Plural or singular namespace names in C++ - c++

Suppose we have a namespace containing several policy classes:
namespace loggingPolicy {
class OnWrite {...};
class OnReadWrite {...};
} // namespace
The name LoggingPolicy::OnWrite makes sense. On the other hand, this namespace is really a collection of classes and the name loggingPolicies would reflect that better. Which one should be chosen?
Although I do not generally follow the Google C++ Style Guide, I did look up its naming conventions for namespaces, but it did not have anything to say on the issue.
P.S. I am working on an independent project and am not bound to any organization's guidelines. However, my framework will hopefully be used by many people, so good notation style is important.

There is no technical argument for or against any of this choice. Basically it's a packaging choice, like a library name or a header name.
There are some consistency arguments in favor of the singular if you place yourself on the side of your users:
the user will use your LoggingPolicy framework.
if you'd embed it in its own library, the user will use the Policy library
if you'd expose all your declarations in a unique header, it would be LoggingPolicy.h
if you'd use the plural, it will confuse the user, because he already use the std namespace (and not the stds or standards namespace, even if it encapsulates many different standard areas). Same for headers: all the c++ header names are in singular (e.g algorithm, iterator, string are all in singular despite offering many different algorithms, iterators or strings.
Finally, today you expose only policy classes. But what if you'd expose also some common helper classes, or utility functions ? The plural would then give the impression that these object are alternative policies, while in reality they only complete the policy which it was used for.


Use namespaces or prepend vendor's name when naming classes?

Currently I'm working on the project that is just born. Previous developers used to name each class prepending a shorten vendor name i.e. CssMainWindow. (Css stands for Cool Software Solutions).
My question is: Shouldn't namespaces be used here? Then names of classes become much nicer.
That is:
namespace Css {
class MainWindow {
What are the (ad|dis)vantages of both methods?
Appending a prefix makes the class name longer and it takes longer to type. That's the only disadvantage I can think of.
Using namespaces.... well you can just put
using namespace Css;
at the beginning of your files and file origin will be lost along with that.
I guess in the end it's up to the developer. There are 2 reasons I can think of why someone would want to identify classes:
1) For a sense of ownership. In that case, appending a prefix is, IMO, the way to go. People using your code will know it's YOUR code :).
2) For grouping classes together - in which case a namespace makes more sense.
It would depend. If your vendor-specific classes include some things like e.g.
tuple, make_tuple
string, vector
you may well wish to prefix, so as to prevent ugly ADL clashes1, and general inconvenience when people are expected to be using using namespace XXX. Popular libraries already have used that strategy (XString (Xalan), QString (Qt), CString (MFC) etc)
1 What are the pitfalls of ADL?
My suggestion: Always use namespace!
I will show several advantages of namespace:
// MainWindow.h
namespace Css {
class MainWindow {
// ...
// Other.cpp
namespace Css {
// An advantage is you don't always need to write the namespace explicitly.
MainWindow* window; // Not Css::MainWindow or CssMainWindow.
// In some cpp files
using namespace Css; // Never do this in header file or it will cause name pollution.
MainWindow* window; // You don't need to write Css:: in the whole file.
I can't recall any disadvantage of using namespace.
First things first.
Whatever the final choice, you should avoid as much as possible writing anything in the global namespace. You risk to face name clashes there. Therefore, your software should always be in a namespace of its own, and it's better if the name differs from those used in the libraries you depend of (reminder std is reserved already).
Once you have this namespace, then you normally don't need prefixing any longer. At least, not with the project name.
However it is mostly a matter of taste, and I have seen argued in the past that it made it easier to immediately identify where the class came from in the absence of IDE... I personally consider it and outdated habit inherited from C.

Naming of hierarchical structures in C++

I need advice for the following hierarchical structure, I want to represent in a C++ program.
There is one abstract class uri and the classes url and urn which derive from it.
I would like to have one directory containing the source code of the uri concept. And a namespace which should be called .. uri. :)
So, I'm coming to my question.
When the namespace is already called "uri", how would I name the abstract class "uri" then?
What naming convention is usual for this problem in C++?
base, uri_base, basic_uri or how would you name it?
And my second question is. How often can you nest namespaces before users get tedious of it? For example, I've got uri parts like authority, query and so on..
Would it be wise to create a new namespace (for example: parts) and put the source code of this classes in a new subdirectory? Or does this just get "overdesigned"?
Thanks and regards
Namespaces are not based nor should they be based on the actual directories that hold the files.
Their purpose is to group related classes/structs/constants together and reduce ambiguities.
There is no problem with naming a class the same as its containing namespace (such as uri::uri). Names should be chosen with the programmer that will use the classes in mind.
When the namespace is already called "uri", how would I name the abstract class "uri" then?
You can simply name it "uri" if you want, you can have an identifier with the same name as the enclosing namespace with no problem.
You are misusing namespaces. They are there essentially to prevent name clashes between libraries - you should, in general, have ONE namespace per library.

Avoiding Over-Use of Namespaces

My library uses several nested namespaces, laid out like the following:
Library name
Class name 1
Class name 2
Class name 3
Class name 1
Class name 2
Class name 3
The "Utilities" namespace contains useful extensions to each of the classes that don't warrant being included in the actual class itself.
The "Library name" namespace is necessary because it avoids broad conflicts with other libraries, the "Utilities" namespace is necessary to avoid the type of ambiguity that arises from things like this, and the "Class name" namespaces inside it avoid name clashes between utilities written for similar classes.
Despite this, it's still an enormous hassle in practice. Take the following, for example:
MyLibrary::MyContainer<int> Numbers = MyLibrary::Utilities::MyContainer::Insert(OtherContainer, 123, 456);
// Oh God, my eyes...
This makes me think I'm doing something seriously wrong. Is there an easier way to keep things organized, intuitive and unambiguous?
Look at how the standard library (or boost) is organized. Nearly all of it is inside the single std namespace. There's just little to be gained by putting everything inside its own namespace.
Boost puts most things inside boost, while major libraries get a single subnamespace (boost::mpl, or boost::filesystem, for example). And libraries commonly define a single aux subnamespace for internal implementation details.
But you don't typically see deep or fine-grained namespace hierarchies, because they're just painful to work with, and there's little to no benefit from them.
Here are some good rules of thumb:
Helper functions related to a specific class should be in the same namespace as the class, to enable ADL to work. Then you don't need to qualify the name of the helper function at all when calling it. (Like how you can call sort instead of std::sort on iterators defined in std).
For everything else, remember that the purpose of namespaces is to avoid name clashes and not much else. So all your library should be in a namespace, to avoid clashes with user code, but within that namespace, there's no technical need for further subnamespaces unless you plan to introduce clashing names.
You may want to separate internals of your library into a sub-namespace, so users don't accidentally pick them up from the main namespace, similar to Boost's aux.
But generally, I'd suggest as few nested namespaces as possible.
And finally, I tend to make a point of using short, easy-to-type and easy-to-read names for my namespaces (again, std is a good example to follow. Short and to the point, and nearly always without further nested namespaces, so you don't get a cramp from having to write it often, and so it doesn't clutter your source code too much.)
Just the first rule about helper functions and ADL would allow your example to be rewritten like this instead:
MyLibrary::MyContainer<int> Numbers = Insert(OtherContainer, 123, 456);
Then we could rename MyLibrary to, say, Lib:
Lib::MyContainer<int> Numbers = Insert(OtherContainer, 123, 456);
and you're down to something pretty manageable.
There shouldn't be any clashes between similar utility functions for different classes. C++ allows you to overload functions, and specialize templates, so that you can have both an Insert(ContainerA) and Insert(ContainerB) in the same namespace.
And of course, clashes between namespaces and classes are only possible if you actually have additional nested namespaces.
Remember that within your Library namespace, you alone dictate which names are introduced. And so you can avoid name clashes just by, well, not creating any clashing names. A namespace to separate user code from library code is important because the two may not know about each others, and so clashes can occur unintentionally.
But within your library, you can just give everything non-clashing names.
If something hurts, stop doing it. There is absolutely no need to use deeply nested namespaces in C++ - they are not intended to be architectural devices. My own code always uses a single level of namespaces.
If you insist on using nested namespaces, you can always create short aliases for them:
namespace Util = Library::Utility;
int x = Util::somefunc(); // calls Library::Utility::somefunc()
A declaration in a header file necessitates the namespacing to not pollute the global namespace:
MyLibrary::Utilities::MyContainer<int> Numbers;
But in the source file you can use usings:
using namespace MyLibrary::Utilities;
MyContainer<int> Numbers;
Numbers.Insert(OtherContainer, 123, 456);
The fully qualified name doesn't actually look that bad to me, but I like being explicit in method and class names. But using can help things out:
You could probably get away with a using namespace MyLibrary at global scope in your source files, making it:
MyContainer<int> Numbers = Utilities::MyContainer::Insert(OtherContainer, 123, 456);
And then you can import the specific functions you need:
using MyLibrary::Utilities::MyContainer::Insert
and then
MyContainer<int> Numbers = Insert(OtherContainer, 123, 456);

What is best practice for C++ Public API?

What is best practice for C++ Public API?
I am working on a C++ project that has multiple namespaces, each with multiple objects. Some objects have the same names, but are in different namespaces. Currently, each object has its own .cpp file and .h file. I am not sure how to word this... Would it be appropriate to create a second .h file to expose only the public API? Should their be a .h file per namespace or per object or some other scope? What might be a best practice for creating Public APIs for C++ libraries?
Thanks For Any Help,
It is sometimes convenient to have a single class in every .cpp and .h pair of files and to have the namespace hierarchy as the directory hierarchy.
For instance if you have this class:
namespace stuff {
namespace important {
class SecretPassword
then it will be in two files:
another possible layout might be:
One suggestion is to take a look at the C++ idiom of Handle-Body, sometimes known as Cheshire Cat. Here's James Coplien's original paper containing the idiom.
This is a well known method for decoupling public API's from implementations.
I'd say it's best decided by you, and the type of 'library' this is.
Is your API provides one "Action"? or handles only one abstract "Data type"? examples for this would be zlib and libpng. Both have only one header that gives everything that is needed to perform what the libraries are for.
If your library is a collection of unrelated (or even related) classes that do, or not, the same goal, then provide each subset with it's own header. Major example for this will be boost.
Here is what I'm used to do:
"Some objects have the same names, but are in different namespaces"
That's why namespaces exist.
"Would it be appropriate to create a second .h file to expose only the public API? "
You always should expose only the public API. But what means to expose public API? If it would be only to headers then, since public API relies on private API, the private API would be included by public API anyway. To expose a public API mark public functions/classes with a macro (which in case of Windows exports public functions to the symbol table; and probably it will be soon adopted by Unix systems). So you should define a macro like MYLIB_API or MYLIB_DECLSPEC, just check some existing libraries and MS declspec documentation. It is sufficient, usually non-public API will be kept in subdirectories so it doesn't attend library's user.
"Should their be a .h file per namespace or per object or some other scope?"
I prefer Java-style, one public class per header. I found that libs written in this way are far more clean and readable than those which are mixing file and structure names. But there are cases when I brake this rule, especially when it comes to templates. In such cases I give #warning message to not include header directly and carefully explain in comments what is going on.
Great response LiraNuna.
Are you providing an API to an application or a library?
An application API will generally only provide methods that either query the state of an application or attempt to alter that state. In this case you'd generally have separate interface declarations in a separate header file. Your objects would then implement this interface to handle API requests.
A library will generally expose objects that can be re-used. In this case, generally speaking, your API is simply the public methods in the header file.
I agree with what doc said - one class per file. 99.9% of the time!
Also, consider what filenames to use. It's generally a bad idea to have multiple headers of the same name in different directories, even though the classes they contain may well be in different namespaces.
Especially if this is a public API, you probably cannot control what include paths are defined by the user of your library, so a build may find the wrong one. Tweaking the order of include paths would definitely not be a solution I'd recommend!
We use a naming convention of Namespace-Class.h to explicitly identify classes in files.

c++ namespace usage and naming rules

On the project we are trying to reach an agreement on the namespace usage.
We decided that the first level will be "productName" and the second is "moduleName".
Now if the module is kind of utility module there is no problem to add third namespace. For example to add "str": productName::utilityModuleName::str - to divide space where all "strings" related stuff will go.
If the module is the main business module we have many opportunities and almost no agreement.
For example
class productName::mainModuleName::DomainObject
class productName::mainModuleName::DomainObjectSomethingElseViewForExample
can be both at
namespace productName::mainModuleName::domainObject
class Data
class ViewForExample
Why should we create inner not private classes and not namespaces?
Why should we create class where all methods are static (except cases when this class is going to be template parameter)?
Project consist of 1Gb of source code.
So, what is the best practice to divide modules on namespaces in the c++?
What namespaces are for:
Namespaces are meant to establish context only so you don't have naming confilcts.
General rules:
Specifying too much context is not needed and will cause more inconvenience than it is worth.
So you want to use your best judgment, but still follow these 2 rules:
Don't be too general when using namespaces
Don't be too specific when using namespaces
I would not be so strict about how to use namespace names, and to simply use namespaces based on a related group of code.
Why namespaces that are too general are not helpful:
The problem with dividing the namespace starting with the product name, is that you will often have a component of code, or some base library that is common to multiple products.
You also will not be using Product2 namespaces inside Product1, so explicitly specifying it is pointless. If you were including Product2's files inside Product1, then is this naming conversion still useful?
Why namespaces that are too specific are not helpful:
When you have namespaces that are too specific, the line between these distinct namespaces start to blur. You start using the namespaces inside each other back and forth. At this time it's better to generalize the common code together under the same namespace.
Classes with all static vs templates:
"Why should we create inner not
private classes and not namespaces?
Why should we create classes where all
methods are static"
Some differences:
Namespaces can be implied by using the using keyword
Namespaces can be aliased, classes are types and can be typedef'ed
Namespaces can be added to; you can add functionality to it at any time and add to it directly
Classes cannot be added to without making a new derived class
Namespaces can have forward declarations
With classes you can have private members and protected members
Classes can be used with templates
Exactly how to divide:
"Project consist of 1Gb of source
code. So, what is the best practice to
divide modules on namespaces in the
It's too subjective to say exactly how to divide your code without the exact source code. Dividing based on the modules though sounds logical, just not the whole product.
This is all subjective, but I would hesitate to go more than 3 levels deep. It just gets too unwieldy at some point. So unless your code base is very, very large, I would keep it pretty shallow.
We divide our code into subsystems, and have a namespace for each subsystem. Utility things would go into their own namespace if indeed they are reusable across subsystems.
It seems to me that you are trying to use namespaces as a design tool. They are not intended for that, they are intended to prevent name clashes. If you don't have the clashes, you don't need the namespaces.
I divide namespaces depending on its usages:
I have a separate namespace, where I have defined all my interfaces (pure virtual classes).
I have a separate namespace, where I have defined my library classes (like db library, processing library).
And I have a separate namespace, where I have my core business (business logic) objects (like purchase_order, etc).
I guess, its about defining it in a way, that doesn't becomes difficult to handle in the future. So, you can check the difficulties that will surround on your current design.
And if you think they are fine, you should go with it.