Regex character required between 1st and 8th character - regex

I am currently using this regex to limit the characters that can be used "([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)". I now have an additional requirement to require a hyphen between the 1st and 8th character. I am not sure where to begin for this and my search results have not been fruitful. Could anyone point me in a direction or give me pointers of where to get started with this request? I can usually cobble together some regex on my own through examples here and elsewhere on the web, but I can't find anything similar to these requirements.
here are some good examples of what I mean:
Thank you in advance!

Yeah, typically when you know the requirements use an online regex checker.
There's a number of them, you can google them.
You can go ahead and specify between 1 and 7 copies of that and then a dash so something like:


Match a string with a fixed substring in variable positions

I want to create a filter in my email server that matches any message that contains any URL (using either http or https protocols) from a certain domain (let's say I want it to match things like:
The problem here is that these strings can be wrapped in the message body at any random position of the string. And even worse, when the string is wrapped an equal sign is added before the end of the line, so I would need it to be able to match strings like these:
I came up with a simple (but huge) solution, but I think there must be a much more elegant one than mine:
I have been looking around but I can not find anything that I understand to improve my solution given that my knowledge of regex does not go beyond simple queries.
Thank you very much in advance.
2018/04/11 EDIT: Thank you to everyone who tried but the solutions proposed do not meet the requirements of elegance and readability I was expecting. I was looking for something like capturing everything but the equal-return string and performing the web address string search on the captured result of the first search. Is this a doable idea?

RegEx to match sets of literal strings along with value ranges

Utter RegEx noob here with a project involving RegEx I need to modify. Has been a blast learning all of this.
I need to search for/verify a set of vales that start with one of two string combinations (NC or KH) and a variable numeric list—unique to each string prefix. NC01-NC13 or KH01-11.
I have been able to pull off the first common "chunk" of this with:
to verify NC01-NC09 or KH01-KH09. The next part is completely throwing me—needing to change the leading character of the two-digit character to a 1 vs a 0, and restricting the range to 0–3 for NC and 0–1 for KH.
I have found references abound for selecting between two strings (where I got the (NC|KH) from), but nothing as detailed as how to restrict following values based on the found text.
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, as well as any great references/books/tutorials to RegEx (currently using
The best way to do this is to just separate the two case altogether.
You might want to turn some of those internal capturing groups into non capturing groups, but that make the regex a little hard to read.
Edit: You might also be able to do this with positive lookbehind.
Edit: Here's a regex using lookbehind. It's a lot messier, and not really necessary here, but hopefully demonstrates the utility:
Sticking with your original idea of options for NC or KH, do the same for the numbers, try this:
Hope that makes sense
Based upon #Patrick's comment below, and sticking with this original answer, you could use this (although I bet there's a better way):

Regular Expression to find CVE Matches

I am pretty new to the concept of regex and so I am hoping an expert user can help me craft the right expression to find all the matches in a string. I have a string that represents a lot of support information in it for vulnerabilities data. In that string are a series of CVE references in the format: CVE-2015-4000. Can anyone provide me a sample regex on finding all occurrences of that ? obviously, the numeric part of that changes throughout the string...
Generally you should always include your previous efforts in your question, what exactly you expect to match, etc. But since I am aware of the format and this is an easy one...
This matches first CVE- then a 4-digit number for the year identifier and then a 4 to 7 digit number to identify the vulnerability as per the new standard.
See this in action here.
If you need an exact match without any syntax or logic violations, you can try this:
You can run this against the test data supplied by MITRE here to test your code or test it online here.
I will add my two cents to the accepted answer. Incase we want to detect case insensitive "CVE" we can following regex

In what ways can I improve this regular expression?

I have written this regex that works, but honestly, it’s like 75% guesswork.
The goal is this: I have lots of imports in Xcode, like so:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "NSString+MultilineFontSize.h"
and I only want to return the categories that contain +. There are also lots of lines of code throughout the source which include + in other contexts.
Right now, this returns all of the proper lines throughout the Xcode project. But if there is one thing I’ve learned from googling and searching Stack Overflow for regex tutorials, it is that there are LOTS of different ways to do things. I’d love to see all of the different ways you guys can come up with that make it either more efficient or more bulletproof regarding potential spoofs or misses.
Thanks in advance for all of your help.
Also I suppose I’ll accept the answer of whoever does this with the shortest string, without missing any possible spoofs. But again, thanks to everyone who participates in this learning experience.
Resources from answers
This is an awesome resource for practicing regex from Dan Rasmussen: RegExr
The first thing I notice is that your + characters are misplaced: t+. matches t one or more times, followed by a single character .. I'm assuming you wanted to match the end of import, followed by one or more of any character: import.+
Secondly, # doesn't need to be escaped.
Here's what I came up with: ^#import\s+(.*\+.*)$
\s+ matches one or more whitespace character, so you're guaranteed that the line actually starts with #import and not #importbutnotreally or anything else.
I'm not familiar with xcode syntax, but the following part of the expression, (.*\+.*), simply matches any string with a + character somewhere in it. This means invalid imports may be matched, but I'm working under the assumption your trying to match valid code. If not, this will need to be modified to validate the importer syntax as well.
P.S. To test your expression, try RegExr. You can hover over characters to check what they do.
sed 's:^#import \(.*[+].*\):\1:' FILE
will display
for your sample.

Regular Expression matching anything after a word

I am looking to find anything that matches this pattern, the beginning word will be:
organism aogikgoi egopetkgeopt foprkgeroptk 13
So anything that starts with organism needs to be found using regex.
^organism will match anything starting with "organism".
^organism(.*) will also capture everything that follows, into the variable that contains the first match (which varies according to language -- in Perl it's $1).
Also just wanna add for others newbies like me and their various circumstances, you can do it in various ways depending on your text and what you are tryna do.
Like here's an Example where I wanna delete everything after ?spam so I could use .?spm.+ or .?spm.+ or any other ways as long you are creative about it lol.
This might come in handy, here's a Link | Link where you can find some basic necessary regex and their meanings.