How to learn qt, entirely in C++ - without touching qt designer? [closed] - c++

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So i am basically a newbie when it comes to qt. I want to learn it ,but entirely in C++ and without even touching desinger because for me it's not coding anymore. The problem is that every single tutorial/guide/book uses it and the API documentation is just (for me) overwhelming - i dont know where to start.

These references are useful if you have a background in C++ or a similar syntax language, like Java or Javascript. Of course having the Qt Libraries and Qt Creator on your computer is an important pre-step, too.
Many different options have worked well for me:
Youtube - One pretty high quality one I found called VoidRealms did a good job of explaining what he was doing while he was doing it. There may be other channels out there of similar quality, this is one that I've seen. I don't remember if he spends a lot of time in Qt Designer or not, but he does show other methods, too.
The Qt Conference Video Archive - At the Qt Conferences they record the slides and what was taught/discussed. A number of these have great info on best practices with Qt. Each video is about an hour long and goes pretty in depth.
Welcome Tab > Examples - There are tons of well written and well documented examples. I would pick one of those and make tweaks to it and see what happens... see what builds and what doesn't.
Here is a really comprehensive example. There are many other quality ones, too.
Read The Fine Manual. Qt has set a high bar in excellence in its documentation. When digging through someone else's code or the examples you click on any "Q" and press F1, and you get high quality information in plain english... or even any of the methods coming off of any of the instances of any of the functions. I think the doxygen project was started trying to model its output after the Qt documentation.
The broad topics that come out are really good, too.
Stackoverflow. Sorting answers by votes yields a great source of FAQ's with quality answers.
Read a book; the books for Qt development are well organized and written for learning it from scratch; most of the authors have many years of experience with it.
As you start down the path of Qt/C++, awareness of the QML/Qt Quick/Javascript side is important, too. Qt Cascades Book has a lot of quality information. (getting the zip of examples for each chapter out takes a few minutes to find)
Take a class, online or at a college.
Ask questions to a co-worker or professor or TA that has experience with it.
Hope that helps.


Being a beginner programmer, how do I start making desktop applications? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm not sure if I came to the proper website to ask this question, but I'll give it a try...
I'm a teenager (getting 17 this year in June) in high school, where I have been studying the basics of C++ for an year... I want to become a programmer in the future, but I feel sort of... lost when it comes about what I should do next. I'm not satisfied with what they teach us at school.
So my question is: How do I start making simple desktop apps using the C++ programming language?
I'm not that idiotic kid that believes he can make the next big video game over the summer, without any previous programming experience. Nooooo... I'm talking about simple programs, like a text editor, or a drawing application, or maybe a simple Tetris clone...
My suggestions:
Start with simple console programs, get the content working first.
Read up on GUI frameworks. Write a simple program to display a
window. Add simple features after the window is displayed, one a time
after testing.
Read up on multiple threads. This prevents "lock up" on your GUI
while other processing is occurring.
Read up on "Model View Controller" design pattern.
Good Luck!
You tagged C++ so I would check out they have a lot of great content. You'll want to get familiar with classes, variables, functions, memory management, et cetera before you move on to APIs & frameworks in Windows development or iPhone.
After you've got a firm grip on the basics I would pick up a solid book, many of them out there--read the reviews. I personally went on the path of iOS development first and picked up iOS Programming by Big Nerd Ranch.
Again, though pick up the basics first. Good luck, and search this site for answers you'll most definitely have.

What are realistic expectations that a novice should have [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am writing this to get a more realistic view of what I should be able to achieve.
I have been learning web development for just about a month now. Below are my level of proficiency on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being not having to use google or ask a question on stackoverflow to solve all encountered issues)
Django: 5
jquery/ajax: 4.5 to 5
Html: 5
(just simple html code, having the "bone structure" of the site laid out without any fancy formatting or design)
using CSS: 0 (I think it's called css)
These are, from my understanding of the skills required to develop a site.
Am I a fast learner?
I started a month back at 0 in all categories (with limited to medium programming experience in other languages), I don't know if this counts as fast.
As a learning experience, I am trying to develop a news website where users subscribe to different news categories (ex: 'US news', 'Europe', 'Business'...) and they would get, in their news feed (a lot like facebook's news feed that automatically gets updated) feeds that are related to the categories they are subscribed to.
I haven't tackled website design yet; even though it is just for learning purposes, I would ultimately really like to have a nice design set up for the site, and deployed it on a server just so I would go through all the steps needed to actually launch a site.
I would really like to hear some feedback on feasibility/ get some insights on some of your personal professional experience on:
1- Hey is it feasible for a newbie to learn off the internet everything he needs to pull this off!!??
2- I am having a hard time putting a "deadline" to achieve this. How long will it take you to finish this? how long do you think it takes an almost complete novice to do this :)
Any other remarks/comments are welcome,
Thanks for sharing!!
I think you may be over-rating your django skills a little there! I'd say someone is probably at 6/10, or 7, when they're relatively comfortable with the AOP parts of django - i.e. metaclasses, decorators, and so forth. That said, apologies if you are at this level!
I dare say what you'll find yourself doing is making the site so that it works - this won't take long at all - and then doing a ~huge re-write using more sophisticated code. And so on.
Another issue you may have with a dynamic site like this is database optimizations and, though not really applicable for a feeds-based site, caching. I'm currently working on doing optimizations on a large website, where the initial programmer didn't care about efficiency so long as it worked. So it became incredibly inefficient, some pages using 1000+ queries (though not bad code, at all, really) - some model methods potentially doing 50k+ queries (ouch!). Most optimizations were fairly trivial (select_related, annotate, aggregate, update, etc) - some were outside of the ORM's scope and required raw SQL and/or efficient c-based algorithms. The latter have sped some pages up from ~700queries/7seconds to 3queries in 0.4seconds - impossible to do in just django.
All in all, how long it'll take to make the website depends on your audience. If its for <100 users, then it won't take you long at all (apart from the design, I could spend years playing with css and my site would still look ugly) - if its intended for a much larger user-base, then you could be spending a lot longer on it... in my opinion!
1- Hey is it feasible for a newbie to
learn everything he needs of the
internet and pull this off!!??
Completely! The information is all there. Django is an extremely well documented framework. You might have to use the brain for specific actions but most of it already exists in the framework or by using plugins. The rest you already know. As for the CSS part, get a theme from some online site and adapt it to your needs. Keep backups to revert to in case you destroy something.
2- I am having a hard time putting a
"deadline" to achieve this. How long
will it take you to finish this? how
long do you think it takes an almost
complete novice to do this :)
Can't help you there.. No one works the same way and that will be based on your experience, knowledge, background and so on. Start doing it and adapt as you go.
Good luck!

Funding for MathML rendering library [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have an unfinished MathML rendering library written in C++. I ceased development a few months ago due to lack of time. The library [still] uses the TrueType version (unsupported) of the STIX fonts beta [version 1.0 of the STIX fonts (OpenType Postscript format) has since been released].
Development of this kind of library is a HUGE undertaking and, in fact, requires a number of programmers/developers. In my case, I am doing it alone, and here's my question:
Does anyone of you know of any foundations/philanthropists who may be interested to fund my project in return for open sourcing the code?
The funding will serve as an incentive for me to finish the library - perhaps by taking a sabbatical :p - and, of course, as 'payment' for the intellectual property involved.
I've searched the web, contacted some [e.g., foundations, VCs, angels, etc.], but I either did not get a response (from VCs and angels) or was rejected (one reason is geography since these foundations support only US-based projects).
As an aside, when I search the web for MathML, the results are often outdated. I guess there's not much activity concerning MathML. Yet, I believe this library will be very useful not only to developers but also to anyone who uses math, especially students and teachers. It is useful for e-learning, can be used with desktop apps and web servers (Windows), makes it easy to insert images of formulas in PowerPoint documents, etc.
Any suggestions are most welcome. Thank you.
EDITS: I have finished this library finally without funding, although I don't rule out seeking one.
You can find my new site below with lots of sample formulas; click on the download link to download the SDK. (preferred for statistical reason) (please use the above link instead)
DON'T forget to provide some feedback - or donations. Thanks!!!!!
Since we've already got open source MathML (Firefox has had it for years) that mean you'd have to do something better than the existing OSS solutions. And at that point, why not work on an existing open source project?
So that leaves commercial apps that may want a closed library for MathML rendering. I would go after companies like the makers of MathCad, Matlab, or any other engineering software that may want to display equations neatly. You should have something that already works for some subset of the things you/they will want it to do. You should also turn yourself into a company before going to those places so they take you seriously and you can license it to multiple customers. Otherwise the most you're likely to get is a job offer where they'd like you to hand over what you've got (for free if they can get you to) and then work on it as an employee - which may be all you want if you love it and hate your day job ;-)
You should probably ask on www-math list, also if you ask there, we can list your application in the software implementations page

Does anyone know a good/easy/free/open 3d modeling program? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Does anyone know of an easy 3D modeling application like sketchup but is opensource?
I don't have time for learning blender ( guess I never will ):
and I'm a fan of having multiple small tools do their part of the job
( first cut the plank using the saw the nail it using the hammer :) ).
I also might need to do some modifications to the application, for an example I want to be able to preview my GLSL shaders directly at the model. I want also be able to cut the model in half ( or as many cuts as I want to ) and have it saved in my own fileformet.
I does almost only know C++, done some hacking in other langs to.
Ask me if I'm unclear with my askings :)
I'm not a GUI tool programmer and have never done anything like a 3D editor, the most tools I've mada have been consolebased. Does anyone know a good startingpoint for a 3Dtool? ( like but for 3d tools instead of 3d games )
Blender is the only decent one I know, why not taking a look in Youtube/Vimeo on some tutorials? There are plenty and it's quite fast to scrap with Video tutorials.
Not sure if it helps, but you might look at Wings 3D. Also, Blender is not that strange once you spend an hour working with it :-)
Anim8or is not open source and is windows only, but is really easy to use, and has very good tutorials.
Personally, I'd say skip all the open source apps, go download either 3ds Max Learning edition or Maya Learning Edition, take a few years off. Just jump into the deepest end you can, and if you stick at it long and hard enough; you might just become a 3d artist. There is NO shortcut, forget the 'easy' stuff. Just my 0.2 Cent
I rememebered that Truespace 3 used to be available for free. - Whilst checking out Caligari's site to check if this was still true....I notice that 7.6 is available for free.
Theres a letter from the founder of Caligari - explaining the reason for this - and advising people to download and backup the installers. Hopefully if the 'slump' turns around Microsoft will reinvest and make this product available again.
But for now 7.6 + SDK + video + tutorials are ALL FREE
THere is no such thing as easy 3d so get that notion out of your head right now. You are gonna have to sit down and learn one platform or another at some time, why not now? Nothing is for free in the end but hard work pays off .
I started at zero two months ago and I'm building scenes now (with premade models) and animating now.
If you don't have the time don't bother because you will just get frustrated with your results.
TO use your analogy, if you don't know how to hold the hammer how are you gonna nail?
Blender's OK, if a little quirky but does have a nice plugin architecture and a few nice utilities like mesh unwrap ( saves hours of UVing time ).
I'd highly recommend the SoftImage Mod Tool - it's basically the full version of SoftImage with a minor few restrictions on stuff like max mesh count. It also has nice XNA integration too.
I recommend AC3D but it's not free ($80) though pretty affordable I think. There is an plugin API to do extra stuff too.

Application for sketching ideas on a computer [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I've always wanted to sketch all ideas I come up with in the computer instead of on paper, but everyone knows that sketching with good 'ol fashioned pen and paper beats the crap out of trying to do it with a mouse (or even worse, a touch pad).
So I turn to stack overflow with this question: Does any one of you know a magic program that will help in sketching out diagrams, ideas, etc. with decent speed on a computer?
I'm not after something that will do pretty diagrams (that take ages to do, btw.) like Visio, Dia (kudos the the Dia developers though, kick ass app), etc. but for jotting down quick ideas and drawing early work flow sketches, etc.
(I know - a wacom board, but it's not really feasible to carry it around with your laptop)
I still go for a whiteboard and a decent camera on the mobile phone.
Normally when working on the whiteboard, we often go through a phase of erasing out all the unimportant stuff after we've worked out what the real essence of the problem and the solution. So we put some nice pictures on the wiki ;)
Did you consider some kind of mind-mapping application ?
PersonalBrain is quite handy for that type of task, even though the "diagram" feature is quite limited.
alt text
I'm actually a big fan of OneNote. It's great for entering text and organizing it in a visual way.
This won't do for situations where you're working with other people, but I often do my brain-storming with GraphViz.
GraphViz gives you the dot and neato languages for drawing graphs. So you start jotting down items and the relationships between them in your favourite text editor:
graph brainstorm {
release -- documentation
release -- "bug fixes"
release -- enhancements
documentation -- "release notes"
documentation -- "user guide"
enhancements -- "user requests" -- "support team"
enhancements -- marketing -- demo
You can then turn this into a image:
neato diagram
There are lots of options for formatting and layout and so on if you want to prettify the output.
It doesn't work for idea's or diagrams, but i found this very impressive: I love sketch. Hopefully, we'll see similar tools in the future for other forms of information.
When i was still using windows i used adobe illustrator and a wacom tabled for sketching diagrams (example). Powerfull, but a steep learning curve, if you just want to do sketching.
On linux i use Inkscape (with a wacom tablet). It's not as powerful as illustrator, but it gets the job done. (example).
I would love to use a sketching tool for creating presentations. Have a number of slides on my screen, and just sketch to contents of every sheet, also using the wacom to drag and drop the slides in the right order, etc.
There was a research project called SILK (Sketching Interfaces Like Krazy) a few years ago (mid 90s) at Carnegie-Mellon. Two papers that talked about the work are Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages of User Interface Design and Just Draw It! Programming by Sketching Storyboards.
I thought their ideas were very cool, but the project seems to have blown away. I'm mentioning it here for two reasons:
To support the questioner's idea that this would be A Very Good Thing for early design stages, and
In hopes that someone else will have more luck than I did in finding out what happened to SILK (or at least the prototypes).
I know you are "not after something that will do pretty diagrams".
However, I believe this new web flash-based application LovelyCharts might be oo assistance for quick (and nice too) diagrams, and can be compliant with your goal to "jotting down quick ideas and drawing early work flow sketches, etc."
Example of work flow sketch:
The closest thing to the feeling of writing on paper with pencil or pen that I have found is a graphics tablet (relatively inexpensive and small Wacom Bamboo is enough) with Autodesk's SketchBook Pro software.
Try the trial (if you have graphics tablet handy, not really the same with a mouse), it's amazing how natural digital drawing feels with that app.
Depending on how close you are to implementing something, balsamiq mockups may be what you want. I find it great for mocking up user interfaces, and it's probably not a bad way to start sketching a development idea.
Autodesk Sketchbook Pro is the closest I've come to a whiteboard after an extensive search. Minimal controls, yet enough. It's also attractively priced, in line with its simplicty.
Maybe you should consider buying a Graphic Tablet .
I recommend Wacom Bamboo
I wouldn't suggest it, but people have mentioned mind-mapping products and even OneNote (¡sin comentarios!), so I'll plug my TheKBase Desktop and it's Cloud brother, TheKBase Web. NO, they will not help you draw things like on paper, but in many cases, diagrams are not what you need. You want to organize your ideas and whip them into shape.
If you insist on diagramming, 30x less annoying than Visio is SmartDraw (sorry for the Spanish grammar).
Moleskin for the win!