How to setup and use Kafka-Connect-HDFS in HDP 2.4 - hdfs

I want to use kafka-connect-hdfs on hortonworks 2.4. Can you please help me with the steps i need to follow to setup in HDP env.

Other than building Kafka Connect HDFS from source, you can download and extract Confluent Platform's TAR.GZ files on your Hadoop nodes. That doesn't mean you are "installing Confluent"
Then you can cd /path/to/confluent-x.y.z/
And run Kafka Connect from there.
./bin/connect-standalone ./etc/kafka/ ./etc/kafka-connect-hdfs/
If that is working for you, then in order to run connect-distributed (the recommended way to run Kafka Connect), you need to download the same thing on the rest of the machines you want to run Kafka Connect on.


What are the exact steps of setting up jfrog artifactory pro on AWS?

I am looking for the exact steps for setting up jfrog artifactory pro on AWS and then accessing it from the browser(Browser access must be only from inside the corporation network). I am following the steps from
Do I need to setup a reverse proxy? If so the steps of doing that too would be helpful.
I am very new to AWS and jfrog artifactory and reverse proxy stuff( 1 week experience in all these). So I am not able to find the correct resource to get it done.
The best is to use the official installation steps as provided here:
If you want to use air gapped environment, suggest downloading once into the network a Linux Archive installation and go ahead with install. If Docker is a possibility, download the images locally and install using docker compose.

Can you load standard zeppelin interpreter settings from S3?

Our company is building up a suite of common internal Spark functions and jobs, and I'd like to make sure that our data scientists have access to all of these when they prototype in Zeppelin.
Ideally, I'd like a way for them to start up a Zeppelin notebook on AWS EMR, and have the dependency jar we build automatically loaded onto it without them having to manually type in the maven information manually every time (private repo location/credentials, package info, etc).
Right now we have the dependency jar loaded on S3, and with some work we could get a private maven repository to host it on.
I see that ZEPPELIN_INTERPRETER_DIR saves off interpreter settings, but I don't think it can load from a common default location (like S3, or something)
Is there a way to tell Zeppelin on an EMR cluster to load it's interpreter settings from a common location? I can't be the first person to want this.
Other thoughts I've had but have not tried yet:
Have a script that uses aws cmd line options to start a EMR cluster with all the necessary settings pre-made for you. (Could also upload the .jar dependency if we can't get maven to work)
Use a infrastructure-as-code framework to start up the clusters with the required settings.
I don't believe it's possible to tell EMR to load settings from a common location. The first thought you included is the way to go imo - you would aws emr create ... and that create would include a shell script step to replace /etc/zeppelin/conf.dist/interpreter.json by downloading the interpreter.json of interest from S3, and then hard restart zeppelin (sudo stop zeppelin; sudo start zeppelin).

Spark standalone mode on AWS EMR

I'm able to run Spark on AWS EMR without much trouble following the documentation but from what I see it always uses YARN instead of the standalone manager. Is there any way to use the standalone mode instead of YARN easily? I don't really feel like hacking the bootstrap scripts to turn off yarn and deploy spark master/workers myself.
I'm running into a weird YARN related bug and I was hoping it won't happen with standalone manager.
As far as I know there are no way to run in standalone mode on EMR unless you go back to the old ami-versions instead of using the emr-release-label. The old ami-version will however cause other problems with newer versions of Spark, so I wouldn't go that way.
What you can do is to launch ordinary EC2-instances with Spark instead of using EMR. If you have a local Spark installation, go to the ec2 folder and use spark-ec2 to launch the cluster, like this:
./spark-ec2 --copy-aws-credentials --key-pair=MY_KEY --identity-file=MY_PEM_FILE.pem --region=MY_PREFERED_REGION --instance-type=INSTANCE_TYPE --slaves=NUMBER_OF_SLAVES --hadoop-major-version=2 --ganglia launch NAME_OF_JOB
I suspect that you have jar-files that are needed, so they have to be copied onto the cluster (copy to master first, ssh to master and copy them onto the slaves from there. ./spark-ec2/copy-dir on master will copy a directory onto all slaves). Then restart Spark:
and you are ready to launch Spark in standalone mode:
./spark/bin/spark-submit --deploy-mode client ...

Zeppelin: how to download or save the Zeppelin notebook?

I am using Zeppelin sandbox with aws EMR.
Is there a way to download or save the zeppelin notebook in a way so that it can be imported into another Zeppelin server ?
As noted in the comments above, this feature is available starting in version 0.5.6. You can find more details in the release notes. Downloading and installing this version would solve that issue.
Given that you are using EMR, it looks like you will have to work with the version available. As Samuel mentioned above, you can backup the contents of the incubator-zeppelin/notebook folder and make the transfer.

WebHCat on Amazon's EMR?

Is it possible or advisable to run WebHCat on an Amazon Elastic MapReduce cluster?
I'm new to this technology and I was wonder if it was possible to use WebHCat as a REST interface to run Hive queries. The cluster in question is running Hive.
I wasn't able to get it working but WebHCat is actually installed by default on Amazon's EMR instance.
To get it running you have to do the following,
chmod u+x /home/hadoop/hive/hcatalog/bin/hcat
chmod u+x /home/hadoop/hive/hcatalog/sbin/
export TEMPLETON_HOME=/home/hadoop/.versions/hive-0.11.0/hcatalog/
export HCAT_PREFIX=/home/hadoop/.versions/hive-0.11.0/hcatalog/
/home/hadoop/hive/hcatalog/ start
You can then confirm that it's running on port 50111 using curl,
curl -i http://localhost:50111/templeton/v1/status
To hit 50111 on other machines you have to open the port up in the EC2 EMR security group.
You then have to configure the users you going to "proxy" when you run queries in hcatalog. I didn't actually save this configuration, but it is outlined in the WebHCat documentation. I wish they had some concrete examples there but basically I ended up configuring the local 'hadoop' user as the one that run the queries, not the most secure thing to do I am sure, but I was just trying to get it up and running.
Attempting a query then gave me this error,
{"error":"Server IPC version 9 cannot communicate with client version
The workaround was to switch off of the latest EMR image (3.0.4 with Hadoop 2.2.0) and switch to a Hadoop 1.0 image (2.4.2 with Hadoop 1.0.3).
I then hit another issues where it couldn't find the Hive jar properly, after struggling with the configuration more, I decided I had dumped enough time into trying to get this to work and decided to communicate with Hive directly (using RBHive for Ruby and JDBC for the JVM).
To answer my own question, it is possible to run WebHCat on EMR, but it's not documented at all (Googling lead me nowhere which is why I created this question in the first place, it's currently the first hit when you search "WebHCat EMR") and the WebHCat documentation leaves a lot to be desired. Getting it to work seems like a pain, though my hope is that by writing up the initial steps someone will come along and take it the rest of the way and post a complete answer.
I did not test it but, it should be doable.
EMR allows to customise the bootstrap actions, i.e. the scripts run where the nodes are started. You can use bootstrap actions to install additional software and to change the configuration of applications on the cluster
See more details at
I would create a shell script to install WebHCat and test your script on a regular EC2 instance first (outside the context of EMR - just as a test to ensure your script is OK)
You can use EC2's user-data properties to test your script, typically :
curl | sh
Then - once you know the script is working - make it available to the cluster on a S3 bucket and follow these instructions to include your script as custom bootstrap action of your cluster.