How to pass two parameters to a select to a SELECT query in vtiger? - vtiger

I would like to pass two parameters to a SELECT query for one scenario in a vtiger custom function. Like below ..
function start_date($projectid, $stage){
$adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
$stage = "Stage-0";
$data = $adb->pquery("SELECT startdate FROM vtiger_projecttask WHERE projectid = ?", array($projectid), array($stage);
$num_rows = $adb->num_rows($data);
for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++) {
$col3[$i] = $adb->query_result($data, $i,'startdate');
But it is not allowing me to execute this type of query. How can i form a query with two parameters in vtiger?
Thanks and Regards.

Please try this code as below. This will work.
function start_date($projectid, $stage){
$adb = PearDatabase::getInstance();
$stage = "Stage-0";
$data = $adb->pquery("SELECT startdate FROM vtiger_projecttask WHERE projectid = ? and stage = ?", array($projectid,$stage));
$num_rows = $adb->num_rows($data);
for($i=0; $i<$num_rows; $i++) {
$col3[$i] = $adb->query_result($data, $i,'startdate');


Assign database value to Django variable

Looking to do something like this is Django:
$price = mysql_query("SELECT price FROM products WHERE product = '$product'");
$result = mysql_fetch_array($price);
If $result['price'] == 1:
do something
My thought was something like below but seems to be way off:
item = Order.objects.get(quote_number = quotex)
price = item.quote_status
headers = {
# Already added when you pass json= but not when you pass data=
# 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-API-KEY': '',
messages.success(request, price)
if price == 2:
Price == 2 does not see the number 2 where messages 2 on price var
please note this is not being used to output to a template, as I already know how to do that.

how to generate glossary ID through google cloud api

Share me the screenshot where and how to generate glossary id through google cloud and i have code in php
$translationServiceClient = new TranslationServiceClient();
/** Uncomment and populate these variables in your code */
$text = 'Hello, world!';
$sourceLanguage = 'en';
$targetLanguage = 'fr';
$projectId = env('project_id');
$glossaryId = 'manual-translate-automl';
$glossaryPath = $translationServiceClient->glossaryName(
$contents = [$text];
$formattedParent = $translationServiceClient->locationName(
$glossaryConfig = new TranslateTextGlossaryConfig();
// Optional. Can be "text/plain" or "text/html".
$mimeType = 'text/plain';
try {
$response = $translationServiceClient->translateText(
'sourceLanguageCode' => $sourceLanguage,
'glossaryConfig' => $glossaryConfig,
'mimeType' => $mimeType
// Display the translation for each input text provided
foreach ($response->getGlossaryTranslations() as $translation) {
printf('Translated text: %s' . PHP_EOL, $translation->getTranslatedText());
} finally {

How to do a MaxBy in RavenDb MapReduce

Using the Northwind database from RavenDB tutorial I'm trying to group orders by employee and get the most resent order for every employee.
from order in docs.Orders
select new {
Employee = order.Employee,
Count = 1,
MostRecent = order.OrderedAt,
MostRecentOrderId = order.Id
Reduce with nonexisting MaxBy:
from result in results
group result by result.Employee into grp
select new {
Employee = grp.Key,
Count = grp.Sum(result => result.Count),
MostRecent = grp.Max(result => result.MostRecent),
MostRecentOrderId = grp.MaxBy(result => result.MostRecent).MostRecentOrderId,
Reduce attempt:
from result in results
group result by result.Employee into grp
let TempMostRecent = grp.Max(result => result.MostRecent)
select new {
Employee = grp.Key,
Count = grp.Sum(result => result.Count),
MostRecent = TempMostRecent,
MostRecentOrderId = grp.First(result => result.MostRecent == TempMostRecent).MostRecentOrderId
However my reduce attempt returns 0 results.
Also: will RavenDB treat the Order.OrderetAt as a proper DateTime value and order them correctly?
You need to do it like
from order in docs.Orders
select new {
Employee = order.Employee,
Count = 1,
MostRecent = order.OrderedAt,
MostRecentOrderId = order.Id
from result in results
group result by result.Employee into grp
let maxOrder = grp.OrderByDescending(x=>x.MostRecent).First()
select new {
Employee = grp.Key,
Count = grp.Sum(result => result.Count),
MostRecent = maxOrder.MostRecent,
MostRecentOrderId = maxOrder.MostRecentOrderId,

Get result from vTiger webservice

I am writing a wordpress-plugin which queries data from the vTiger Webservice-API. I read the tutorial ( and know the reference ( In the tutorial the use Zend-JSON and HTTP_Client. I use cURL (because it was installed and I thought it was worth a try to use before I install other utilities). It works quite well and I am able to Login to vTiger with our API-User and send the queries. What I receive is something like this:
array(2) {
array(4) {
string(21) "4d103e2058f9d365c22ff"
string(4) "19x9"
string(4) "0.22"
string(5) "6.5.0"
Looks very good to me but the Thing I am missing is the actual data from my query.
This is my PHP-Code:
$challengeToken = $vtiger->getChallengeToken();
$sessionId = $vtiger->getSessionId($challengeToken);
$result = $vtiger->query($sessionId, "SELECT firstname FROM 'Contacts' WHERE lastname = 'XXX';");
$wpdb->replace( $wpdb->prefix.$_CONFIG['dbtable'], array( 'id' => 1, 'syncfields' => $result), array('%d', '%s') );
$result = json_decode($result, true);
return var_dump(($result['success']) ? $result : "Error");
What am I missing to get the firstname (or any other value from the vTiger-DB)?
In the Code I am just writing the Response to the wp-db (extra-Table).
Vtiger Result Return in array format. you should change your code
$challengeToken = $vtiger->getChallengeToken();
$sessionId = $vtiger->getSessionId($challengeToken);
$result = $vtiger->query($sessionId, "SELECT firstname FROM 'Contacts' WHERE lastname = 'XXX';");
$syncfield = result['0'];
$wpdb->replace( $wpdb->prefix.$_CONFIG['dbtable'], array( 'id' => 1, 'syncfields' => $syncfield), array('%d', '%s') );
$result = json_decode($result, true);
return var_dump(($result['success']) ? $result : "Error");
ŮŽAlso You Can Use vtiger CRM Webservice Client Library

how can i fetch database records between two dates in drupal

I need to fetch the table records from start_date to end_date ,i tried some queries but its showing all records
class uniview8PastpaymentController extends ControllerBase {
public static function load($entry = array()) {
$maxDate = \Drupal::request()->query->get('set_start_date');
$minDate = \Drupal::request()->query->get('set_end_date');
$select = db_select('pastpayments', 'example');
// Add each field and value as a condition to this query.
foreach ($entry as $field => $value) {
$query->condition('paiddate', array($maxDate, $minDate), 'BETWEEN');
// Return the result in object format.
return $select->execute()->fetchAll();
$start_time = '1493029282.696';
$end_time = '1493029283.304';
$query = \Drupal::database()->select('cache_data', 'nfd');
$query->fields('nfd', ['cid', 'data', 'expire']);
$query->condition('created', array($start_time, $end_time), 'BETWEEN');
$result = $query->execute();