Unit Testing - Spring Boot App - unit-testing

I looked at this link : How to write a unit test for a Spring Boot Controller endpoint
I am planning to unit test my Spring Boot Controller. I have pasted a method from my controller below. When I use the approach mentioned in the link above , will the call that I have to service.verifyAccount(request) not be made? Are we just testing whether the controller accepts the request in format specified and returns response in format specfied apart from testing the HTTP status codes?
#RequestMapping(value ="verifyAccount", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<VerifyAccountResponse> verifyAccount(#RequestBody VerifyAccountRequest request) {
VerifyAccountResponse response = service.verifyAccount(request);
return new ResponseEntity<VerifyAccountResponse>(response, HttpStatus.OK);

You can write unit test case
// Your spring configuration class containing the
// annotation
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = Application.class)
// Makes sure the application starts at a random free port, caches it throughout
// all unit tests, and closes it again at the end.
make sure you configure all your server configuration like port/url
private int port;
private String getBaseUrl() {
return "http://localhost:" + port + "/";
Then use code mentioned below
protected <T> ResponseEntity<T> getResponseEntity(final String
requestMappingUrl, final Class<T> serviceReturnTypeClass, final Map<String, ?>
parametersInOrderOfAppearance) {
// Make a rest template do do the service call
final TestRestTemplate restTemplate = new TestRestTemplate();
// Add correct headers, none for this example
final HttpEntity<String> requestEntity = new HttpEntity<String>(new
// Do a call the the url
final ResponseEntity<T> entity = restTemplate.exchange(getBaseUrl() +
requestMappingUrl, HttpMethod.GET, requestEntity, serviceReturnTypeClass,
// Return result
return entity;
public void getWelcomePage() {
Map<String, Object> urlVariables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
ResponseEntity<String> response = getResponseEntity("/index",


How to write unit test for spring cloud stream function based method?

When I try to test a spring cloud stream function based method, it always happens NullPointerException about InputDestination.
I have two questions:
It's hard for me to know how to write UT from the official doc. official test doc
Besides, how to write integration Test if test file has some dependencies. It seems create a new context and always has NoSuchBeanDefination error.
I have tried as flow, but the context can not find some dependency beans.
public void sampleTest() {
try (ConfigurableApplicationContext context = new SpringApplicationBuilder(
.run("--spring.cloud.function.definition=uppercase")) {
InputDestination source = context.getBean(InputDestination.class);
OutputDestination target = context.getBean(OutputDestination.class);
source.send(new GenericMessage<byte[]>("hello".getBytes()));
So I just want to write UT, but still have NPE.
Here is my code.
public Function<Message<List<DemoBean>>, Message<DemoBean>> findFirstBean( ){
return message -> {
List<DemoBean> demoBeans = message.getPayload();
return MessageBuilder.withPayload(demoBeans.get( 0 )).build();
Here is my test.
#ActiveProfiles(profiles = "local")
#Import({ TestChannelBinderConfiguration.class})
class FunctionDemoTest {
private InputDestination inputDestination;
private OutputDestination outputDestination;
private FunctionDemo functionDemo;
// some dependency need to mock
private DemoService demoService;
void setUp() {
demoService = Mockito.mock( DemoService.class );
functionDemo = new FunctionDemo( demoService);
public void findFirstBeanTest() {
DemoBean demoBean = new DemoBean();
demoBean.setAge( 1 );
DemoBean demoBean1 = new DemoBean();
demoBean1.setAge( 2 );
List<DemoBean> demoBeanList = new ArrayList<>();
demoBeanList.add( demoBean );
demoBeanList.add( demoBean1 );
Message<List<DemoBean>> inputMessage = MessageBuilder.withPayload(demoBeanList).build();
Assertions.assertNotNull( outputDestination.receive( 10000, "findFirstBean-out-0") );
Here is error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method org.springframework.messaging.SubscribableChannel.send(org.springframework.messaging.Message) of a null object returned from org.springframework.cloud.stream.binder.test.InputDestination.getChannelByName(java.lang.String)
at org.springframework.cloud.stream.binder.test.InputDestination.send(InputDestination.java:89)
at com.successfactors.caf.listener.FunctionDemoTest.raePdrResultProcessor(FunctionDemoTest.java:82)
Well, I know the root cause of NPE.
Message<byte[]> receive(long timeout, String bindingName)
It seems should be destinationName instead of bindingName in source code.
Any other answers would be appreciated.

Junit Unable to return mocked Response and return as null

I m new to Mockito and trying to mock the webservice responses, I did tried mocking at some extent few Objects got worked, But the end mocked WebResponse is always returning null.
Service Method i am going to test:getWebResponse Method
public WebResponse getWebResponse(String crmNumber) throws JSONException, ExecutionException, WebException {
Map<String, String> HEADERS_POST = new HashMap<String, String>() {
JSONObject requestJson = new JSONObject();
requestJson.put("crmNumber", crmNumber);
requestJson.put("application", "ABCD");
requestJson.put("feature", "DDDFL");
// Using internal web service becuase device authentication is done separately.
String url = CommonUtil.getServiceBaseUrl(true) + "/ett";
WebServiceClient client = WebServiceClientRegistry.getClient(ApacheCustom.class);
WebRequest webReq = new GenericWebRequest(WebRequestMethod.POST, url, HEADERS_POST, requestJson.toString());
// Till here i m getting all mocked object (client also Mocked) after this stament the webRes is returning null;
WebResponse webRes = client.doRequest(webReq);
return webRes;
And here the test Method:
public void getWebResponseTest() {
this.webResponse = new GenericWebResponse(200, "", new HashMap(), "");
try {
WebRequest webReq = new GenericWebRequest(WebRequestMethod.POST, "https://stage.com/service", new HashMap(), "");
WebResponse wesponse = this.ServiceResponse.getWebResponse("Number");
Assert.assertEquals(wesponse.getStatusCode(), 200);
} catch (Exception e) {
But the getWebResonse method from Test class always returning null Response(Even Though it is mocked)
You mock client.doRequest as follows:
but you create a new instance of WebRequest in your service under test.
You call doRequest with a different argument than recorded in your test.
Arguments are compared with equals.
Most likely WebRequest does not override equals, so recorded interaction is ignored and a default response (null) is rerurned.
I guess WebResuest may not be the code you own (you haven’t specified this in your question), so it may be impossible to override it.
Thus, you can use a different argument matcher.
You can use ArgumentMatchers.any() for good start, or implement a custom argument matcher.

Quarkus kubernetesMockServer for application initialization

I am working on a Quarkus application to acct as an Operator in a OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster. When writing the tests using a kubernetesMockServer it is working fine for REST calls to developed application but when code runs inside an Initialization Block it is failing, in the log I see that mock server is replying with a 404 error:
2020-02-17 11:04:12,148 INFO [okh.moc.MockWebServer] (MockWebServer / MockWebServer[57577] received request: GET /apis/apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1/customresourcedefinitions HTTP/1.1 and responded: HTTP/1.1 404 Client Error
On the TestCode I have:
class TestAIRController {
KubernetesMockServer mockServer;
private CustomResourceDefinition crd;
private CustomResourceDefinitionList crdlist;
public void before() {
crd = new CustomResourceDefinitionBuilder()
crdlist = new CustomResourceDefinitionListBuilder().withItems(crd).build();
.andReturn(200, crdlist)
void test() {
RestAssured.when().get("/dummy").then().body("size()", Is.is(0));
The dummy rest is using the same code for searching the CRD, and in fact when running withouth the class observing the startup event it works fine
public class Dummy {
private static final Logger LOGGER =LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dummy.class);
public Response listCRDs(){
KubernetesClient oc = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
CustomResourceDefinition crd = oc.customResourceDefinitions()
.filter( ob -> ob.getMetadata().getName().equals("types.openshift.example-cloud.com"))
LOGGER.info("CRD NAME is {}", crd.getMetadata().getName());
return Response.ok(new ArrayList<String>()).build();
Finally this is an except of the
public class AIRWatcher {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AIRWatcher.class);
void OnStart(#Observes StartupEvent ev) {
KubernetesClient oc = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
CustomResourceDefinition crd = oc.customResourceDefinitions()
.filter( ob -> ob.getMetadata().getName().equals("types.openshift.example-cloud.com"))
LOGGER.info("Using {}", crd.getMetadata().getName());
It's like for some reason the mock server is still not initialized for the Startup event, is there any way to solve it?
The problem is that the Mock Server is only configured to respond right before the test execution, while this code:
void OnStart(#Observes StartupEvent ev) {
KubernetesClient oc = new DefaultKubernetesClient();
CustomResourceDefinition crd = oc.customResourceDefinitions()
.filter( ob -> ob.getMetadata().getName().equals("types.openshift.example-cloud.com"))
LOGGER.info("Using {}", crd.getMetadata().getName());
runs when the application is actually comes up (which is before any #BeforeEach runs).
Can you please open an issue on the Quarkus Github? This should be something we provide a solution for

Junit error - No value present or no such element

public void testgetDictionaryValueListById() {
DictionaryValue dictionaryValue = new DictionaryValue();
dictionaryValue.setValueName("Test Dictionary Value");
dictionaryValue.setCreatedOn(new Date());
dictionaryValue.setUpdatedOn(new Date());
public DictionaryValue getDictionaryValueListById(int id) {
return dictionaryValueRepo.findById(id).get();
public interface DictionaryValueRepo extends JpaRepository<DictionaryValue, Integer> {
I am getting no such value present again and again on executing test case in testclass.java. I don't know why? but when I am running my service method from the controller it is working as expected - fetching records from the database but not working in a test case.
Your test should be like this and please check out the naming. You need to Mock the step findId() befor the `get().
Service cut;
DictionaryValueRepo dictionaryValueRepoMock;
// Can skipped by adding a #RunWith... on Testclass
public init() {
public void testgetDictionaryValueListById() {
// Prepare Data
final int testId = 1;
DictionaryValue dictionaryValue = new DictionaryValue();
dictionaryValue.setValueName("Test Dictionary Value");
dictionaryValue.setCreatedOn(new Date());
dictionaryValue.setUpdatedOn(new Date());
// config mocking
// Call yout method for Testing
// verifies (if wanted) + assertions....
I concur with LenglBoy, so the right answer should be given to him.
The thing you need to be careful is what "VALUE" means in this line:
The findById returns an Optional, so that is what you should build and pass to Mockito. Something like this:
And for a scenario where the id does not exists in BD, passing Optional.empty() should be good enough.

ASP.Net Looking for guidance how to unit test code for MVC action

apologized to post this question here but i am in problem suddenly because i need to write unit test code for action where i am not good.
i am bit familiar with asp.net mvc. before i never write unit test code for action rather i manually test the action. now i want to know the art of writing unit test code for my action. so i read couple of article on unit test but notice all article share very basic idea about to write unit test code for action method in mvc controller but i am not being able to write unit test code for my action. so here i am pasting my one sample controller and their actions. so anyone please share knowledge how to write unit test code for my action methods below. if possible discuss with code sample or good hint which enable to write unit test code in VS2013 and MVC version 5.
here is my code
public class StudentController : Controller
private StudentRepository _Studentdata;
private StateRepository _Statedata;
private CityRepository _Citydata;
public StudentController()
_Studentdata = new StudentRepository(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StudentDBContext"].ConnectionString);
_Statedata = new StateRepository(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StudentDBContext"].ConnectionString);
_Citydata = new CityRepository(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StudentDBContext"].ConnectionString);
//_Studentdata = new StudentRepository(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StudentSQLDBContext"].ConnectionString);
//_Statedata = new StateRepository(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StudentSQLDBContext"].ConnectionString);
//_Citydata = new CityRepository(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["StudentSQLDBContext"].ConnectionString);
// GET: Stuent
public ActionResult List(StudentListViewModel oSVm)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // just simulate delay of one second
StudentListViewModel SVm = new StudentListViewModel();
SVm.Students = _Studentdata.GetStudents(oSVm.page, oSVm.PageSize, oSVm.sort, oSVm.sortdir).ToList();
SVm.States = _Statedata.GetAll().ToList();
SVm.Cities = _Citydata.GetAll().ToList();
SVm.RowCount = _Studentdata.DataCounter;
return View("ListStudents",SVm);
public ActionResult UpdateStudents(StudentListViewModel oSVm, string Action)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // just simulate delay of one second
StudentListViewModel SVm = new StudentListViewModel();
if (Action == "UPDATE")
SVm.Students = _Studentdata.SaveXML(new List<Student>(oSVm.Students).ToXml("Students"),
oSVm.page, oSVm.PageSize, oSVm.sort, oSVm.sortdir).ToList();
else if (Action == "DELETE")
SVm.Students = _Studentdata.Delete(oSVm.Students[0].ID,
oSVm.page, oSVm.PageSize, oSVm.sort, oSVm.sortdir).ToList();
SVm.States = _Statedata.GetAll().ToList();
SVm.Cities = _Citydata.GetAll().ToList();
SVm.RowCount = _Studentdata.DataCounter;
return PartialView("_StudentGrid", SVm);
public ActionResult RefreshStudents(StudentListViewModel oSVm)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // just simulate delay of one second
StudentListViewModel SVm = new StudentListViewModel();
SVm.Students = _Studentdata.GetStudents(oSVm.page, oSVm.PageSize, oSVm.sort, oSVm.sortdir).ToList();
SVm.States = _Statedata.GetAll().ToList();
SVm.Cities = _Citydata.GetAll().ToList();
SVm.RowCount = _Studentdata.DataCounter;
return PartialView("_StudentGrid", SVm);
public JsonResult GetCityName(int StateID)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // just simulate delay of one second
return Json(new {CityList =_Citydata.GetCityByStateId(StateID)} , JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);