While trying to open analysis server properties getting error - windows-server-2012-r2

Image for error with analysis services
Can anyone know about the following error which is happening while trying to open analysis server properties..
cannot show requested dialog.(sqlmgmt)
Additional information:
the type initializer for
'Microsoft.analysisservices.managementdialogs.server propertieslanguagepanel' threw an exception.(Microsoft.Analysisservices.ssmsmanagementdialogs)
Item has already been added. key in dictionary:'4096'(mscorlib)

what help me to get properties window running was install SP3 of sql server 2012.
sp3 sql server 2012
after that it worked for me.
I hope it help someone else.


Trouble connecting to Oracle 18c XE on Windows Server 2012 r2

A few weeks ago I had installed Oracle 18c XE on my Win10 PC to test an app. Once everything checked out, we installed the same thing on Windows Server 2012r2. When connecting to SQLPlus we get an error message ORACLE is not available. Then after attempting startup we get Oracle DB XE memory parameters invalid or not specified.
I am unsure where this value is set or how to fix this issue. This worked fine on my PC and I have no outside experience of getting the database set up on a server. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I posted this in haste after working a few hours trying to get this working. This was fixed by adding the an entry in the listener.ora file for the XE service instance. After this, I was able go execute the startup command in SQLPlus. I do need more help but will post my question in the DBA Stack Exchange server.

Unable to connect to the Remote Debugging - Web App Azure

I am trying to remote debug an Asp.Net Core Web Application (with Web API) project deployed as an Azure App Service with Visual Studio 2017 Professional.
Followed the instructions as documented here. Essentially, using the Server Explorer-->App Service-->Attach Debugger
Also, enabled the necessary firewall ports as mentioned. The ones I opened are TCP (4022, 4023) and UDP (3702). Also, ensure remote debugger application is in allowed list of apps in Windows Firewall. Documentation for the firewall steps.
Despite all the settings, I am getting following error
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x89710023): Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugger named 'essamplepoc2.azurewebsites.net'. The Visual Studio 2017 Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance on configuring remote debugging.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.Internal.IDebuggerInternal120.ConnectToServer(String szServerName, VsDebugRemoteConnectOptions[] pConnectOptions, CONNECT_REASON ConnectReason, Int32 fIncrementUsageCount, IDebugCoreServer3& ppServer)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Azure.MicrosoftWeb.Operations.RemoteDiagnosticsSessionBase.ConnectToServer(String site, String user, String password)
Any suggestion would be helpful.
The issue is resolved. We had to open outbound ports 4024 for VS 2019, 4022 for VS 2017 and 4020 for VS 2015 on corporate firewall.
For more info check these out:
I also had this problem. I solved it by changing the Platform from 32-bit to 64-bit in Application Settings as I am trying to debug from 64-bit machine.
It seems remote debugging is not turned on for your App Service.
Open your App Service in the Azure portal and go to Application Settings. Then turn Remote Debugging to On and select Visual Studio Version to 2017.
It should look like this:
Screenshot source
I hope this helps.
First, what did NOT work. Opening the port in my Firewall did not work for me. Restarting my local machine did not work, neither did restarting the app in Azure, nor updating VS2019 with the installer. I kept getting:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x89710023): Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugger named 'empirepipedriveapi-newversion.azurewebsites.net'. The connection with the remote endpoint was terminated.
Finally, what DID work, I deleted the deployment slot and then added it again, I deleted the publish profile in Visual Studio 2019 and recreated it again, a published the app (without even recompiling it) and then WAS able to connect (I did refresh the available slots in the Cloud Explorer first just to be overly careful). I believe, and this is the 2nd time in about a year, that, on rare occasion, the deployment slot can become corrupted. I noticed this time when I published the app, it took longer and it seemed much more activity took place, leading me to believe that there was code in the old slot that was is not refreshed on each and every publish and it must have become corrupted.

How can I get the Developer Visual working in Power BI?

I want to learn how to create custom visualizations in Power BI. I am trying to follow various instructions like the one here (https://github.com/Microsoft/PowerBI-visuals/blob/master/tools/DebugVisualSetup.md) but when I go into PowerBI.com and click the Developer Visual button, I get "Can't connect visual server. Please make sure the visual server is running and configured correctly" error. It says you need to run "pbiviz start" in the command line in the root folder of your visual. I get an error when I do that too, but I don't even understand why we need to do that? That's on my local computer, how does that affect what's going on in powerbi.com? I just have a basic default custom visual setup locally.
The error I get when I run "pbiviz start":
I feel like I just need a push in the right direction, because I'm not understanding this conceptually.
I figured it out. The line where it says Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::8080 meant that I had another web service thing running on port 8080. I opened up Resource Manager on my Windows machine and went to Listening Ports and found TNSLSNR running under port 8080, which is some Oracle thing I do not need running- I shut it down by finding it in my Services list. Then ran "pbiviz start" and it worked! The developer visual also showed up in powerbi.com.

Trying to connect a remote MySQL Database to Visual Studio 2010 Pro (C++)

Ok guys, I've been trying to get this working for a few weeks in my spare time, and all day today, and I have nothing to show for it, so here's my question.
First off, the end goal for this is to read and write basic information (id #s, names, etc.) from a remote mysql database, to a C++ program written in Visual Studio 2010 Pro, or something equivalent (and free). I access the server from my laptop with SSH, and I can call family members to mess with router settings and such.
I'm trying to use a MySQL database on a Ubuntu Server machine that I access remotely from a Windows 7 laptop. I have installed MySQL Connector C++ from the MySQL website (the msi installer). NOTE: I have not done anything with the Connector install except run the exe I downloaded. Didn't think I needed to compile anything, but I'm wrong a lot. I have created a database, a user who has privileges to the database, and this user can (in theory) connect from any ip, because it is declared as 'username#'%'. I also changed the my.cnf file so that the bind-address line is commented out. I used 'mysqladmin ping -h serveraddress -u username -p' and that gave me 'mysqld is alive', so I'm assuming the database is accessible from any ip remotely. So, I opened up VS 2010 Pro, made a new project, went to tools, and then 'Connect To Database'. I selected Microsoft MySQL Server and put in the information exactly as I did for mysqladmin. I clicked Test Connection and I get an error box that ends with 'provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server'. Sorry for the block of text, just want to give all the details I can.
Hopefully I'm close to making this work, I'm not pressed for time but I'm really tired of not being able to work on anything else in the project, since it all branches from this database connection.
Thanks you all! I'll reply with whatever you need me to during the day, I'm not much of a night owl anymore =)
I have the sample code from the mysql site compiling correctly, it was just a matter of finally getting a few hours to sit down and fix linker/library errors one at a time, downloaded the boost libraries, and changed include directories to direct paths when I could get them to work correctly. Now all I need to do is learn how to use it lol
Thanks all!
Not sure if this is the problem but be sure to use the 32 bit ODBC Administrator if you are building a 32 bit application. If you are on a 64 bit PC, by default you are going to be using the 64 bit ODBC Administrator and consequently your 32 bit application won't actually see the DSN that you've created. Run the 32 bit ODBC Administrator using this path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe and then create your DSN.

Visual Studio 2008 Remote Debugging Error: "Unable to start program '*****.exe'"

I am trying to remote debug my .exe in VS2008, but when I try to start debug I am thrown an error:
Unable to start program '*.exe'. The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Review the manifest file for possible errors. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. For more details, please see the application event log.
Can someone tell me what needs to be done in order to resolve this problem? Where the application event log is?
Check out (and upvote, if it works) the instructions here for installing the redistributable for VS2008.
The Application Event Log can be seen thru Administrative Tools->Event Viewer in Control Panel, accessible from your Start menu.