Apache Flume taking more time than copyFromLocal command - hdfs

I have 24GB folderin my local file system. My task is to move that folder to HDFS. Two ways I did it.
1) hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /home/data/ /home/
This took around 15mins to complete.
2) Using Flume.
Here is my agent
spool_dir.sources = src-1
spool_dir.channels = channel-1
spool_dir.sinks = sink_to_hdfs
# source
spool_dir.sources.src-1.type = spooldir
spool_dir.sources.src-1.channels = channel-1
spool_dir.sources.src-1.spoolDir = /home/data/
spool_dir.sources.src-1.fileHeader = false
# HDFS sinks
spool_dir.sinks.sink_to_hdfs.type = hdfs
spool_dir.sinks.sink_to_hdfs.hdfs.fileType = DataStream
spool_dir.sinks.sink_to_hdfs.hdfs.path = hdfs://
spool_dir.sinks.sink_to_hdfs.hdfs.filePrefix = customevent
spool_dir.sinks.sink_to_hdfs.hdfs.fileSuffix = .log
spool_dir.sinks.sink_to_hdfs.hdfs.batchSize = 1000
spool_dir.channels.channel-1.type = file
spool_dir.channels.channel-1.checkpointDir = /home/user/spool_dir_checkpoint
spool_dir.channels.channel-1.dataDirs = /home/user/spool_dir_data
spool_dir.sources.src-1.channels = channel-1
spool_dir.sinks.sink_to_hdfs.channel = channel-1
This step took almost an hour to push data to HDFS.
As per my knowledge Flume is distributed, so should not it be that Flume should load data faster than copyFromLocal command.

If you're looking simple at read and write operations flume is going to be at least 2x slower with your configuration as you're using a file channel - every file read from disk is encapsulated into a flume event (in memory) and then serialized back down to disk via the file channel. The sink then reads the event back from the file channel (disk) before pushing it up to hdfs.
You also haven't set a blob deserializer on your spoolDir source (so it's reading one line at a time from your source files, wrapping in a flume Event and then writing to the file channel), so paired with the HDFS Sink default rollXXX values, you'll be getting a file in hdfs per 10 events / 30s / 1k rather than a file per input file that you'd get with copyFromLocal.
All of these factors add up to give you slower performance. If you want to get a more comparable performance, you should use the BlobDeserializer on the spoolDir source, coupled with a memory channel (but understand that a memory channel doesn't guarantee delivery of an event in the event of the JRE being prematurely terminated.

Apache Flume is not intended for moving or copying folders from local file system to HDFS. Flume is meant for efficiently collecting, aggregating and moving large amounts of log data from many different sources to a centralized data store. (Reference: Flume User Guide)
If you want to move large files or directories, you should use hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal as you have already mentioned.


Single source multiple sinks v/s flatmap

I'm using Kinesis Data Analytics on Flink to do stream processing.
The usecase that I'm working on is to read records from a single Kinesis stream and after some transformations write to multiple S3 buckets. One source record might end up in multiple S3 buckets. We need to write to multiple buckets since the source record contains a lot of information which needs to be split to multiple S3 buckets.
I tried achieving this using multiple sinks.
private static <T> SinkFunction<T> createS3SinkFromStaticConfig(String path, Class<T> type) {
OutputFileConfig config = OutputFileConfig
final StreamingFileSink<T> sink = StreamingFileSink
.forBulkFormat(new Path(s3SinkPath + "/" + path), createParquetWriter(type))
.withBucketAssigner(new S3BucketAssigner<T>())
return sink;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
DataStream<PIData> input = createSourceFromStaticConfig(env)
.map(new JsonToSourceDataMap())
input.map(value -> value)
.addSink(createS3SinkFromStaticConfig("raw_data", InputData.class))
.addSink(createS3SinkFromStaticConfig("firstOutput", Output1.class));
.addSink(createS3SinkFromStaticConfig("secondOutput", Output2.class));
.addSink(createS3SinkFromStaticConfig("thirdOutput", Output3.class));
//and so on; There are around 10 buckets.
However, I saw a big performance impact due to this. I saw a big CPU spike due to this (as compared to one with just one sink). The scale that I'm looking at is around 100k records per second.
Other notes:
I'm using bulk format writer since I want to write files in parquet format. I tried increasing the checkpointing interval from 1-minute to 3-minutes assuming writing files to s3 every minute might be causing issues. But this didn't help much.
As I'm new to flink and stream processing, I'm not sure if this much performance impact is expected or is there something I can do better?
Would using a flatmap operator and then having a single sink be better?
When you had a very simple pipeline with a single source and a single sink, something like this:
source -> map -> sink
then the Flink scheduler was able to optimize the execution, and the entire pipeline ran as a sequence of function calls within a single task -- with no serialization or network overhead. Flink 1.12 can apply this operator chaining optimization to more complex topologies -- perhaps including the one you have now with multiple sinks -- but I don't believe this was possible with Flink 1.11 (which is what KDA is currently based on).
I don't see how using a flatmap would make any difference.
You can probably optimize your serialization/deserialization. See https://flink.apache.org/news/2020/04/15/flink-serialization-tuning-vol-1.html.

Spark writing/reading to/from S3 - Partition Size and Compression

I am doing an experiment to understand which file size behaves best with s3 and [EMR + Spark]
Input data :
Incompressible data: Random Bytes in files
Total Data Size: 20GB
Each folder has varying input file size: From 2MB To 4GB file size.
Cluster Specifications :
1 master + 4 nodes : C3.8xls
--driver-memory 5G \
--executor-memory 3G \
--executor-cores 2 \
--num-executors 60 \
Code :
scala> def time[R](block: => R): R = {
val t0 = System.nanoTime()
val result = block // call-by-name
val t1 = System.nanoTime()
println("Elapsed time: " + (t1 - t0) + "ns")
time: [R](block: => R)R
scala> val inputFiles = time{sc.textFile("s3://bucket/folder/2mb-10240files-20gb/*/*")};
scala> val outputFiles = time {inputFiles.saveAsTextFile("s3://bucket/folder-out/2mb-10240files-20gb/")};
2MB - 32MB: Most of the time is spent in opening file handles [Not efficient]
64MB till 1GB: Spark itself is launching 320 tasks for all these file sizes, it's no longer the no of files in that bucket with 20GB
data e.g. 512 MB files had 40 files to make 20gb data and could
just have 40 tasks to be completed but instead, there were 320
tasks each dealing with 64MB data.
4GB file size : 0 Bytes outputted [Not able to handle in-memory /Data not even splittable ???]
Any default setting that forces input size to be dealt with to be 64MB ??
Since the data I am using is random bytes and is already compressed how is it splitting this data further? If it can split this data why is it not able to split file size of 4gb object file
Why is compressed file size increased after uploading via spark? The 2MB compressed input file becomes 3.6 MB in the output bucket.
Since it is not specified, I'm assuming usage of gzip and Spark 2.2 in my answer.
Any default setting that forces input size to be dealt with to be 64MB ??
Yes, there is. Spark is a Hadoop project, and therefore treats S3 to be a block based file system even though it is an object based file system.
So the real question here is: which implementation of S3 file system are you using(s3a, s3n) etc. A similar question can be found here.
Since the data I am using is random bytes and is already compressed how is it splitting this data further? If it can split this data why is it not able to split file size of 4gb object file size?
Spark docs indicate that it is capable of reading compressed files:
All of Spark’s file-based input methods, including textFile, support running on directories, compressed files, and wildcards as well. For example, you can use textFile("/my/directory"), textFile("/my/directory/.txt"), and textFile("/my/directory/.gz").
This means that your files were read quite easily and converted to a plaintext string for each line.
However, you are using compressed files. Assuming it is a non-splittable format such as gzip, the entire file is needed for de-compression. You are running with 3gb executors which can satisfy the needs of 4mb-1gb files quite well, but can't handle a file larger than 3gb at once (probably lesser after accounting for overhead).
Some further info can be found in this question. Details of splittable compression types can be found in this answer.
Why is compressed file size increased after uploading via spark?The 2MB compressed input file becomes 3.6 MB in output bucket.
As a corollary to the previous point, this means that spark has de-compressed the RDD while reading as plaintext. While re-uploading, it is no longer compressed. To compress, you can pass a compression codec as a parameter:
sc.saveAsTextFile("s3://path", classOf[org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec])
There are other compression formats available.

Flume HDFS Sink generates lots of tiny files on HDFS

I have a toy setup sending log4j messages to hdfs using flume. I'm not able to configure the hdfs sink to avoid many small files. I thought I could configure the hdfs sink to create a new file every-time the file size reaches 10mb, but it is still creating files around 1.5KB.
Here is my current flume config:
#source configuration
#sink config
#never roll-based on time
#never roll base on number of events
#channle config
It is your typo in conf.
#sink config
#never roll-based on time
#never roll base on number of events
where in the line 'rollSize' and 'rollCount', you put il as i1.
Please try to use DEBUG, then you will find like:
[SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcessor] (org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs.BucketWriter.shouldRotate:465) - rolling: rollSize: 1024, bytes: 1024
Due to il, default value of rollSize 1024 is being used .
HDFS Sink has a property hdfs.batchSize (default 100) which describes "number of events written to file before it is flushed to HDFS". I think that's your problem here.
Consider also checking all other properties: HDFS Sink .
This can possibly happen because of the memory channel and its capacity. I guess its dumping data to HDFS as soon as its capacity becomes full. Did you try using file channel instead of memory ?

How to handle FTE queued transfers

I have fte monitor with a '*.txt' as trigger condition, whenever a text file lands at source fte transfer file to destination, but when 10 files land at source at a time then fte is triggering 10 transfer request simultaneously & all the transfers are getting queued & stuck.
Please suggest how to handle this scenarios
Ok, I have just tested this case:
I want to transfer four *.xml files from directory right when they appear in that directory. So I have monitor set to *.xml and transfer pattern set to *.xml (see commands bellow).
Created with following commands:
fteCreateTransfer -sa AGENT1 -sm QM.FTE -da AGENT2 -dm QM.FTE -dd c:\\workspace\\FTE_tests\\OUT -de overwrite -sd delete -gt /var/IBM/WMQFTE/config/QM.FTE/FTE_TEST_TRANSFER.xml c:\\workspace\\FTE_tests\\IN\\*.xml
fteCreateMonitor -ma AGENT1 -mn FTE_TEST_TRANSFER -md c:\\workspace\\FTE_tests\\IN -mt /var/IBM/WMQFTE/config/TQM.FTE/FTE_TEST_TRANSFER.xml -tr match,*.xml
I got three different results depending on configuration changes:
1) just as commands are, default agent.properties:
in transfer log appeared 4 transfers
all 4 transfers tryed to transfer all four XML files
3 of them with partial success because agent could't delete source file
with success that transfered all files and deleted all source files
Well, with transfer type File to File, final state is in fact ok - four files in destination directory because the previous file are overwritten. But with File to Queue I got 16 messages in destination queue.
2) fteCreateMonitor command modified with parameter "-bs 100", default agent.properties:
in transfer log , there is only one transfer
this transfer is with partial success result
this transfer tryed to transfer 16 files (each XML four times)
agent was not able to delete any file, so source files remained in source directory
So in sum I got same total amount of files transfered (16) as in first result. And not even deleted source files.
3) just as commands are, agent.properties modified with parameter "monitorMaxResourcesInPoll=1":
in transfer log , there is only one transfer
this transfer is with success result
this transfer tryed to transfer four files and succeeded
agent was able to delete all source files
So I was able to get expected result only with this settings. But I am still not sure about appropriateness of the monitorMaxResourcesInPoll parameter set to "1".
Therefore for me the answer is: add
to agent.properties. But this is in collision with other answers posted here, so I am little bit confused now.
tested on version
Check the box that says "Batch together the file transfers when multiple trigger files are found in one poll interval" (screen three).
Make sure that you set the maxFilesForTransfer in the agent.properties file to a value that is large enough for you, but be careful as this will affect all transfers.
You can also set monitorMaxResourcesInPoll=1 in the agent.properties file. I don't recommend this for 2 reasons: 1) it will affect all monitors 2) it may make it so that you can never catch up on all the files you have to transfer depending on your volume and poll interval.
Set your "Batch together the file transfers..." to a value more than 10:
Max Batch Size = 100

Compressed file ingestion using Flume

Can I ingest any type of compressed file ( say zip, bzip, lz4 etc.) to hdfs using Flume ng 1.3.0? I am planning to use spoolDir. Any suggesion please.
You can ingest any type of file. You need to select an appropriate deserializer.
Below route works for compressed files. You can choose the options as you need:
agent.sources = src-1
agent.channels = c1
agent.sinks = k1
agent.sources.src-1.type = spooldir
agent.sources.src-1.channels = c1
agent.sources.src-1.spoolDir = /tmp/myspooldir
agent.channels.c1.type = file
agent.sinks.k1.type = hdfs
agent.sinks.k1.channel = c1
agent.sinks.k1.hdfs.path = /user/myevents/
agent.sinks.k1.hdfs.filePrefix = events-
agent.sinks.k1.hdfs.fileType = CompressedStream
agent.sinks.k1.hdfs.round = true
agent.sinks.k1.hdfs.roundValue = 10
agent.sinks.k1.hdfs.roundUnit = minute
agent.sinks.k1.hdfs.codeC = snappyCodec
You may leave the file uncompressed at the source and use the compression algorithms provided by Flume for compressing the data when it is ingested to HDFS.
Avro sources and sinks also supports compression in-case you are planning to use them.
I wrote custom source component and resolve. The custom source can be used to ingest any kind of file.