REST - post to get data. How else can this be done? - web-services

According to my understandings, you should not post to get data.
For example, I'm on a project and we are posting to get data.
For example, this following.
Does it make sense to post? How could this be done without posting? There could be 1 or more products.

Actually there is a SEARCH method in HTTP, but sadly it is for webdav. So if you want to send a request body with the request, then you can try with that.
POSTing is okay if you have a complex search. Complex search is relative, by me it means, that you have different logical operators in your query.
The current one is not that complex, and you can put the non-hierarchical components into the query string of the URI. An example with additional line breaks:
GET /products/?
You can choose a different serialization format and encode it as URI component if you want.
GET /products/?filter={"zipCOde":"85022","city":"PHOENIX","country":"US","products":[{"sku":"abc-21","qty":2},{"sku":"def-13","qty":2}]}

One potential option is to JSON.serialize your object and send it as a query string parameter on the GET.


REST API for data processing and method chaining

I apologize in advance if the quality of the question is bad. I am still beginning to learn the concepts of REST API. I am trying to implement a scalable REST API for data processing. Here is what I could think of so far.
Consider some numerical data that can be retrieved using a GET call:
GET http://my.api/data/123/
Users can apply a sequence of arithmetic operations such as add and multiply. A non-RESTful way to do that is:
GET http://my.api/data/123?add=10&multiply=5
The original data in the DB is not changed. Only an altered version of it is returned to the user.
The data is large in size (say a large multi-dimensional array), so we can't afford to return the whole data with every opertation call. Instead, we want to apply operations as a batch and return the final modified data in the end.
There are 2 RESTful ways I am currently conisdering:
1. Model arithmetic operations as subresources of data.
If we consider add and multiply as subresources of data as here. In this case, we can use:
GET http://my.api/data/123/add/10/
which would be safe and idempotent, given that the original data is never changed. However, we need to chain multiple operations. Can we do that?
GET http://my.api/data/123/add/10/multiply/5/
Where multiply is creating a subresource of add/10/ which itself is a subresource of data/123
Statelessness: The sever doesn't keep any information about the modified data.
Easy access to modified data: It is just a simple GET call.
Chaining: I don't know if it can be easily implemented.
Long URIs: with each operation applied, the URI gets longer and longer.
2. Create an editable data object:
In this case, a user creates an editable version of the original data:
POST http://my.api/data/123/
will return
201 Created
Location: http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
Users can then PATCH this editable data
PATCH http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
{add:10, multiply:5}
And finally, GET the edited data
GET http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
Clean URIs.
The server has to save the state of edited data.
Editing is no long idempotent.
Getting edited data requires users to make at least 3 calls.
Is there a cleaner, more semantic way to implement data processing RESTfully?
If you are wondering what is the real world problem behind this, I am dealing with digital signal processing.
As a simple example, you can think of applying visual filters to images. Following this example, a RESTful web service can do:
GET http://my.api/image/123/blur/5px/rotate/90deg/?size=small&format=png
A couple of things worth reviewing in your question.
REST based API’s are resource based
So looking at your first example, trying to chain transformation properties into the URL path following a resource identifier..
GET http://my.api/data/123/add/10/multiply/5/
..does not fit well (as well as being complicated to implement dynamically, as you already guessed)
The idea of statelessness in REST is built around a single HTTP call containing enough information to process the request and provide a result without going back to the client for more information. Storing the result of an HTTP call on the server is not state, it’s cache.
Now, given that a REST based API is probably not the best fit for your usage, if you do still want to use it here are your options:
1. Use the Querystring with a common URL operation
You could use the Querystring but simplify the resource path to accept all transformations upon a single URI. Given your examples and reluctance to store transformed results this is probably your best option.
GET http://my.api/data/123/transform?add=10&multiply=5
2. Use POST non-RESTfully
You could use POST requests, and leverage the HTTP body to send in the transformation parameters. This will ensure that you don’t ever run out of space on the query string if you ever decide to do a lot of processing and it will also keep your communication tidier. This isn’t considered RESTful if the POST returns the image data.
3. Use POST RESTfully
Finally, if you decide that you do want to cache things, your POST can in fact store the transformed object (note that REST doesn’t dictate how this is stored, in memory or DB etc.) which can be re-fetched by Id using a GET.
Option A
POSTing to the URI creates a subordinate resource.
POST http://my.api/data/123
{add:10, multiply:5}
201 Created
Location: http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
then GET the edited data
GET http://my.api/data/123/edit/{uniqueid}
Option B
Remove the resource identifier from the URL to make it clear that you're creating a new item, not changing the existing one. The resulting URL is also at the same level as the original one since it's assumed it's the same type of result.
POST http://my.api/data
{original: 123, add:10, multiply:5}
201 Created
Location: http://my.api/data/{uniqueid}
then GET the edited data
GET http://my.api/data/{uniqueid}
There are multiple ways this can be done. In the end it should be clean, regardless of what label you want to give it (REST non-REST). REST is not a protocol with an RFC, so don't worry too much about whteher you pass information as URL paths or URL params. The underlying webservice should be able to get you the data regarless of how it is passed. For example Java Jersey will give you your params no matter if they are param or URL path, its just an annotation difference.
Going back to your specific problem I think that the resource in this REST type call is not so much the data that is being used to do the numerical operations on but the actual response. In that case, a POST where the data ID and the operations are fields might suffice.
POST http://my.api/operations/
"dataId": "123",
"operations": [
"type": "add",
"value": 10
"type": "multiply",
"value": 5
The response would have to point to the location of where the result can be retrieved, as you have pointed out. The result, referenced by the location (and ID) in the response, is essentially an immutable object. So that is in fact the resource being created by the POST, not the data used to calculate that result. Its just a different way of viewing it.
EDIT: In response to your comment about not wanting to store the outcome of the operations, then you can use a callback to transmit the results of the operation to the caller. You can easily add the a field in the JSON input for the host or URL of the callback. If the callback URL is present, then you can POST to that URL with the results of the operation.
"dataId": "123",
"operations": [
"type": "add",
"value": 10
"type": "multiply",
"value": 5
"callBack": "<HOST or URL>"
Please don't view this as me answering my own question, but rather as a constribution to the discussion.
I have given a lot of thought into this. The main problem with the currently suggested architectures is scalability, since the server creates copies of data each time it is operated on.
The only way to avoid this is to model operations and data separately. So, similar to Jose's answer, we create a resource:
POST http://my.api/operations/
{add:10, multiply:5}
Note here, I didn't specify the data at all. The created resource represents a series of operations only. The POST returns:
201 Created
Location: http://my.api/operations/{uniqueid}
The next step is to apply the operations on the data:
GET http://my.api/data/123/operations/{uniqueid}
This seprate modeling approach have several advantages:
Data is not replicated each time applies a different set of operations.
Users create only operations resources, and since their size is tiny, we don't have to worry about scalability.
Users create a new resource only when they need a new set of operations.Going to the image example: if I am designing a greyscale website, and I want all images to be converted to greyscale, I can do
POST http://my.api/operations/
{greyscale: "50%"}
And then apply this operation on all my images by:
GET http://my.api/image/{image_id}/operations/{geyscale_id}
As long as I don't want to change the operation set, I can use GET only.
Common operations can be created and stored on the server, so users don't have to create them. For example:
GET http://my.api/image/{image_id}/operations/flip
Where operations/flip is already an available operation set.
Easily, applying the same set of operations to different data, and vice versa.
GET http://my.api/data/{id1},{id2}/operations/{some_operation}
Enables you to compare two datasets that are processed similarly. Alternatively:
GET http://my.api/data/{id1}/operations/{some_operation},{another_operation}
Allows you to see how different processing procedures affects the result.
I wouldn't try to describe your math function using the URI or request body. We have a more or less standard language to describe math, so you could use some kind of template.
GET http://my.api/data/123?transform="5*(data+10)"
POST http://my.api/data/123 {"transform": "5*({data}+10)"}
You need a code on client side, which can build these kind of templates and another code in the server side, which can verify, parse, etc... the templates built by the client.

Django haystack with Solr - how to specify GET parameters?

I'm using django_haystack with Solr 4.9. I've amended the /select request handler so that all requests use dismax by default.
The problem is that sometimes I would like to query specific fields, but I can't find a way to get the SearchQuerySet api to get it to play nicely with dismax. So basically I want to send the following (or equivalent) request to Solr:q=hello&qf=content_auto
I've tried the following aproaches:
Standard Api
# understandably results in the following being sent to solr:
query = AltParser('dismax', 'hello', qf="content_auto")
sqs = SearchQuerySet().filter(content=query)
# Results in
query = Raw('hello&qf=content_auto')
# results in
The last approach was so close, but since it escaped the = and & it doesn't seem to process the query correctly.
What is the best approach to dealing with this? I have no need for non-dismax querying so it would be preferable to keep the /select request handler the same rather than having to wrap every query in a Raw or AltParser.
In short, the answer is that it can't be done without creating a custom backend and SearchQuerySet. In the end I had to just revert back to a standard configuration and specifying dismax with an AltParser, slightly annoying because it affects your spelling suggestions.

Ember dynamic query parameters

I have what I believe to be common but complicated problem to model. I've got a product configurator that has a series of buttons. Every time the user clicks on a button (corresponding to a change in the product configuration), the url will change, essentially creating a bookmarkable state to that configuration. The big caveat: I do not get to know what configuration options or values are until after app initialization.
I'm modeling this using EmberCLI. After much research, I don't think it's a wise idea to try to fold these directly into the path component, and I'm looking into using the new Ember query string additions. That should work for allowing bookmarkability, but I still have the problem of not knowing what those query parameters are until after initialization.
What I need is a way to allow my Ember app to query the server initially for a list of parameters it should accept. On the link above, the documentation uses the parameter 'filteredArticles' for a computed property. Within the associated function, they've hard-coded the value that the computed property should filter by. Is it a good idea to try to extend this somehow to be generalizable, with arguments? Can I even add query parameters on the fly? I was hoping for an assessment of the validity of this approach before I get stuck down the rabbit hole with it.
I dealt with a similar issue when generating a preview popup of a user's changes. The previewed model had a dynamic set of properties that could not be predetermined. The solution I came up with was to base64 encode a set of data and use that as the query param.
Your url would have something like this ?filter=ICLkvaDlpb0iLAogICJtc2dfa3
The query param is bound to a 2-way computed that takes in a base64 string and outputs a json obj,
as well as doing the reverse: take in a json obj and output a base64 string.
serializedPreview = btoa(JSON.stringify(filterParams));
You'll need some logic to prevent empty json objects from being serialized. In that case, you should just set the query param as null, and remove it from your url.
Using this pattern, you can store just about anything you want in your query params and still have the url as shareable. However, the downside is that your url's query params are obfuscated from your users, but I imagine that most users don't really read/edit query params by hand.

Removing query string from url in django while keeping GET information

I am working on a Django setup where I can receive a url containining a query string as part of a GET. I would like to be able to process the data provided in the query string and return a page that is adjusted for that data but does not contain the query string in the URL.
Ordinarily I would just use reverse(), but I am not sure how to apply it in this case. Here are the details of the situation:
Example URL: .../test/123/?list_options=1&list_options=2&list_options=3
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'test/(P<testrun_id>\d+)/'), views.testrun, name='testrun')
def testrun(request, testrun_id):
if 'list_options' in request.GET.keys():
lopt = request.GET.getlist('list_options')
[process lopt list]
[other processing]
context = { ...stuff... }
return render(request, 'test_tracker/testview.html', context)
When the example URL is processed, Django will return the page I want but with the URL still containing the query string on the end. The standard way of stripping off the unwanted query string would be to return the testrun function with return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('testrun', args=(testrun_id,))). However, if I do that here then I'm going to get an infinite loop through the testrun function. Furthermore, I am unsure if the list_options data that was on the original request will still be available after the redirect given that it has been removed from the URL.
How should I work around this? I can see that it might make sense to move the parsing of the list_options variable out into a separate function to avoid the infinite recursion, but I'm afraid that it will lose me the list_options data from the request if I do it that way. Is there a neat way of simultaneously lopping the query string off the end of the URL and returning the page I want in one place so I can avoid having separate things out into multiple functions?
EDIT: A little bit of extra background, since there have been a couple of "Why would you want to do this?" queries.
The website I'm designing is to report on the results of various tests of the software I'm working on. This particular page is for reporting on the results of a single test, and often I will link to it from a bigger list of tests.
The list_options array is a way of specifying the other tests in the list I have just come from. This allows me to populate a drop-down menu with other relevant tests to allow me to easily switch between them.
As such, I could easily end up passing in 15-20 different values and creating huge URLs, which I'd like to avoid. The page is designed to have a default set of other tests to fill in the menu in question if I don't suggest any others in the URL, so it's not a big deal if I remove the list_options. If the user wishes to come back to the page directly he won't care about the other tests in the list, so it's not a problem if that information is not available.
First a word of caution. This is probably not a good idea to do for various reasons:
Bookmarking. Imagine that .../link?q=bar&order=foo will filter some search results and also sort the results in particular order. If you will automatically strip out the querystring, then you will effectively disallow users to bookmark specific search queries.
Tests. Any time you add any automation, things can and will probably go wrong in ways you never imagined. It is always better to stick with simple yet effective approaches since they are widely used thus are less error-prone. Ill give an example for this below.
Maintenance. This is not a standard behavior model therefore this will make maintenance harder for future developers since first they will have to understand first what is going on.
If you still want to achieve this, one of the simplest methods is to use sessions. The idea is that when there is a querystring, you save its contents into a session and then you retrieve it later on when there is no querystring. For example:
def testrun(request, testrun_id):
# save the get data
if request.META['QUERY_STRING']:
request.session['testrun_get'] = request.GET
# the following will not have querystring hence no infinite loop
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('testrun', args=(testrun_id,)))
# there is no querystring so retreive it from session
# however someone could visit the url without the querystring
# without visiting the querystring version first hence
# you have to test for it
get_data = request.session.get('testrun_get', None)
if get_data:
if 'list_options' in get_data.keys():
# do some default option
context = { ...stuff... }
return render(request, 'test_tracker/testview.html', context)
That should work however it can break rather easily and there is no way to easily fix it. This should illustrate the second bullet from above. For example, imagine a user wants to compare two search queries side-by-side. So he will try to visit .../link?q=bar&order=foo and `.../link?q=cat&order=dog in different tabs of the same browser. So far so good because each page will open correct results however as soon as the user will try to refresh the first opened tab, he will get results from the second tab since that is what is currently stored in the session and because browser will have a single session token for both tabs.
Even if you will find some other method to achieve what you want without using sessions, I imagine that you will encounter similar issues because HTTP is stateless hence you will have to store state on the server.
There is actually a way to do this without breaking much of the functionality - store state on client instead of server-side. So you will have a url without a querystring and then let javascript query some API for whatever you will need to display on that page. That however will force you to make some sort of API and use some javascript which does not exactly fall into the scope of your question. So it is possible to do cleanly however that will involve more than just using Django.

Should the paramaters provided in a web service call be included in the response

Iv not got much experience with creating web services, however, I do spend a lot of time interfacing with them.
I wondered if there was a best practice that stated weather or not parameter that are provided in the request should be included in the response.
(JSON) Response:
(JSON) Response:
I much prefer the more verbose first option because it dos not enforce coupling between the request and the response. i.e. the response dosn't care what the request was, so you do not need to pass state around.
Is there a best practice?
If you are referencing a record in a database, or some other entity that is uniquely identified by an integer, GUID, or specifically-formatted string value, you should ALWAYS return that unique ID with the response, particularly if you are planning to allow the user to update that entity or reference it in a subsequent operation for creating related data or searching for related data.
If you are returning a derived value that may be a composite of many records' values, or of environmentally specific data (such as "How much free disk space is on my server?"), then the supplied parameters wouldn't mean anything in the response, and therefore shouldn't be returned.
Your point on coupling request-response is right on the money. If you are doing multiple simultaneous asynchronous calls, then the key value is very useful when handling the responses.
Referring to your example: I think id should always be part of the resource representation in your case JSON). The representation should be as self-explaining and self-referrable as possible. On top of an id-attribute/field I like also to use a link field:
If your example GET /getStuff?key=123 is more a search (the parameter looks a bit like that) then it good to present the user a "summary" of your search: