What is the fastest way for multiple threads to insert into a vector safely? - c++

I have a program where multiple threads share the same data structure which is basically a 2D array of vectors and sometimes two or more threads might have to insert at the same position i.e. vector which might result in a crash if no precautions were taken. What is the fastest and most efficient way to implement a safe solution for this issue ? Since this issue does not happen very often (no high contention) I had a 2D array of mutexes where each mutex maps to a vector and then each thread locks then unlocks the mutex after finishing from updating the corresponding vector. If this is a good solution, I would like to know if there is something faster than mutex to use.
Note, I am using OpenMP for the multithreading.

The solution greatly depends on how the problem is. For example:
If the vector size may exceed its capacity (i.e. reallocation is required).
Whether the vector is only being read, elements are being inserted or elements can be both inserted and removed.
In the first case, you don't have any other possibility than using locks, since you always need to check whether the vector is being reallocated, and wait for the reallocation to complete if necessary.
On the other hand, if you are completely sure that the vector is only initialized once by a single thread (which is not your case), probably you would not need any synchronization mechanism to perform access to vector elements (inside-element access synchronization may still be required though).
If elements are being inserted and removed from the back of the vector only (queue style), then using atomic compare and swap would be enough (atomically increase the size of the vector, and insert in position size-1 when the swap was successful.
If elements may be removed at any point of the vector, its contents may need to be moved to remove empty holes. This case is similar to a reallocation. You can use a customized heap to manage the empty positions in your vector, although this will increase the complexity.
At the end of the day, probably you will need to either develop your own parallel data structure or rely on a library, such as TBB or Boost.


Is writing to elements within children of a multi-dimensional vector thread-safe?

I'm trying to take a (very) large vector, and reassign all of the values in it into a multidimensional (2D) vector>.
The multidimensional vector has both dimensions resized to the correct size prior to value population, to avoid reallocation.
Currently, I am doing it single-threaded, but it is something that needs to happen repeatedly, and is very slow due to the large size (~7 seconds). The question is whether it is thread-safe for me to use, for instance, a thread per 2D element.
Some pseudocode:
vector<string> source{/*assume that it is populated by 8,000,000 strings
of varying length*/};
vector<vector<string>> destination;
//current style
//desired style
void Populate(int index){
for(loop=0;loop<8;loop++)boost::thread populator(populate,loop);
I would think that the threaded version should work, since they're writing to separate 2nd dimensional elements. However, I'm not sure whether writing the strings would break things, since they are being resized.
When considering only thread-safety, this is fine.
Writing concurrently to distinct objects is allowed. C++ considers objects distinct even if they are neighboring fields in a struct or elements in the same array. The data type of the object does not matter here, so this holds true for string just as well as it does for int. The only important thing is that you must ensure that the ranges that you operate on are really fully distinct. If there is any overlap, you have a data race on your hands.
There is however, another thing to take into consideration here and that is performance. This is highly platform dependent, so the language standard does not give you any rules here, but there are some effects to look out for. For instance, neighboring elements in an array might reside on the same cache line. So in order for the hardware to be able to fulfill the thread-safety guarantees of the language, it must synchronize access to such elements. For instance: Partitioning array access in a way that one thread works out all the elements with even indices, while another works on the odd indices is technically thread-safe, but puts a lot of stress on the hardware as both threads are likely to contend for data stored on the same cache line.
Similarly, your case there is contention on the memory bus. If your threads are able to complete calculation of the data much faster than you are able to write them to memory, you might not actually gain anything by using multiple threads, because all the threads will end up waiting for the memory in the end.
Keep these things in mind when deciding whether parallelism is really the right solution to your problem.

Multithreading on arrays / Do I need locking mechanisms here?

I am writing a Multithreaded application. That application contains an array of length, lets say, 1000.
If I now would have two threads and I would make sure, that thread 1 will only access the elements 0-499 and thread 2 would only access elements 500-999, would I need a locking mechanism to protect the array or would that be fine.
Note: Only the content of the array will be changed during calculations! The array wont be moved, memcpyed or in some other way altered than altering elements inside of the array.
What you want is perfectly fine! Those kind of strategies (melt together with a bunch of low level atomic primitives) are the basis for what's called lock-free programming.
Actually, there could be possible problems in implementing this solution. You have to strongly guarantee the properties, that you have mentioned.
Make sure, that your in memory data array never moves. You cannot rely on most std containers. Most of them could significantly change during modification. std::map are rebalancing inner trees and making some inner pointers invalid. std::vector sometimes reallocates the whole container when inserting.
Make sure that there is only one consumer and only one producer for any data, that you have. Each consumer have to store inner iterator in valid state to prevent reading same item twice, or skip some item. Each producer must put data in valid place, without possibility to overwrite existing, not read data.
Disobeying of any of this rules makes you need to implement mutexes.

MPI synchronize matrix of vectors

Excuse me if this question is common or trivial, I am not very familiar with MPI so bear with me.
I have a matrix of vectors. Each vector is empty or has a few items in it.
std::vector<someStruct*> partitions[matrix_size][matrix_size];
When I start the program each process will have the same data in this matrix, but as the code progresses each process might remove several items from some vectors and put them in other vectors.
So when I reach a barrier I somehow have to make sure each process has the latest version of this matrix. The big problem is that each process might manipulate any or all vectors.
How would I go about to make sure that every process has the correct updated matrix after the barrier?
I am sorry I was not clear. Each process may move one or more objects to another vector but only one process may move each object. In other words each process has a list of objects it may move, but the matrix may be altered by everyone. And two processes can't move the same object ever.
In that case you'll need to send messages using MPI_Bcast that inform the other processors about this and instruct them to do the same. Alternatively, if the ordering doesn't matter until you hit the barrier, you can only send the messages to the root process which performs the permutations and then after the barrier sends it to all the others using MPI_Bcast.
One more thing: vectors of pointers are usually quite a bad idea, as you'll need to manage the memory manually in there. If you can use C++11, use std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr instead (depending on what your semantics are), or use Boost which provides very similar facilities.
And lastly, representing a matrix as a fixed-size array of fixed-size arrays is readlly bad. First: the matrix size is fixed. Second: adjacent rows are not necessarily stored in contiguous memory, slowing your program down like crazy (it literally can be orders of magnitudes). Instead represent the matrix as a linear array of size Nrows*Ncols, and then index the elements as Nrows*i + j where Nrows is the number of rows and i and j are the row and column indices, respectively. If you don't want column-major storage instead, address the elements by i + Ncols*j. You can wrap this index-juggling in inline functions that have virtually zero overhead.
I would suggest to lay out the data differently:
Each process has a map of his objects and their position in the matrix. How that is implemented depends on how you identify objects. If all local objects are numbered, you could just use a vector<pair<int,int>>.
Treat that as the primary structure you manipulate and communicate that structure with MPI_Allgather (each process sends it data to all other processes, at the end everyone has all data). If you need fast lookup by coordinates, then you can build up a cache.
That may or may not be performing well. Other optimizations (like sharing 'transactions') totally depend on your objects and the operations you perform on them.

concurrent_vector for 2d array

I am currently trying to represent a 2D array using tbb::concurrent_vector<T>. This 2d array will be accessed by a lot of different threads and thats why I want it to handle parallel accesses the most efficiently possible.
I came up with 2 solutions:
Use a tbb::concurrent_vector<tbb::concurrent_vector<T> > to store it.
Store everything in a tbb::concurrent_vector<T> and access elements w/ x * width + y
I had a preference for the second one because I dont want to lock an entire row to access one element (since I assume that to access the element array[x][y], the tbb implementation will lock the xth row and then the yth element).
I would like to know which solution seems better to you.
First, I think there might be some confusion concerning tbb::concurrent_vector. This container is similar to std::vector but with thread-safe resizing but slower element access due to the internal storage layout.
You can read more about it here.
In your case, because of the second solution you proposed (1D array with x * width + y indexing), I'm assuming your algorithm doesn't involves intensive multi-threaded resizing of the array. Therefore, you wouldn't benefit from tbb::concurrent_vector compared to a single threaded container like std::vector.
I guess you were assuming that tbb::concurrent_vector guaranteed thread-safe element access, but it does not - quote from tbb::concurrent_vector::operator[] doc:
Get reference to element at given index.
This method is thread-safe for concurrent reads, and also while growing the vector, as long as the calling thread has checked that index
If you are not resizing the array, you are only interested in the first part: thread-safe concurrent reads. But std::vector or even raw C array gives you the same. On the other hand, neither offers thread-safe arbitrary access (read/write elements).
You would have to implement it using locks, or find another library that does this for you (maybe std::vector from STLPort but I'm not sure). Although this would be quite inefficient, since each access of an element from your 2D array would involve a thread synchronization overhead. While I don't know what exactly you are trying to implement, It's quite possible that the synchronization would take longer than your actual computations.
Now to answer your question, even in a single threaded setting, it is always better to use 1D array for representing ND arrays, because computing the index (x * width + y) is faster than an additional memory accesses needed by the true ND array.
For concurrent vectors, this is even more true because you would have twice the lock overhead in a best-case scenario (no conflicting row access), and a lot more in case there are conflicts.
So out of the two solutions you proposed, I wouldn't hesitate and go for the second one: a 1D array (not necessary tbb::concurrent_vector) with adequate locking for element access.
Depending on your algorithm and the access pattern by the different threads, another approach - used in image editing software (gimp, photoshop...) - is tile based:
template<typename T> struct Tile {
int offsetX, int offsetY;
int width, height;
Not_ThreadSafe_Vector<T> data;
ThreadSafe_Vector< Tile<T> > data
Where Not_ThreadSafe_Vector could be any container without locking on element access, e.g. std::vector ; and ThreadSafe_Vector is a container with thread safe read/write element access (not tbb::concurrent_vector!).
This way, if you have some locality in your access pattern (a thread is more likely to access an element near to its previous access than far away), then each thread can be made to work on the data from a single tile most of the time, and you only have synchronization overhead when switching to another tile.
tbb::concurrent_vector is completely thread safe for accessing elements (read, write, take the address) and growing the vector. Check response from Intel employee Arch D. Robison here.
However, operations for clearing or destroying a vector are not thread safe (refer to $6.2.1 Intel TBB Tutorial pdf document). That is, don't invoke clear() if there are other operations underway on the tbb::concurrent_vector.
As Antoine mentioned, handling the ND array as a 1D array is always to be preferred due to efficiency & performance.

STL vector and thread-safety

Let's say I have a vector of N elements, but up to n elements of this vector have meaningful data. One updater thread updates the nth or n+1st element (then sets n = n+1), also checks if n is too close to N and calls vector::resize(N+M) if necessary. After updating, the thread calls multiple child threads to read up to nth data and do some calculations.
It is guaranteed that child threads never change or delete data, (in fact no data is deleted what so ever) and updater calls children just after it finishes updating.
So far no problem has occured, but I want to ask whether a problem may occur during reallocating of vector to a larger memory block, if there are some child working threads left from the previous update.
Or is it safe to use vector, as it is not thread-safe, in such a multithreaded case?
Since only insertion takes place when the updater calls vector::resize(N+M,0), are there any possible solutions to my problem? Due to the great performance of STL vector I am not willing to replace it with a lockable vector or in this case are there any performant,known and lock-free vectors?
I want to ask whether a problem may occur during reallocating of vector to a larger memory block, if there are some child working threads left from the previous update.
Yes, this would be very bad.
If you are using a container from multiple threads and at least one thread may perform some action that may modify the state of the container, access to the container must be synchronized.
In the case of std::vector, anything that changes its size (notably, insertions and erasures) change its state, even if a reallocation is not required (any insertion or erasure requires std::vector's internal size bookkeeping data to be updated).
One solution to your problem would be to have the producer dynamically allocate the std::vector and use a std::shared_ptr<std::vector<T> > to own it and give this std::shared_ptr to each of the consumers.
When the producer needs to add more data, it can dynamically allocate a new std::vector with a new, larger size and copies of the elements from the old std::vector. Then, when you spin off new consumers or update consumers with the new data, you simply need to give them a std::shared_ptr to the new std::vector.
Is how your workers decide to work on data thread safe? Is there any signaling between workers done and the producer? If not then there is definitely an issue where the producer could cause the vector to move while it is still being worked on. Though this could trivially be fixed by moving to a std::deque instead.(note that std::deque invalidates iterators on push_back but references to elements are not affected).
I've made my own GrowVector. It works for me and it is really fast.
Link: QList, QVector or std::vector multi-threaded usage