How can I create a rule for a thing using the aws iot java sdk? - amazon-web-services

I am trying to create a rule without using the UI provided by AWS but using the java sdk. Looking over the codes of the java sdk I have not seen any codes that creates rule. Any help would be appreciated.

After painful research and posting questions in aws forum, I have found out that there is no way you can create a custom rule gui by installing it from here but you have to follow this approach .You can find how to here
Here are some docs that may help you as well
link 1
link 2


Leveraging AWS Neptune Gremlin Client Library

We're looking to leverage the Neptune Gremlin client library to get load balancing and refreshes automatic.
There is a blog article here:
This is also a repo containing the code here:
However, the artifacts aren't published anywhere. Is it still possible to do this? Ideally, we avoid vendoring the code into our codebase since we would then forefeit updates.
The artifacts for several of the tools in that repo can be found here.

AWS SDK S3Waiter waitUntilObjectExists usage guidance

I am new to AWS S3 SDK and need guidance on using S3Waiter.waitUntilObjectExists() I could not find any exact examples. I have a S3 bucket in which every four hours files uploaded by upstream processes. I have while(true) loop which polls for this bucket but it seems to be unnecessary and doing lot of IOs.
I read about S3Waiter.waitUntilObjectExists() and it seems to be applicable and best practices kind of solution in my case.
The examples for Amazon S3 V2 API are located in the AWS Doc Github repo. You will find the latest Java V2 examples that are tested via Unit tests, etc in Github:
For example, if you want to learn how to use waiters when you create a bucket, see this example:
This concept is also explained in the AWS SDK for Java 2.x Developer guide:
Using waiters
And yes, using waiters is best practice vs looping and polling.

Google Cloud YAML: How to find the commands or How to create a loadbalancer?

I have a small issue I can't find how to fix.
Usually when you are coding, whether you are coding in python or a language like yaml, There are places you can find the commands or you have somewhere that you can find out what certain commands do.
Right now I want to create a http loadbalancer on the google cloud with deployment manager. Very basic stuff. But I just can't find the right command for the type or action.
Where does one find these things?
I hope you guys can help me. I'm feeling lost and googling doesn't help :D
As per the article you can create an LB using GCP Deployment Manager.

Spring-Cloud-AWS vs AWS-SDK-Java 2

Ours is a Spring-Boot based application. For integration with AWS SNS and SQS, we have couple of options:
Use Spring-Cloud-AWS
Use AWS-SDK-Java 2
I wanted to know if there is any advantage in using one or the other.
When I ask AWS guys, they tell me that AWS SDK gets updated regularly and integration with SNS and SQS is not difficult. Hence, there is no need to integrate with Spring-Cloud-AWS.
I tried searching on gitter channel for Spring-Cloud and could not find any relevant information. Documentation does state that I can update the AWS-SDK version. Documentation does not state any compelling reason for not using AWS-SDK directly.
If anyone has some insights, please share.
From the AWS Spring Team:
"From now on, our efforts focus on 3.0 - based on AWS SDK 2.0."
So, if you need AWS SDK 2.0, you probably want to go directly with the SDK.
For more on what's new on AWS Java SDK 2.0:
The main advantage over the AWS Java SDK is the Spring style convenience and head start we get by using the Spring project. As per the project documentation (
Using the SDK, application developers still have to integrate the SDK
into their application with a considerable amount of infrastructure
related code. Spring Cloud AWS provides application developers already
integrated Spring-based modules to consume services and avoid
infrastructure related code as much as possible.

Use custom HRTF with Google Resonance

I'm currently looking into use a particular HRTF database in Unity using Google Resonance. However, I can't find documentation regarding this possibility. Could anyone help me?
Thank you very much!
The Resonance Audio SDKs use a custom HRTF database under the hood, it's not possible to replace it via an external set.
That said, you can refer to the corresponding spatial-audio section in the public spatial-media repo on GitHub for further information and resources regarding the HRIRs that are used.