Cannot assign to non-static data member within const member function - c++

I am attempting to use std::unordered_set as a hash table to store many CreditCard's. CreditCard and another class CardDatabase are defined as follows:
class CreditCard {
string cardHolder;
unsigned long long cardNumber;
int limit;
int balance;
CreditCard(string in_cardHolder, string in_cardNumber, int in_limit) {
cardHolder = in_cardHolder;
cardNumber = stoll(in_cardNumber);
limit = in_limit;
balance = 0;
void ChangeBalance(int amount) const {
balance += amount; // SECOND ERROR
class CardDatabase {
unordered_set<CreditCard> cards;
unordered_set<CreditCard>::iterator iter;
CardDatabase() { }
void AddCard(cardHolder, cardNumber, int limit) {
CreditCard tempCard = CreditCard(cardHolder, cardNumber, limit);
void Charge(string cardHolder, int chargeAmount) {
iter = cards.find(cardHolder);
iter->ChangeBalance(chargeAmount); // FIRST ERROR
Initially I was getting the following compile error at FIRST ERROR: Member function 'ChangeBalance' not viable: 'this' argument has type 'const CreditCard', but function is not marked const. So, I added the "const" to the ChangeBalance function. However, after doing that I get the following compile error at SECOND ERROR: Cannot assign to non-static member within const member function 'ChangeBalance'.
Is there any way to fix this error without changing balance to a static variable? It is obviously important that the balance be different for each CreditCard instance.
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you all for your quick answers. I feel I should clarify something. I already added the proper hash functionality elsewhere in my code:
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<CreditCard> {
size_t operator()(const CreditCard& cc) const
return hash<string>()(cc.GetCardHolder());
Also, the code I posted initially pasted is from a much larger code base and I didn't delete all the necessary namespacing stuff at first before posting the question. My apologies for the confusion.

Members of an unordered_set are constant, and cannot be changed once they're in the unordered_set, by default. You are trying to change the objects in the set, and the compiler is properly telling you that you can't do this.
The only possible way to do this correctly (explained only for educational purposes, because this is bad class design):
Explicitly declare the individual fields that can be modified in this manner as mutable.
Use a custom hash function with your unordered_set, and the hash function must exclude the value of mutable fields from the value of the calculated hash.
Otherwise, modifying the contents of the object in the set obviously changes its hash value, which will result in undefined behavior.
Again, this is explained for informational purposes only. This is not a good class design.
The clean way to do this would be to assign a unique identifier to each CreditCard (you know, like a credit card number?), and use an ordinary std::map, to look up CreditCards by their number.

It's not appropriate for ChangeBalance to have const semantics. By the very nature of it's name, you're modifying the object. Make the function non-const.
void ChangeBalance(int amount) {
balance += amount;
The other problem is that you didn't call your function correctly. You should instead do this:
I will mention there are cases where you want to modify values in a const object, and there is a mutable type modifier for that. Do not use it to solve your current error, however!

void ChangeBalance(int amount) should not be const - it is changing the object.
The problem is before in the iterator: cards.find returns a const object, so you are not allowed to change it.
A way to resolve that is to make your cards set a set of pointers to cards, not of cards; or to use another way to find the matching card

Playing fast and loose with the C++ syntax in that thar code, Hoss. Plenty of errors wait around the corner
First Error:
should be
Straight-up bad syntax that likely results from flailing around because of the errors resulting from unordered_set having no idea how to hash a CreditCard. Give this a read: How do I use unordered_set? That said, unordered_set is probably not the right solution for this job. std::map<std::string, CreditCard> looks more on point.
Using the wrong solution to fix the above problem lead to the
Second Error:
void ChangeBalance(int amount) const
const on a method means the method cannot change the state of the object. in ChangeBalance balance += amount; attempts to change the state of the object by updating a member variable.
In addition, the compiler is going to HATE the CreditCard:: in this:
CreditCard::CreditCard(string in_cardHolder, string in_cardNumber, int in_limit) {
cardHolder = in_cardHolder;
cardNumber = stoll(in_cardNumber);
limit = in_limit;
balance = 0;

Another solution is to make the "balance" as a static member.
class CreditCard {
string cardHolder;
unsigned long long cardNumber;
int limit;
static int balance;
And then initialize it in cpp file
int CreditCard::balance = 0;
This code may not be very secure. But this can be one of the workaround.


Increment non-static variable via static function

I am making an ecosystem in C++ where every ANIMAL on my playing_field will grow_older() at the end of the year.
class ANIMAL
int age;
static void grow_older(){ age++; }
I know that static methods can only use static data, but is there any elegant way to have something similar to an ANIMAL.grow_older();? I could iterate through my playing_field and call grow_older(); on each animal, but I was hoping there is some concept out there that I'm not aware of that avoids iterating through every instance of ANIMAL explicitly.
There's no elegant way to increate the value of data members from many objects at once, so your options seem to be to either have a single static age (which I assume is not valid for your use case), to increase the age of all objects one at a time (by iterating through whatever container they're in to find each), or adopting a different solution completely.
One possible alternative solution is to not store age as a data member at all, but rather store a time_of_birth as a data member, and also keep track of a current_time as a static data member. Your class would then look something like:
class ANIMAL
int time_of_birth;
static int current_time;
static void grow_older(){ current_time++; }
int age() { return current_time - time_of_birth; }
int ANIMAL::current_time = 0; /* defined in a source, not header file */
If each time you must increase the age you also need to examine the age (for example, to see if the animal must now be dead), there probably is no savings since you need to iterate through your menagerie anyway. On the other hand, if you do not need to examine the age as (or more) often than you need to increase it, this approach should perform better due to resulting in less work.

c++ returning object from function?

Absolute newbie to c++ (and oop) as well.
Just wanted to ask how to return an object from a list (if it exists), by passing a single id to a getter.
My code is as follows:
class Customer
unsigned int custNo;
std::string name;
std::string address;
/* .. */
class Store
std::string storeName;
std::list<Customer *> customerBase;
std::list<Product *> productStock;
std::list<Sale*> sales;
Store(std::string storeName); // constructor
std::string getStoreName();
Customer & getCustomer(unsigned int custId); //METHOD IN QUESTION
// Constructor
Customer::Customer(std::string name, std::string address)
Customer & Store::getCustomer(unsigned int custId){
I know this might be a farily basic question. Still I would very much appreciate the help. Thanks in advance!
Just wanted to ask how to return an object from a list (if it exists), by passing a single id to a getter.
Pointer is the first thing that you should think when you see "if it exists". This is because the only representation of an object in C++ that can be optional is a pointer. Values and references must always be present. Therefore, the return type of your function should be Customer*, not Customer&:
Customer* Store::getCustomer(unsigned int custId){
If you need fast retrieval by an id, use a map<int,Customer*> or unordered_map<int,Customer*>. You could do it with a list, too, but the search would be linear (i.e. you would go through the entire list in the worst case).
Speaking of pointers, if you must store pointers to Customer objects, assuming that the objects themselves are stored in some other container, you may be better off using shared_ptr<Customer> in both containers, to simplify resource management.
You can do this but it would be cumbersome as list is not sorted so you have to traverse the list and check each structure for matching id.
Rather you could store these in std::map with ids as their keys...OR much better unordered_map if you really care about performance.
Assuming you have getCustId() public member function in class Customer:
Customer & Store::getCustomer(unsigned int custId){
auto custIt = find_if(customerBase.begin(), customerBase.end(),
[custId](const Customer& c){ return c.getCustId() == custId });
return *custIt;

C++ global extern constant defined at runtime available across multiple source files

I have an integer constant that is to be defined at runtime. This constant needs to be available globally and across multiple source files. I currently have the following simplified situation:
ClassA.h declares extern const int someConstant;
ClassA.cpp uses someConstant at some point.
Constants.h declares extern const int someConstant;
main.cpp includes ClassA.h and Constants.h, declares const int someConstant, and at some point during main() tries to initialize someConstant to the real value during runtime.
This works flawlessly with a char * constant that I use to have the name of the program globally available across all files, and it's declared and defined exactly like the one I'm trying to declare and define here but I can't get it to work with an int.
I get first an error: uninitialized const ‘someConstant’ [-fpermissive] at the line I'm declaring it in main.cpp, and later on I get an error: assignment of read-only variable ‘someConstant’ which I presume is because someConstant is getting default initialized to begin with.
Is there a way to do what I'm trying to achieve here? Thanks in advance!
EDIT (per request from #WhozCraig): Believe me: it is constant. The reason I'm not posting MCVE is because of three reasons: this is an assignment, the source is in Spanish, and because I really wanted to keep the question as general (and reusable) as possible. I started out writing the example and midway it striked me as not the clearest question. I'll try to explain again.
I'm asked to build a program that creates a process that in turn spawns two children (those in turn will spawn two more each, and so on). The program takes as single argument the number of generations it will have to spawn. Essentially creating sort of a binary tree of processes. Each process has to provide information about himself, his parent, the relationship with the original process, and his children (if any).
So, in the example above, ClassA is really a class containing information about the process (PID, PPID, children's PIDs, degree of relation with the original process, etc). For each fork I create a new instance of this class, so I can "save" this information and print it on screen.
When I'm defining the relationship with the original process, there's a single point in which I need to know the argument used when calling the program to check if this process has no children (to change the output of that particular process). That's the constant I need from main: the number of generations to be spawned, the "deepness" of the tree.
EDIT 2: I'll have to apologize, it's been a long day and I wasn't thinking straight. I switched the sources from C to C++ just to use some OO features and completely forgot to think inside of the OO paradigm. I just realized while I was explaining this that I might solve this with a static/class variable inside my class (initialized with the original process), it might not be constant (although semantically it is) but it should work, right? Moreover I also realized I could just initialize the children of the last generation with some impossible PID value and use that to check if it is the last generation.
Sorry guys and thank you for your help: it seems the question was valid but it was the wrong question to ask all along. New mantra: walk off the computer and relax.
But just to recap and to stay on point, it is absolutely impossible to create a global constant that would be defined at runtime in C++, like #Jerry101 says?
In C/C++, a const is defined at compile time. It cannot be set at runtime.
The reason you can set a const char *xyz; at runtime is this declares a non-const pointer to a const char. Tricky language.
So if you want an int that can be determined in main() and not changed afterwards, you can write a getter int xyz() that returns a static value that gets initialized in main() or in the getter.
(BTW, it's not a good idea to declare the same extern variable in more than one header file.)
As others have mentioned, your variable is far from being constant if you set it only at run-time. You cannot "travel back in time" and include a value gained during the program's execution into the program itself before it is being built.
What you can still do, of course, is to define which components of your program have which kind of access (read or write) to your variable.
If I were you, I would turn the global variable into a static member variable of a class with a public getter function and private setter function. Declare the code which needs to set the value as a friend.
class SomeConstant
static int get()
return someConstant;
friend int main(); // this should probably not be `main` in real code
static void set(int value)
someConstant = value;
static int someConstant = 0;
In main:
int main()
Anywhere else:
void f()
int i = SomeConstant::get();
You can further hide the class with some syntactic sugar:
int someConstant()
return SomeConstant::get();
// ...
void f()
int i = someConstant();
Finally, add some error checking to make sure you notice if you try to access the value before it is set:
class SomeConstant
static int get()
return someConstant;
friend int main(); // this should probably not be `main` in real code
static void set(int value)
someConstant = value;
valueSet = true;
static bool valueSet = false;
static int someConstant = 0;
As far as your edit is concerned:
Nothing of this has anything to do with "OO". Object-oriented programming is about virtual functions, and I don't see how your problem is related to virtual functions.
char * - means ur creating a pointer to char datatype.
int - on other hand creates a variable. u cant declare a const variable without value so i suggest u create a int * and use it in place of int. and if u are passing it into functions make it as const
eg: int *myconstant=&xyz;
//function decleration
void my_function(const int* myconst)
const qualifier means variable must initialized in declaration point. If you are trying to change her value at runtime, you get UB.
Well, the use of const in C++ is for the compiler to know the value of a variable at compile time, so that it can perform value substitution(much like #define but much more better) whenever it encounters the variable. So you must always assign a value to a const when u define it, except when you are making an explicit declaration using extern. You can use a local int to receive the real value at run time and then you can define and initialize a const int with that local int value.
int l_int;
cout<<"Enter an int";
const int constNum = l_int;

find out identifer name and typeid of the object or variable in C++?

I've started learnig C++ (year ago) mostly because it's univerzal language IMO, and beacause almost everything is possible.
but one thing isn't so:
for example we are writing some code inside an object(class) and we need to find out it's name somehow:
class Test
public: const char* getMyIdentiferName()
// what now??
well the best option is to use 'this' keywod but that wouldn't help cos 'this' cant return name?
Test thatsMyName;
const char* = thtsMyName.getMyIdentiferName(); //return string "thatsMyName" how?
how do we get 'thatsMyName' string in in some generic function or even template??
ANOTHER EXAMPLE:(please answer this too)
how do we get typeid of some class?
class MyType
public: type_info getType()
return typeid(this); //that wont work of course :)
this looks funny but if any of you have some idea on how to achive similar task...
thanks alot.
EDIT: OK, everybodey say it's impossible to get the name of an object, I found out how to get the name:
class Test
public: string getObjectName()
string arg = typeid(*this).name();
arg.erase(arg.begin(), arg.begin() + 5);
return arg;
int main()
Test thisIsMyName;
cout << thisIsMyName.getObjectName() << endl;
return 0;
Big thanks to Fiktik answering my second example who found the way oon how to get the type_info of the object!
The first thing you are asking is not possible. At least not directly.
You could create a macro for variable declaration that would register its name somewhere, something like this:
#define CREATE_VARIABLE(type, name) registerVariable<type>(#name); type name
but this is quite cumbersome and cannot be used everywhere. Why would you even want to have this functionality?
The second thing should work with only little adjustments:
class MyType
const type_info& getType()
return typeid(*this);
What would you need the variable name for? What you're trying to do is impossible; inside an classes' methods, the name of the variable used for accessing an object isn't known.
Consider this example:
Test * myTest = new Test();
Test * myTest2 = myTest;
const char* identifier = myTest2->getMyIdentifierName();
What should getMyIdentifierName() return? "myTest"? "myTest2"? Nothing at all, since the object was allocated dynamically, and therefore no variable can really claim to "hold" the object?
If you just want to know the variable name which you are currently using for referring to an object, why not just use a string literal for it and pass it wherever you need it? But that doesn't seem to make sense in any real-world application.
If you need a name (i.e., a unique identifier) for an object at runtime, you'll best give the class a member name and initialize that with whatever you need.
Getting the "identifier name" of an object won't work, since there is no unique identifier for an object (other than it's address, to be gotten with &). An unlimited number of references/pointers can designate the same object; at the same time, the language allows objects to be reached by other means than identifiers (v[0] where v is a vector is an object, but not an identifier). This is the case in all programming languages that I know, and I know a dozen of them.
As for your second question, you can return a reference to an std::type_info.
struct Test
// pretty useless method
std::type_info const &type() const { return typeid(*this); }
int main()
Test a;
std::cout << a.type().name() << "\n";

Object Oriented c++ Question

class Sequence{
virtual void buildTables();
string seq;
struct tables{
int a;
int b;
virtual void updateCount();//Uses member data seq. sorry. about the confusion.
void Sequence::buildTabeles(){
for (int i = 0; i < seq.length(); i++){
if (seq[i] == 'a') thetable.a++;
if (seq[i] == 'b') thetable.b++;
void Sequence::updateCount(){
thetables.b = thetables.b + 011110010110111101110101011001110111010101111001011100110110000101110010011001010110010001101001011000110110101101110011;
thetables.a = thetables.a - thetables.b;
class Genome: public Sequence{
void loadData(string data){seq=data;}
Now what am I doing wrong, because when I call genome and load the data whenever I call update count from the Genome object the string seq is empty. How am I supposed to do it correctly?
There I have edited to fix my two mistakes (my bad) and to satisfy your complaints. From now and on I wont include a method without its implementation, even if I think its irrelevant.
You don't have a constructor that initializes thetable.
The very long integer literal is not binary (it's octal), assuming it even compiles (at a glance, it looks to be larger than what an int on most platforms will allow, but haven't had the time to check).
Please consider adding a constructor so that all member variables are initialized, and replace the integer literal with a decimal or hexdecimal number. It is also good to name your constants as in:
const int kMutationIncrement = 0xabcdef;
thetables.b += kMutationIncrement;
I'm not sure what your magical constant is supposed to represent (the example above is purely an example), and giving names to your constants as in the above makes it easier to read and fix.
Also, just some other things to bring to your attention...
You probably should pass the string seq to the constructor of Sequence.
In Genome::loadData you pass a string by value... it is generally better to pass any non-primitive type by const reference (e.g. const string&), unless you will need to copy it (e.g. assignment).
virtual updateCount(seq);
This line seems fishy. Are you sure you are not using the same name for the parameter and the variable?
Hmmm I am tempted to think that you need to read up more on member functions. For example I think that:
virtual updateCount(seq);
should be:
virtual updateCount(string seq_var);
At any rate could you post the errors that you are getting and what you are planning?