extract text between a[- and -] using python - regex

I am writing a script to extract data from a file and split the data to multiple files contents for each file is split by 5 "#"s
in this case, "hello" should be in one file and "world" should be in another file
I am using python

If I understand your requirements correctly, you want to be able to take input from a file with a delimiter of #####
and this would generate a file for each block between
You can use re.split to get the splits
splits = re.split("[#]{5}\n", input_buffer)
would give something like (note: above assumes the split also includes a newline)
['', 'hello\n', 'world\n', '']
and to get only the splits with actual text (assuming that trailing new lines are to be removed)
[i.strip() for i in splits if i]
Output filename was also not specified so used
for index, val in enumerate([i.strip() for i in splits if i]):
with open("output%d"%index, "w+") as f:
to create files named output0, outputN
import re
import StringIO
input_text = '''#####
string_file = StringIO.StringIO(input_text)
input_buffer = string_file.read()
splits = re.split("[#]{5}\n", input_buffer)
for index, val in enumerate([i.strip() for i in splits if i]):
with open("output%d"%index, "w+") as f:
Just a helper, can obviously use a different regular expression to split on, change output name to something more suitable, etc.
Also if as the title of this question says using text between [- and -] splits could be obtained using re.findall instead
input_text = '''[-hello-]
string_file = StringIO.StringIO(input_text)
input_buffer = string_file.read()
splits = re.findall("\[-(.*)-\]", input_buffer)
for index, val in enumerate(splits):
with open("output%d"%index, "w+") as f:

This could do the trick:
with open('a.txt') as r: #open source file and assign it to variable r
r = r.read().split('#####') #read the contents and break it into list of elements separated by '#####'
new = [item.strip() for item in r if item] #clean empty rows from the list
for i, item in enumerate(new): #iterate trough new list and assign a number to each iteration starting with 0 (default)
with open('a%s.txt' % i+1, 'w') as w: #create new file for each element from the list that will be named 'a' + 'value of i + 1' + '.txt'
w.write(item) #writing contents of current element into file
This will read your file that I called 'a.txt' and produce files named a1.txt, a2.txt ... an.txt


matching an entire list with each and every line of file

I had written a piece of code that basically performs find and replace from a list on a text file.
So, it maps the entire list into a dictionary. Then from text file each and every line is processed and is matched with entire list in the dictionary if a match anywhere in the line is found it replaces with corresponding value from the list(dictionary).
Here is the code:
import sys
import re
#open file using open file mode
fp1 = open(sys.argv[1]) # Open file on read mode
lines = fp1.read().split("\n") # Create a list containing all lines
fp1.close() # Close file
fp2 = open(sys.argv[2]) # Open file on read mode
words = fp2.read().split("\n") # Create a list containing all lines
fp2.close() # Close file
word_hash = {}
for word in words:
if(word != ""):
tsl = word.split("\t")
word_hash[tsl[0]] = tsl[1]
keys = word_hash.keys()
#skeys = sorted(keys, key=lambda x:x.split(" "),reverse=True)
#print (skeys)
for line in lines:
if(line != ""):
for key in keys:
#my_regex = key + r"\b"
my_regex = r"([\"\( ])" + key + r"([ ,\.!\"।)])"
if((re.search(my_regex, line, re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE))):
line = re.sub(my_regex, r"\1" + word_hash[key]+r"\2",line,flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE|re.MULTILINE)
#print("iam :1",line)
if((re.search(key + r"$", line, re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE))):
line = re.sub(key+r"$", word_hash[key],line,flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE|re.MULTILINE)
#print("iam :2",line)
if((re.search(r"^" + key, line, re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE))):
line = re.sub(r"^" + key, word_hash[key],line,flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE|re.MULTILINE)
#print("iam :",line)
Problem here is when the list size grows execution slows up as all the lines of text file are matched with each and every key in list. So where can I improve the execution of this code.
List file:
List is tab seperated. Here I used ===> for easy understanding.
Input file:
hello word1 I am here.
word2. how are you word1?
Expected Output:
hello replaceword1 I am here.
replaceword2. how are you replaceword1?
If your word list is small enough, the best speedup you can achieve with the match-and-replace process is to use a single big regexp and use a functionnal re.sub
This way you have a single call to the optimised function.
EDIT: In order to preserve order of replacements (this can lead to chain replacing, don't know if intended behavior) we can perform replacement by batches rather than in a single run, where batches order respects file order and each batch is made of disjoint possible string matches.
The code would be as follow
import sys
import re
word_hashes = []
def insert_word(word, replacement, hashes):
if not hashes:
return [{word: replacement}]
for prev_word in hashes[0]:
if word in prev_word or prev_word in word:
return [hashes[0]] + insert_word(word, replacement, hashes[1:])
hashes[0][word] = replacement
return hashes
with open(sys.argv[2]) as fp2: # Open file on read mode
words = fp2.readlines()
for word in [w.strip() for w in words if w.strip()]:
tsl = word.split("\t")
word_hashes = insert_word(tsl[0],tsl[1], word_hashes)
#open file using open file mode
lines = []
with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp1:
content = fp1.read()
for word_hash in word_hashes:
my_regex = r"([\"\( ])(" + '|'.join(word_hash.keys()) + r")([ ,\.!\"।)])"
content = re.sub(my_regex, lambda x: x.group(1) + word_hash[x.group(2)] + x.group(3) ,content,flags=re.IGNORECASE|re.UNICODE|re.MULTILINE)
We obtain chained replacement for the example data. For example, with the following words to replace
roses are red==>flowers are blue
Text to parse
roses are red and beautiful
flowers are yellow
roses is red and beautiful
flowers is yellow
Why don't you read the content of the entire file in a string, and just do string.replace. For example.
def find_replace():
txt = ''
#Read text from the file as a string
with open('file.txt', 'r') as fp:
txt = fp.read()
dct = {"word1":"replaceword1","word2":"replaceword2"}
#Find and replace characters
for k,v in dct.items():
txt = txt.replace(k,v)
#Write back the modified string
with open('file.txt', 'w') as fp:
If the input file is:
hello word1 I am here.
word2. how are you word1?
The output will be:
hello replaceword1 I am here.
replaceword2. how are you replaceword1?

Saving line after line from a txt file

So I wrote this code:
import csv
data = []
filename = "S:\Doc\Python\Data\Dekomp\Hth.txt"
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if line.startswith('%'):
if line.endswith('%'):
with open('S:\Doc\Python\Data\Dekomp\Test.csv', 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=' ')
for line in data:
And my data looks like this:
Headline starts with "%th=number", while number changes from 2 to 180 (each segment plus 2, so it goes (2,4,6... up to180).
Between those segments I have three columns of data, which I would like to append to a csv file. While using my code I save only headliners so (%th=2, %th=4... %th=180). Do you have any idea how to change my code so it will start reading headline, then append data below to a .txt or .csv file, and then starts loop again when it "sees" another headline and continue the process with saving next segment to another file, and that up to "%th=180"?
Expected output:
That the program will append to another file all the data below "%th=number", and then when the following segment appears it will save to another file, and the process will continue till the end of this file.
In other words each segment starts with even number so (2, 4, 6, 8 ... 180) so I should get 90 files, each for every segment.
So I have change my code:
with open("S:\Doc\Python\Data\Dekomp\Hth.txt", 'r') as f:
with open("S:\Doc\Python\Data\Dekomp\Hth2.txt", 'w') as g:
for line in f:
if line.startswith("%"):
if line.endswith("%"):
But right now the problem is that if I put this startswith and endswith python will save only headliner, if I delete them, the obivous thing happens, it saves everything from input file.
data = []
filename = "S:\Doc\Python\Data\Dekomp\Hth.txt"
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines() # Reading file
def _get_all_starting_index(data): # Calculating index of all lines starting with %
return [data.index(line) for line in data if line.startswith("%")]
indices= _get_all_starting_index(lines)
data_info_to_write_in_file = {} # for storing data to write in each individual file
for i in range(len(indices)): # looping over number of indices
key = lines[indices[i]] # key value for starting of a segment.
end_point = indices[i+1] if len(indices) > i+1 else len(indices) # finding end point.
lines_to_get = lines[indices[i]+1 : end_point] # getting lines in between and storing it in dictionary
data_info_to_write_in_file[key] = lines_to_get
for key in data_info_to_write_in_file.keys(): # writing info in each individual file
filename = "S:\Doc\Python\Data\Dekomp\{}.txt".format(key.strip().split("=")[-1])
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
for line in data_info_to_write_in_file[key]:
Hope it will help.
Feel free to get any info.

Python - creating a dictionary from large text file where the key matches regex pattern

My question: how do I create a dictionary from a list by assigning dictionary keys based on a regex pattern match ('^--L-[0-9]{8}'), and assigning the values by using all lines between each key.
Example excerpt from the raw file:
SQL> --L-93752133
SQL> --SELECT table_name, tablespace_name from dba_tables where upper(table_name) like &tablename_from_developer;
SQL> --L-52852243
SQL> SELECT log_mode FROM v$database;
SQL> archive log list
Database log mode No Archive Mode
Automatic archival Disabled
Archive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
Oldest online log sequence 3
Current log sequence 5
SQL> --L-42127143
SQL> SELECT t.name "TSName", e.encryptionalg "Algorithm", d.file_name "File Name"
2 FROM v$tablespace t
3 , v$encrypted_tablespaces e
4 , dba_data_files d
5 WHERE t.ts# = e.ts#
6 AND t.name = d.tablespace_name;
no rows selected
Some additional detail: The raw file can be large (at least 80K+ lines, but often much larger) and I need to preserve the original spacing so the output is still easy to read. Here's how I'm reading the file in and removing "SQL>" from the beginning of each line:
with open(rawFile, 'r') as inFile:
content = inFile.read()
rawList = content.splitlines()
for line in rawList:
cleanLine = re.sub('^SQL> ', '', line)
Finding the dictionary keys I'm looking for is easy:
pattern = re.compile(r'^--L-[0-9]{8}')
if pattern.search(cleanLine) is not None:
itemID = pattern.search(cleanLine)
But how do I assign all lines between each key as the value belonging to the most recent key preceding them? I've been playing around with new lists, tuples, and dictionaries but everything I do is returning garbage. The goal is to have the data and keys linked to each other so that I can return them as needed later in my script.
I spent a while searching for a similar question, but in most other cases the source file was already in a dictionary-like format so creating the new dictionary was a less complicated problem. Maybe a dictionary or tuple isn't the right answer, but any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
In general, you should question why you would read the entire file, split the lines into a list, and then iterate over the list. This is a Python anti-pattern.
For line oriented text files, just do:
with open(fn) as f:
for line in f:
# process a line
It sounds, however, that you have multi-line block oriented patterns. If so, with smaller files, read the entire file into a single string and use a regex on that. Then you would use group 1 and group 2 as the key, value in your dict:
pat=re.compile(pattern, flags)
with open(file_name) as f:
di={m.group(1):m.group(2) for m in pat.finditer(f.read())}
With a larger file, use a mmap:
import re, mmap
pat=re.compile(pattern, flags)
with open(file_name, 'r+') as f:
mm = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
for i, m in enumerate(pat.finditer(mm)):
# process each block accordingly...
As far as the regex, I am a little unclear on what you are trying to capture or not. I think this regex is what I am understanding you want:
^SQL> (--L-[0-9]{8})(.*?)(?=SQL> --L-[0-9]{8}|\Z)
In either case, running that regex with the example string yields:
>>> pat=re.compile(r'^SQL> (--L-[0-9]{8})\s*(.*?)\s*(?=SQL> --L-[0-9]{8}|\Z)', re.S | re.M)
>>> with open(file_name) as f:
... di={m.group(1):m.group(2) for m in pat.finditer(f.read())}
>>> di
{'--L-52852243': 'SQL> \nSQL> SELECT log_mode FROM v;\n\n LOG_MODE\n ------------\n NOARCHIVELOG\n\nSQL> \nSQL> archive log list\n Database log mode No Archive Mode\n Automatic archival Disabled\n Archive destination USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST\n Oldest online log sequence 3\n Current log sequence 5\nSQL>',
'--L-93752133': 'SQL> --SELECT table_name, tablespace_name from dba_tables where upper(table_name) like &tablename_from_developer;\nSQL>',
'--L-42127143': 'SQL> \nSQL> SELECT t.name TSName, e.encryptionalg Algorithm, d.file_name File Name\n 2 FROM v t\n 3 , v e\n 4 , dba_data_files d\n 5 WHERE t.ts# = e.ts#\n 6 AND t.name = d.tablespace_name;\n\n no rows selected'}
Something like this?
with open(rawFile, 'r') as inFile:
content = inFile.read()
rawList = content.splitlines()
keyed_dict = {}
in_between_lines = ""
last_key = 0
for line in rawList:
cleanLine = re.sub('^SQL> ', '', line)
pattern = re.compile(r'^--L-[0-9]{8}')
if pattern.search(cleanLine) is not None:
itemID = pattern.search(cleanLine)
if last_key: keyed_dict[last_key] = in_between_lines
last_key = itemID.group(0)
in_between_lines = ""
in_between_lines += cleanLine

Mutliple output files created but empty

I am trying to split one file with two articles in it into two separate files with one article in each, for subsequent analysis of the articles. Each article in the initial file has an ID that I want to use to separate the files with, using RE.
Below is the initial input file, with ID number:
166068619 #### "Epilepsy: let's end our ignorance of this neglected condition
Helen Stephens is a young woman with epilepsy [...]."
106899978 #### "Great British Payoff shows that BBC governance is broken
If it was a television series, they'd probably call it [...]."
However, when I run my code, I do get two separate files as an output but they are empty.
This is my code:
def file_split(path_to_file):
"""Function splits bigger file into N smaller ones, based on a certain RE
match, that is used to break the bigger file into smaller ones"""
def pattern_extract(path_to_file):
"""Function identifies the number of RE occurences in a file,
No. can be used in further analysis as range No."""
import re
x = []
with open(path_to_file) as f:
for line in f:
match = re.search(r'^\d+?\t####\t', line)
if match:
a = match.group()
return len(x)
y = pattern_extract(path_to_file)
m = y + 1
files = [open('filename%i.txt' %i, 'w') for i in range(1,m)]
with open(path_to_file) as f:
for line in f:
match = re.search(r'^\d+?\t####\t', line)
if match:
a = match.group()
#files = [open('filename%i.txt' %i, 'w') for i in range(1, m)]
for f in files:
return files
Output result is as follows:
[<open file 'filename1.txt', mode 'w' at 0x7fe121b130c0>,
<open file 'filename2.txt', mode 'w' at 0x7fe121b131e0>]
I am new to Python and I am not quite sure where the problem lies. I checked some other answers that addressed the multiple file outputs but cannot figure out the solution. Help would be very much appreciated.
There are two problems with your code:
you write only the line matching the ID (actually, just the match itself), not the rest
you are always writing to the last file, as you use i, the loop variable "left over" from the list comprehension
To fix it, you could change the lower portion of your code to this:
y = pattern_extract(path_to_file)
files = [open('filename%i.txt' %i, 'w') for i in range(y)]
n = -1
with open(path_to_file) as f:
for line in f:
if re.search(r'^\d+\s+####\s+', line):
n += 1
But you do not have to read the file two times at all, just to count the matches: Just open another file when the line matches an ID line and directly write to that last file in the list, then close all the files.
open_files = []
with open(path_to_file) as f:
for line in f:
if re.search(r'^\d+\s+####\s+', line):
open_files.append(open('filename%d.txt' % len(open_files), 'w'))
for f in open_files:

Python: Copy several files with one column into one file with multi-column

I have the following question in Python 2.7:
I have 20 different txt-files, each with exactly one column of numbers. Now - as an output - I would like to have one file with all those columns together. How can I concatenate one-column files in Python ? I was thinking about using the fileinput module, but I fear, I have to open all my different txt files at once ?
My idea:
filenames = ['input1.txt','input2.txt',...,'input20.txt']
import fileinput
with open('/path/output.txt', 'w') as outfile:
for line in fileinput.input(filenames)
Any suggestions on that ?
Thanks for any help !
A very simply (naive?) solution is
filenames = ['a.txt', 'b.txt', 'c.txt', 'd.txt']
columns = []
for filename in filenames:
lines = []
for line in open(filename):
rows = zip(*columns)
with open('output.txt', 'w') as outfile:
for row in rows:
But on *nix (including OS X terminal and Cygwin), it's easier to
$ paste a.txt b.txt c.txt d.txt
from the command line.
My suggestion: a little functional approach. Using list comprehension to zip the file being read, to the accumulated columns, and then join them to be a string again, one column (file) at a time:
filenames = ['input1.txt','input2.txt','input20.txt']
outputfile = 'output.txt'
#maybe you need to separate each column:
separator = " "
separator_list = []
output_list = []
for f in filenames:
with open(f,'r') as inputfile:
if len(output_list) == 0:
output_list = inputfile.readlines()
separator_list = [ separator for x in range(0, len(outputlist))]
input_list = inputfile.readlines()
output_list = [ ''.join(x) for x in [list(y) for y in zip(output_list, separator_list, input_list)]
with open(outputfile,'w') as output:
It will keep in memory the accumulator for the result (output_list), and one file at a time (the one being read, which is also the only file open for reading), but may be a little slower, and, of course, it is not fail-proof.