Where is the Google Cloud ML Console UI? - google-cloud-ml

I've configured a project to work for Google Cloud ML beta, using instructions from https://cloud.google.com/ml/docs/how-tos/getting-set-up. Currently training a model using the instructions at https://cloud.google.com/ml/docs/quickstarts/training. Everything works like a charm, except there is no Console UI.
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Where is the Google Cloud ML Console UI?

As noted, the service itself and the command line tools are up and running. The Console UI, however, is scheduled for release next week.


gcp cloud command line cli not avaliable or not responding and when tutorial not accessable

I cannot access google cli or google cloud command line console, the button for command line is not available and when I access via google cli in virtual machine access is still not available. Why this is a big deal because my Debian password is my vm id which is only accessible via google cloud command cli. also I cannot access google tutorial for no reason it's not just google tutorial not pop up but also when I search in google cloud I click on tutorial the tutorial still does not show. what is wrong?
We had this problem today on several users and we fixed it by clearing the browser caches / use incognito mode.
I have had the same issue and in incognito should work.
This is an ongoing issue in Google Cloud.
You can try the following workarounds:
Using the Cloud Shell URL directly.
Using Google Chrome in Incognito Mode.
Using another Browsers.
The following actions will not help the issue.
Logged out and logged in.
Clearing Chrome cache.
There is an Issue Tracker that you can follow to see updates in the issue.

How to link Google Play Console & Google Cloud project with different accounts

Title says everything: Can/How can I link my Google Play Console account with my Google Cloud account if both are not running under the same login i.e:
play console using abc#gmail.com and google cloud using def#gmail.com
I found the same question with no answer here.
I want to integrate billing into my app but therefore I need to link the projects
You'd have to add def#gmail.com as user on the Play Console first (the same project).
Similarly, it might also be possible to add abc#gmail.com to the GCP project.
App Linking requires twice the same ID, no matter how it is being accomplished.

"Unable to retrieve database locations" error when setting up Google cloud Datastore

I am trying to setup Cloud Datastore, in GCP. Upon selecting "Cloud Datastore", in console, I see the "Choose where to store your data" page, with this error:
"Unable to retrieve database locations
There was a problem retrieving the available storage locations for your data. Retry or return later to finish getting set up."
Has anybody encountered this?
I have encountered same and resolved as below. (Iam using free tier)
When you select a location in either product (Cloud Datastore or App Engine), you set the location for your entire Google Cloud Platform project. I choose location to set from App Engine.
From Home (on left side) --> App Engine --> Select a language (I have selected "python"). --> It prompts for location (I have selected "us-central") --> (press) Next
Thats it come out of the tutorial. Next time I selected Datastore, it worked fine.
Hope this helps (screens below)
I've encountered the exact same error. Some of the Google Cloud management tools are a bit buggy, gcloud included, they need more TLC and more users to report bugs to Google. The best way around the bugs is to either use the Firebase Console or the App Engine console. Either one of these two appear to be required to provide the missing management glue between the various Cloud products Google has. The Firebase console IMHO is superior to the app engine console, and that's what I would recommend using. You can create the DB from the Firebase console. it will also add Firebase to your project, giving you access to the Firebase CLI, which works very well and doesn't have all the bugs that gcloud CLI has.
Go to https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/ to open the firebase console
Click on +Add Project and select the project you created using the Google Cloud Console.
This will prompt you to accept addind Firebase for this project. Click accept, it will enable access to the project via the Firebase emulator and firebase CLI, you definitely want this.
Under Develop in the left hand menu, select Database, from there you will be able to add the version you want. Keep in mind only the old firestore has an SLA, but the new native Cloud Datastore is better, it has the pub/sub on events on read/writes.
I use Firebase to manage microservices that are only accessible via special routing from other backends and don't use any Firebase client code, it's just so much easier to manage the functions and run them locally with the firebase emulator before deploying using the Firebase CLI. I've not had the same luck with gcloud or using the Google cloud console as opposed to the Firebase console. On the other hand, Firebase CLI, the emulator and the Firebase console are fantastic, pretty seamless experience. It's been a joy using them. I wish I could say the same about the Cloud console, I go in there only when truly necessary.

Is Google Apps for Work part of the Google Cloud Platform?

I'm currently working on a assay for a school project about Google Services.
The question is not programming related, but I hope you guys could help me out.
I've done some research and a little bit of digging on the Google Cloud Platform and Google Apps for Work, but before I start to make wrong assumptions in my assay, I was hoping if you could say wether I'm right or wrong.
Is Google Apps for Work part of the Google Cloud Platform? Or is it a whole seperate service?
I couldn't find any connections between the two, but shouldn't Google Apps for Work a service of te Google Cloud Platform?
Thanks in advance!
Short: No it's not part of Google Cloud platform.
Long: Google Apps for Work contains products such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Hangouts, Google Calendar, and Google Docs. You will probaby be familiar with at least some of those. These can all be used by individuals at home, but if used in the 'for work'-context they offer some extra features such as custom domains and support. While these are all running in the cloud, they are not technically part of Google Cloud platform.
Google Apps for Work can be seen as a SaaS-product (Software as a service), while Google Cloud platform is more of a PaaS-product (Platform as a Service). While Apps for work lets you use the software written by Google (Gmail, docs,...), Google Cloud Platform allows developers write custom applications which run on the Google cloud.
Applications written on Google Cloud Platform can however be used together with the Apps for Work part. For example you could use your Apps for Work account to log in to a custom application written on GCP, or you could access your emails or from within your custom application stuff like that.
Small note, GCP also contains stuff like Google Compute Engine, which is more of a IaaS (Infrastructure as a service). However this will still be used for custom development by the user, but it gives the developer more freedom.

Is there a way to get reporting on Google Voice usage?

Is there a way I can leverage the Google APIs to get a report on Google Voice usage in my domain? We just turned it on and wanted to see if any of our users were using the service.
Google Voice is not a core service within Google Apps and does not fall under Google's SLA. There are also no official APIs that allow access to Google Voice data. There is however at least one unofficial Python library to interact with Google Voice programatically.