OpenGL constant rotation angle - c++

I am doing some openGL programming lately and it invovles basic matrix transformation such as translation, rotation and scaling. I encounter some problems when doing rotation. Here is my question.
Now I am using a variable rotationDegree and a variable rotationStepSize to control the rotation. When the rotation flag is on
//inside paintGL function
if(rotationFlag is on)
rotationDegree += rotationStepSize
if(rotationDegree > 360.0f)
rotationDegree -= 360.0f
Here's the strange thing, Since I define rotationStepSize to be very small, the rotation starts out very slow, but then as time increases it gets faster and faster!
I come up with two explanations for this phenomena:
360f is not the range of values for the degree parameter in glm::rotate
The program starts out slow, causing paintGL to be painted to screen less. Then as the program become steady(or other parameter is not changing), the mainLoopEvent is executing faster and faster, causing paintGL to be painted more.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? I googled about using glutget(GL_TIME_ELAPSED), but on my machine, this function reports "glutget: missing ENUM handle", which indicates that my glut file is not complete, I guess?
So does anyone know how to fix the enum problem or how to get around this to create a scene where I have an object rotating in constant speed?
Thanks a lot!

According to the freeglut_state.c, there is the glutGet function defined.
int FGAPIENTRY glutGet( GLenum eWhat )
int returnValue ;
GLboolean boolValue ;
switch (eWhat)
return fgState.Initialised;
return fgElapsedTime();
I'm not using freeglut, but look at the docmentation, maybe you should try GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME instead of GL_TIME_ELAPSED?
And calculate the deltatime like this:
int preTime= 0;
while( ... )
int currentTime= glutGet(GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME);
int deltaTime = currentTime- preTime;
preTime = currentTime;
//... pass the deltaTime to whatever you want...


SDL/C++ movement: time and acceleration

I want to teach myself some basic physics programming by creating a simple 2d platformer with SDL 2. It seems I'm falling at the first hurdle though, because I can't get movement using both velocity and acceleration per time unit, rather than per frame, to work.
I start by calculating the time per frame in the usual way:
previous_time = current_time;
current_time = SDL_GetTicks();
delta_time = current_time - previous_time;
Then, after the movement flag is set to true by pressing a directional button, this is passed to a function to handle the movement.
//Pass the movement flag and the milliseconds per frame to the right movement function.
if ( player.get_x() <= 740 ) {
player.x_movement_right(delta_time, 1, moving_right);
The integer that's passed doesn't do anything yet. Anyway, the function then determines the acceleration based on if the movement flag is set to true, and what the current velocity is:
void Player::x_movement_right(float dt, int direction, bool moving_right) {
dt /= 1000;
if (moving_right == true && _x_velocity <= 200 ) {
_x_acceleration = 50;
else if ( moving_right == false && _x_velocity > 0 ) {
_x_acceleration = -50;
else {
_x_acceleration = 0;
_x_velocity += _x_acceleration * dt;
_x_position += _x_velocity * dt;
The same process occurs if the left movement flag is activated, with inverted values of course. Yet after compiling I hit the directional keys and nothing happens.
What I've already tried:
I removed the dt's at the bottom of the movement function. The player avatar moves with incredible speed, since the acceleration is now per frame, rather than per second.
Same thing when I don't divide dt at the beginning of the movement function, since it's now per millisecond rather than per second.
I tried rounding the velocity times dt at the bottom, since I suspected SDL might have trouble calculation positions with floating point numbers rather than integers. Still no movement.
Based on this I suspect it has something to do with the numbers being too small, but I can't quite wrap my head around what the problem is or how to solve it. So, does anyone know what undoubtedly obvious thing I'm missing? Thanks in advance!
There is no way to know with the information shown, but there are several points that may help you:
Are your _x_velocity and the like floating point types? In what units are you measuring distance? It may be that your increment has not enough resolution to be nonzero.
Have you printed the values of each variable or run the program in a debugger?
What do you mean by "SDL might have trouble calculation positions with floating point numbers"? If you are using SDL's basic 2D renderer, you just need to give it the type it needs in whatever units they ask. The conversions are up to you.
Overall, I'd recommend trying to code the simulation outside SDL or graphics in general. Getting acquainted with C++, debugging and floating-point is also a plus.

Is my solution to fixed timestep with delta time and interpolation wrong?

I am trying to write simple loop with fixed delta time used for physics and interpolation before rendering the state. I am using Gaffer on games tutorial on fixed timesteps and I tried to understand it and make it work.
float timeStep = 0.01;
float alpha = 1.0;
while (isOpen()) {
deltaTime = clock.restart(); // get elapsed time
if (deltaTime > 0.25) { deltaTime = 0.25; } // drop frame guard
accumulator += deltaTime;
while (accumulator >= timeStep) {
// spritePosBefore = sprite.getPosition();
accumulator -= timeStep;
// sprite.move(velocity * timeStep, 0);
// spritePosAfter = sprite.getPosition();
if (accumulator > timeStep) { alpha = accumulator / timeStep; } else { alpha = 1.0; }
// sprite.setPosition(Vector2f(spritePosBefore * (1 - alpha) + spritePosAfter * alpha));
Now, everything looks good. I have fixed timestep for physics, draw whenever I can after physics are updated and interpolate between two positions. It should work flawless but I can still see sprite stuttering or even going back by one pixel once in a while. Why does it happen? Is there any problem with my code? I spent last two days trying to understand game loop which would ensure me flawless motions but it seems like it doesn't work as I thought it will. Any idea what could be improved?
You should remove the if statement and always calculate alpha; the if statement will never be executed as the condition is always false after the while loop is exited!
After the loop the accumulator will be between 0 and timeStep so you just end up drawing the latest position instead of interpolating.
I don't think the way you do it is necessarily wrong but it looks a bit overcomplicated. I don't understand exactly what you're trying to do so I'm just going to share the way I implement a "fixed time step" in my SFML applications.
The following is the simplest way and will be "good enough" for most applications. It's not the most precise though (the can be a little error between the measured time and the real time) :
sf::Clock clock;
sf::Event event;
while (window_.isOpen()) {
while (window_.pollEvent(event)) {}
if (clock.getElapsedTime().asSeconds() > FLT_FIXED_TIME_STEP) {
And if you really need precision, you can add a float variable that will act as a "buffer" :
sf::Clock clock;
sf::Event event;
float timeBeforeNextStep = 0.f; // "buffer"
float timeDilation = 1.f; // Useful if you want to slow or speed up time ( <1 for slowmo, >1 for speedup)
while (window_.isOpen()) {
while (window_.pollEvent(event)) {}
timeBeforeNextStep -= clock.restart().asSeconds() * timeDilation;
if (timeBeforeNextStep < FLT_FIXED_TIME_STEP) {
timeBeforeNextStep += FLT_FIXED_TIME_STEP; // '+=', not '=' to make sure we don't lose any time.
// Rendering every time you update is not always the best solution, especially if you have a very small time step.
You might want to use another buffer for rendering (if you want to run at exactly 60 FPS for example).

How to move a sprite with dynamic physics body with constant speed

Until lately I've been just changing the x coordinate of my sprite on each update and I was happy with it. But yesterday when being in the debugDraw mode, I found out that after certain speed physics body wouldn't align correctly with the sprite ,like this:
Later I got told that, (by Birkemose in cocos2d forum) the preferred way to move a physics body from A to B is to apply impulse to it. But I have no idea how to achieve constant speed this way. This is the code I used to move it without applying any impulse:
So to create a feeling of moving I scroll the physics node and the hero in opposite directions with the same scrolling speed.
I tried lots of different variants of applying impulse, but I never got it moving with constant speed. The speed accelerates and the hero gets offscreen. I would appreciate it very much if someone would post a sample code.
The reason impulse isn't working to keep your character at a constant speed is because impulse translates directly into a change in momentum (and thus a change in velocity). So if you were to try to maintain a constant velocity through impulse, you would have to check your sprite's velocity first, and although you could get pretty close to a constant velocity, it wouldn't be truly constant.
static const float kRollingHeroMoveSpeed = 10.f;
static const float kRollingHeroAccelConstant = 10.f;
-(void)update:(CCTime)delta {
// check velocity of sprite
if(_rollingHero.physicsBody.velocity.x < kRollingHeroMoveSpeed) {
// if velocity is under limit, push character
[_rollingHero.physicsBody applyImpulse:ccp(kRollingHeroAccelConstant, 0)];
The better way to do this is to step into the C level of the Chipmunk2D physics engine that powers Cocos2D physics.
-(void)onEnter {
[super onEnter];
// tell physics engine to use our C function to update physics body
_rollingHero.physicsBody.body.body->velocity_func = playerUpdateVelocity;
static void playerUpdateVelocity(cpBody *body,
cpVect gravity,
cpFloat damping,
cpFloat dt) {
// check validity of cpBody
cpAssertSoft(body->m > 0.0f && body->i > 0.0f, "Body's mass and moment must be positive to simulate. (Mass: %f Moment: %f)", body->m, body->i);
// update velocity and angular velocity
body->v = cpvadd(cpvmult(body->v, damping), cpvmult(cpvadd(gravity, cpvmult(body->f, body->m_inv)), dt));
body->w = body->w*damping + body->t*body->i_inv*dt;
// reset force vector
body->f = cpvzero;
// reset torque
body->t = 0.0f;
// set body's velocity to desired velocity
body->v.x = kRollingHeroMoveSpeed;
Here's cpBody.h on Github.

collision of a platformer (like mario bros) not working

i've been sitting here for hours now trying to figure out how collision could work for a platformer.. after doing a lot of research i found something useful in the internet.. but it doesn't work yet :/
my character seems to jump one time.. and then gets stuck a short distance above the ground
This is the function where i load my platforms from txt (by calling setupworld)
in my txt i define xstart (where the platform starts) xend (end of platform) ystart (bottom of platform) 2 unnused variables and the texture filter (0-4 atm)
each platform is then created by repeating 2x2 tiles in x direction
numblocks= number of platforms (sry for the bad variable name ^^)
number of blocks is calculated by taking the end coordinate of the platform - start coordinate and dividing by 2.0 (my platforms always have coordinates dividable by 2.. like.. 0 - 16.. or.. 8 - 16.. )
as u see.. the structure block is where all the data is saved to in setupworld() and it has nothing to do with the number of tiles displayed.. sry again for my weird names
GLvoid BuildLists()
for(int loop=0;loop<numblocks;loop++)
GLfloat xstart,xend,ystart,u,v,u2,v2;[loop].xstart;[loop].xend;[loop].ystart;
GLfloat blocks=(xend-xstart)/2.0f;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[filter]);
// Start Drawing Quads
for(int y=0;y<blocks;y++)
This is where the key actions are processed..
DetectCollision() calls my function where i (try to) check for collisions
ypos2=ypos; is just to remind the last position for repositioning
i jump until i reach 5.0f or a collision in y-direction is detected.. then locky turns TRUE; the else is to let my character get back to ground (cause no gravity) even when the player keeps w pressed
the same thing happens when w is not pressed.. and locky is being reset
i add to (or subtract from) xpos for movement
as long as the character doesn't reach the border or a collision appears it should do the normal movement
if (active) // Program Active?
if (keys[VK_ESCAPE])
if (keys['W'])
if(ypos>0.0f && !collisiony)
if (!keys['W'])
if(ypos>0.0f && !collisiony)
if (keys['A'])
if(xpos>0.0f && !collisionx)
if (keys['D'])
if(xpos< 50.0f && !collisionx)
DrawWorld(); //draws my platforms by calling the display lists compiled in build lists
DrawChar(); //draws the character
Finally the code where i check for collisions
inPlatformx for checking x
is my character between left and right side of the platform being checked
-> function returns TRUE and is written into collisionx
inPlatformy for checking y
same for inPlatformy
bool inPlatformx(float xpos, BLOCK block, int i){
return xpos >[i].xstart &&
xpos <[i].xend;}
bool inPlatformy(float ypos, BLOCK block, int i){
return ypos >[i].ystart &&
ypos < ([i].ystart+0.2);
GLvoid DetectCollision(){
for(int i=0; i<numblocks;i++)
finally a screenshot
I hope u can help me.. either fix my code or give me some tips on collisions.. since it's my first game with opengl :s
if u need any more detail or infos please ask ^^
and thanks in advance !
if (keys['W'])
if (!keys['W'])
if(ypos>0.0f && !collisiony)
if (keys['A'])
if(xpos>0.0f && !collisionx)
if (keys['D'])
if(xpos< 50.0f && !collisionx)
well i just edited the code for x movement and collision.. so it works properly.. (despite the flickering (but idc atm :) ).. i'm wondering why jumping doesn't work at all anymore.. it's just increasing till i'm stuck.. can't even get up once anymore :/
i put my detectCollision() in front of they key section.. which works for x AND y now (hopefully)..
and i also edited something in DetectCollision()
i had ystart+0.2 instead of ystart+2.0 which is the correct coordinate for the platforms top
but looks like it just got worse at y
i'm still totally confused..
oh and talking about those predefined api's and stuff.. since somebody first showed me some things with glut i tried to make the next step and initialize everything myself.. i guess detection is much easier using predefined stuff.. but i want to learn it and not just get one game to work :)
if u have any more suggestions for my code i would be really grateful.. and if u know any good books for starters till advanced lvl i would really appreciate
and yes.. i know.. display lists are deprecated since opengl 3.0 ^^
Unless I am not following your code correcty, once you reach the apex of your jump and set your locky to !locky, you start hitting your else statement, which never checks for collision. IF you are moving in the x or -x direction, you likely want to be doing this as the ground may not be in the same place as your origin of the jump.
Additionally, your locky check is checking if the ypos >= 5.0f , which will immediately be the case if you are already on some part of your game world above the 5.0 mark. You likely want this to be a variable such as limitY = ypos + 5.0f; and then check if ypos >= limitY, so it works regardless of origin.
As for the issue you are seeing now, it should be easy to debug and look at the current value of your y coordinate and see if there is anything obvious (such as not executing a final ypos -= 0.2f ) which is cause for you floating slightly above the ground after a jump. (I don't see an obvious error in the way you are doing your code, although I would not have designed it in the way you are doing it yourself.)
If you are developing this for Windows you may want to look into XNA development, which makes collision detection and resolution a lot easier.
Are you initializing locky to true or false? because all the code i can see inverts the state of locky, so depending on how the input is processed, your locky value is flipping every loop or possibly being set out of sync with your expectations.
I would recommend setting locky to true and false explicitly in the code you've shown, rather than using locky=!locky, it's clearer about the state of the system.

Implementing Zoom on an orbit camera

I wish to zoom in on the target of an orbiting camera.
The camera is manipulated using a function like this:
Depending on angle the values x,y,z should be different to get a correct zoom feature but I cant figure out an way to do it.
I use functions like getCameraposx, getTargetposy etc.. to get the coordinates for my target and camera.
Zoom kinda works now after PigBens help but I've run in to a problem. Zooming in is no problem but after zooming in too close zooming out stops working. And with too close I'm still quite far away.
Here is my zoom function.
void Camera::orbZoom(bool Zoo)
float x;
float y;
float z;
float xc;
float yc;
float zc;
float zoom;
if ( ivan==true){
zoom = 1.02;
if (xc<1){xc=+1.5;}
else if (yc<1){yc=+1.5;}
else if (zc<1){zc=+1.5;}
if(ivan==false) {
zoom = 0.98;
Ok so the last thing didnt work as I wrote in the last comment. I'm thinking there is something else causing this behavior. The limit for when it stops working is just a bit closer to target than cameras starting position or at starting position, not really sure on that. But if I start with zooming out and dont get any closer than the cameras starting position it's working.
I think the bug is in this part of the code but I could be wrong so if anyone want to see some other part just ask. All my other camera behaviors are working correctly. Two modes, orbit and tumble. Pitch, yaw and roll works for both modes and strafing for tumble mode.
Here are for example two of those functions.
void Camera::strafeUp(float distance)
camerapos += upvect * distance;
targetpos += upvect * distance;
void Camera::tumbleYaw(float angle)
Quaternionf rotation((angle*PIdiv180), upvect);
rightvect = rotation.matrix() * rightvect;
forwardvect = rotation.matrix() * forwardvect;
targetpos = camerapos + forwardvect * cameralength;
Subtract the target position from the camera position, then scale it, then add the target position in again.
camera_position -= target_position;
camera_position /= zoom_factor;
camera_position += target_position;
Regarding your second problem. My guess is that it's due to lack of precision in floats. When you get down to a certain point, multiplying by 1.02 is not enough to change the float's value to the next higher representable value, so it doesn't change at all. My tests indicate that this doesn't happen until the float is in the 10e-44 range, so you must be using some pretty gigantic units for this to be a problem. A few possible solutions.
Use doubles instead of floats. You will still have the same problem. But it won't come into play until a much much closer zoom.
Use smaller units. I usually just go with 1.0 = 1 meter and I've never run in to this problem.
Enforce a maximum zoom. You would actually do this in combination with the other 2 above.