called, because when that Segmentation fault was occuring, it was stopping at that function.
You can add a breakpoint in that function:
(gdb) break MyAgent::function()
You must make sure to compile with whatever options are necessary to get debug symbols. On GCC, use the -g or -ggdb options.
You need the -args option to specify the tcl script that will be executed.
Run gdb like this:
gdb -args ./ns path/to/tcl/script.tcl
To enable debug flag to c++ code, if have not done it already, re-configure your ns2 instalation with:
./configure --enable-debug ;# plus any other flags you use for configuring
make clean
make -j 3 ;# -j for faster compiling
make install ;# optional
You can also use the --with-tcldebug=..., for debugging tcl code (You need to install tcldebug first for this option)

How can I output a C + Assembly program trace using GDB?

I'm debugging a nasty problem where #includeing a file(not anything I wrote, for the record) causes a crash in my program. This means, I have working and broken, with only one C(++) include statement changed. Some of the libraries I'm using don't have debugging information.
What I would like to do is get GDB to output every line of C++ executed for the program run, and x86 instructions where not available to a textfile in such a format that I can diff the two outputs and hopefully figure out what went wrong.
Is this easily possible in GDB?
You can check the difference between the pre-processed output in each version. For example:
gcc -dD -E -o a.pre
gcc -dD -E -o b.pre
diff -u a.pre b.pre
You can experiment with different "-d" settings to make that more verbose/concise. Maybe something in the difference of listings will be obvious. It's usually something like a struct which changes size depending on include files.
Failing that, if you really want to mess with per-instruction or line traces, you could probably use valgrind and see where the paths diverge, but I think you may be in for a world of pain. In fact you'll probably find valgrind finds your bug and then 100 you didn't know about :) I expect the problem is just a struct or other data size difference, and you won't need to bother.
You could get gdb to automate line tracing. It would be quite painful. Basically you'd need to script it to run "n" (next line) repeatedly until a crash, then check the logs. If you can script "b main", then "run", then infinite "n" that would do it. There's probably a built-in command to do it but I'm not aware of it.
I don't think GDB can do this; maybe a profile will help, though? Are you compiling with gcc? Look at the -p and -pf commands, I think those might be useful.
The disassemble command at the gdb prompt will disassemble the current function you are stopped in, but I don't think outputting the entire execution path is feasible.
What library are you including? If it is open source, you can recompile it with debugging symbols enabled. Also, if you're using Linux, most distributions have -dbg versions of packages for common libraries.