Correct way to stop asynchronous ISearchJob - c++

I am going to use WUA API and begin execution of an asynchronous search for updates in this way:
CComPtr<SearchCallbackImpl> iscc_; <<-- Note you need to CreateInstance
CComPtr<ISearchJob> pUpJob_;
pUpJob_ = NULL;
When I need to stop my program, but ISearchJob has not completed yet, I use this code:
if (pUpJob_)
CComVariant isStopped;
if (isStopped.boolVal == VARIANT_FALSE)
if (SUCCEEDED(pUpJob_->RequestAbort()))
Generally this code works but sometime it hangs on pUpJob_->CleanUp(); and I do not have ability to stop my programm correctly.
So my questions are:
What is the correct way to stop asynchronous search job for updates?
Also i misunderstood what is difference between ISearchJob::CleanUp and ISearchJob::RequestAbort and how to use this methods to stop asynchronous search correctly?
Should this methods be used together or separately?

RequestAbort() is also asynchronous (the hint to that is in the name). After calling it, you should call pUpSearcher_->EndSearch(); it will return an ISearchResult with ResultCode equal to orcAborted if the abort was successful. Then you can free your resources.
I'm not fully sure how CleanUp() is supposed to be used, but this page seems to imply it's intended for scripts that have callbacks, and that you're not supposed to call CleanUp() from within a callback. Not sure where your code for cancelling is run.


Implementing a custom async task type and await

I am developing a C++ app in which i need to receive messages from an MQ and then parsing them according to their type and for a particular reason I want to make this process (receiving a single message followed by processing it) asynchronous. Since, I want to keep things as simple as possible in a way that the next developer would have no problem continuing the code, I have written a very small class to implement Asynchrony.
I first raise a new thread and pass a function to the thread:
task = new thread([&] {
result = fn();
isCompleted = true;
and in order to await the task I do the following:
while (!isCompleted && !(*cancelationToken))
state = 1; // marking the task as completed
So far there is no problem and I have not faced any bug or error but I am not sure if this is "a good way to do this" and my question is focused on determining this.
Read about std::future and std::async.
If your task runs in another core or processor, the variable isCompleted may become un-synchronized having two copies in core cache. So you may be waiting more than needed.
If you have to wait for something it is better to use a semaphore.
As said in comments, using standard methods is better anyway.

boost async rest client

I currently working on a async rest client using boost::asio::io_service.
I am trying to make the client as a some kind of service for a bigger program.
The idea is that the client will execute async http requests to a rest API, independently from the thread running the main program. So inside in the client will be another thread waiting for a request to send.
To pass the requests to the client I am using a io_service and io_service::work initialized with the io_service. I almost reused the example given on this tutorial - logger_service.hpp.
My problem is that when in the example they post a work to the service, the called handler is a simple function. In my case as I am making async calls like this
(I have done the necessary to run all the instancies of the following objects and some more in a way to be able to establish the network connection):
boost::asio::io_service io_service_;
boost::asio::io_service::work work_(io_service_); //to prevent the io_service::run() to return when there is no more work to do
boost::asio::ssl::stream<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket_(io_service_);
In the main program I am doing the following calls:
Some client's pseudo code:
void MyClass::Send()
..., this);
void MyClass::AsyncSend()
boost::io_service::asio::async_write(socket, streamOutBuffer, boost::bind(&MyClass::handle_send, this));
void MyClass::handle_send()
boost::io_service::asio::async_read(socket, streamInBuffer, boost::bind(&MyClass::handle_read, this));
void MyClass::handle_read()
// ....treatment for the received data...
boost::io_service::asio::async_read(socket, streamInBuffer, boost::bind(&MyClass::handle_read, this));
As it is described in the documentation the 'post' method requests the io_service to invoke the given handler and return immediately. My question is, will be the nested handlers, for example the ::handle_send in the AsyncSend, called just after (when the http response is ready) when post() is used? Or the handlers will be called in another order different from the one defined by the order of post() calls ?
I am asking this question because when I call only once client->Send() the client seems to "work fine". But when I make 2 consecutive calls, as in the example above, the client cannot finish the first call and than goes to execute the second one and after some chaotic executions at the end the 2 operations fail.
Is there any way to do what I'm describing execute the whole async chain before the execution of another one.
I hope, I am clear enough with my description :)
hello Blacktempel,
Thank you for the given comment and the idea but however I am working on a project which demands using asynchronous calls.
In fact, as I am newbie with Boost my question and the example I gave weren't right in the part of the 'handle_read' function. I add now a few lines in the example in a way to be more clear in what situation I am (was).
In fact in many examples, may be all of them, who are treating the theme how to create an async client are very basic... All they just show how to chain the different handlers and the data treatment when the 'handle_read' is called is always something like "print some data on the screen" inside of this same read handler. Which, I think, is completely wrong when compared to real world problems!
No one will just print data and finish the execution of her program...! Usually once the data is received there is another treatment that has to start, for example FireAnEvent(). Influenced by the bad examples, I have done this 'FireAnEvent' inside the read handler, which, obviously is completely wrong! It is bad to do that because making the things like that, the "handle_read" might never exit or exit too late. If this handler does not finish, the io_service loop will not finish too. And if your further treatment demands once again to your async client to do something, this will start/restart (I am not sure about the details) the io_service loop. In my case I was doing several calls to the async client in this way. At the end I saw how the io_service was always started but never ended. Even after the whole treatment was ended, I never saw the io_service to stop.
So finally I let my async client to fill some global variable with the received data inside the handle_read and not to call directly another function like FireAnEvent. And I moved the call of this function (FireAnEvent) just after the And it worked because after the end of the run() method I know that the loop is completely finished!
I hope my answer will help people :)

How to find whether a given application is single instance or not?

I am looking for an efficient way to find whether a given application (say app.exe) is single instance or not? I thought of these following sols:
Do CreateProcess() twice and check whether there are two or more instance running of that application? If no, it is single instance application. But, this is not efficient.
Do CreateProcess() and wait for 1-2 sec. If this instance is killed (because there is already an instance running for it), it will be single instance app.
But I am not convinced with both above sol. Is there any other efficient way of doing that in windows?
Please note that I don't to kill or make any modifications to an already running (if any) instance of that application.
Think about it the other way: When you write a program, how do you specify whether it is single-instance or multiple-instance? Is there a way that some other program can get that information out of your program without running it? (Once you answer this question, then you have the answer to your question.)
This problem is not solvable in general because single-instance/multiple-instance-ness is determined at runtime and can be based on runtime conditions. For example, some applications are "sometimes multiple instance, sometimes single": If you run the application to open document X, and then document Y, you will get two instances. But if you open document X, and then document X again, the two instances will fold into one. Other applications may have a configuration switch that lets you select whether they are single-instance or multiple-instance. Or maybe they decide to flip a coin and decide to be single-instance if tails and multiple-instance if heads.
The best way is via using synchronization object called Mutex (Mutually exclusive). You may google it.
I think the following code may help to.
HANDLE hMutex=OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,0,"SIns");
if (!hMutex) {
//Mutex doesn’t exist. This is the first instance so create the mutex.
//in this case app name is SIns (Single Instance)
Application->MainFormOnTaskBar = true;
Application->CreateForm(__classid(TfMain), &fMain);
//This is not single. The prev instance is already running
//so informing about it
//remember that if it finds prev instance we're activating it here
//you may do whatsoever here ...... e.g. you may kill process or stuff like this:)
ShowMessage("The program is already running. Switching to ...");
HWND hWnd=FindWindow(0,"SIns");
catch (Exception &exception)
catch (...)
throw Exception("");
catch (Exception &exception)
return 0;
There is no way to do this at all. What happens if the application checks a mutex then makes a messagebox to tell the user an instance is already running and only when the user dismisses it does it kill the application? There are many different ways to ensure mutual exclusion via some shared resource, mutex, shared file, even maybe setting some registry key, the methods are unlimited.
The usual solution is to use some sort of a locking file. Under
traditional Unix, for example, the application will start by creating a
file (which will succeed even if the file exists), then try to create a
link to it (an atomic action); if that fails, the application will
immediately kill itself. Under Windows, the share mode of CreateFile
can be used to the same effect: open a file with share mode 0, and if
that fails, quit. (The Unix solution will leave the lock if the process
crashes, requiring it to be cleaned up manually. The Windows solution
will remove the lock if the system crashes.)
you may use mutexes... I do such check with following code:
bool insureApplicationUniqueness(HANDLE& mutexHandle)
if( mutexHandle&&(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS==GetLastError()))
return false;
return true;
but this is for application which source code is yours and which checks is another instance of itself running.
The problem with the notion is that in common environments, there is no explicit static data that determines whether an application is single-instance. You only have behavior to go on, but you cannot fully test behavior.
What if you have an app that is multi-instance, but will fail to open a file that's already open? If you test it twice with the same, valid filename, it would create only a single process, but any other command line argument would cause two processes to exist. Is this a single-instance program?
You could even argue that "single instance" isn't a well-defined catageory of programs for this reason.

Symbian C++ - synchronous Bluetooth discovery with timeout using RHostResolver

I am writing an application in Qt to be deployed on Symbian S60 platform. Unfortunately, it needs to have Bluetooth functionality - nothing really advanced, just simple RFCOMM client socket and device discovery. To be exact, the application is expected to work on two platforms - Windows PC and aforementioned S60.
Of course, since Qt lacks Bluetooth support, it has to be coded in native API - Winsock2 on Windows and Symbian C++ on S60 - I'm coding a simple abstraction layer. And I have some problems with the discovery part on Symbian.
The discovery call in the abstraction layer should work synchronously - it blocks until the end of the discovery and returns all the devices as a QList. I don't have the exact code right now, but I had something like that:
RHostResolver resolver;
TInquirySockAddr addr;
// OMITTED: resolver and addr initialization
TRequestStatus err;
TNameEntry entry;
resolver.GetByAddress(addr, entry, err);
while (true) {
if (err == KErrHostResNoMoreResults) {
} else if (err != KErrNone) {
// OMITTED: error handling routine, not very important right now
// OMITTED: entry processing, adding to result QList
resolver.Next(entry, err);
Yes, I know that User::WaitForRequest is evil, that coding Symbian-like, I should use active objects, and so on. But it's just not what I need. I need a simple, synchronous way of doing device discovery.
And the code above does work. There's one quirk, however - I'd like to have a timeout during the discovery. That is, I want the discovery to take no more than, say, 15 seconds - parametrized in a function call. I tried to do something like this:
RTimer timer;
TRequestStatus timerStatus;
RHostResolver resolver;
TInquirySockAddr addr;
// OMITTED: resolver and addr initialization
TRequestStatus err;
TNameEntry entry;
timer.After(timerStatus, timeout*1000000);
resolver.GetByAddress(addr, entry, err);
while (true) {
User::WaitForRequest(err, timerStatus);
if (timerStatus != KRequestPending) { // timeout
if (err == KErrHostResNoMoreResults) {
} else if (err != KErrNone) {
// OMITTED: error handling routine, not very important right now
// OMITTED: entry processing, adding to result QList
resolver.Next(entry, err);
And this code kinda works. Even more, the way it works is functionally correct - the timeout works, the devices discovered so far are returned, and if the discovery ends earlier, then it exits without waiting for the timer. The problem is - it leaves a stray thread in the program. That means, when I exit my app, its process is still loaded in background, doing nothing. And I'm not the type of programmer who would be satisfied with a "fix" like making the "exit" button kill the process instead of exiting gracefully. Leaving a stray thread seems a too serious resource leak.
Is there any way to solve this? I don't mind rewriting everything from scratch, even using totally different APIs (as long as we're talking about native Symbian APIs), I just want it to work. I've read a bit about active objects, but it doesn't seem like what I need, since I just need this to work synchronously... In the case of bigger changes, I would appreciate more detailed explanations, since I'm new to Symbian C++, and I don't really need to master it - this little Bluetooth module is probably everything I'll need to write in it in foreseeable future.
Thanks in advance for any help! :)
The code you have looks ok to me. You've missed the usual pitfall of not consuming all the requests that you've issued. Assuming that you also cancel the timer and do a User::WaitForRequest(timerStatus) inside you're error handing condition, it should work.
I'm guessing that what you're worrying about is that there's no way for your main thread to request that this thread exit. You can do this roughly as follows:
Pass a pointer to a TRequestStatus into the thread when it is created by your main thread. Call this exitStatus.
When you do the User::WaitForRequest, also wait on exitStatus.
The main thread will do a bluetoothThread.RequestComplete(exitStatus, KErrCancel) when it wants the subthread to exit, where bluetoothThread is the RThread object that the main thread created.
in the subthread, when exitStatus is signalled, exit the loop to terminate the thread. You need to make sure you cancel and consume the timer and bluetooth requests.
the main thread should do a bluetoothThread.Logon and wait for the signal to wait for the bluetooth thread to exit.
There will likely be some more subtleties to deal correctly with all the error cases and so on.
I hope I'm not barking up the wrong tree altogether here...
The question is already answered, but... If you'd use active objects, I'd propose you to use nested active scheduler (class CActiveSchedulerWait). You could then pass it to your active objects (CPeriodic for timer and some other CActive for Bluetooth), and one of them would stop this nested scheduler in its RunL() method. More than this, with this approach your call becomes synchronous for the caller, and your thread will be gracefully closed after performing the call.
If you're interested in the solution, search for examples of CActiveSchedulerWait, or just ask me and I'll give your some code sample.

Handling Interrupt in C++

I am writing a framework for an embedded device which has the ability to run multiple applications. When switching between apps how can I ensure that the state of my current application is cleaned up correctly? For example, say I am running through an intensive loop in one application and a request is made to run a second app while that loop has not yet finished. I cannot delete the object containing the loop until the loop has finished, yet I am unsure how to ensure the looping object is in a state ready to be deleted. Do I need some kind of polling mechanism or event callback which notifies me when it has completed?
Usually if you need to do this type of thing you'll have an OS/RTOS that can handle the multiple tasks (even if the OS is a simple homebrew type thing).
If you don't already have an RTOS, you may want to look into one (there are hundreds available) or look into incorporating something simple like protothreads:
So you have two threads: one running the kernel and one running the app? You will need to make a function in your kernel say ReadyToYield() that the application can call when it's happy for you to close it down. ReadyToYield() would flag the kernel thread to give it the good news and then sit and wait until the kernel thread decides what to do. It might look something like this:
volatile bool appWaitingOnKernel = false;
volatile bool continueWaitingForKernel;
On the app thread call:
void ReadyToYield(void)
continueWaitingForKernel = true;
appWaitingOnKernel = true;
while(continueWaitingForKernel == true);
On the kernel thread call:
void CheckForWaitingApp(void)
if(appWaitingOnKernel == true)
appWaitingOnKernel = false;
continueWaitingForKernel = false;
Obviously, the actual implementation here depends on the underlying O/S but this is the gist.
(1) You need to write thread-safe code. This is not specific to embedded systems.
(2) You need to save state away when you do a context switch.