I am new to zurb.
i am trying to install foundation using CLI
I used npm install --global foundation-cli
it installed foundation cli.
then i used
foundation new
But it says no arguments are called.
I think it should siplay a menu as written in a book
But mine is like this
Please tell me where am i doing it wrong. thanks
You should simply type the name of your project after 'new'.
I am using Pycharm and want to install an older version of Django. However, PC only seems to install V2. How can I configure Pycharm to install an older version?
This is about installing an older version, NOT changing a version that has already been installed. I want to configure Pycharm to INSTALL a specific version.
Specifically for installing through PyCharms UI, you can specify which version of a package you want to install in the package manager. Navigate to
File -> Settings(or Preferences on MacOs) -> Project: [project name] -> Project interpreter
and click on the + sign under the cog icon. Then search for Django and specify the version you want to install from the drop down menu below the Description field.
However, if you want to install a different version through the terminal, you should write something along the lines of
pip install Django==[your_version]
As far as I know, there is no way to change the version on creating a new project unless you use your own interpreter when creating a new project.
So you can first create your virtual environment with the django version you want, and then select that venv when creating a new django project:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install django==2.1
When you want to create a new project, select Existing Environment instead of New environment using... and use your custom venv.
It's not possible at the moment. The only workaround, as mentioned by Pedram, is to use the existing interpreter with needed version of Django installed.
I filed a feature request about that, feel free to vote and leave comments.
You may also find useful the following feature request https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-33804
I am using Loopback 4 to create a REST-ful API. I'm a mobile developer by trade so typescript et al is all pretty new to me, so please be kind ;)
I created the app using CLI v1.21.4, and saw a message to say that an update is available. I therefore updated my global installation of the CLI. But then when I try and run one of the commands such as lb4 model I see the message:
The project was originally generated by #loopback/cli#1.21.4.
The following dependencies are incompatible with #loopback/cli#1.23.1:
typescript: ~3.5.3 (cli ~3.6.3)
#loopback/authentication: ^2.2.2 (cli ^3.1.1)
I would of course like to take advantage of these newer modules, but I am unsure how to update my app scaffolding and dependencies. Could anyone offer some advice please?
Please check out https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-next/issues/3608:
During lb4 app, we add the cli version to .yo.rc.json, such as:
"#loopback/cli": {
"version": "1.21.4"
lb4 -v lists compatible modules that are released with the cli.
lb4 commands check if the project has incompatible versions with the current cli and prompts users to force or exit.
I would of course like to take advantage of these newer modules, but I am unsure how to update my app scaffolding and dependencies.
The process for updating dependencies is not specific to LoopBack. If you are using npm, then simply run npm update.
Please note that TypeScript often introduces backwards-incompatible changes in semver-minor releases, 3.6 brought few of them. Be prepared to manually fix few compilation errors after the upgrade.
I think that npm update is not going to jump from v2 to v3 for #loopback/authentication, you have to request that upgrade explicitly:
$ npm install #loopback/authentication#latest
There is now a supported update procedure, which is documented here:
It seems to be simply:
# Ensure you have the latest version of the CLI tool
npm install -g #loopback/cli
# Then ask the tool to check which packages should be upgraded
lb4 update
I am new on Ionic Mobile application development, so I am trying to POST data from Ionic app. Whenever I have run the app in browser using
ionic cordova run browser
It display below issue in console,
Native: tried calling HTTP.post, but the HTTP plugin is not installed.
Install the HTTP plugin: 'ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-advanced-http'.
I have installed same plugin using terminal but terminal give warnings as its already installed.
Please Suggest.
Based on this https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/http/ you also need to run
npm install --save #ionic-native/http
and referencing it correctly in your app, please take a look at above link
Also for running app in browser try below command
Ionic serve
See https://github.com/ionic-team/ionic-native/issues/1975
The issue appears to have been fixed but there might be a lag in updating npm
I hade the same problem and I solve it with uninstall and reinstall the plugin
Uninstall plugin completely
ionic cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-advanced-http
npm uninstall #ionic-native/http
and reinstall it
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-advanced-http
npm install #ionic-native/http
The Native Http plugin is the only way to handle the CORS from the client-side.
The way I see your problem, there might two possible fixes
Check whether the plugin is called after the platform.ready().
Even after it, if doesn't work or show the same error then follow this method.
// Declare cordova as a global constant
declare const cordova;
// directly call the cordova pulgin using "cordova.pulgin.http"
cordova.plugin.http.post(apiUrl, {}, {},
response => {},
response => {})
I Want to install new Foundation Email framework as said in documentation.
Step one has No problem, But when I run foundation new --framework emails to fire up a blank Foundation for Emails project, This error has occurred:
ERROR: "foundation new" was called with arguments ["--framework",
What's wrong?
Simply try foundation new, their CLI will guide you. Details here: https://github.com/zurb/foundation-cli
This can happen when the ruby cli is installed on your machine. See this issue.
I was able to fix by uninstalling with gem uninstall foundation and rebooting console as recommended there.
You may also try just calling foundation new and select the email framework from there
I'm trying to setup an EmberJS project using ember-cli. I want to be able to use Mocha/Chai instead of the default qunit, but I am getting an error at the first step on installing ember-cli-mocha.
I create the new ember project with ember new my-project and then from within the project folder I run ember install ember-cli-mocha, selecting Yes to overwrite the tests/test-helper.js.
In the output, immediately following the Installed browser packages via Bower. message I see:
Package ember-cli/ember-cli-test-loader=ember-cli/ember-cli-test-loader not found
I can't find any information on this directly. I've tried installing the various packages themselves, before the ember-cli-mocha package via npm and bower, but I always get that message when installing ember-cli-mocha through ember-cli.
Anyone else have experience with this? Thanks in advance!