Replace in result of other regex outcome - regex

I am trying to automate some things for my CentOS server. For this automation I need to add, replace or modify file lines. This works fine by doing a global replace or replacing unique lines.
sed -i "s/user \\= apache/user \\= nginx/" file.conf
This replaces user = apache with user = nginx which works fine.
But sometimes I need to replace lines like these within a result of an other regex. For example the file /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf contains the same configuration lines for a serval times.
With a regex I can easily filter out the part I want to do my replaces in but I don't know how to do that.
This is a part of the file:
name=CentOS-$releasever - Base
name=CentOS-$releasever - Updates
name=CentOS-$releasever - Extras
With this regex:
sed -n "/\[base\]/,/\[updates\]/p" /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
I can get the lines from [base] until [updates]. Then I can modify for example exclude line. But how can I get these lines back into the main file?
This is what I have so far:
# $BASE contains the lines [base] until [updates]
BASE=`sed -n "/\[base\]/,/\[updates\]/p" /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo`
# Get te line that holds 'exclude' to the $EXCLUDE parameter
EXCLUDE=`echo "$BASE" | grep "exclude"`
# Modify EXCLUDE
# Replace old exclude line in $BASE variable with new one
BASE=`sed "s/^exclude.*/$EXCLUDE/g" $BASE`
# Put $BASE back into /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
# ???
In this script I am trying to achieve this with multiple commands which is fine. It would also be nice if there is just one replace expression for this. But that of course is not a must.

sed -i "/\[base\]/,/\[updates\]/s/^exclude.*/&, dovecot/"
sed commands consist of an optional address, the command, then any arguments to the command. The address, if present, is either a single expression indicating the line number or single-line pattern identifying the line to which the command is to be applied, or a pair of comma-separated expressions indicating the starting and ending line numbers or patterns of the range to which the command is to be applied.
Your previous sed script ("/\[base\]/,/\[updates\]/p") used the command p (print) with the address range of /\[base\]/ to /\[updates\]/.
You can just apply your s (substitute) command to that same range, to substitute exclude.* (exclude followed by anything - but gobbling up the rest of the line) with &, dovecot (where & in the replacement string means everything that was matched).
If you need to do something more complicated within that address range, you can use the { sed command - which opens a block of commands that terminates with the } command. This lets you do things like if/else blocks, so you could do:
sed -i -e "/\[base\]/,/\[updates\]/{" \
-e "/\[base\]/h" \
-e "s/^exclude=.*/&, dovecot/" \
-e "/^exclude=/h" \
-e "/\[updates\]/{" \
-e "x" \
-e "/^exclude=/b e" \
-e "i \
exclude=dovecot" \
-e ": e" \
-e "x" \
-e "}" \
-e "}" /etc/yum.repos.d/...
This big hairy sed script does the following:
everything in the script operates between the [base] and [updates] lines.
The [base] line or any line that begins exclude= are placed into the "hold" buffer (via the h command)
Any line that begins exclude= gets , dovecot appended to it
When [updates] is seen:
the hold buffer is temporarily recovered (via the x command which swaps the current line with the hold buffer)
the buffer is checked to see if it begins with exclude=
if it does, skip the next line by branching (command b) to label e
if it doesn't (because we weren't skipped), insert the line exclude=dovecot
after label e (via the command :)...
swap the current line and hold buffer again (via x again)
In other words: Any exclude= line gets , dovecot appended; if no exclude= line was seen, a new exclude=dovecot line is added at the end.
Note that it might be more useful to go from /\[base\]/ to /^$/, if you can guarantee a blank line at the end of each block (which is normally the case), in which case the you would update the first -e expression as well as changing -e "/\[updates\]/{" to -e '/^$/'{ (note also the change in quotes so that the $ isn't parsed by the shell).


Modifying a pattern-matched line as well as next line in a file

I'm trying to write a script that, among other things, automatically enable multilib. Meaning in my /etc/pacman.conf file, I have to turn this
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
into this
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
without accidentally removing # from lines like these
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
I already accomplished this by using this code
linenum=$(rg -n '\[multilib\]' /etc/pacman.conf | cut -f1 -d:)
sed -i "$((linenum))s/#//" /etc/pacman.conf
sed -i "$((linenum+1))s/#//" /etc/pacman.conf
but I'm wondering, whether this can be solved in a single line of code without any math expressions.
With GNU sed. Find row starting with #[multilib], append next line (N) to pattern space and then remove all # from pattern space (s/#//g).
sed -i '/^#\[multilib\]/{N;s/#//g}' /etc/pacman.conf
If the two lines contain further #, then these are also removed.
Could you please try following, written with shown samples only. Considering that multilib and it's very next line only you want to deal with.
awk '
/multilib/ || found{
' Input_file
First checking if a line contains multilib or variable found is SET then following instructions inside it's block.
Inside block checking if line has multilib then set it to 1 or nullify it. So that only next line after multilib gets processed only.
Using sub function of awk to substitute starting hash one or more occurences with NULL here.
Then printing current line.
This will work using any awk in any shell on every UNIX box:
$ awk '$0 == "#[multilib]"{c=2} c&&c--{sub(/^#/,"")} 1' file
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
and if you had to uncomment 500 lines instead of 2 lines then you'd just change c=2 to c=500 (as opposed to typing N 500 times as with the currently accepted solution). Note that you also don't have to escape any characters in the string you're matching on. So in addition to being robust and portable this is a much more generally useful idiom to remember than the other solutions you have so far. See printing-with-sed-or-awk-a-line-following-a-matching-pattern/17914105#17914105 for more.
A perl one-liner:
perl -0777 -api.back -e 's/#(\[multilib]\R)#/$1/' /etc/pacman.conf
modify in place with a backup of original in /etc/pacman.conf.back
If there is only one [multilib] entry, with ed and the shell's printf
printf '/^#\[multilib\]$/;+1s/^#//\n,p\nQ\n' | ed -s /etc/pacman.conf
Change Q to w to edit pacman.conf
Match #[multilib]
; include the next address
+1 the next line (plus one line below)
s/^#// remove the leading #
,p prints everything to stdout
Q exit/quit ed without error message.
-s means do not print any message.
Ed can do this.
cat >> edjoin.txt << EOF
ed -s pacman.conf < edjoin.txt
rm -v ./edjoin.txt
This will only work on the first match. If you have more matches, repeat as necessary.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/^#\[multilib\]/,+1 s/^#//' file
Focus on a range of lines (in this case, two) where the first line begins #[multilib] and remove the first character in those lines if it is a #.
N.B. The [ and ] must be escaped in the regexp otherwise they will match a single character that is m,u,l,t,i or b. The range can be extended by changing the integer +1 to +n if you were to want to uncomment n lines plus the matching line.
To remove all comments in a [multilib] section, perhaps:
sed '/^#\?\[[^]]*\]$/h;G;/^#\[multilib\]/M s/^#//;P;d' file

SED: How to search for word "tokens" on consecutive lines (Windows)?

I have EDI files I need to find, by using SED to search for some anomalies.
The anomaly is when I search for a "token" called SGP, and where they are on multiple consecutive lines — so one SGP on one line and another SGP on another line — regardless of what's after the token:
But I don't want to find files where there are other segment lines between each SGP line:
So I've tried this:
sed 'SGP.*\n.*SGP' < *.txt
And as probably expected, I get nothing.
Any ideas on how to feed into SED a list of files in DOS, and get a list of files that meet the above criteria?
I think I have the "feed the files" bit here. But I am still stuck on how to use SED properly.
for i in *.txt; do
sed -i '<<WHAT DO I PLACE HERE?>>' $i
Please no Unix/Bash/etc solutions.. I am in Windows only! Thank you
Tried a DOS equivalent of #tshiono's answer but I get nothing..
for %%f in (*.txt) do (
sed -ne ':l;N;$!b l;/SGP[^\n]\+\nSGP/p' %%f
#tshiono - I want the script to find files that have this pattern...
Not this pattern ...
FTT+asdjkfhsdkf hsdjkfh sdfjkh sdf
FTX+f sdfjsdfkljsdkfljsdklfj
FTT+asdjkfhsdkf hsdjkfh sdfjkh sdf
FTX+f sdfjsdfkljsdkfljsdklfj
FTT+asdjkfhsdkf hsdjkfh sdfjkh sdf
FTX+f sdfjsdfkljsdkfljsdklfj
Again - only lines with SGP as a token on every NEWLINE
Could you please try following.
awk '
print prev_file " has all lines of SGP."
print prev_file " has all lines of SGP."
' *.txt
The requirement is to detect which files contain consecutive lines both starting SGP.
Using standard (POSIX) sed, there's no way to get sed to print the file name. You can use this combination of shell script and sed, though, to detect which files contain consecutive lines starting with SGP:
for file in *.txt;
if [ -n "$(sed -n -e '/^SGP/{N;/^SGP.*\nSGP/{p;q;}}' "$file")" ]
then echo "$file"
The shell test [ … ] checks whether the output of $(sed …) is a non-empty string, and reports the name of the file if it is. Note that the script is more flexible if, instead of using the glob *.txt, it uses the "$#" (list of arguments, preserving spaces etc). You can the write:
sh *.txt
or use other more fanciful ways of specifying the file names as arguments.
The sed command doesn't print by default (-n). It looks for a line starting SGP and appends the next line into the 'pattern space'. It then looks to see if the result has two lots of SGP in it; one at the start (we know that will be there) and one after a newline. If that's found, it prints both lines (the pattern space) and quits because its job is done; it has found two consecutive lines both starting SGP. If the pattern space doesn't match, it is not printed (because of the -n) and more data is read. Any lines that don't start SGP are ignored and not printed.
With GNU sed, the F command prints the file name and a newline, so you could use:
for file in *.txt;
sed -n -e '/^SGP/{N;/^SGP.*\nSGP/{F;q;}}' "$file"
AFAICT from the GNU sed manual, there's no way to 'skip to the start of the next file' so you have to test each file separately as shown, rather than trying sed -n -e '…' *.txt — that will only report the first file that breaches the condition, not all the files.
If your objective is to get the list of filenames which meet the criteria,
how about:
for i in *.txt; do
[[ -n $(sed -ne ':l;N;$!b l;/SGP[^\n]\+\nSGP/p' "$i") ]] && echo "$i"
The sed commands :l;N;$!b makes a loop and slurps the whole lines
in the pattern space including "\n"
Then it matches the lines with the pattern of two consecutive lines
which both contain SGP.
If the sed output is non-empty, it prints the current filename.
If your requirement is DOS platform, please try instead:
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%f in (text*.txt) do (
set result=
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%a in (`sed.exe -ne ":l;N;$!b l;/SGP.\+\nSGP.\+/p" %%f`) do set result=!result!%%a
if "!result!" neq "" (
echo %%f
I've tested with Windows10 and sed-4.2.1.

Insert text into line if that line doesn't contain another string using sed

I am merging a number of text files on a linux server but the lines in some differ slightly and I need to unify them.
For example some files will have line like
id='1244' group='american' name='fred',american
Other files will be like
id='2345' name='frank', english
finally others will be like
id='7897' group='' name='maria',scottish
what I need to do is, if group='' or group is not in the string at all I need to add it somewhere before the comma setting it to the text after the comma so in the 2nd example above the line would become:
id='2345' name='frank' group='english',english
and the same in the last example which would become
id='7897' name='maria' group='scottish',scottish
This is going into a bash script. I can't actually delete the line and add to the end of the file as it relates to the following line.
I've used the following:
sed -i.bak 's#group=""##' file
which deletes the group="" string so the lines will either contain group='something' or wont contain it at all and that works
Then I tried to add the group if it doesn't exist using the following:
sed -i.bak '/group/! s#,(.*$)#group="\1",\1#' file
but that throws up the error
sed: -e expression #1, char 38: invalid reference \1 on `s' command's RHS
EDIT by Ed Morton to create a single sample input file and expected output:
Sample Input:
id='1244' group='american' name='fred',american
id='2345' name='frank', english
id='7897' group='' name='maria',scottish
Expected Output:
id='1244' group='american' name='fred',american
id='2345' name='frank' group='english',english
id='7897' name='maria' group='scottish',scottish
sed -r "
/group=''/ s/// # group is empty, remove it
/group=/! s/,[[:blank:]]*(.+)/ group='\\1',\\1/ # group is missing, add it
" file
id='1244' group='american' name='fred',american
id='2345' name='frank' group='english',english
id='7897' name='maria' group='scottish',scottish
The foo and bar lines are untouched because the s/// command did not match a comma followed by characters.
something like
sed '
/^[^,]*group[^,]*,/ ! {
s/, *\(.*\)/ group='\''\1'\'', \1/
/^[^,]*group='\'\''/ {
s/group='\'\''\([^,]*\), *\(.*\)/group='\''\2'\''\1, \2/
This GNU awk may help:
awk -v sq="'" '
BEGIN{RS="[ ,\n]+"; FS="="; found=0}
if($2==sq sq)
printf "%s=%s ",$1,$2
{printf "group=%s",$1}
print ","$1
' file
The script relies on the record separator RS which is set to get all key='value' pairs.
If the key group isn't found or is empty, it is printed when reaching a record with only one field.
Note that the variable sq holds the single quote character and is used to detect empty group field.
Sed can be pretty ugly. And your data format appears to be somewhat inconsistent. This MIGHT work for you:
$ sed -e "/group='[a-z]/b e" -e "s/group='' *//" -e "s/,\([a-z]*\)$/ group='\1', /" -e ':e' input.txt
Broken out for easier reading, here's what we're doing:
/group='[a-z]/b e - If the line contains a valid group, branch to the end.
s/group='' *// - Remove any empty group,
s/,\([a-z]*\)$/ group='\1', / - add a new group based on your specs
:e - branch label for the first command.
And then the default action is to print the line.
I really don't like manipulating data this way. It's prone to error, and you'll be further ahead reading this data into something that accurately stores its data structure, then prints the data according to a new structure. A more robust solution would likely be tied directly to whatever is producing or consuming this data, and would not sit in the middle like this.

using sed in bash script

Using an array of line numbers acquired through a grep command, I'm trying to then increase the line number and retrieve what is on the new line number with a sed command, but I'm assuming something is wrong with my syntax (specifically the sed part because everything else works.)
The script reads:
#getting array of initial line numbers
temp=(`egrep -o -n '\<a class\=\"feed\-video\-title title yt\-uix\-contextlink yt\-uix\-sessionlink secondary"' index.html |cut -f1 -d:`)
new=( )
#looping through array, increasing the line number, and attempting to add the
#sed result to a new array
for x in ${temp[#]}; do
z=sed '"${x}"q;d' index.html
new=( ${new[#]} $z )
#comparing the two arrays
echo ${temp[#]}
echo ${new[#]}
This might work for you:
#getting array of initial line numbers
temp=(`egrep -o -n '\<a class\=\"feed\-video\-title title yt\-uix\-contextlink yt\-uix\-sessionlink secondary"' index.html |cut -f1 -d:`)
new=( )
#looping through array, increasing the line number, and attempting to add the
#sed result to a new array
for x in ${temp[#]}; do
z=$(sed ${x}'q;d' index.html) # surrounded sed command by $(...)
new=( "${new[#]}" "$z" ) # quoted variables
#comparing the two arrays
echo "${temp[#]}" # quoted variables
echo "${new[#]}" # quoted variables
Your sed command was fine; it just needed to be surrounded by $(...) and have unnecessary quotes removed and rearranged.
To get the line five lines after a pattern (GNU sed):
sed '/pattern/,+5!d;//,+4d' file
You're sed line should probably be:
z=$(sed - n "${x} { p; q }" index.html)
Notice that we use the "-n" flag to tell sed to only print the lines we tell it to. When we reach the line number stored in the "x" variable, it will print it ("p") and then quit ("q"). To allow the x variable to be expanded, the commabd we send to sed must be placed between double quotes, and not single quotes.
And you should probably place the z variable between double quotes when using it afterwards.
Hope this helps =)

Regex to remove lines in file(s) that ending with same or defined letters

i need a bash script for mac osx working in this way:
./ * folder/to/files/
# or #
./ xx folder/to/files/
This script
read a list of files
open each file and read each lines
if lines ended with the same letters ('*' mode) or with custom letters ('xx') then
remove line and RE-SAVE file
backup original file
My first approach to do this:
# ck init params
if [ $# -le 0 ]
echo "Usage: $0 <letters>"
exit 0
# list files in current dir
list=`ls BRUTE*`
for i in $list
# prepare regex
case $1 in
"*") REGEXP="^.*(.)\1+$";;
*) REGEXP="^.*[$1]$";;
# backup file
cp $FILE $FILE.bak
# removing line with same letters
sed -Ee "s/$REGEXP//g" -i '' $FILE
cat $FILE | grep -v "^$"
exit 0
But it doesn't work as i want....
What's wrong?
How can i fix this script?
$cat BRUTE02.dat BRUTE03.dat
If i use '*' i want all files that ended with same letters to be clean.
If i use 'ff' i want all files that ended with 'ff' to be clean.
Ah, it's on Mac OSx. Remember that sed is a little different from classical linux sed.
man sed
sed [-Ealn] command [file ...]
sed [-Ealn] [-e command] [-f command_file] [-i extension] [file
The sed utility reads the specified files, or the standard input
if no files are specified, modifying the input as specified by a list
of commands. The
input is then written to the standard output.
A single command may be specified as the first argument to sed.
Multiple commands may be specified by using the -e or -f options. All
commands are applied
to the input in the order they are specified regardless of their
The following options are available:
-E Interpret regular expressions as extended (modern)
regular expressions rather than basic regular expressions (BRE's).
The re_format(7) manual page
fully describes both formats.
-a The files listed as parameters for the ``w'' functions
are created (or truncated) before any processing begins, by default.
The -a option causes
sed to delay opening each file until a command containing
the related ``w'' function is applied to a line of input.
-e command
Append the editing commands specified by the command
argument to the list of commands.
-f command_file
Append the editing commands found in the file
command_file to the list of commands. The editing commands should
each be listed on a separate line.
-i extension
Edit files in-place, saving backups with the specified
extension. If a zero-length extension is given, no backup will be
saved. It is not recom-
mended to give a zero-length extension when in-place
editing files, as you risk corruption or partial content in situations
where disk space is
exhausted, etc.
-l Make output line buffered.
-n By default, each line of input is echoed to the standard
output after all of the commands have been applied to it. The -n
option suppresses this
The form of a sed command is as follows:
Whitespace may be inserted before the first address and the
function portions of the command.
Normally, sed cyclically copies a line of input, not including
its terminating newline character, into a pattern space, (unless there
is something left
after a ``D'' function), applies all of the commands with
addresses that select that pattern space, copies the pattern space to
the standard output, append-
ing a newline, and deletes the pattern space.
Some of the functions use a hold space to save all or part of the
pattern space for subsequent retrieval.
anything else?
it's clear my problem?
I don't know bash shell too well so I can't evaluate what the failure is.
This is just an observation of the regex as understood (this may be wrong).
The * mode regex looks ok:
^.*(.)\1+$ that ended with same letters..
But the literal mode might not do what you think.
current: ^.*[$1]$ that ended with 'literal string'
This shouldn't use a character class.
Change it to: ^.*$1$
Realize though the string in $1 (before it goes into the regex) should be escaped
incase there are any regex metacharacters contained within it.
Otherwise, do you intend to have a character class?
perl -ne '
BEGIN {$arg = shift; $re = $arg eq "*" ? qr/([[:alpha:]])\1$/ : qr/$arg$/}
/$re/ && next || print
echo "aa
ff" | perl -ne '
BEGIN {$arg = shift; $re = $arg eq "*" ? qr/([[:alpha:]])\1$/ : qr/$arg$/}
/$re/ && next || print
' '*'
A possible issue:
When you put * on the command line, the shell replaces it with the name of all the files in your directory. Your $1 will never equal *.
And some tips:
You can replace replace:
# list files in current dir
list=`ls BRUTE*`
for i in $list
for i in BRUTE*
cat $FILE | grep -v "^$"
grep -v "^$" $FILE
Besides the possible issue, I can't see anything jumping out at me. What do you mean clean? Can you give an example of what a file should look like before and after and what the command would look like?
This is the problem!
grep '\(.\)\1[^\r\n]$' *
on MAC OSX, ( ) { }, etc... must be quoted!!!
Solved, thanks.