Strange operator ?: usage with decltype - c++

I am reading a book, that explains C++ traits and there is an example from C++ type_traits header with a strange ?: usage, here is the quote from the corresponding /usr/include/c++/... file:
template<typename _Tp, typename _Up>
static __success_type<typename decay<decltype
(true ? std::declval<_Tp>()
: std::declval<_Up>())>::type> _S_test(int);
Setting aside the purpose of the given declaration, the ?: operator usage puzzles me in this code. If the first operand is true, then std::declval<_Tp>() will always be chosen as result of the evaluation.
How does that declval operand selection actually works?
Edit: originally read in Nicolai M. Josuttis's "The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference, 2nd ed.", p.125. But there it is given in a slightly simplified form as compared to what my GCC header files has.

In the expression true ? std::declval<_Tp>() : std::declval<_Up>() the first alternative is always selected, but the whole expression must be a valid expression. So std::declval<_Up>() must be valid and that means _Up must be a callable that accepts zero arguments. Beside that, _Tp() and _Up() must return the same type (or one of the types must be implicitly convertible to another), otherwise ternary iterator would not be able to select return value.
This technique is called SFINAE (substitution failure is not an error). The idea is that if template instantiation fails, then it is not an error, and this template is just ignored and compiler searches for another one.

The idea here is that ?: requires that the second and third operand has the same type, or one type is convertible to the other.
Otherwise the instantiation of the function will fail, and some other overload is selected.


Using concepts in an unevaluated context gives inconsistent results

Consider the following useless concept C:
template<class T>
concept C = static_cast<T>(true);
If we pass an arbitrary type to C in an unevaluated context, then all three compilers will compile successfully:
struct S {};
decltype(C<S>) x = 0;
But if we pass int to C in the unevaluated context:
decltype(C<int>) y = 0;
GCC still accepts it, while Clang and MSVC reject it with the same error message:
<source>:2:13: error: atomic constraint must be of type 'bool' (found 'int')
Is the above code still well-formed? Which compiler should I trust?
Concept names do not work on the basis of evaluating an expression as we would normally think of it. A concept name resolves to a boolean that tells if the constraint-expression is satisfied or not:
A concept-id is a prvalue of type bool, and does not name a template specialization. A concept-id evaluates to true if the concept's normalized constraint-expression is satisfied ([temp.constr.constr]) by the specified template arguments and false otherwise
Constraint expressions are broken down into atomic pieces. Fortunately, your constraint expression has only one atomic piece: static_cast<T>(true). The way we resolve whether an atomic constraint is satisfied is simple. There are several parts. Part one is:
To determine if an atomic constraint is satisfied, the parameter mapping and template arguments are first substituted into its expression. If substitution results in an invalid type or expression, the constraint is not satisfied.
This is why the compilers allow the first one. static_cast<S>(true) is not a valid expression, as there is no conversion from a bool to an S. Therefore, the atomic constraint is not satisfied, so C<S> is false.
However, static_cast<int>(true) is a valid expression. So we move on to part 2:
Otherwise, the lvalue-to-rvalue conversion is performed if necessary, and E shall be a constant expression of type bool.
And that's where we run into the word "shall". In standard-ese, "shall" means "if the user provides code where this is not the case, there is a compile error". An int is not a "constant expression of type bool". Therefore, the code does not conform to this requirement. And a compile error results.
I imagine that GCC just treats the errors as substitution failures (that or it automatically coerces it into a bool), but the standard requires MSVC/Clang's behavior of erroring out.

C++ Variant: Why does Converting constructor require sizeof...(Types) to be nonzero

This question is regarding: template<class...Types> class variant:
According to variant.variant/3, a program instantiating variant with no template arguments is ill-formed.
So far, so clear. Now I have a question regarding the converting constructor (template<class T> constexpr variant(T&& t) noexcept(see below)):
variant.variant/variant.ctor-16.1 says that the converting constructor shall not participate in overload resolution unless:
sizeof...(Types) is nonzero
(... and some other requirements I do not care about for now).
My question is, when a variant with no template arguments already makes my program ill-formed, why still care about whether my converting constructor participates in overload resolution or not?
Having a look at the MSVC and libstdc++ -implementation of variant they actually have an enable_if_t<sizeof...(_Types) != 0> at the declaration of the converting constructor. Why?
The clause "sizeof...(Types) is nonzero" was added to [variant.ctor] as part of the paper: Some improvements to class template argument deduction integration into the standard library to allow variant support as well.
Relevant Excerpts:
Enable variant support
The following code fails to compile
variant<int, double> v1(3);
variant v2 = v1; // Ill-formed! <--THIS
As this natural code is useful and its failure is confusing, we propose that it be supported. Indeed, prior to the adoption of p0510r0 banning variant<>, the above code worked as expected since variant<> occurs in some deduction guides in the overload set. As it is not clear that constructor template argument deduction was considered in adopting p0510r0, we would like to consider allowing variant<> not to produce a hard error in such cases.
Wording (Emphasis added)
Change § [variant.ctor] as follows:
Remarks: This function shall not participate in overload resolution unless sizeof...(Types) is nonzero, unless is_same_v<decay_t<T>, variant> is false, unless decay_t<T> is neither a specialization of in_place_type_t nor a specialization of in_place_index_t, unless is_constructible_v<Tj, T> is true, and unless the expression FUN(std::forward(t)) (with FUN being the above-mentioned set of imaginary functions) is well formed.
So std::variant v2 = v1; fails in compiler versions that do not take into account the added clause (like GCC 7.1. See DEMO) but succeeds on later versions (From GCC 7.2 onwards. See DEMO).

Why does the order of template argument substitution matter?

14.8.2 - Template Argument Deduction - [temp.deduct]
7 The substitution occurs in all types and expressions that are used in the function type and in template parameter declarations. The expressions include not only constant expressions such as those that appear in array bounds or as nontype template arguments but also general expressions (ie. non-constant expressions) inside sizeof, decltype, and other contexts that allow non-constant expressions.
14.8.2 - Template Argument Deduction - [temp.deduct]
7 The substitution occurs in all types and expressions that are used in the function type and in template parameter declarations. The expressions include not only constant expressions such as those that appear in array bounds or as nontype template arguments but also general expressions (ie. non-constant expressions) inside sizeof, decltype, and other contexts that allow non-constant expressions. The substitution proceeds in lexical order and stops when a condition that causes deduction to fail is encountered.
The added sentence explicitly states the order of substitution when dealing with template parameters in C++14.
The order of substitution is something that most often isn't given a lot of attention. I have yet to find a single paper on why this matters. Maybe this is because C++1y hasn't been fully standardized yet, but I'm assuming such a change must have been introduced for a reason.
The question:
Why, and when, does the order of template argument substitution matter?
As stated C++14 explicitly says that the order of template argument substitution is well-defined; more specifically it will be guaranteed to proceed in "lexical order and halt whenever a substitution causes the deduction to fail.
Compared to C++11 it will be much easier to write SFINAE-code that consists of one rule depending on another in C++14, we will also move away from cases where undefined ordering of template substitution can make our entire application suffer from undefined-behaviour.
Note: It's important to note that the behavior described in C++14 has always been the intended behavior, even in C++11, just that it hasn't been worded in such an explicit way.
What is the rationale behind such change?
The original reason behind this change can be found in a defect report originally submitted by Daniel Krügler:
C++ Standard Core Language Defect Reports and Accepted Issues, Revision 88
1227. Mixing immediate and non-immediate contexts in deduction failure
When writing SFINAE we as developers depend on the compiler to find any substitution that would yield an invalid type or expression in our template when used. If such invalid entity is found we'd like to disregard whatever the template is declaring and move on to hopefully find a suitable match.
Substitution Failure Is Not An Error, but a mere.. "aw, this didn't work.. please move on".
The problem is that potential invalid types and expressions are only looked for in the immediate context of the substitution.
14.8.2 - Template Argument Deduction - [temp.deduct]
8 If a substitution results in an invalid type or expression, type deduction fails. An invalid type or expression is one that would be ill-formed if written using the substituted arguments.
[ Note: Access checking is done as part of the substitution process. --end note ]
Only invalid types and expressions in the immediate context of the function type and its template parameter types can result in a deduction failure.
[ Note: The evaluation of the substituted types and expressions can result in side effects such as the instantiation of class template specializations and/or function template specializations, the generation of implicitly-defined functions, etc. Such side effects are not in the "immediate context" and can result in the program being ill-formed. --end note]
In other words a substitution that occurs in a non-immediate context will still render the program ill-formed, which is why the order of template substitutions is important; it can change the whole meaning of a certain template.
More specifically it can be the difference between having a template which is usable in SFINAE, and a template which isn't.
template<typename SomeType>
struct inner_type { typedef typename SomeType::type type; };
class T,
class = typename T::type, // (E)
class U = typename inner_type<T>::type // (F)
> void foo (int); // preferred
template<class> void foo (...); // fallback
struct A { };
struct B { using type = A; };
int main () {
foo<A> (0); // (G), should call "fallback "
foo<B> (0); // (H), should call "preferred"
On the line marked (G) we want the compiler to first check (E) and if that succeeds evaluate (F), but before the standard change discussed in this post there was no such guarantee.
The immediate context of the substitutions in foo(int) includes;
(E) making sure that the passed in T has ::type
(F) making sure that inner_type<T> has ::type
If (F) is evaluated even though (E) results in an invalid substitution, or if (F) is evaluated before (E) our short (silly) example won't make use of SFINAE and we will get an diagnostic saying that our application is ill-formed.. even though we intended for foo(...) to be used in such case.
Note: Notice that SomeType::type is not in the immediate context of the template; a failure in the typedef inside inner_type will render the application ill-formed and prevent the template from making use of SFINAE.
What implications will this have on code development in C++14?
The change will dramatically ease the life of language-lawyers trying to implement something which is guaranteed to be evaluated in a certain way (and order), no matter what conforming compiler they are using.
It will also make template argument substitution behave in a more natural way to non-language-lawyers; having the substitution occur from left-to-right is far more intuitive than erhm-like-any-way-the-compiler-wanna-do-it-like-erhm-....
Isn't there any negative implication?
The only thing I can think of is that since the order of substitution will occur from left-to-right a compiler is not permitted to handle multiple substitutions at once using an asynchronous implementation.
I have yet to stumble across such implementation, and I doubt that it would result in any major performance gain, but at least the thought (in theory) kinda fits on the "negative" side of things.
As an example: A compiler will not be able to use two threads that simultaneously does substitutions when instantating a certain template without any mechanism to act like the substitutions that occured after a certain point never happened, if that is required.
The story
Note: An example that could have been taken from real life will be presented in this section to describe when and why the order of template argument substitution matters. Please let me know (using the comment section) if anything is not clear enough, or maybe even wrong.
Imagine that we are working with enumerators and that we'd like a way to easily obtain the underlying value of the specified enumeration.
Basically we are sick and tired of always having to write (A), when we would ideally want something closer to (B).
auto value = static_cast<std::underlying_type<EnumType>::type> (SOME_ENUM_VALUE); // (A)
auto value = underlying_value (SOME_ENUM_VALUE); // (B)
Said and done, we decide to write an implementation of underlying_value looking as the below.
template<class T, class U = typename std::underlying_type<T>::type>
U underlying_value (T enum_value) { return static_cast<U> (enum_value); }
This will ease our pain, and seems to do exactly what we want; we pass in an enumerator, and get the underlying value back.
We tell ourselves that this implementation is awesome and ask a colleague of ours (Don Quixote) to sit down and review our implementation before pushing it out into production.
Don Quixote is an experienced C++ developer that has a cup of coffee in one hand, and the C++ standard in the other. It's a mystery how he manages to write a single line of code with both hands busy, but that's a different story.
He reviews our code and comes to the conclusion that the implementation is unsafe, we need to guard std::underlying_type from undefined-behaviour since we can pass in a T which is not of enumeration type. - Other Transformations - [meta.trans.other]
template<class T> struct underlying_type;
Condition: T shall be an enumeration type (7.2)
Comments: The member typedef type shall name the underlying type of T.
Note: The standard specifies a condition for underlying_type, but it doesn't go any further to specifiy what will happen if it's instantiated with a non-enum. Since we don't know what will happen in such case the usage falls under undefined-behavior; it could be pure UB, make the application ill-formed, or order edible underwear online.
Don yells something about how we always should honor the C++ standard, and that we should feel tremendous shame for what we have done.. it's unacceptable.
After he has calmed down, and had a few more sips of coffee, he suggests that we change the implementation to add protection against instantiating std::underlying_type with something which isn't allowed.
typename T,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_enum<T>::value>::type, // (C)
typename U = typename std::underlying_type<T>::type // (D)
U underlying_value (T value) { return static_cast<U> (value); }
We thank Don for his discoveries and are now satisfied with our implementation, but only until we realize that the order of template argument substitution isn't well-defined in C++11 (nor is it stated when the substitution will stop).
Compiled as C++11 our implementation can still cause an instantiation of std::underlying_type with a T that isn't of enumeration type because of two reasons:
The compiler is free to evaluate (D) before (C) since the substitution order isn't well-defined, and;
even if the compiler evaluates (C) before (D), it's not guaranteed that it won't evaluate (D), C++11 doesn't have a clause explicitly saying when the substitution chain must stop.
The implementation by Don will be free from undefined-behavior in C++14, but only because C++14 explicitly states that the substitution will proceed in lexical order, and that it will halt whenever a substitution causes deduction to fail.
Don might not be fighting windmills on this one, but he surely missed a very important dragon in the C++11 standard.
A valid implementation in C++11 would need to make sure that no matter the order in which the substitution of template parameters occur the instantation of std::underlying_type won't be with an invalid type.
#include <type_traits>
namespace impl {
template<bool B, typename T>
struct underlying_type { };
template<typename T>
struct underlying_type<true, T>
: std::underlying_type<T>
{ };
template<typename T>
struct underlying_type_if_enum
: impl::underlying_type<std::is_enum<T>::value, T>
{ };
template<typename T, typename U = typename underlying_type_if_enum<T>::type>
U get_underlying_value (T value) {
return static_cast<U> (value);
Note: underlying_type was used because it's a simple way to use something in the standard against what is in the standard; the important bit is that instantiating it with a non-enum is undefined behavior.
The defect-report previously linked in this post uses a much more complex example which assumes extensive knowledge about the matter. I hope this story is a more suitable explanation for those who are not well read up on the subject.

Is there any guarantee on the order of substitution in a function template after type deduction?

Consider this function template:
template<typename T>
typename soft_error<T>::type foo(T, typename hard_error<T>::type)
{ }
After deducing type T from the type of the first argument in the call to foo(), the compiler will proceed to substitute T and instantiate the function signature.
If substitution for the return type gets executed first, causing a simple substitution failure, the compiler will discard this function template when computing the overload set and search for other viable overloads (SFINAE).
On the other hand, if substitution for the second function parameter occurs first, causing a hard error (e.g. because of a substitution failure in a non-immediate context), the entire compilation would fail.
QUESTION: Is there any guarantee on the order in which substitution will be performed for the function parameters and return types?
NOTE: This example seems to show that on all major compilers (VC11 was tested separately and gave identical results) substitution for the return type occurs before substitution for the parameter types.
[NOTE: This was not originally meant to be a self-answered question, but I happened to find out the solution while crafting the question]
Is there any guarantee on the order in which substitution will be performed for the function parameters and return types?
Not in the current standard.
However, this Defect Report (courtesy of Xeo) shows that this is indeed intended to be the case. Here is the proposed new wording for Paragraph 14.8.2/7 of the C++11 Standard (which has become part of the n3485 draft):
The substitution occurs in all types and expressions that are used in the function type and in template
parameter declarations. The expressions include not only constant expressions such as those that appear in
array bounds or as nontype template arguments but also general expressions (i.e., non-constant expressions)
inside sizeof, decltype, and other contexts that allow non-constant expressions. The substitution proceeds
in lexical order and stops when a condition that causes deduction to fail is encountered. [...]
As correctly pointed out by Nicol Bolas in the comments to the question, lexical order means that a trailing return type would be substituted after the parameter types, as shown in this live example.

Why won't this c++ lamba function compile?

Why does this fail to compile:
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? []()->void{} : []()->void{};
with following error msg:
Error 2 error C2446: ':' : no conversion from 'red_black_core::`anonymous-namespace'::< lambda1>' to red_black_core::anonymous-namespace::< lambda0>
While this complies correctly:
void left()
void right()
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? left() : right();
The return type of the ?: operator has to be deduced from it's two operands, and the rules for determining this type are quite complex. Lambdas don't satisfy them because they can't be converted to each other. So when the compiler tries to work out what the result of that ?: is, then there can't be a result, because those two lambdas aren't convertible to each other.
However, when you try to compute the functions, then you actually called them, but you didn't call the lambdas. So when you call the functions, they both have void, so the return type of ?: is void.
void left()
void right()
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? left() : right();
is equivalent to
int myVar = 0;
myVar ? [](){}() : [](){}();
Note the extra () on the end- I actually called the lambda.
What you had originally is equivalent to
compiler_deduced_type var;
if (myVar)
var = [](){};
var = [](){};
But- no type exists that can be both lambdas. The compiler is well within it's rights to make both lambdas different types.
I remembered something. In the latest Standard draft, lambdas with no captures can be implicitly converted into function pointers of the same signature. That is, in the above code, compiler_deduced_type could be void(*)(). However, I know for a fact that MSVC does not include this behaviour because that was not defined at the time that they implemented lambdas. This is likely why GCC allows it and MSVC does not- GCC's lambda support is substantially newer than MSVC's.
Rules for conditional operator in the draft n3225 says at one point
Otherwise, the result is a prvalue. If the second and third operands do not have the same type, and either
has (possibly cv-qualified) class type, overload resolution is used to determine the conversions (if any) to be
applied to the operands (, 13.6). If the overload resolution fails, the program is ill-formed. Otherwise,
the conversions thus determined are applied, and the converted operands are used in place of the original
operands for the remainder of this section.
Up to that point, every other alternative (like, convert one to the other operand) failed, so we will now do what that paragraph says. The conversions we will apply are determined by overload resolution by transforming a ? b : c into operator?(a, b, c) (an imaginary function call to a so-named function). If you look what the candidates for the imaginary operator? are, you find (among others)
For every type T , where T is a pointer, pointer-to-member, or scoped enumeration type, there exist candidate operator functions of the form
T operator?(bool, T , T );
And this includes a candidate for which T is the type void(*)(). This is important, because lambda expressions yield an object of a class that can be converted to such a type. The spec says
The closure type for a lambda-expression with no lambda-capture has a public non-virtual non-explicit const conversion function to pointer to function having the same parameter and return types as the closure type’s function call operator. The value returned by this conversion function shall be the address of a function that, when invoked, has the same effect as invoking the closure type’s function call operator.
The lambda expressions can't be convert to any other of the parameter types listed, which means overload resolution succeeds, finds a single operator? and will convert both lambda expressions to function pointers. The remainder of the conditional opreator section will then proceed as usual, now having two branches for the conditional operator having the same type.
That's why also your first version is OK, and why GCC is right accepting it. However I don't really understand why you show the second version at all - as others explained, it's doing something different and it's not surprising that it works while the other doesn't (on your compiler). Next time, best try not to include useless code into the question.
Because every lambda is a unique type. It is basically syntactic sugar for a functor, and two separately implemented functors aren't the same type, even if they contain identical code.
The standard does specify that lambdas can be converted to function pointers if they don't capture anything, but that rule was added after MSVC's lambda support was implemented.
With that rule, however, two lambdas can be converted to the same type, and so I believe your code would be valid with a compliant compiler.
Both snippets compile just fine with GCC 4.5.2.
Maybe your compiler has no (or partial/broken) support to C++0x features such as lambda?
It doesn't fail to compile. It works just fine. You probably don't have C++0x enabled in your compiler.
An error message has now been added to the original question! It seems that you do have C++0x support, but that it is not complete in your compiler. This is not surprising.
The code is still valid C++0x, but I recommend only using C++0x features when you really have to, until it's standardised and there is full support across a range of toolchains. You have a viable C++03 alternative that you gave in your answer, and I suggest using it for the time being.
Possible alternative explanation:
Also note that you probably didn't write what you actually meant to write. []()->void{} is a lambda. []()->void{}() executes the lambda and evaluates to its result. Depending what you're doing with this result, your problem could be that the result of calling your lambda is void, and you can't do much with void.