I want to throw an exception of type domain_error if key of type T is not a valid key.
But I don't know how I could convert any type T to a string, as long as T::operator std::string() is defined, as for instance int does not support this.
This is obvioulsy wrong, as it only works for very specific types:
throw std::domain_error("key error: "+static_cast<std::string>(key));
How can this be done?
My solution after the suggestion to use template specilisation
template <class T> std::string to_string(const T t)
return static_cast<std::string>(t);
template <> std::string to_string<unsigned int>(const unsigned int i)
std::stringstream ss;
std::string ret;
ss << i;
ss >> ret;
return ret;
std::string domain_error(const IS& is) const
using namespace IDTranslator_detail;
return "key error: "+to_string(is), "error";
throw std::domain_error(domain_error(key));
It can't be done, as described, in 100% of all situations.
You must specify that a part of the contract for your template is that whatever class is passed as a parameter it must support operator std::string.
You could also write, as part of your contract, that numeric types would also be allowed, and you will implement this in your template, as a specialization that uses std::to_string.
For a robust implementation, in this situation I would use SFINAE to try std::to_string, operator std::string, and if both fail, use some bland label, like "unknown type" in the exception message. Maybe use typeid together with my compiler's demangler to, at least, get a C++ type name out of it.
i was looking in the Stack over flow to best way to return different value types from function in c++
i found few ways which are cool especially this method which is as close as it can be :
C++ same function parameters with different return type
but there is problem .
The Value Object can take/cast only strings so if i have something like this :
Value RetrieveValue(std::string key)
//get value
int value = get_value(key, etc);
return { value };
im getting :
error C2440: 'return': cannot convert from 'initializer list' to 'ReturnValue'
no suitable constructor exists to convert from "int" to "std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>"
my question is can i modify Value object to support also bool and float and int?
struct Value
std::string _value;
template<typename T>
operator T() const //implicitly convert into T
std::stringstream ss(_value);
T convertedValue;
if ( ss >> convertedValue ) return convertedValue;
else throw std::runtime_error("conversion failed");
also why do the "value" are returned in : { value }
curly brackets??
std::string has no constructor taking an int alone. So you can't direct initialize a std::string with one.
You can make it compile with std::to_string, however
Value RetrieveValue(std::string key)
//get value
int value = get_value(key, etc);
return { std::to_string(value) };
To answer your questions in the comments:
{std::to_string(value)} aggregate initializes a Value object, the return value of your function.
The implicit conversion to any T happens outside of your function call. When the compiler need to assign the Value you returned to some variable, it looks for a proper conversion. Which the templated conversion operator provides.
Per your second comment. If you want to support only fundamental types, you can dispense of the exception in favor of a static_assert on std::is_fundamental:
template<typename T>
operator T() const //implicitly convert into T
static_assert(std::is_fundamental<T>::value, "Support only fundamental types");
std::stringstream ss(_value);
T convertedValue;
ss >> convertedValue
return convertedValue;
I was trying to make a program, which automatically detects the data type of input given by user.
My approach :
int input(istream& i)
int k;
return k;
float input(istream& i)
float k;
return k;
void showval(int h){cout<<h;}
void showval(float h){cout<<h;}
int main()
return 0;
As you can see, I used overloading of parameters and overloading of return type of two different functions, but at the same time. However, the program gives error as
"new declaration float input(istream& i) disambiguates the old
declaration int input(istream& i)”.
I don’t understand, how this creates ambiguity. Is it because, the two different functions (showval and input) are dependent?
Also after going through few articles on overloading, what i realised is that in C++, methods can be overloaded only if they differ by parameters.
However this link has a trick by which he was able to overload functions by return type. Is it possible to use the same trick in my program? Also, is there any way by which i can tell the compiler that the function input has parameter which is user dependent, and its data type may or may not differ. Does C++ forbid such possibilty?
Let's say that types such as int and float are specific, and types such as the proxy object shown in the linked question are generic. Our options are to be specific to begin with, in which case we just coast through the rest, or we give rise to a generic type and handle all the various specific types we may support.
The proxy object shown in the linked question is an example of a variant type, and boost::variant is a generic implementation of this. For example, boost::variant<int, float> allows us to hold either int or float.
My recommendation really depends what you want. Do you
want to specify the type you expect to get from the user and throw on unexpectd input? (specific to begin with and coast) OR,
want to give rise to a different type depending on what the user inputted and specify a set of types you can handle? (Give rise to a generic type and handle the various specific types)
Specifying the type you expect from the user
In this case we can simply make the function templated and we specify the type we expect through the template parameter.
The example shown is kept totally generic but you can restrain template parameters using various techniques. Check out my answer regarding this topic.
#include <iostream>
/* Read data of type T from an input stream. */
template <typename T>
T read(std::istream &strm) {
T val;
strm >> val;
if (!strm) {
throw /* something */;
} // if
return val;
/* Print data of type T. */
template <typename T>
void print(const T &val) {
std::cout << val;
int main() {
This will give rise to an int for input such as 1 and even for input such as 1., 1.0 and 1.2.
Handling different types you may get from the user
In this case we're actually lexing the input stream from the user. Our read function will give rise to a generic type, boost::variant<int, float>.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
/* Naive implementation of a lexer. */
boost::variant<int, float> read(std::istream &strm) {
std::string lexeme;
strm >> lexeme;
try {
std::size_t idx;
auto val = std::stoi(lexeme, &idx);
if (idx == lexeme.size()) { // Make sure we converted the entire lexeme.
return val;
} // if
} catch (const std::exception &) {
// Do nothing. We'll try to lex it as float instead.
} // try
std::size_t idx;
auto val = std::stof(lexeme, &idx);
if (idx == lexeme.size()) { // Make sure we converted the entire lexeme.
return val;
} // if
throw /* something */;
/* Print the type and the value, to check that we have the correct type. */
void print(const boost::variant<int, float> &val) {
class visitor : public boost::static_visitor<void> {
void operator()(int that) const {
std::cout << "int: " << that << std::endl;
void operator()(float that) const {
std::cout << "float: " << that << std::endl;
}; // visitor
boost::apply_visitor(visitor(), val);
int main() {
This approach will give rise to int for input such as 1, and give rise to float for input such as 1., 1.0 as 1.2.
As you can see, we give rise to a generic type, boost::variant<int, float>, and handle the various specific types, int and float, in the visitor.
The problem is that the compiler cannot possibly know which version of input to call. It is only within input that you actually attempt to extract from the stream, and only at that point can you know what the user has inputted. And even then, there's no reason the user can't enter 1.5 and then you extract into an int, or they enter 5 and you extract into a float.
Types are compile-time constructs. The compiler uses the type information to produce the program executable, so it must know what types are being used at compile time (way before the user inputs anything).
So no, you can't do this quite like this. You could extract a line from the input, parse it to determine whether it's a floating point value or an integer (does it have a .?), and then have a separate execution path for each case. However, instead I recommend deciding what the input that you expect from the user is (an int or a float?) and just extract that.
And also no, the trick with the proxy won't work for you. Firstly, as I mentioned, the format of the input is not known at compile time anyway. But secondly, in that code, the type that was required was known by the type of the variable being declared. In one line they did int v = ... and in the other they did double u = .... In your case, you're passing the result to showval which could take either an int or double and the compiler has no idea which.
I want to make a class that will have a single get template method which will receive an std::string to find in a std::map the right variable and return it.
The std::map should store any type of variable, so I used boost::any, so far the std::map looks like that:
std::map<std::string, boost::any> variables_;
for the get function, I tried something like that:
template <typename T>
T get(std::string& parameter)
return variables_[parameter];
But no lucky, my question is, is that even possible to do? If so, how?
The basic idea is that I dont want to make an specific method to every specific variable in my class, so other classes dont need to know about every get method of it.
ps: For anyone asking why I want this, here is a resume of it, I have a lot of algorithms, that will run in a certain order, and it will use that for the last one already runned algorithm. So, what I want is to make an xml file, that will tell what algorithms will run, in which order and what data it will use from another algorithm.
So, for example, algorithm A have an variable named "threshold", algorithm B need that information, so, normally it will have to ask it from the A using something like A.getThreshold, but as far as I know, I can't call a object function with it name in an string (from the xml file), so my solution would be have only an get function which i pass the variable name I want and that function will return it to me.
An alternative solution would be to "wrap" the boost::any object into another object which can be automatically converted to anything you want. I don't think it's a good practice but it's the best fit according to your question.
class AnyWrapper {
boost::any value;
AnyWrapper(const boost::any& val) : value(val) {}
template<typename T> operator T() {
return boost::any_cast<T>(value);
And your getter would be something like :
AnyWrapper get(std::string& parameter)
return variables_[parameter]; // variables is a std::map<std::string, boost::any>
And then you should be able to retrieve your elements like that :
int integerValue = myContainer.get("age");
std::string stringValue = myContainer.get("name");
But again, this is not a clean solution. There is a reason why the boost authors chose to make the any_cast explicit :)
An boost::any value won't implicitly convert to a type T, you have to request that cast manually:
template <typename T>
T get(std::string& parameter)
return boost::any_cast<T>(variables_[parameter]);
The call will fail with a boost::bad_any_cast exception if the type stored in the any is not exactly T.
You can also return an boost::any. You lose encapsulation of your implementation, but depending on how you use the return value, it may be the better way.
What you want is not possible as you are trying to mix compile time (template) and runtime (map lookup) code.
You either have to make it fully runtime:
struct base_type { virtual ~base_type{} };
struct derived_type: base_type { ... };
std::map<std::string, base_type*> lookup_map;
base_type* get(std::string const& key) { return lookup_map[key]; }
Or fully compile time (boost.fusion example):
#include <boost/fusion/container/map.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/at_key.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/value_at_key.hpp>
namespace bf=boost::fusion;
struct key_a; // analogues of string keys in compile time world
struct key_b;
struct key_c;
typedef bf::map<
bf::pair<key_a, long>,
bf::pair<key_b, double>,
bf::pair<key_c, char const*>
> rtmap_t;
rtmap_t rtmap;
template <class Key>
void set_value(typename bf::result_of::value_at_key<rtmap_t, Key>::type const& val)
bf::at_key<Key>(rtmap) = val;
template <class Key>
typename bf::result_of::at_key<rtmap_t, Key>::type get_value()
return bf::at_key<Key>(rtmap);
#include <iostream>
int main()
char const* cval = "hello metaprogramming";
std::cout << get_value<key_a>() << std::endl;
std::cout << get_value<key_b>() << std::endl;
std::cout << get_value<key_c>() << std::endl;
return 0;
Considering the information you provided in your question I would choose runtime variant with dynamic polymorphism.
I have a function template as this.
template<class T> T getFromString(const string& inStream)
istringstream stream (inStream);
T t;
stream >> t;
return t;
I am not getting how to use this function template. I have tried the usual method of using function template it was giving an error. Please let me know for getting out of this.
You can use it like this:
std::string a = "11";
int n = getFromString<int>(a);
This will extract the integer value from the string.
BTW, it is good to use T t = T(); inside the template as it will gurantee the initialization for the basic datatypes even if the extaction fails.
Unleashing the power of Boost:
int n = boost::lexical_cast<int>("11");
The problem is that the compiler cannot use the return type to infer the types of the function. You need to explicitly provide the type that you want as part of the function call, as #Naveen already mentioned: getFromString<int>("123"). Another approach is changing the function signature so that instead of returning it receives the type as an argument:
template <typename T>
void getFromString( const std::string & str, T & value ) { ... }
int main() {
int x;
As you provide a variable of type T in the call, the compiler is now able to infer the type from the arguments. (x is an int, so you are calling getFromString<int>). The disadvantage is that you need to create the variable in advance and user code will be more convoluted for simple use cases as int n = getFromString<int>( "123" );
Is it possible in C++ to stringify template arguments?
I tried this:
#include <iostream>
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
template <typename T>
struct Stringify
std::cout << STRINGIFY(T) << endl;
int main()
Stringify<int> s;
But what I get is a T, and not an int. Seems that the preprocessor macros are evaluated before template instantiation.
Is there any other way to do this?
Is there any way for the preprocessing to take place after template instantiation? (Compiler is VC++).
You could try
Edit: Fixed based on comments.
You could use some template magic.
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
struct TypeName { static const char *name; };
template <typename T>
const char *TypeName<T>::name = "unknown";
template <>
const char *TypeName<int>::name = "int";
template <typename T>
struct Stringify
std::cout << TypeName<T>::name << std::endl;
int main()
Stringify<int> s;
This has an advantage over RTTI (i.e. typeinfo) - it is resolved during compilation; and disadvantage - you need to provide type information yourself (unless there is some library that does that already that I'm not aware of; maybe something in Boost even).
Or, as Martin York suggested in comments, use inline function templates instead:
template <typename T>
inline const char* typeName(void) { return "unknown"; }
template <>
inline const char* typeName<int>(void) { return "int"; }
// ...
std::cout << typeName<T>() << std::endl;
But, if you'll ever need to store more information about that particular type, then class templates will probably be better.
Your code doesn't work because the preprocessor, responsible for searching and expanding the macros you use in your code, is not aware of the language itself. It is just a text parser. It finds that STRINGIFY(T) in the very function template and expand it, much before you give a type to that template. As it turns out, you will always get "T" instead of the typename you expected, unfortunately.
As litb suggested, I've (badly) implemented this `getTypeName' function template that returns the typename you pass it:
#include <iostream>
template <typename _Get_TypeName>
const std::string &getTypeName()
static std::string name;
if (name.empty())
const char *beginStr = "_Get_TypeName =";
const size_t beginStrLen = 15; // Yes, I know...
// But isn't it better than strlen()?
size_t begin,length;
begin = name.find(beginStr) + beginStrLen + 1;
length = name.find("]",begin) - begin;
name = name.substr(begin,length);
return name;
int main()
typedef void (*T)(int,int);
// Using getTypeName()
std::cout << getTypeName<float>() << '\n';
std::cout << getTypeName<T>() << '\n'; // You don't actually need the
// typedef in this case, but
// for it to work with the
// typeid below, you'll need it
// Using typeid().name()
std::cout << typeid(float).name() << '\n';
std::cout << typeid(T).name() << '\n';
return 0;
The code above results in the following output with GCC flag -s ("strip all symbols from binary") enabled:
void (*)(int, int)
So, you see, getTypename() does a fairly better job, at the cost of that fugly string parsing hack (I KNOW, it's damn ugly).
A few points to take into account:
The code is GCC only. I don't know how to port it to another compiler. Probably only a few others have such a facility to produce so pretty function names, and from what I searched, MSVC++ doesn't have one, if you're asking yourself that.
If, in a new version, GCC formats __PRETTY_FUNCTION__'s differently, the string matching can break and you'll have to fix it. For this same reason I also warn that getTypeName() might be good for debugging (and, still, maybe not even good for that), but it is surely bad, bad, and bad for other purposes such as comparing two types in a template or something like that (I don't know, just guessing what someone might think of..). Use it solely for debugging, and preferentially don't call it in release builds (use macros to disable), so that you don't use __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ and thus the compiler doesn't produce the string for it.
I'm definitely no expert, and I'm not sure whether some odd type could cause the string matching to fail. I'd like to ask for people who read this post to comment if they know of such a case.
The code uses a static std::string. It means that, if some exception is thrown from its constructor or destructor, there is no way that it will reach a catch block and you'll get an unhandled exception. I don't know whether std::strings can do that, but beware that, if they do, you're potentially in trouble. I used it because it needs a destructor to free the memory. You could implement your own class for that, though, ensuring no exception is thrown besides allocation failure (that's pretty much fatal, isn't it? So...), and return a simple C-string.
With typedefs you can get some weird results, like this (for some reason, the site breaks the formatting of this snippet, so I'm using this paste link): http://pastebin.com/f51b888ad
Despite those disadvantages, I'd like to say that it sure is fast. For the second time you lookup for one same type name, it will cost picking a reference to a global std::string containing the name. And, comparatively to the template specialiazation methods suggested before, there is nothing else you have to declare besides the very template itself, so it is really much easier to use.
No, you cannot work on types as if they were variables. You could write code that extracted the typeid() of an element and printed the name, but the resulting value will probably not be what you expect (type names are not standarized).
You can also work with template specializations (and some macro magic) to achieve a more interesting version if the number of types you want to work with is limited:
template <typename T> const char* printtype(); // not implemented
// implement specializations for given types
#define DEFINE_PRINT_TYPE( type ) \
const char* printtype<type>() {\
return #type;\
// ... and so on
template <typename T> void test()
std::cout << printtype<T>() << std::endl;
int main() {
test<float>(); // compilation error, printtype undefined for float
Or you could even combine both versions: implement the printtype generic template using typeinfo and then provide specializations for the types you want to have fancier names.
template <typename T>
const char* printtype()
return typeid(T).name();
This breaks one of my primary tenets of C++ code writing: Avoid using tricks in both the template features and the preprocessor at the same time.
Part of the reason for templates and the nastiness they introduce into the language was an attempt to wean developers away from using the preprocessor. If you use both, then the terrorists win.
If you use boost/core/demangle.hpp, you can get a reliable human-readable string.
char const * name = typeid(T).name();
boost::core::scoped_demangled_name demangled( name );
std::cout << (demangled.get() ? demangled.get() : "Failed to demangle") << std::endl;
in my code I use the "awful" double-declaration of the "Class-Name"
because c++ is NOT able to extract the string "MyServer" from the template…
the only "way" to get "rid" of this… using a cpp "wrapper"
#define MQ_CPPSTR(s) #s
#define MqFactoryCAdd(T) MqFactoryC<T>::Add(MQ_CPPSTR(T)).Default()
Here’s what I do: I have a demangle() function (implemented on top of abi::__cxa_demangle() which I call with a couple of convenience template function overloads, nameof(), with either the type I want stringified or an instance of same.
It’s fairly compact, so I’ll reproduce it here in all its glory. In demangle.hh we have:
#pragma once
#include <typeinfo>
namespace terminator {
/// actual function to demangle an allegedly mangled thing
char const* demangle(char const* const symbol) noexcept;
/// convenience function template to stringify a name of a type,
/// either per an explicit specialization:
/// char const* mytypename = terminator::nameof<SomeType>();
template <typename NameType>
char const* nameof() {
try {
return demangle(typeid(NameType).name());
} catch (std::bad_typeid const&) {
return "<unknown>";
/// … or as implied by an instance argument:
/// char const* myinstancetypename = terminator::nameof(someinstance);
template <typename ArgType>
char const* nameof(ArgType argument) {
try {
return demangle(typeid(argument).name());
} catch (std::bad_typeid const&) {
return "<unknown>";
} /* namespace terminator */
… And then in demangle.cpp:
#include "demangle.hh"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cxxabi.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <memory>
namespace terminator {
namespace {
/// define one singular, private, static std::mutex,
/// to keep the demangler from reentering itself
static std::mutex mangle_barrier;
/// define a corresponding private and static std::unique_ptr,
/// using a delete-expression to reclaim the memory malloc()'ed by
/// abi::__cxa_demangle() upon its return.
/// … we use clang pragmas to add flags locally for this to work:
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wexit-time-destructors"
std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(std::free)&> demangled_name{ nullptr, std::free };
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
char const* demangle(char const* const symbol) noexcept {
if (!symbol) { return "<null>"; }
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mangle_barrier);
int status = -4;
nullptr, &status));
return ((status == 0) ? demangled_name.release() : symbol);
} /* namespace terminator */
To use this, I think you’ll have to link to libc++ (or whatever your local equivalent is) to use abi::__cxa_demangle(). What may be suboptimal for the OP is the fact that this does the demangling and stringification at runtime. I’d personally love something constexpr-friendly in leu of this, but since I suffer from a severe macro-abuse allergy, I find this to be the least generally-unreasonable solution to this problem.
(the terminator namespace is inconsequential – I use this code in a libunwind-based stacktracer called from termination handler – feel free to s///g that token)