Malloc Error: OpenCV/C++ while push_back Vector - c++

I try to create a Descriptor using FAST for the Point detection and SIFT for building the Descriptor. For that purpose I use OpenCV. While I use OpenCV's FAST I just use parts of the SIFT code, because I only need the Descriptor. Now I have a really nasty malloc Error and I don't know, how to solve it. I posted my code into GitHub because it is big and I dont really know where the Error comes from. I just know, that it is created at the end of the DO-WHILE-Loop:
}while(candidates.size() > 100);
As you can see in the code of GitHub I already tried to release Memory of the Application. Xcode Analysis says, that my Application uses 9 Mb memory. I tried to debug the Error but It was very complicated and I haven't found any clue where the Error comes from.
I wondered if this Error could occur because I try to access the Image Pixel Value passed to calcOrientationHist(...) with<sift_wt>(...) where typdef float sift_wt at Line 56, and 57 in my code, because normally the Patch I pass outputs the type 0 which means it is a CV_8UC1 But well, I copied this part from the sift.cpp at Line 330 and 331 Normally the SIFT Descriptor should also have a Grayscale image or not?
After changing the type in the<sift_wt>(...)Position nothing changed. So I googled Solutions and landed at the GuardMalloc feature from XCode. Enabling it showed me a new Error which is probably the Reason I get the Malloc Error. In line 77 of my Code. The Error it gives me at this line is EXC_BAD_ACCESS (Code=1, address=....) There are the following lines:
for( k = 0; k < len; k ++){
int bin = cvRound((n/360.f)+Ori[k]);
if(bin >= n)
bin -=n;
if(bin < 0 )
bin +=n;
temphist[bin] += W[k]*Mag[k];
The Values of the mentioned Variables are the following:
bin = 52, len = 169, n = 36, k = 0, W, Mag, Ori and temphist are not shown.
Here the GuadMalloc Output (sorry but I dont really understand what exactly it wants)
GuardMalloc[Test-1935]: Allocations will be placed on 16 byte boundaries.
GuardMalloc[Test-1935]: - Some buffer overruns may not be noticed.
GuardMalloc[Test-1935]: - Applications using vector instructions (e.g., SSE) should work.
GuardMalloc[Test-1935]: version 108
Test(1935,0x102524000) malloc: protecting edges
Test(1935,0x102524000) malloc: enabling scribbling to detect mods to free blocks

Answer is simpler as thought...
The Problem was, that in the calculation of Bin in the For-loop the wrong value came out. Instead of adding ori[k] it should be a multiplication with ori[k].
The mistake there resulted in a bin value of 52. But the Length of the Array that temphist is pointing to is 38.
For all who have similar Errors I really recomment to use GuardMalloc or Valgrind to debug Malloc Errors.


Cairo - multithreading - stuck during cairo_image_surface_create

I have multithreaded app where each thread create its own surface, render content, save it and destroy all.
However, after some time (eg. 20 images is saved), the app stucks in _cairo_atomic_init_once_enter from cairo-atomic-private.h.
Here is stack-trace from Visual Studio:
[Inline Frame] app.exe!_cairo_atomic_init_once_enter(unsigned int *) Line 409 C
app.exe!_cairo_image_spans_compositor_get() Line 3135 C
[Inline Frame] app.exe!_cairo_image_surface_init(_cairo_image_surface *) Line 176 C
app.exe!_cairo_image_surface_create_for_pixman_image(pixman_image * pixman_image=0x0000023c1d1f31f0, pixman_format_code_t pixman_format=PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8) Line 197 C
app.exe!_cairo_image_surface_create_with_pixman_format(unsigned char * data=0x0000000000000000, pixman_format_code_t pixman_format=PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8, int width, int height, int stride=-1) Line 355 C
app.exe!cairo_image_surface_create(_cairo_format format, int width, int height) Line 403 C
and I am calling:
surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, int(w), int(h));
My parallel loop is done via:
std::vector<int> xSeq(countX);
std::iota(std::begin(xSeq), std::end(xSeq), 0); // Fill with 0, 1, ..., countX.
std::for_each(std::execution::par, std::begin(xSeq), std::end(xSeq), [&](auto x)
//create cairo surface, write to it, store it and release it
If I run serial version, all is working correctly.
Edit: To store surface to image, I dont use internal PNG saver. I have my own implementation, that is based on:
data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface);
data contains raw data from cairo and I process them manually and store them with my own compression system.
In some cases, I also use the same system to "inject" data to cairo surface. I obtain data pointer, manually rewrite some pixels and call cairo_surface_mark_dirty(surface) to notify Cairo about the change.
This is not really an answer, but the behaviour you are seeing should be impossible.
_cairo_image_traps_compositor_get has a cairo_atomic_once_t variable that is used to protect some initialisation. Since it is static, we can be sure that no other code touches this variable.
_cairo_atomic_init_once_enter checks if the once is already initialised and then just returns 0 / false. Since you say you already had 20 successful calls, the initialisation must already be done. Else, the 20 other calls should not have worked.
Per the above... this should not be possible to occur, right?
Unless something overwrites some memory that it should not touch and the value of the once gets corrupted, or something like that.
Alternatively, this is some kind of mis-compilation that occurs for reasons I do not understand. Did you compile cairo yourself, or where did you get it from?

Using Pow in C++ MinGW. Works hard coded but not with variables

This is hopefully a simple linker issue but I've spent hours searching and haven't moved forward in that time. I'm trying to use
#include <cmath>
double aA = 2;
double result = pow((double)2.0,(double)aA);
I get no error messages and it compiles without issue. But an unrelated grid I'm drawing with openGL doesn't display. If i substitute the aA for 2 then it displays the grid. Like
#include <cmath>
double aA = 2;
double result = pow((double)2.0,(double)2);
This outputs 4 as expected. The previous example outputs nothing. It's as if the program hangs but there are no errors.
This computation isn't used anywhere and in fact just sits in main (or anywhere else) and the variables are unique and are unused.
I'm using code::blocks and minGW GNU GCC compiler in Windows 7. -g -Wall - WExtra
Rendering with glew + freeglut and everything else works until i use a variable with pow.
I've tried every combination of casting I can think of and I've tried powf with the exact same result. I'm using sqrt and other functions so believe that the inclusion is working. I've also tried math.h but get the same problem.
I have never wished to see an error message from a compiler more so than I do right now.
So 1. Why am I not getting an error when it looks like its stopping the whole program in its tracks?
And 2. What have I missed to get pow() working with variables?
Update : After creating a new project and trying it out I have no issues so there must be something in my setup that's interfering. I'll keep experimenting. Thanks for the quick responses things sure move fast around here!
Update 2:
Very strange.
float aAs = 1.0;
float amplitudeA = (float)pow((float)2.,(float)aAs);
char str[50];
int test = (int) (amplitudeA);
sprintf (str, "out - %d", test);
This outputs 2 in the message box. Then my grid draws and the program behaves. If i comment out only the message box like so:
float aAs = 1.0;
float amplitudeA = (float)pow((float)2.,(float)aAs);
char str[50];
int test = (int) (amplitudeA);
sprintf (str, "out - %d", test);
No drawing of my grid. What could be causing this?
char str[50];
int test = (int) (1);
sprintf (str, "out - %d", test);
float aAs = 1.0;
float amplitudeA = (float)pow((float)2.,(float)aAs);
Swapping the message box over recreates the issue. No grid drawn. It's as if focus needs to be taken away from the program when I'm using a variable in pow. I'm completely baffled.
Another Update : I temporarily got around it by writing my own simple powerOf function. But now I'm having the same issue with the cos() function.
Can anyone tell me if there is something wrong with that image? This issue has to stem from incorrect linking. Is that what you would expect from hovering over coz in code::blocks with gcc?
This a error that occurs only when running through the program with a bad cos call. Interesting that I've been using cos for camera calculations since I started this app with no issue.
Error #667: UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS: reading 0x00000003-0x00000007 4 byte(s)
# 0 ntdll.dll!RtlImageNtHeader +0x124c (0x77ca43d0 <ntdll.dll+0x343d0>)
# 1 ntdll.dll!RtlImageNtHeader +0x422 (0x77ca35a7 <ntdll.dll+0x335a7>)
# 2 ntdll.dll!RtlImageNtHeader +0x30d (0x77ca3492 <ntdll.dll+0x33492>)
# 3 KERNEL32.dll!HeapFree +0x13 (0x775e14dd <KERNEL32.dll+0x114dd>)
# 4 atioglxx.dll!atiPPHSN +0x11afaa (0x66538f3b <atioglxx.dll+0xeb8f3b>)
# 5 atioglxx.dll!DrvSwapBuffers +0x33fb (0x6569b9cc <atioglxx.dll+0x1b9cc>)
# 6 atioglxx.dll!DrvSwapBuffers +0x3cad (0x6569c27e <atioglxx.dll+0x1c27e>)
# 7 atioglxx.dll!DrvSwapBuffers +0x7c57 (0x656a0228 <atioglxx.dll+0x20228>)
# 8 atioglxx.dll!DrvSwapBuffers +0x12c (0x656986fd <atioglxx.dll+0x186fd>)
# 9 atioglxx.dll!DrvValidateVersion +0x28 (0x65697c19 <atioglxx.dll+0x17c19>)
#10 OPENGL32.dll!wglSwapMultipleBuffers +0xc5d (0x66c8af0b <OPENGL32.dll+0x3af0b>)
#11 OPENGL32.dll!wglSwapMultipleBuffers +0xe45 (0x66c8b0f3 <OPENGL32.dll+0x3b0f3>)
Note: #0:00:05.233 in thread 3136
Note: instruction: mov 0x04(%ecx) -> %ecx
Solved. There was an uninitialized variable that was sitting at the bottom of the vertex buffer object I was using to draw the grid. For whatever reason feeding a variable to one of the math functions caused unexpected results in this buffer object.
Thanks to Angew an Kos for pointing me towards memory.

FFT 2D kernel runtime =0 in OpenCL

I’m working on a homework project compare performance of Fast Fourier Transform on CPU vs GPU . I’m done with the CPU part , but with GPU , I have a problem.
The trouble is the kernel runtime is zero , the input is the same as the output image . I use VS2010 on win7 with AMD APP SDK . Here is the host code , the kernel , an addition header to handle the image , they can be found in The OpenCL Programming Book (Ryoji Tsuchiyama…)
My guess the error is in the phase where we pass values from the image pixels to the cl_float2 *xm (line 169-174 in the host code). I can’t access the vector component to check it either , the compiler ain’t accept .sX or .xy , throws an error about it . Other parts –kernel,header…- looks fine with me .
for (i=0; i < n; i++) {
for (j=0; j < n; j++) {
((float*)xm)[(2*n*j)+2*i+0] = (float)ipgm.buf[n*j+i]; //real
((float*)xm)[(2*n*j)+2*i+1] = (float)0; //imag
So hope you guys help me out . Any ideas will be appreciated .
OpenCL provides a lot of different error codes.
You already retrieve them by doing ret = clInstruction(); on each call, but you are not analysing it.
Please check on each call if this value is equal to CL_SUCCESS.
It may always happen, that the memory is not sufficient, the hardware is already in use or there is a simple error in your source code. The return value will tell you.
Also: Please check your cl_context, cl_program, etc. for NULL values.

libpng: write a bigger png than 1002px

I'm currently writing a c++ program which should write me a png file as output. So I made a little code, actually works. I just took the source code from here and condesed it. My code is nopasted here.
BUT: It only works if it doesn't exceed 1002 pixels in width. I am very sure the problem is somewhere around lines 29/30, so a malloc problem, but I don't get it.
Thanks for your help & greez
Without diving into the code too deeply, there are these interesting constants:
unsigned width = 1003;
unsigned height = 500;
int rowbytes = 4000;
The last one directly controls the amount of memory allocated. Have you tried increasing this value?

cvHaarDetectObjects(): "Stack aound the variable 'seq_thread' was corrupted."

I have been looking in to writing my own implementation of Haar Cascaded face detection for some time now, and have begun with diving in to the OpenCV 2.0 implementation.
Right out of the box, running in debug mode, Visual Studio breaks on cvhaar.cpp:1518, informing me:
Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack aound the variable seq_thread was corrupted.
It seems odd to me that OpenCV ships with a simple array out-of-bounds problem. Running the release works without any problems, but I suspect that it is merely not performing the check and the array is exceeding the bounds.
Why am I receiving this error message? Is it a bug in OpenCV?
A little debugging revealed the culprit, I believe. I "fixed" it, but this all still seems odd to me.
An array of size CV_MAX_THREADS is created on cvhaar.cpp:868:
CvSeq* seq_thread[CV_MAX_THREADS] = {0};
On line 918 it proceeds to specify max_threads:
max_threads = cvGetNumThreads();
In various places, seq_thread is looped using the following for statement:
for( i = 0; i < max_threads; i++ ) {
CvSeq* s = seq_thread[i];
// ...
However, cxmisc.h:108 declares CV_MAX_THREADS:
#define CV_MAX_THREADS 1
Hence, the declaration of seq_thread must never be allowed to exceed size 1, yet cvGetNumThreads() returns 2 (I assume this reflects the number of cores in my machine).
I resolved the problem by adding the following simple little statement:
if (max_threads > CV_MAX_THREADS) max_threads = CV_MAX_THREADS;
Does any of this make sense?