Inserting data into a Django DB - django

I'm trying to use a regular python script to add data to a table that was created via the standard django process (start project/app/create model etc).
In the same DB, I set up another table with the same columns as the django DB to test on, and wrote a script that successfully parsed data and inserted it into that DB.
When I changed the table name so that the data would be written to the standard Django table, nothing was inserted and no error was thrown.
Is there something that prevents access to the Django tables that I'm unaware of?


django model creation connecting to mssql

I am connecting to a legacy mysql database in cloud using my django project.
i need to fetch data and insert data if required in DB table.
do i need to write model for the tables which are already present in the db?
if so there are 90 plus tables. so what happens if i create model for single table?
how do i talk to database other than creating models and migrating? is there any better way in django? or model is the better way?
when i create model what happens in the backend? does it create those tables again in the same database?
There are several ways to connect to a legacy database; the two I use are either by creating a model for the data you need from the legacy database, or using raw SQL.
For example, if I'm going to be connecting to the legacy database for the foreseeable future, and performing both reads and writes, I'll create a model containing only the fields from the foreign table I need as a secondary database. That method is well documented and a bit more time consuming.
However, if I'm only reading data from a legacy database which will be retired, I'll create a read-only user on the legacy database, and use raw SQL to grab what I need like so:
from django.db import connections
cursor = connections["my_secondary_db"].cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM my_table")
for row in cursor.fetchall():
I'm doing this right now with a legacy SQL Server database from our old website as we migrate our user and product data to Django/PostgreSQL. This has served me well over the years and saved a lot of time. I've used this to create sync routines all within a single app as Django management commands, and then when the legacy database is done being migrated to Django, I've completely deleted the single app containing all of the sync routines, for a clean break. Good luck!

How to transfer data from one database to another in Django?

I am recreating a web app in Django that was running in a server but it was terminated, fortunately, I did a backup of all the code. My problem comes with the database because but I do not know how to transfer all the data from the old db.sqlite3 Django database web app into the new one.
I found a similar question as mine Django: transfer data from one database to another but the user wanted to transfer data from specific columns because their models.pyfrom the old and new databases were slightly different. In my case, my from the old and new databases are the same.
I am using the DB Browser for SQLite to explore the content of the old database and I could add manually each row into the Django administration but this will take me too much time.
I could copy the old db.sqlite and replace it in the new web app because the file remains the same but this solution is not appropriate IMO, this solution is rude and I think it goes against the good practices of Software.
How should I proceed for transferring data from the old database to the new one?
This seems like a one time copy of one db to another. I don't see how this goes against good software practice unless you have to be copying this db frequently. I've done it before when migrating servers and it doesn't cause any issues assuming the two instances of the application are the same build.
I was able to do some minor tricks in order to solve my problem because there is not a straightforward functionality that allows you to transfer all your data from two sqlite databases in Django. Here is the trick I did:
Download the sqlite db browser to explore and export the contents of your old database in a .csv file. Open you database with sqlite db browser and hit on the tables option and you will see all your tables, then do a right click on any of those and hit the export as a csv file option to generate the csv file (name_of_your_csv_file.csv). The other alternative is to use the sqlite3.exe to open your database in cmd or powershell and then doing the export with:
.tables #this lets you explore your available tables
headers on
mode csv
output name_of_your_csv_file.csv
2.There are two choices up to this point: You can either insert all the records at once to your new database or you can drop your existing tables from the new database and then recreate them and import the .csv file. I went for the drop option because there were more than 100 records to migrate.
# sqlite3
# check the structure of your table so you can re-create it
.schema <table_name>
#the result might be something like CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "web_app_navigator_table" ("id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, "ticket" varchar(120) NOT NULL);
#drop the table
drop table web_app_navigator_table
#re-create the table
create table web_app_navigator_table(id integer not null primary key autoincrement, ticket varchar(120) not null);
#do the import of the csv file
.import C:/Users/a/PycharmProjects/apps/navigator/name_of_your_csv_file.csv table_name_goes_here
You might see an error such as csv:1: INSERT failed datatype mismatch but this indicates that the first row of your csv file was not inserted because it contains the headers of the exported data from your old database.

Syncing db with existing tables through django for an existing schema table and also updating few columns for the tables and the rest automatically

I am doing a poc in Django and i was trying to create the admin console module for inserting,updating and deleting records through django admin console through models and it was doing fine
I have 2 questions.
1.I need to have model objects for existing tables which needs to be present in a particular schema.say schema1.table1
Here as of now i was doing poc for public schema.
So can it be done in a fixed defined schema and if yes how.Any reference would be very helpful
2.Also i wanted to update few columns in the table through console and the rest of the columns will be done automatically like currentimestamp and created date etc.Is it possible through default django console and if yes kindly share any reference
Steps for 1
What i have done as of now is created a class in with attributes as author,title,body,timeofpost
Then i used sqlmigrate after makemigrations app to create the table and after migrating have been using the admin console for django to insert and update the records for the table created.But this is for POC only.
Now i need to do the same but for existing tables with whom i can interact and insert or update record for those existing tables through admin console.
Also the tables are getting created in public schema by default.But i am using postgres and the existing tables are present in different schemas and i wanted to insert,update and delete for this existing tables.
I am stuck up here as i dont know how to configure model with existing database schema tables through which we can interact through django console and also for different schemas and not in public schema
Steps for 2:
Also i wanted the user to give input for few columns like suppose in this case time of creation is not required to be given as input by user .Rather it should be taken care when the database is updating or creating
In order for Django to "interact" with an existing database you need to create a model for it which can be done automatically as shown here. This assumes that your "external" database isn't going to be changed often because you'll have to keep your models in sync which is tricky - there are other approaches if you need that.
As for working with multiple database schemas - is there a reason you can't put your POC table in the same database as the others? Django supports multiple databases, but it will be harder to setup. See here.
Finally, it sounds like you are interested in setting the Django default field attribute. For an example of current time see here.

manipulating Django database directly

I was wondering this could produce any problem if I directly add rows or remove some from a model table. I thought maybe Django records the number of rows in all tables? or this could mess up the auto-generated id's?
I don't think it matters but I'm using MySql.
No, it's not a problem because Django does the same that you do "directly" to the database, it execute SQL statements, and the auto generated id is handled by the database server (MySql server in this case), no matter where that SQL queries comes from, whatever it is Mysql Client or Django.
Since you can have Django work on a pre-existing database (one that wasn't created by Django), I don't think you will have problems if you access/write the tables of your own app (you might want to avoid modifying Django's internal tables like auth, permission, content_type etc until you are familiar with them)
When you create a model through Django, Django doesn't store the count or anything (unless your app does), so it's okay if you create the model with Django on the SQL database, and then have another app write/read from that same SQL table
If you use Django signals, those will not be triggered by modifying the SQL table directly through the DB, so you might want to pay attention to side effects like that.
Your RDBMS handles it's own auto generated IDs and referential integrity, counts etc, so you don't have to worry about messing it up.

Manually add records to django_session table

I need to manually add records to django_session table. With my own SQL.
Can I leave session_data column empty? What purpose does it serve?
session_data contains the actual data for the session. With Django sessions, the cookie that tracks the session actually just contains an ID, which points to a record in the database that contains the actual session data. session_data should not be blank; you can store a blank string, but it should be serialized the same way the Django database backend does it. Unfortunately, this involves pickling the data (with Python's pickle module) and then converting that into a base-64 representation, so it may be non-trivial to do this outside of Python.
Why must you use your own SQL? Why not write a script (preferably a management command) that taps into Django's sessions framework to create your objects?