detecting negative integer in a string - c++

Say I take in a string of input and I wanted to check if the user entered a negative number.
bool isNegative(string input[]) {
int i = 0;
if (input[i] == "-") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
I tried a boolean function to check if the first character is a - sign, representing negative numbers e.g -5, -25.
However, my Netbeans gave me this error:
main.cpp:39:25: error: ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer [-fpermissive]
anyone knows what this means?

There are two problems with your code:
You declare i that never changes. This is the same as doing input[0]
You compare a character to a string. Instead of "0" (double quotes) you need '0' (single quotes).
Fixing these two problems will fix your code.
Note: You can write this function in a single line:
bool isNegative(string input) {
return input[0] == '-';

You need to use single quotes, which represent a single character, rather than using double quotes, which represent a string.
if (input[i] == '-')


Why does typing three non-integers cause this function to recurse infinitely?

I've set up a script that asks the user to input a number that's two digits long at most.
But if the user types three non-integers in, like 'fff', the recursive function promptGetAge() fires infinitely.
int promptGetAge(){
char myString[3];
cout<<"How old is your dog? ";
int userStringToInt = atoi(myString);
if(userStringToInt==0 && !(myString=="0\0")){
} else {
return userStringToInt;
int main(){
cout<<"Your dog is "<<promptGetAge()<<" years old!"<<endl;
return 0;
Use the strcmp() function in <cstring> to compare content of strings, not == (which compares only the address of the first character). i.e. instead of myString == "0\0" use strcmp(myString, "0") == 0.
Or, better yet, use the string type in <string>. Then you can use == for comparison.
Note that string literals have a '\0' character appended anyway, and strcmp() searches for the first one it finds. So there is no functional difference between strcmp(myString, "0") and strcmp(myString, "0\0")
And don't use recursion to go back and repeat an action. Use a loop.

Is there a way to check input data type using only basic concepts?

I'm being challenged to find ways to perform tasks that usually require the use of headers (besides iostream and iomanip) or greater-than-basic C++ knowledge. How can I check the data type of user input using only logical operators, basic arithmetic (+, -, *, /, %), if statements, and while loops?
Obviously the input variable has a declared data type in the first place, but this problem is covering the possibility of the user inputting the wrong data type.
I've tried several methods including the if (!(cin >> var1)) trick, but nothing works correctly. Is this possible at all?
int main() {
int var1, var2;
cin >> var1;
cin >> var2;
cout << var1 << " - " << var2 << " = " << (var1-var2);
return 0;
It's possible to input asdf and 5.25 here, so how do I check that the input aren't integers as expected, using only the means I stated earlier?
I understand this problem is vague in many ways, mostly because the restrictions are extremely specific and listing everything I'm allowed to use would be a pain. I guess part of the problem as mentioned in the comments is figuring out how to distinguish between data types in the first place.
You can do that using simple operations, although it might be a little difficult, for example the following function can be used to check if the input is a decimal number. You can extend the idea and check if there is a period in between for floating point numbers.
Add a comment if you need further help.
bool isNumber(char *inp){
int i = 0;
if (inp[0] == '+' || inp[0] == '-') i = 1;
int sign = (inp[0] == '-' ? -1 : 1);
for (; inp[i]; i++){
if (!(inp[i] >= '0' && inp[i] <= '9'))
return false;
return true;
General checking after reading is done like this:
stream >> variable;
if (not stream.good()) {
// not successful
This can be done on any std::ios. It works for standard types (any numeric type, char, string, etc.) stopping at whitespace. If your variable could not be read, good returns false. You can customize it for your own classes (including control over good's return value):
istream & operator>>(istream & stream, YourClass & c)
// Read the data from stream into c
return stream;
For your specific problem: Suppose you read the characters 42. There is no way of distinguishing between reading it as
- an int
- a double
as both would be perfectly fine. You have to specify the input format more precisely.
The standard library is not magic - you just have to parse the data read from the user, similarly to what the standard library does.
First read the input from the user:
std::string s;
cin >> s;
(you may use getline instead if you want to read a whole line)
Then you can go on parsing it; we'll try to distinguish between integer (*[+-]?[0-9]+ *), real number (*[+-][0-9](\.[0-9]*)?([Ee][+-]?[0-9]+)? *), string (*"[^"]" *) and anything else ("bad").
enum TokenType {
The basic building block is a routine that "eats" consecutive digits; this will help us with the [0-9]* and [0-9]+ parts.
void eatdigits(const char *&rp) {
while(*rp>='0' && *rp<='0') rp++;
Also, a routine that skips whitespace can be handy:
void skipws(const char *&rp) {
while(*rp==' ') rp++;
// feel free to skip also tabs and whatever
Then we can attack the real problem
TokenType categorize(const char *rp) {
first, we want to skip the whitespace
then, we'll try to match the easiest stuff: the string
if(*rp=='"') {
// Skip the string content
while(*rp && *rp!='"') rp++;
// If the string stopped with anything different than " we
// have a parse error
if(!*rp) return Bad;
// Otherwise, skip the trailing whitespace
// And check if we got at the end
return *rp?Bad:String;
Then, on to numbers, notice that the real and integer definitions start in the same way; we have a common branch:
// If there's a + or -, it's fine, skip it
if(*rp=='+' || *rp=='-') rp++;
const char *before=rp;
// Skip the digits
// If we didn't manage to find any digit, it's not a valid number
if(rp==start) return Bad;
// If it ends here or after whitespace, it's an integer
if(!*rp) return Integer;
before = rp;
if(before!=rp) return *rp?Bad:Integer;
If we notice that there's still stuff, we tackle the real number:
// Maybe something after the decimal dot?
if(*rp=='.') {
// Exponent
if(*rp=='E' || *rp=='e') {
if(*rp=='+' || *rp=='-') rp++;
if(before==rp) return Bad;
return *rp?Bad:Real;
You can easily invoke this routine after reading the input.
(notice that here the string thing is just for fun, cin does not have any special processing for double-quotes delimited strings).

recursive function has out_of_range exception

Given a global vector list of ASCII codes and corresponding number values and a string, like 000.00-, this function takes an input token strings 2-char or 3-char long and replaces it with a single ASCII symbol that represents the number value between 0 and 184, then returns the shortened string without deliminator as out. Also, in reverse (direction 1) given the ASCII symbol it converts back to the number string and returns.
//looks for input string in vector and returns output, 'c' is check row, 'r' is return row
string vectorSearch(string &check, int n, int c, int r)
if (check.length() <= 1)
return check;
if (list[n][c] == check || list[n][c] == ('0'+check)) //adds leading zero if 2char long
return list[n][r];
return vectorSearch (check, ++n, c, r);
//this function takes an ontology and either changes from single char
//to string or takes strings and converts to char representation
string Lexicon::convertOntology(string input, int direction, string out, string temp)
if (input == "" && temp == "")
return out; //check for completed conversion
else {
if (input[0] == '.' || input[0] == '-' || input == "") { //found deliniator or endk
if (input != "") return convertOntology(input.substr(1),direction,
out+=vectorSearch(temp, 0, direction, 1-direction), "");
else return convertOntology("", direction,
out+=vectorSearch(temp, 0, direction, 1-direction), "");
} else
return convertOntology(input.substr(1), direction, out, temp+=input[0]); //increment and check
These functions work fine except for on output after the last char is parsed. With a break on the line return convertOntology(input.substr(1), direction, out+=add, temp); there is an error when input == "" and temp == "0" - the last pass through vectorSearch() should clear the temp and add the temp char to the out string, since the temp is == 1char then it should be returned from vectorSearch() as it is. Then clear the convertOntology() return check of input and temp == "". But, it never reaches a break on the first line of vectorSearch() and there is an
Unhandled exception at 0x77bc15de exception: std::out_of_range at memory location 0x0035cf1c
What is going on? Is this an issue with recursion backtracking through returns and I am missing a return somewhere to break the recursion loop?
for the case where temp == "" and input != "" you call input.substr(1) which is, well, out of range.
Even if you don't get to the else part,
will throw an exception when the input string is exactly one character long.
Seems it doesn't - input.substr(input.size()) is allowed, and returns an empty string.
You will later likely have a similar problem in VectorSearch. If there is no match, you will increment n until it gets out of range.

How to figure out if the first index in an array is a negative sign

I am trying to write a bool function that looks at the first index in an array which contains a positive or negative number and classifies if it is a negative sign (i.e. -). If it is a negative Sign it returns false everything else returns true. I am trying to figure out how to compare the negative sign. The following code give an error because of the '-'
bool BigNum::get_positive() const
char '-';
if(digits[0] == '-')
return false;
return true;
char '-';
The compiler thinks you're trying to declare a char, but that's not a valid declaration.
Your entire function could be replaced with:
return (digits[0] != '-');
Of course, this is assuming that [0] is a valid index of digits. If not, bad things will happen. If you know the length of the array, you can do a check like this:
if( digits_length < 1 )
return false;
return (digits[0] != '-');
you must delete or comment "char '-';"
Mistake lies in line char '-'.
'-' is supposed to be stored in some variable which later could be used in if clause to compare. This is a syntactical error because you havn't defined a storage for '-'.
Otherwise as pointed above just delete this line and get away with using '-' in if (as you have already done it)

C++: Removing all asterisks from a string where the asterisks are NOT multiplication symbols

So basically, I might have some string that looks like: "hey this is a string * this string is awesome 97 * 3 = 27 * this string is cool".
However, this string might be huge. I'm trying to remove all the asterisks from the string, unless that asterisk appears to represent multiplication. Efficiency is somewhat important here, and I'm having trouble coming up with a good algorithm to remove all the non-multiplication asterisks from this.
In order to determine whether an asterisk is for multiplication, I can obviously just check whether it's sandwiched in between two numbers.
Thus, I was thinking I could do something like (pseudocode):
wasNumber = false
Loop through string
if number
set wasNumber = true
set wasNumber = false
if asterisk
if wasNumber
if the next word is a number
do nothing
remove asterisk
remove asterisk
However, that^ is ugly and inefficient on a huge string. Can you think of a better way to accomplish this in C++?
Also, how could I actually check whether a word is a number? It's allowed to be a decimal. I know there's a function to check if a character is a number...
Fully functioning code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string RemoveAllAstericks(string);
void RemoveSingleAsterick(string&, int);
bool IsDigit(char);
int main()
string myString = "hey this is a string * this string is awesome 97 * 3 = 27 * this string is cool";
string newString = RemoveAllAstericks(myString);
cout << "Original: " << myString << "\n";
cout << "Modified: " << newString << endl;
return 0;
string RemoveAllAstericks(string s)
int len = s.size();
int pos;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(s[i] != '*')
pos = i - 1;
char cBefore = s[pos];
while(cBefore == ' ')
cBefore = s[pos];
pos = i + 1;
char cAfter = s[pos];
while(cAfter == ' ')
cAfter = s[pos];
if( IsDigit(cBefore) && IsDigit(cAfter) )
RemoveSingleAsterick(s, i);
return s;
void RemoveSingleAsterick(string& s, int i)
s[i] = ' '; // Replaces * with a space, but you can do whatever you want
bool IsDigit(char c)
return (c <= 57 && c >= 48);
Top level overview:
Code searches the string until it encounters an *. Then, it looks at the first non-whitespace character before AND after the *. If both characters are numeric, the code decides that this is a multiplication operation, and removes the asterick. Otherwise, it is ignored.
See the revision history of this post if you'd like other details.
Important Notes:
You should seriously consider adding boundary checks on the string (i.e. don't try to access an index that is less than 0 or greater than len
If you are worried about parentheses, then change the condition that checks for whitespaces to also check for parentheses.
Checking whether every single character is a number is a bad idea. At the very least, it will require two logical checks (see my IsDigit() function). (My code checks for '*', which is one logical operation.) However, some of the suggestions posted were very poorly thought out. Do not use regular expressions to check if a character is numeric.
Since you mentioned efficiency in your question, and I don't have sufficient rep points to comment on other answers:
A switch statement that checks for '0' '1' '2' ..., means that every character that is NOT a digit, must go through 10 logical operations. With all due respect, please, since chars map to ints, just check the boundaries (char <= '9' && char >= '0')
You can start by implementing the slow version, it could be much faster than you think. But let's say it's too slow. It then is an optimization problem. Where does the inefficiency lies?
"if number" is easy, you can use a regex or anything that stops when it finds something that is not a digit
"if the next word is a number" is just as easy to implement efficiently.
Now, it's the "remove asterisk" part that is an issue to you. The key point to notice here is that you don't need to duplicate the string: you can actually modify it in place since you are only removing elements.
Try to run through this visually before trying to implement it.
Keep two integers or iterators, the first one saying where you are currently reading your string, and the second one saying where you are currently writing your string. Since you only erase stuff, the read one will always be ahead of the writing one.
If you decide to keep the current string, you just need to advance each of your integers/iterators one by one, and copying accordingly. If you don't want to keep it, just advance the reading string! Then you only have to cut the string by the amount of asterisks you removed. The complexity is simply O(n), without any additional buffer used.
Also note that your algorithm would be simpler (but equivalent) if written like this:
wasNumber = false
Loop through string
if number
set wasNumber = true
set wasNumber = false
if asterisk and wasNumber and next word is a number
do nothing // using my algorithm, "do nothing" actually copies what you intend to keep
remove asterisk
I found your little problem interesting and I wrote (and tested) a small and simple function that would do just that on a std::string. Here u go:
// TestStringsCpp.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
string& ClearAsterisk(string& iString)
bool bLastCharNumeric = false;
string lString = "0123456789";
for (string::iterator it = iString.begin(); it != iString.end() ; ++it) {
switch (*it) {
case ' ': break;//ignore whitespace characters
case '*':
if (bLastCharNumeric) {
//asterisk is preceded by numeric character. we have to check if
//the following non space character is numeric also
for (string::iterator it2 = it + 1; it2 != iString.end() ; ++it2) {
if (*it2 != ' ') {
if (*it2 <= '9' && *it2 >= '0') break;
else iString.erase(it);
break; //exit current for
else iString.erase(it);;
if (*it <= '9' && *it >= '0') bLastCharNumeric= true;
else bLastCharNumeric = false; //reset flag
return iString;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
string testString = "hey this is a string * this string is awesome 97 * 3 = 27 * this string is cool";
cin >> testString; //this is just for the app to pause a bit :)
return 0;
It will work perfectly with your sample string but it will fail if you have a text like this: "this is a happy 5 * 3day menu" because it checks only for the first nonspace character after the '*'. But frankly I can't immagine a lot of cases you would have this kind of construct in a sentence.
A regular expression wouldn't necessarily be any more efficient, but it would let you rely on somebody else to do your string parsing and manipulation.
Personally, if I were worried about efficiency, I would implement your pseudocode version while limiting needless memory allocations. I might even mmap the input file. I highly doubt that you'll get much faster than that.