Extracting int from String on Arduino - c++

I have a buffer of random characters streaming into my Arduino from a XBee module. I want to extract the first integer that it sees (will be <= 3-digit int if that makes a difference), then move on with that number and stop looking at the rest of the incoming characters.
For reference, I'm trying to use this as part of a 2-way handshake with a node.js server that doesn't get messed up when other Arduinos are also attempting to handshake or are already connected and sending data.
I think I have a way that might work to extract an int, but it seems really ugly, so I'm thinking there must be a much shorter/cleaner way to go about this. Here's my very long code to do something that's probably pretty simple:
String intString = "";
int intStart = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < msg.length(); i++) {
while (intStart != 2) {
if (intStart == 0) {
if ((msg[i] == '0') || (msg[i] == '1') || (msg[i] == '2') ||
(msg[i] == '3') || (msg[i] == '4') || (msg[i] == '5') ||
(msg[i] == '6') || (msg[i] == '7') || (msg[i] == '8') ||
(msg[i] == '9')) {
intString += msg[i];
intStart = 1;
// previous int, next is still int
if (intStart == 1) {
if ((msg[i] == '0') || (msg[i] == '1') || (msg[i] == '2') ||
(msg[i] == '3') || (msg[i] == '4') || (msg[i] == '5') ||
(msg[i] == '6') || (msg[i] == '7') || (msg[i] == '8') ||
(msg[i] == '9')) {
intString += msg[i];
intStart = 1;
// previous int, next is not int
else if ((msg[i] != '0') && (msg[i] != '1') && (msg[i] != '2') &&
(msg[i] != '3') && (msg[i] != '4') && (msg[i] == '5') &&
(msg[i] != '6') && (msg[i] != '7') && (msg[i] == '8') &&
(msg[i] != '9')) {
intStart = 2;
int number = intString.toInt();
Any suggestions/advice is greatly appreciated.

Rather than compare against every number from 0 to 9, use the standard C function isdigit().

String intString = "";
int intStart = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < msg.length(); i++) {
while (intStart != 2) {
if (intStart == 0) {
if (isdigit(msg[i])){
intString += msg[i];
intStart = 1;
// previous int, next is still int
if (intStart == 1) {
if (isdigit(msg[i])) {
intString += msg[i];
intStart = 1;
// previous int, next is not int
else if ( isdigit(msg[i]) ) {
intStart = 2;
"Rubber duck debugging":
Let's assume the first char of the msg is a digit:
set intStart to 0
take the first char of the msg
while intStart is not yet 2
if intStart is 0 (it is, we haven't adjusted it) and the first char of the msg is digit (we assumed it is), then append the first char to intString and make intStart = 1
if intStart == 1 (it is, we set it at the prev step) and the first char of the msg is digit (it is still the first, i didn't change), then append the first char to intString (great, now I have it twice) and set intStart=1 (hey, intStart didn't change). Else... well, we can ignore else, we are in the good conditions for then
so back to the step 3, with the intStart==1 and i still 0 and the first char of the msg still a digit.
Should I continue or are you able to do it?
In essence, with the first char of the msg a digit, you'll never get out from while (intStart != 2) until you run out of heap-space due to intString growing by repeating the same fisrt char all over.
Is that what you want?
Is it so hard to explain this to your rubber duck before asking SO?(yes, I understand, Arduino doesn't have a debugger, but you still can use Serial.print)

[Update on the comments]
Sorry if I was unclear, but it doesn't necessarily start with an integer, the integer could be in the middle of the char buffer.
The first sequence of digits in the char buffer of any length (really doesn't have to be restricted to max 3-digit, only if it makes it easier)
So, before stating to collect, we just need to position ourselves on the first digit of the string buffer
int startScan=0;
// no body for the cycle, everything works just from
// the exit condition and increment
startScan < msg.length() && ! isdigit(msg[i]); // as long as it's not a digit
// from this position, start collecting for as long as we have digits
int intValue=0;
String intString;
for(; startScan < msg.length() && isdigit(msg[startScan]); startScan++) {
intString += msg[startScan]; // take it inside the string
// careful with this one, it may overflow if too many digits
intValue = intValue*10 + (msg[startScan]-'0');
// if we reached here with an empty intString, we didn't find any digits
If you don't need the intString, just the intValue, don;t use the intString - at most a bool hasDigits to init to false and set to true in place of intString += msg[startScan]; (to act as a signal for the 'no digits encountered' case).
If you don't need the intValue, just wipe out from the code anithing that uses it.
So, if my understating is correct, you have the following problem:
I have a String message which starts by at most 3 decimal digits and ends possibly with other info I don't need. I want that 'at most 3 digits' prefix transformed in an integer for me to use further
If this is you problem, then try this:
int intValue=0;
String intString;
int maxLookInto=(msg.length() > 3 ? 3 : msg.length()); // at most 3 digits
for(int i=0; i<maxLookInto && isdigit(msg[i]); i++) {
// if we got here, we know msg[i] is still a digit, otherwise
// we get out of cycle ealier
intString += msg[i]; // take it inside the string
intValue = intValue*10 + (msg[i]-'0'); // transforming in base 10 in an int
// Do what you like with either intString (textual representation of the
// at-most-3-digits or with the same value converted already to a number
// in intValue
If Arduino doesn't have the isdigit function available, you can implement your own like
int isdigit(char c) {
// we are using ASCII encoding for characters, aren't we?
return (c>='0' && c <='9');

One way is to use the String object. This has a toInt method.
BTW there is an Arduino specific stack exchange. arduino.stackexchange.com


out of range error on top 10 frequent words project

I was assigned a project to read a large text file of different articles, and print out the top 10 most frequent words, i managed to remove all unnecessary information from the file and print it into a string, for simplicity i put a small part the list of unigrams and their frequency in a text file (text2.txt), this is essentially the format in which all the unigrams are written: "(unigram)":(it's frequency within that article),"(another unigram)":(it's frequency within that article) and so on
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
void something(string input, int sizeOfDoc, string unigrams[], int freq[]){
char found;
char last_found2;
char last_found;
char next_found;
bool b = false;
int pos = 0;
string word;
unsigned int u=0;
unsigned int f=0;
for(int x = 0; x<sizeOfDoc; x++){
found = input.at(x);
next_found= '*';
}else{next_found = input.at(x+1);}
last_found = '*';
}else{last_found = input.at(x-1);}
if(x==0 || x==1){
last_found2 = '*';
}else{last_found2 = input.at(x-2);}
if((last_found2 >= '1' && last_found2 <= '9') && last_found == ',' && found == '\"' && //
(next_found >='a' && next_found <='z' || next_found >='A' && next_found <='Z')){ //finds first letter of unigram
word = next_found; //a
else if((found >='a' && found <='z' || found >='A' && found <='Z') && //
(last_found >='a' && last_found <='z' || last_found >='A' && last_found <='Z')){ //finds middle of unigram
word += found; //b abc word = "abc"
else if((last_found2 >='a' && last_found2 <='z' || last_found2 >='A' && last_found2 <='Z') //
&& last_found =='"' && found == ':' && (next_found >= '1' && next_found <= '9')){ //finds frequency
word += last_found2; //adds last letter to word
for(int i=0; i <= u; i++){ //
if(word == unigrams[i]){ //
b = true; //
pos = i; //checks for duplicate, if found, returns position to pos
if (b==false){
unigrams[u] = word; //adds word to unigrams array
freq[f] = next_found; //adds frequency to freq array
else if(b == true){ //
freq[pos]=freq[f]; //increments frequency if duplicate found
int main() {
string unigrams[1279];
int freq[1279];
string s;
std::string newstring;
ifstream file; //
file.open("text2.txt"); //
while (!file.eof()) { //
getline(file, s); //
newstring += s + "\n"; //reads original text and inputs it into newstring
something(newstring, newstring.size(), unigrams, freq); //calls function
for (int x = 0; x <= 1278; x++) { //
cout << unigrams[x]; //prints unigrams to console
when i run the code it throws
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): basic_string::at: __n (which is 1278) >= this->size() (which is 1278)
i have tried using vectors instead of arrays with emplace_back, push_back, and directly assigning, all to no avail, there's much more to work on in the project, submission is tomorrow and the more i progress the more complex it gets ):
this is the text im using:
its a sample of one list of unigrams and their frequencies, the formatting is horrible as you can see i had to create a million conditions to take out the words without running into issues caused by things like words with quotation marks within them, the original file has 1500 publications and this text is just a small part of one of them, thank you for reading this at least
Your bug is here, specifically because when you call input.at() the maximum argument should be sizeOfDoc - 1.
for(int x = 0; x<sizeOfDoc; x++){
found = input.at(x);
next_found= '*';
}else{next_found = input.at(x+1);}
If you consider the case where x == sizeOfDoc - 1, the last line shown will result in calling at with an argument of sizeOfDoc, which is too high. To fix this, change
if(x==sizeOfDoc - 1){

How do I remove the first full number of a string as an integer C++

How do I remove the first full number of a string as an integer in C++
for instance a string "thdfwrhwh456dfhdfh764"
Would need to only pull out the first number 456 as an integer.
Start by finding the first digit:
std::size_t pos = str.find_first_of(“0123456789”);
then check whether a digit was found:
if (pos != std::string::npos)
and then extract the tail of the string:
std::string tail = str.substr(pos);
and then extract the value:
int value = std::stoi(tail);
Here is a good example of how you might go about reading only the first number of a string that appears:
const char string_c[] = "this is a number 67theaksjdhflkajsh 78";
std::string string_n;
bool exitable = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(string_c); i++)
char value = string_c[i];
if (value == '0' ||
value == '1' ||
value == '2' ||
value == '3' ||
value == '4' ||
value == '5' ||
value == '6' ||
value == '7' ||
value == '8' ||
value == '9')
string_n += string_c[i];
exitable = true;
} else if (exitable == true)
printf("this is the number: %s ", string_n.c_str());
If you need the number as int then you can use the std::stoi() function.

Trying to make a conditional forloop when reading from a file

I am trying to create a for loop that has a conditional statement which reads until an operation is found, ex. (+,-,/,*), but every time I try I get an error:
Unhandled exception at 0x7936F2F6 (ucrtbased.dll) in CIS310 Project 44.exe: An invalid parameter was passed to a function that considers invalid parameters fatal.
while (getline(infile, hex))
n = hex.length();//find the length of the line
for (i = 0; hex[i] != '/'||'+'||'-'||'*'; i++,++k) //loop to split the first hexadecimal number
h1 = h1 + hex[i];
for (i++; i < n - 1; i++) //loop to get the second hexadecimal number
h2 = h2 + hex[i];
n1 = convertDecimal(h1); //convert the first hexadecimal number to decimal
n2 = convertDecimal(h2);
Your condition hex[i] != '/'||'+'||'-'||'*' is malformed. C++ requires that you specify both sides of the operator each time, so you will need something more similar to hex[i] != '/' || hex[i] != '+' || ....
You have to check after every ' | | '(OR), like:
hex[i] != '/' || hex[i] != '+' || hex[i] != '-' || hex[i] != '*'
This is a similar code to what you wrote:
string firstPart = "";
unsigned int i;
//We can use the algorithm library to search for them but its ok
for(i=0;(line[i] != '+') || (line[i] != '-') || (line[i] != '*') || (line[i] != '/') || (line[i] != '\0');i++ );
firstPart = line.substr(0,i);
now if you tried this, it will cause the same error (or atleast similar to it), if we even try to print every character in the loop
cout << line[i];
Then notice this will become an infinite loop, the problem is that you're checking the character line[i] if it wasn't a + or - or * or / all at the same time, fix this by changing the || to &&.
I'll suppose that your file (named testfile.txt) has the content below:
Sample working code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream file("testfile.txt");
///Don't forget to check if file has opened
cout << "File didn\'t open :(";
return 0;
string line;
string firstPart = "",secondPart = "";
char operation;
unsigned int i;
//We can use the algorithm library to search for them but its ok
for(i=0;(line[i] != '+') && (line[i] != '-') && (line[i] != '*') && (line[i] != '/') && (line[i] != '\0');i++ );
firstPart = line.substr(0,i);
operation = line[i];
secondPart = line.substr(i+1,firstPart.size());
return 0;

Keeping Tally of Characters in Arrays

I'm working on a Caesar Cipher program for an assignment and I have the general understanding planned out, but my function for determining the decipher key is unnecessarily long and messy.
while(inFile().peek != EOF){
if (character = 'a'|| 'A')
{ aCount++; }
else if (character = 'b' || 'B')
{ bCount++; }
so on and so on.
What way, if it's possible, can I turn this into an array?
You can use the following code:
int count [26] = {0};
while(inFile().peek != EOF){
if (int (character) >=65 || int (character) <=90)
{ count [(int (character)) - 65] ++; }
else if (int (character) >=97 || int (character) <=122)
{ count [(int (character)) - 97] ++; }
P.S. This is checking for the ASCII value of each character and then increment its respective element in the array of all characters, having 0 index for A/a and 1 for B/b and so on.
Hope this helps...
P.S. - There was an error in your code, = is an assignment operator and == is a conditional operator and you do not assign value in if statement, you check for condition... So always use == to check for equality...
You can use an array in the following manner
int letterCount['z'] = {0}; //z is the highest letter in the uppercase/lowercase alphabet
while(inFile().peek != EOF){
if (character > 'A' && character < 'z')
You can also use a hashmap like this
#include <unordered_map>
std::unordered_map<char,int> charMap;
while(inFile().peek != EOF){
if (charMap.find(character) == charMap.end())
charMap[character] = 1;
charMap[character] = charMap[character] + 1;
In case you do not know, a hashmap functions as an array, where the index can be any class you like, as long as it implements a hash function.

Converting from string to int with a function

I'm fairly new to programming and I'm trying to get a function working that converts a string to an int. My idea with this function was to collect every number in the string and store it in another string, then convert it to an int.
The function returns the value 0.
What this function is supposed to do is return the converted number. Which should not be 0.
int getNumberFromString(int convertedNumber, string textToConvert)
for (int i = 0; i < textToConvert.size(); i++)
string collectNumbers;
int j = 0;
if (textToConvert[i] == '1' || textToConvert[i] == '2' || textToConvert[i] == '3' ||
textToConvert[i] == '4' || textToConvert[i] == '5' || textToConvert[i] == '6' ||
textToConvert[i] == '7' || textToConvert[i] == '8' || textToConvert[i] == '9' || textToConvert[i] == '0')
collectNumbers[j] = textToConvert[i];
if (collectNumbers.size() == 0)
return false;
else if (collectNumbers.size() > 0)
stringstream convert(collectNumbers);
if (!(convert >> convertedNumber))
convertedNumber = 0;
return convertedNumber;
Maybe you should just use library function ?
int stoi (const string& str, size_t* idx = 0, int base = 10);
You want somehting more like:
int getNumberFromString(int convertedNumber, string textToConvert) {
int retval = 0;
for (auto c: textToConvert) {
retval *= 10;
retval += c - '0';
return retval;
if you need to code it, or simply use stoi()
Your MAIN problem is that you are trying to convert the number before you have collected all the digits. You should loop over all the digits (use isdigit or if (x >= '0' && x <= '9') to avoid long list of individual digits - or, if you really like to list all digits, use switch to make it more readable).
Once you have collected all the digits, then convert AFTER the loop.
The statement return false, will be the same as return 0; since false will get converted to an integer with the value zero. So you won't be able to tell the difference between reading the value zero from a string and returning false (this is not PHP or JavaScript where type information is included in return values).