This command
and this command
works fine in vi editor on ubuntu 14.04 when I execute them separately one after another.
What I need is execute them both in one line like
%s#^#/* <bar> %s#$#*/
I also tried | and ; and CR as separator and always get error 488 trailing character
In my vim 7.4 patch 769 this works very well.
:%s/foo/FOO/ | %s/bar/BAR/
It looks like you have omitted the final separator character from your substitutions. Vim doesn't know where your replacement string ends without having the terminating # chars in there. When doing a usual command of one substitution, vim treats the end of the command as the terminating separator if one is not to be found.
For instance, it works if you omit the terminator in the last substitution of the command:
:%s/foo/FOO/ | %s#bar#BAR
And finally a quick tip regarding to your subs. You can wrap a line in text with a single substitution with some basic capture group magic. Match for the whole line and use & in the replacement to reuse the matched text:
:s#.*#/* & */
Information about the environment I am working in:
$ uname -a
AIX prd231 1 6 00C6B1F74C00
$ oslevel -s
Code Block A
( grep schdCycCleanup $DCCS_LOG_FILE | sed 's/[~]/ \
/g' | grep 'Move(s) Exist for cycle' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) > cycleA.txt
Code Block B
( grep schdCycCleanup $DCCS_LOG_FILE | sed 's/[~]/ \n/g' | grep 'Move(s) Exist for cycle' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' ) > cycleB.txt
I have two code blocks(shown above) that make use of sed to trim the input down to 6 digits but one command is behaving differently than I expected.
Sample of input for the two code blocks
Mar 25 14:06:16 prd231 ajbtux[33423660]: 20160325140616:~schd_cem_svr:1:0:SCHD-MSG-MOVEEXISTCYCLE:200705008:AUDIT:~schdCycCleanup - /apps/dccs/ajbtux/source/SCHD/schd_cycle_cleanup.c - line 341~ SCHD_CYCLE_CLEANUP - Move(s) Exist for cycle 389210~
I get the following output when the sample input above goes through the two code blocks.
cycleA.txt content
cycleB.txt content
I understand that my last piped sed command (sed 's/[^0-9]*//g') is deleting all characters other than numbers so I omitted it from the block codes and placed the output in two additional files. I get the following output.
cycleA1.txt content
SCHD_CYCLE_CLEANUP - Move(s) Exist for cycle 389210
cycleB1.txt content
Mar 25 15:27:58 prd231 ajbtux[33423660]: 20160325152758: nschd_cem_svr:1:0:SCHD-MSG-MOVEEXISTCYCLE:200705008:AUDIT: nschdCycCleanup - /apps/dccs/ajbtux/source/SCHD/schd_cycle_cleanup.c - line 341 n SCHD_CYCLE_CLEANUP - Move(s) Exist for cycle 389210 n
I can see that the first code block is removing every thing other that (SCHD_CYCLE_CLEANUP - Move(s) Exist for cycle 389210) and is using the tilde but the second code block is just replacing the tildes with the character n. I can also see that it is necessary in the first code block for a line break after this(sed 's/[~]/ ) and that is why I though having \n would simulate a line break but that is not the case. I think my different output results are because of the way regular expressions are being used. I have tried to look into regular expressions and searched about them on stackoverflow but did not obtain what I was looking for. Could someone explain how I can achieve the same result from code block B as code block A without having part of my code be on a second line?
Thank you in advance
This is an example of the XY problem ( You're asking for help to implement something that is the wrong solution to your problem. Why are you changing ~s to newlines, etc when all you need given your posted sample input and expected output is:
$ sed -n 's/.*schdCycCleanup.* \([0-9]*\).*/\1/p' file
$ awk -F'[ ~]' '/schdCycCleanup/{print $(NF-1)}' file
If that's not all you need then please edit your question to clarify your requirements for WHAT you are trying to do (as opposed to HOW you are trying to do it) as your current approach is just wrong.
Etan Reisner's helpful answer explains the problem and offers a single-line solution based on an ANSI C-quoted string ($'...'), which is appropriate, given that you originally tagged your question bash.
(Ed Morton's helpful answer shows you how to bypass your problem altogether with a different approach that is both simpler and more efficient.)
However, it sounds like your shell is actually something different - presumably ksh88, an older version of the Korn shell that is the default sh on AIX 6.1 - in which such strings are not supported[1]
(ANSI C-quoted strings were introduced in ksh93, and are also supported not only in bash, but in zsh as well).
Thus, you have the following options:
With your current shell, you must stick with a two-line solution that contains an (\-escaped) actual newline, as in your code block A.
Note that $(printf '\n') to create a newline does not work, because command substitutions invariably trim all trailing newlines, resulting in the empty string in this case.
Use a more modern shell that supports ANSI C-quoted strings, and use Etan's answer. tells me that ksh93 is available as an alternative shell on AIX 6.1, as /usr/bin/ksh93.
If feasible: install GNU sed, which natively understands escape sequences such as \n in replacement strings.
[1] As for what actually happens when you try echo 'foo~bar~baz' | sed $'s/[~]/\\\n/g' in a POSIX-like shell that does not support $'...': the $ is left as-is, because what follow is not a valid variable name, and sed ends up seeing literal $s/[~]/\\\n/g, where the $ is interpreted as a context address applying to the last input line - which doesn't make a difference here, because there is only 1 line. \\ is interpreted as plain \, and \n as plain n, effectively replacing ~ instances with literal \n sequences.
GNU sed handles \n in the replacement the way you expect.
OS X (and presumably BSD) sed does not. It treats it as a normal escaped character and just unescapes it to n. (Though I don't see this in the manual anywhere at the moment.)
You can use $'' quoting to use \n as a literal newline if you want though.
echo 'foo~bar~baz' | sed $'s/[~]/\\\n/g'
I need to replace all the strings that look like this:
for a TAB
name can be anything from 3 to 15 characters long
I've managed to do it by doing search <.*> replace with \t
Now I need to replace any new lines with a single TAB i.e. remove the new line. For some reason Ultraedit doesn't recognise the new line in the search box. I've used \r and \n, but none of them works.
This is an example of the file, after the search and replace:
I want to get all that in a single line separated by tabs.
Any ideas?
As you're using Notepad++ I'll assume you're on Windows.
This means the text files you're using were likely created on a DOS type system (including Windows...) and therefore terminate lines with \r\n rather than a single \n like you might find on a UNIX system.
Try searching for that instead.
I want to delete everything from start of the document upto some regex match, such as _tmm. I wrote the following custom command:
command! FilterTmm exe 'g/^_tmm\\>/,/^$/mo$' | norm /_tmm<CR> | :0,-1 d
This doesn't work as expected. But when I execute these commands directly using the command line, they work.
Do you have any alternative suggestions to accomplish this job using custom commands?
It seems that you want to remove from beginning to the line above the matched line.
/pattern could have offset option. like /pattern/{offset}, :h / for detail, for your needs, you could do (no matter where your cursor is):
I read your question twice, it seems that you want to do it in a single command line.
Your script has problem, normal doesn't support |, that is, it must be the last command.
try this line, if it works for you:
exe 'norm gg'|/_tmm/-1|0,.d
I need to extract the command, whatever we see in ( ) after the word CMD in the following line.
Oct 29 08:00:01 data2 crond[14368]: (root) CMD (sh -xv /home// > /home/hari/logs/ste-telnet$(date +'%Y_%m_%d_%h_%m').succ 2> /home/hari/logs/ste-telnet$(date +'%Y_%m_%d_%h_%m').err)
I need to use regular expression for this since splunk understands only that.
Try this
CMD (.*)$
This will work if the last thing on the line is a command (the column containing CMD is the last column)
This is a bit tricky. The problem is that you're having nested parentheses there. So if you use
CMD \((.*)\)
you will get a correct result in your case (the actual command will be in the match's group number 1), but that would fail as soon as you'd have more than one command (or more than one set of outermost parentheses after CMD) in your string.
I have a text file that has pipe (as in the | character) delimited data.
Each field of data in the pipe delimited fields can be of variable length, so counting characters won't work (or using some sort of substring function... if that even exists in Vim).
Is it possible, using Vim to delete all data from the second pipe to the end of the line for the entire file? There are approx 150,000 lines, so doing this manually would only be appealing to a masochist...
For example, change the following lines from:
1111|random sized text 12345|more random data la la la|1111|abcde
2222|random sized text abcdefghijk|la la la la|2222|defgh
3333|random sized text|more random data|33333|ijklmnop
1111|random sized text 12345
2222|random sized text abcdefghijk
3333|random sized text
I'm sure this can be done somehow... I hope.
UPDATE: I should have mentioned that I'm running this on Windows XP, so I don't have access to some of the mentioned *nix commands (cut is not recognized on Windows).
You can also record a macro:
and then you will be able to play it with 100#q to run the macro on the next 100 lines.
Macro explanation:
qq: starts macro recording;
0: goes to the first character of the line;
2f|: finds the second occurrence of the | character on the line;
D: deletes the text after the current position to the end of the line;
j: goes to the next line;
q: ends macro recording.
If you don't have to use Vim, another alternative would be the unix cut command:
cut -d '|' -f 1-2 file > out.file
Instead of substitution, one can use the :normal command to repeat
a sequence of two Normal mode commands on each line: 2f|, jumping
to the second | character on the line, and then D, deleting
everything up to the end of line.
Just another Vim way to do the same thing:
%s/^\(.\{-}\zs|\)\{2}.*// " If you want to remove the second pipe as well.
This time, the regex matches as few characters as possible (\{-}) that are followed by |, and twice (\{2}), they are ignored to replace all following text (\zs) by nothing (//).
You can use :command to make a user command to run the substitution:
:command -range=% YourNameHere <line1>,<line2>s/^\v([^|]+\|[^|]+)\|.*$/\1/
You can also do:
Use Awk:
awk -F"|" '{$0=$1"|"$2}1' file
I've found that vim isn't great at handling very large files. I'm not sure how large your file is. Maybe cat and sed together would work better.
Here is a sed solution:
sed -e 's/^\([^|]*|[^|]*\).*$/\1/'
This will filter all lines in the buffer (1,$) through cut to do the job:
:1,$!cut -d '|' -f 1-2
To do it only on the current line, try:
:.!cut -d '|' -f 1-2
Why use Vim? Why not just run
cat my_pipe_file | cut -d'|' -f1-2