How can I improve the perfomance of my OpenMP code? - c++

I am currently trying to improve parallel performance on my Code and I am still new to OpenMP. I have to iterate over a large container, in each iteration reading from multiple entries and writing a result to a single entry. Below is a very minmal Code example of what I am trying to do.
data is a pointer to an array, where a lot of datapoints are stored. Before the parallel region I create an Array newData, so can use data as read-only and newData as write-only, afterwards I throw the old data away and use newDatafor further calculations.
To my understanding data and newDataare shared between threads and everything declared inside the parallel region is private.
Can reading from databy multiple threads cause performance issues?
I am using #critical for assigning a new value to an element of newData to avoid race conditions. Is this necessary, since I access every element of newDataonly once and never by multiple threads?
Also I am not sure about scheduling. Do I have to specify if I want a static or dynamic schedule? Can I use nowait since all threads are idependent of each other?
array *newData = new array;
omp_set_num_threads (threads);
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for
for (int i = 0; i < range; i++)
double middle = (*data)[i];
double previous = (*data)[i-1];
double next = (*data)[i+1];
double new_value = (previous + middle + next) / 3.0;
#pragma omp critical(assignment)
(*newData)[i] = new_value;
delete data;
data = newData;
I am aware that in the first and last iteration previous and next can not be read from data, in the real code this is taken care of but for this minimal example you get the idea of reading multiple times from data.

First of all, get rid of all unnecessary dependencies. #pragma omp critical(assignment) is not necessary because each index of (*newData) is only written to once per loop, so there's no race condition.
Your code could now look like this:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < range; i++)
(*newData)[i] = ((*data)[i-1] + (*data)[i] + (*data)[i+1]) / 3.0;
Now we're looking for bottlenecks. The list of potential candidates I came up with is this:
Slow division
Cache thrashing
ILP (Instruction level parallelism)
Memory bandwith limitations
Hidden dependencies
So let's analyze them further.
Slow division:
It takes some CPUs forever to calculate double/double. To know how long and what througput your CPU has, you have to look at its specs. Maybe replacing /3.0 with *0.3333.. might help, but maybe your compiler does this already. Using extended instruction sets (like SSE/AVX) you might shedule several divisions/multiplications at once.
Cache thrashing:
Because your CPU has to load/store one cache line at a time there could be conflicts. Imagine if thread 1 tries to write to (*newdata)[1] and thread 2 to (*newdata)[2] and they are on the same cache line. Now one of them has to wait for the other. You could resolve this with #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 64).
CPUs can schedule multiple operations into a pipeline if the operations are independent. For this to happen you have to unroll your loop. This could look like this:
assert(range % 4 == 0);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < range/4; i++) {
(*newData)[i*4+0] = ((*data)[i*4-1] + (*data)[i*4+0] + (*data)[i*4+1]) / 3.0;
(*newData)[i*4+1] = ((*data)[i*4+0] + (*data)[i*4+1] + (*data)[i*4+2]) / 3.0;
(*newData)[i*4+2] = ((*data)[i*4+1] + (*data)[i*4+2] + (*data)[i*4+3]) / 3.0;
(*newData)[i*4+3] = ((*data)[i*4+2] + (*data)[i*4+3] + (*data)[i*4+4]) / 3.0;
Memory bandwith limitations:
For your very simple loop think about this. How much memory do you have to load and how long will your CPU be busy processing it. You're loading about 1 cache line and computing some dereferences, some pointer addition, two additions and one division. Which limit you hit depends on your CPU specs.
Now consider cache locality. Can you modify your code to make better use of the cache? If one thread gets i=3 in one loop-iteration, and i=7 in the next, you have to reload 3 (*data)'s. But if you would go from i=3 to i=4, you might not have to load anything, because (*data)[i+1] was in the cacheline previously loaded. You save some RAM bandwith. To make use of this, unroll the loop. Also using float instead of double increases this chance.
Hidden dependencies:
Now this part I personally find very tricky. Sometimes your compiler isn't shure it can reuse some data, because it doesn't know it hasn't changed. Using const helps the compiler. But sometimes you need a restrict to give the compiler the right hint. But I don't understand this well enough to explain it.
So here is what I would try:
const double ONETHIRD = 1.0 / 3.0;
assert(range % 4 == 0);
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1024)
for (int i = 0; i < range/4; i++) {
(*newData)[i*4+0] = ((*data)[i*4-1] + (*data)[i*4+0] + (*data)[i*4+1]) * ONETHIRD;
(*newData)[i*4+1] = ((*data)[i*4+0] + (*data)[i*4+1] + (*data)[i*4+2]) * ONETHIRD;
(*newData)[i*4+2] = ((*data)[i*4+1] + (*data)[i*4+2] + (*data)[i*4+3]) * ONETHIRD;
(*newData)[i*4+3] = ((*data)[i*4+2] + (*data)[i*4+3] + (*data)[i*4+4]) * ONETHIRD;
And then benchmark. Benchmark some more, and benchmark some more. Only benchmarks will show you which tricks help.
PS: One more thing to consider. If you see your program hitting the memory bandwith hard. You could consider changing the algorithm. Maybe fuse two steps into one. Like going from
b[i] := (a[i-1] + a[i] + a[i+1]) / 3.0
d[i] := (n[i-1] + n[i] + n[i+1]) / 3.0 = (a[i-2] + 2.0 * a[i-1] + 3.0 * a[i] + 2.0 * a[i+1] + a[i+1]) / 3.0. I think the reason for this you will find out yourself.
Have fun optimizing ;-)

Reading an array by multiple threads usually does no harm.
You only need a critical section if multiple threads work on the exact same piece of data, here each thread accesses a different part of the array so you dont need it. Critical sections are very bad for performance so only use them if absolutely necessary. Often they can be replaced by atomic actions:
openMP, atomic vs critical?
Like a critical section, they dont make sense if each thread accesses different data.
For the scheduler its best to test them each and measure the performance as predictions about performance are often wrong. Also try different chunk sizes.
Some other things that might help:
Measuring performance is often interferred by other tasks on your pc so take multiple measurements and take their minimum (except if the input is different each time, then take the average and do more measurements).
Do you really need double precision? Floats are a lot faster.
edit: nowait is for multiple independent for loops:

I assume you are trying to do some kind of convolution or median blur with 1D array. The short answer is: stick to default schedule strategy, and get rid of critical at all.
As I can tell, you are a quit newbie to parallelism, it's a little bit confusion to deal with OpenMP directives, like nowait/private/reduction/critical/atomic/single, etc. I think what you need is a well written textbook to clarify various concept. If you had a sound knowledge, a hour of learning OpenMP could be enough to deal with most daily programming.


How to make this OpenMP run faster?

I am new to OpenMP and I have this code of a Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication and it runs in between 40 - 50 sec. and has total 4237 MFlops/s. Is there any way to get it faster?
Ss I have edited the post the complete code und Aas an input I have 2 matrices one with 50000 Element and the secound with 400000.
The main problem is when ever I try something different, I get the time to go even worse.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule (static,50)
for (int i=0; i< (tInput->stNumRows); ++i) {
y[i] = 0.0;
for (int j=Arow[i]; j<Arow[i+1]; ++j)
y[i] += Aval[j]*x[Acol[j]];
The way thing you can do to improve the performance of the code is to use vectorization (thanks to SIMD instructions). Here is the resulting code:
for (int i=0; i< (tInput->stNumRows); ++i) {
double s = 0.0;
#pragma omp simd reduction(+:s)
for (int j=Arow[i]; j<Arow[i+1]; ++j)
s += Aval[j] * x[Acol[j]];
y[i] = s;
Note that y[i] is not read/written continuously in the loop enabling further compiler optimizations. Please take care to compile the code in -O3 (or /O2 for MSVC) for the code to be effectively vectorized. However, this is probably not enough for this code to be vectorized.
Indeed, one issue with this code is the memory indirection x[Acol[j]] which is very hard to vectorize efficiently. Recent x86-64 processors (the ones with AVX2) and very recent ARM processors (the ones with SVE) have SIMD instructions to do that (although they are not great still due to the memory access pattern). Without these instructions, no compiler will likely vectorize the code. Thus, you should tell to your compiler it can use theses instructions (assuming the target processor is actually recent). For GCC/Clang, one way is to use the non-portable -march=native. Another way is to use -mavx2 combined with -mfma on x86-64 processors (although this does not seems to be as good as -march=native in this case for very complex reasons).
Another way to improve the code is to mitigate possible load balancing issues and unwanted overheads. Indeed, load balancing issues can appear in your code if the expression Arow[i+1]-Arow[i]+1 is very different for many i values. In that case, you can use a guided schedule or a dynamic one. However, keep in mind that using a non-static schedule may introduces a significant overhead (especially if the loop is very small or the gap between values is huge). Finally, you can move the omp parallel directive outside the timing loop body since this can introduce a significant overhead (due to the thread creation regarding the target OpenMP runtime).
Note that the above solutions assume the input matrices are big enough so parallelism is useful. Moreover, if x is huge, the code will likely be bounded by the memory hierarchy and there is not much you can do. Sparse matrix computations are often slow because of such issues.
Here is the final code:
#pragma omp parallel
// Timing loop
// [...]
#pragma omp for schedule(guided)
for (int i=0; i< (tInput->stNumRows); ++i) {
double s = 0.0;
#pragma omp simd reduction(+:s)
for (int j=Arow[i]; j<Arow[i+1]; ++j)
s += Aval[j] * x[Acol[j]];
y[i] = s;
// [...]
EDIT: with your input data, the best solution on my machine (with Clang/IOMP) is not to use multiple threads at all since 400000 elements can be computed in roughly 0.3 ms and the overhead of sharing the work between threads is bigger.

Will matrix multiplication using for loops decrease performance?

Currently I'm working on a program that uses matrices. I came up with this nested loop to multiply two matrices:
// The matrices are 1-dimensional arrays
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
result[i * 4 + j] += M1[i * 4 + k] * M2[k * 4 + j];
The loop works. My question is: will this loop be slower compared to writing it all out manually like this:
result[0] = M1[0]*M2[0] + M1[1]*M2[4] + M1[2]*M2[8] + M1[3]*M2[12];
result[1] = M1[0]*M2[1] + M1[1]*M2[5] + M1[2]*M2[9] + M1[4]*M2[13];
result[2] = ... etc.
Because in the nested loop, the array positions are calculated and in the second method, they do not.
As with so many things, "it depends", but in this instance I would tend toward the second, expanded form performing just about the same. Any modern compiler will unroll appropriate loops for you, and take care of it.
Two points perhaps worth making:
The second approach is uglier, is more prone to errors and tedious to write/maintain.
This is a nice example of 'premature optimization' (AKA the root of all evil). Do you know if this section is a bottleneck? Is this really the most intensive part of the code? By optimizing so early we incur everything in point #1 for what amounts to a hunch if we haven't bench marked our code.
Your compiler might already do this, take a look at loop unrolling.
Let the compiler do the guessing and the heavy work, stick to the clean code, and as always, measure your performance.
I don't think the loop will be slower. You are accessing the memory of the M1 and M2 arrays in the same way in both instances i.e. . If you want to make the "manual" version faster then use scalar replacement and do the computation on registers e.g.
double M1_0 = M1[0];
double M2_0 = M2[0];
result[0] = M1_0*M2_0 + ...
but you can use scalar replacement within the loop as well. You can do it if you do blocking and loop unrolling (in fact your triple loop looks like a blocking version of the MMM).
What you are trying to do is to speed up the program by improving locality i.e. better use of the memory hierarchy and better locality.
Assuming that you are running code on Intel processors or compatible (AMD) you may actually want to switch to assembly language to do heavy matrix computations. Luckily, you have the Intel-IPP library that does the actual work for you using advanced processor technology and selecting what is expected to be the fastest algorithm depending on your processor.
The IPP includes all the necessary matrix computations that you'd possibly need. The only problem you may encounter is the order in which you created your matrices. You may have to re-organize the order to make it easier to use the IPP functions you'd like to use.
Note that in regard to your two code examples, the second one will be faster because you avoid the += operator which is a read / modify / write cycle and that's generally slow (not only that, it requires the result matrix to be all zeroes to start with whereas the second example does not require clearing the output first), although your matrices are likely to fit in the cache... but, the processors are optimized to read input data in sequence (a[0], a1, a[2], a[3], ...) and also to write that data back in sequence. If you can write your algorithm to be as close as possible to such a sequence, all the better. Don't get me wrong, I know that matrix multiplications cannot be done in sequence. But if you think of that to do your optimization, you'll achieve better results (i.e. change the order in which your matrices are saved in memory could be one of them).

Strange ratio in speedup between release and debug builds in game "Life"

I wrote classic game "Life" with 4-sided neighbors. When I run it in debug, it says:
Consecutive version: 4.2s
Parallel version: 1.5s
Okey, it's good. But if I run it in release, it says:
Consecutive version: 0.46s
Parallel version: 1.23s
Why? I run it on the computer with 4 kernels. I run 4 threads in parallel section. Answer is correct. But somethere is leak and I don't know that place. Can anybody help me?
I try to run it in Visual Studio 2008 and 2012. The results are same. OMP is enabled in the project settings.
To repeat my problem, you can find defined constant PARALLEL and set it to 1 or 0 to enable and disable OMP correspondingly. Answer will be in the out.txt (out.txt - right answer example). The input must be in in.txt (my input - in.txt). There are some russian symbols, you don't need to understand them, but the first number in in.txt means number of threads to run in parallel section (it's 4 in the example).
The main part is placed in the StartSimulation function. If you run the program, you will see some russian text with running time in the console.
The program code is big enough, so I add it with file hosting - main.cpp (l2 means "lab 2" for me)
Some comments about StartSimulation function. I cuts 2D surface with cells into small rectangles. It is done by AdjustKernelsParameters function.
I do not find the ratio so strange. Having multiple threads co-operate is a complex business and has overheads.
Access to shared memory needs to be serialized which normally involves some form of locking mechanism and contention between threads where they have to wait for the lock to be released.
Such shared variables need to be synchronized between the processor cores which can give significant slowdowns. Also the compiler needs to treat these critical areas differently as a "sequence point".
All this reduces the scope for per thread optimization both in the processor hardware and the compiler for each thread when it is working with the shared variable.
It seems that in this case the overheads of parallelization outweigh the optimization possibilities for the single threaded case.
If there were more work for each thread to do independently before needed to access a shared variable then these overheads would be less significant.
You are using guided loop schedule. This is a very bad choice given that you are dealing with a regular problem where each task can easily do exactly the same amount of work as any other if the domain is simply divided into chunks of equal size.
Replace schedule(guided) with schedule(static). Also employ sum reduction over livingCount instead of using locked increments:
#if PARALLEL == 1
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) num_threads(kernelsCount) \
for (int offsetI = 0; offsetI < n; offsetI += kernelPartSizeN)
for (int offsetJ = 0; offsetJ < m; offsetJ += kernelPartSizeM)
int boundsN = min(kernelPartSizeN, n - offsetI),
boundsM = min(kernelPartSizeM, m - offsetJ);
for (int kernelOffsetI = 0; kernelOffsetI < boundsN; ++kernelOffsetI)
for (int kernelOffsetJ = 0; kernelOffsetJ < boundsM; ++kernelOffsetJ)
if(BirthCell(offsetI + kernelOffsetI, offsetJ + kernelOffsetJ))

Make g++ produce a program that can use multiple cores?

I have a c++ program with multiple For loops; each one runs about 5 million iterations. Is there any command I can use with g++ to make the resulting .exe will use multiple cores; i.e. make the first For loop run on the first core and the second For loop run on the second core at the same time? I've tried -O3 and -O3 -ftree-vectorize, but in both cases, my cpu usage still only hovers at around 25%.
Here is my code, in case in helps. I'm basically just making a program to test the speed capabilities of my computer.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <math.h>
int main()
float *bob = new float[50102133];
float *jim = new float[50102133];
float *joe = new float[50102133];
int i,j,k,l;
//cout << "Starting test...";
for (i=0;i<50102133;i++)
bob[i] = sin(i);
for (j=0;j<50102133;j++)
bob[j] = sin(j*j);
for (k=0;k<50102133;k++)
bob[k] = sin(sqrt(k));
for (l=0;l<50102133;l++)
bob[l] = cos(l*l);
cout << "finished test.";
cout << "the 100120 element is," << bob[1001200];
return 0;
The most obviously choice would be to use OpenMP. Assuming your loop is one that's really easy to execute multiple iterations in parallel, you might be able to just add:
#pragma openmp parallel for
...immediately before the loop, and get it to execute in parallel. You'll also have to add -fopenmp when you compile.
Depending on the content of the loop, that may give anywhere from a nearly-linear speedup to slowing the code down somewhat. In the latter cases (slowdown or minimal speedup) there may be other things you can do with OpenMP to help speed it up, but without knowing at least a little about the code itself, it's hard to guess what to do or what improvement you may be able to expect at maximum.
The other advice you're getting ("Use threads") may be suitable. OpenMP is basically an automated way of putting threads to use for specific types of parallel code. For a situation such as you describe (executing multiple iterations of a loop in parallel) OpenMP is generally preferred--it's quite a bit simpler to implement, and may well give better performance unless you know multithreading quite well and/or expend a great deal of effort on parallelizing the code.
The code you gave in the question probably won't benefit from multiple threads. The problem is that it does very little computation on each data item before writing the result out to memory. Even a single core can probably do the computation fast enough that the overall speed will be limited by the bandwidth to memory.
To stand a decent chance of getting some real benefit from multiple threads, you probably want to write some code that does more computation and less just reading and writing memory. For example, if we collapse your computations together, and do all of them on a single item, then sum the results:
double total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
total += sin(i) + sin(i*i) + sin(sqrt(i)) + cos(i*i);
By adding a pragma:
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total)
...just before the for loop, we stand a good chance of seeing a substantial improvement in execution speed. Without OpenMP, I get a time like this:
Real 16.0399
User 15.9589
Sys 0.0156001
...but with the #pragma and OpenMP enabled when I compile, I get a time like this:
Real 8.96051
User 17.5033
Sys 0.0468003
So, on my (dual core) processor, time has dropped from 16 to 9 seconds--not quite twice as fast, but pretty close. Of course, a lot of the improvement you get will depend on exactly how many cores you have available. For example, on my other computer (with an Intel i7 CPU), I get a rather larger improvement because it has more cores.
Without OpenMP:
Real 15.339
User 15.3281
Sys 0.015625
...and with OpenMP:
Real 3.09105
User 23.7813
Sys 0.171875
For completeness, here's the final code I used:
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
static const int size = 1024 * 1024 * 128;
int main(){
double total = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:total)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
total += sin(i) + sin(i*i) + sin(sqrt(i)) + cos(i*i);
std::cout << total << "\n";
The compiler has no way to tell if your code inside the loop can be safely executed on multiple cores. If you want to use all your cores, use threads.
Use Threads or Processes, you may want to look to OpenMp
C++11 got support for threading but c++ compilers won't/can't do any threading on their own.
As others have pointed out, you can manually use threads to achieve this. You might look at libraries such as libdispatch (aka. GCD) or Intel's TBB to help you do this with the least pain.
The -ftree-vectorize option you mention is for targeting SIMD vector processor units on CPUs such as ARM's NEON or Intel's SSE. The code produced is not thread-parallel, but rather operation parallel using a single thread.
The code example posted above is highly amenable to parallelism on SIMD systems as the body of each loop very obviously has no dependancies on the previous iteration, and the operations in the loop are linear.
On some ARM Cortex A series systems at least, you may need to accept slightly reduced accuracy to get the full benefits.

Algorithm: taking out every 4th item of an array

I have two huge arrays (int source[1000], dest[1000] in the code below, but having millions of elements in reality). The source array contains a series of ints of which I want to copy 3 out of every 4.
For example, if the source array is:
int source[1000] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8....};
int dest[1000];
Here is my code:
for (int count_small = 0, count_large = 0; count_large < 1000; count_small += 3, count_large +=4)
dest[count_small] = source[count_large];
dest[count_small+1] = source[count_large+1];
dest[count_small+2] = source[count_large+2];
In the end, dest console output would be:
1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11...
But this algorithm is so slow! Is there an algorithm or an open source function that I can use / include?
Thank you :)
Edit: The actual length of my array would be about 1 million (640*480*3)
Edit 2: Processing this for loop takes about 0.98 seconds to 2.28 seconds, while the other code only take 0.08 seconds to 0.14 seconds, so the device uses at least 90 % cpu time only for the loop
Well, the asymptotic complexity there is as good as it's going to get. You might be able to achieve slightly better performance by loading in the values as four 4-way SIMD integers, shuffling them into three 4-way SIMD integers, and writing them back out, but even that's not likely to be hugely faster.
With that said, though, the time to process 1000 elements (Edit: or one million elements) is going to be utterly trivial. If you think this is the bottleneck in your program, you are incorrect.
Before you do much more, try profiling your application and determine if this is the best place to spend your time. Then, if this is a hot spot, determine how fast is it, and how fast you need it to be/might achieve? Then test the alternatives; the overhead of threading or OpenMP might even slow it down (especially, as you now have noted, if you are on a single core processor - in which case it won't help at all). For single threading, I would look to memcpy as per Sean's answer.
#Sneftel has also reference other options below involving SIMD integers.
One option would be to try parallel processing the loop, and see if that helps. You could try using the OpenMP standard (see Wikipedia link here), but you would have to try it for your specific situation and see if it helped. I used this recently on an AI implementation and it helped us a lot.
#pragma omp parallel for
for (...)
... do work
Other than that, you are limited to the compiler's own optimisations.
You could also look at the recent threading support in C11, though you might be better off using pre-implemented framework tools like parallel_for (available in the new Windows Concurrency Runtime through the PPL in Visual Studio, if that's what you're using) than rolling your own.
parallel_for(0, max_iterations,
[...] (int i)
... do stuff
Inside the for loop, you still have other options. You could try a for loop that iterates and skips every for, instead of doing 3 copies per iteration (just skip when (i+1) % 4 == 0), or doing block memcopy operations for groups of 3 integers as per Seans answer. You might achieve slightly different compiler optimisations for some of these, but it is unlikely (memcpy is probably as fast as you'll get).
for (int i = 0, int j = 0; i < 1000; i++)
if ((i+1) % 4 != 0)
dest[j] = source[i];
You should then develop a test rig so you can quickly performance test and decide on the best one for you. Above all, decide how much time is worth spending on this before optimising elsewhere.
You could try memcpy instead of the individual assignments:
memcpy(&dest[count_small], &source[count_large], sizeof(int) * 3);
Is your array size only a 1000? If so, how is it slow? It should be done in no time!
As long as you are creating a new array and for a single threaded application, this is the only away AFAIK.
However, if the datasets are huge, you could try a multi threaded application.
Also you could explore having a bigger data type holding the value, such that the array size decreases... That is if this is viable to your real life application.
If you have Nvidia card you can consider using CUDA. If thats not the case you can try other parallel programming methods/environments as well.