Error sending MTOM request to WSO2 ESB - wso2

I'm using wso2 ESB in order to mediate request from a client to a web service, but I can't send MTOM attachments. ESB replies with error "Mime parts not found".
The sample MTOMSwASampleService give me same error too.
Can anyone help me? How can I send MTOM attachments through ESB?

Try preserving Content-type header and see.
Add the following property to repository/conf/ file.


Send custom JMS Header with axis2

We have a webservice that is used to send messages over JMS between two installations of the same application.
We generate axis2 webservice client with axis2-wsdl2code-maven-plugin from our wsdl file. We are using Tibco and messages are sent through a topic.
We need to send a JMS header like bellow
SoapAction "Custom value"
Is there any solution for this?
I updated with the value needed on Tibco side but it was sended as a property and not as a header. See bellow a fragment from the message:
Header={ JMSDestination={TOPIC:'topic'} ...}
Properties={"SOAPAction"={string:'our value'}}
I found also that looked promissing but didn't worked either.
Thank you,
There was a miscommunication between our team and tibco team and we used the wrong wsdl to send messages. After we changed the wsdl everything went well.

WSO2 esb api does not interpret xml when SOAPAction present

I have an Oracle SOA HTTP Binding that sends the XML message into WSO2 ESB. This message (incorrectly) contains a SOAPAction header. When this header is present, ESB gives the error: org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPProcessingException: First Element must contain the local name, Envelope , but found .
How can I fix this?
WSO2 ESB does not have any issues with processing SOAPAction header. According to the error exception you are getting, it is related to the content-type of your request. Please check on the content-type of the message coming in to ESB. If the content type is text/xml, then ESB expects a SOAP message and in this particular scenario, you will get this exception if the message does not contain the soap header. If it is not a SOAP message, then change the content-type to application/xml.

How to decompress gzip http response in wso2 ESB?

I have a base service which returns gzipped response which wso2 esb is unable to understand. So when i create a pass through proxy of the above web service and when i try to run the service in soapUI, the result that esb shows me is the wsdl file of the above service. I am unable to find out how to decompress the response sent from the base service in wso2 esb. is there any way to do it? Looking forward to your solutions. Thanks in advance.

WSO2 - ESB server 4.7 Hangs- when an invalid json format is given as input for rest API

A REST API has been defined ESB. What we have observed is if the json format (invalid json),
the request is hanging and the server doesn't give any response. Ideally it should throw some
error at least and it should not hang.
I had the same situation in WSO2 4.8.1. Try to change JsonStreamBuilder in your axis2.xml to JsonBuilder from (org.apache.synapse.commons.json) or use your own implementation.

Proxy for an HTTP request WSO2 ESB

I wonder if it is possible to send an HTTP request throuht WSO2 ESB. I have an integration with a system that consist only in invoking an URL... it would be like a kind of redirection.
Can I do that in WSO2 ESB?
I have found this link about restfull services in WSO2 ESB:
I think this is a better way to handle http requests & responses in wso2 esb, rather than the way they are treated in the links you provide. What do you think about that?
Below links will be help you to find a solution to your question.