AWS API Gateway with dynamic URL path parameters - amazon-web-services

I've got an API with an integration to S3 to serve static files. My resource is quite simple in that I only require the filename to serve the file, like so:
However this requires the consumer to know the exact filename, i.e.
I want to make this a little more dynamic. Since my files are all JSON, I want the consumer to not have to provide the .json suffix. Is this currently possible with the URL path parameters? I know I can use method.request.path.file to access the purple value, but can I append .json to it myself?

API Gateway does not currently allow for concatenation of values in parameter mapping. This is a feature other customers have requested and is on our backlog.


Storing of S3 Keys vs URLs

I have some functionality that uploads Documents to an S3 Bucket.
The key names are programmatically generated via some proprietary logic for the layout/naming convention needed.
The results of my S3 upload command is the actual url itself. So, it's in the format of
I was planning on storing that full url into my DB so that users can access their uploads.
Given that REGION and BUCKET probably wouldn't change, does it make sense to just store the KEY - and then dynamically generate the full url when the client needs it?
Just want to know what the desired pattern here is and what others do. Thanks!
Storing the full URL is a bad idea. As you said in the question, the region and bucket are already known, so storing the full URL is a waste of disk space. Also, if in the future say, you want to migrate your assets to a different bucket may be in a different region, having full URLs stored in the DB just make things harder.

What is the correct way to set up S3 for loading content in the browser?

I want to do the following: a user in a browser types some text and after he presses a 'Save' button, the text should be saved in a file (for example: content.txt) in a folder (for example: /username_text) on the root of an S3 bucket.
Also, I want the user to be able, when he visits the same page, load the content from S3 and continue working on the file. Then, if he/she is done, save the file to S3 again.
Probably important to mention, but I plan on using NodeJS for my back-end...
My question now is: What is the best way to set this storing-and-retrieving thing up? Do I create an API gateway + Lambda function to GET and POST files through that? Or do I for example use the aws-sdk in Node to directly push and pull files from S3? Or is there a better way to do this?
I looked at the following two guides:
Using AWS S3 Buckets in a NodeJS App – Codebase – Medium
Image Upload and Retrieval from S3 Using AWS API Gateway and Lambda
Welcome to StackOverflow!
I think you are worrying too much about the not-so-important stuff. S3 is nothing but a storage system. You could have decided to store the content of these files on DynamoDB, RDS, etc. What would you do if you stored its contents on these real databases? You'd fetch for data and display it to the user, wouldn't you?
This is what you need to do with S3! S3 is a smart choice on your scenario because your "file" can grow very big and S3 is a great place for storing files. However, apparently, you're not actually storing files (think of .pdf, .mp4, .mov, etc.), you're essentially only storing human-readable text.
So here's one approach on how to solve your problem:
User logs in
You fetch the user's personal information based on some token. You can store all the metadata in DynamoDB, where given a user_id, fetch all the "files" from this user. These "files" (metadata only) would be the bucket and key for the actual file on S3.
You use the getObject API from S3 to fetch the file based on your query and display the body of your file to your user in a RESTful way. Your response should look something like this:
"content": "some content"
User logs in
The user writes anything in a form and submits it. In your Lambda function, you grab the content of this form and process it. This request should look something like this:
"file_id": "some-id",
"user_id": "some-id",
"content": "some-content"
If the file_id exists, update the content in S3. Otherwise, upload a new file in S3 and then create a new entry in DynamoDB. You'd then, of course, have to handle if the user submitting the changes actually owns the file, but if you're using UUIDs it shouldn't be too much of a problem, but still worth checking in case an ID is leaked somehow.
This way, you don't need to worry about uploading/downloading files as these are CPU intensive tasks, so you can keep your costs low as well as using very little RAM in your functions (128MB should be more than enough), after all, you're now only serving text. Not only this will simplify your way of designing it, but will also make things simpler both in API Gateway and in your code as you won't have to deal with binary types. The maximum you'll do is convert the buffer from S3 to a String when serving some content, but this should be completely fine.
On your question regarding whether you should upload it from the browser or not, I suggest you take a look into this answer where I cover the pros/cons of doing it via API Gateway vs from the Browser.

Aws::Transfer::TransferManager::UploadDirectory and content-type

I'm attempting to use Aws::Transfer::TransferManager::UploadDirectory to upload a directory of files to s3. These files will later be hosted via CloudFront to web clients. For this reason, I need to set several headers such as Content-Type, Content-Encoding and they will be different depending on the file.
At first glance, there does not appear to be a way to specify this information when as part of the UploadDirectory call. There is a forAws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String>() metadata that feels like it should be what I want, but it's missing documentation and I'm not sure how a string -> string mapping could do what I want.
Is UploadDirectory the wrong approach here? Would I be better off re-implementing my own version so that I can do more per-file operations?

CSV Export using Api Gateway and Lambda

What I would like to do:
What I would like to do is have a url which would return to the caller a CSV file which is essentially a export of data. I would like this to remain to be a serverless solution.
What I have done:
I have created an AWS API Gateway with the URL I want. I have created a lambda that will query the database and create a CSV string of that data. That data is placed in a JSON object and returned. API gateway then gets the CSV data from the json object and returns CSV to the caller with appropriate headers to indicate tht it is a CSV and attachment. Testing from the browser I get the download automatically just like I intended.
The problem I see:
This works well until there is a sizable amount of data at which point I start getting "body size is too long".
My attempts to resolve:
I did some googling around and I see others have had similar issues. In one solution I saw that they return a link to the file that they created. This solution seems viable for them because they had a server. For my serverless architecture it seems to be a little trickier. I could take and store the file into S3 but then i would have to return a link to S3. That seems like it could work but doesn't feel right like im missing a configuration option. It also feels like im exposing the implementation by returning the s3 urls as well.
I have looked around for tutorials and example of people doing similar things and i haven't found any.
My Questions:
Is there a way to do this?
Is there another solution that i dont know of?
How do i return a file, in this case CSV, from API Gateway of a larger size
There is a limit of 6 MB for AWS Lambda response payloads. If the files you need to server are larger than that you won't be able to serve them directly from Lambda.
Using S3 to store and serve the files is the standard way of doing something like this. I would leave the S3 bucket private and generate S3 Pre-signed URLs in the Lambda function. That will limit the time that the CSV file is available for download, and it will prevent people from being able to guess the URLs of files you are serving. You would use an S3 Lifecycle Policy to archive or delete the files after a period of time.

AWS CloudFront Behavior

I've been setting up aws lambda functions for S3 events. I want to set up a new structure for my bucket, but it's not possible--so I set up a new bucket the way I want and will migrate old things and send new things there. I wanted to have some of the structure the same under a given base folder name old-bucket/images and new-bucket/images. I set up CloudFront to serve from old-bucket/images now, but I wanted to add new-bucket/images as well. I thought the behavior tab would set it such that it would check the new-bucket/images first then old-bucket/images. Alas, that didn't work. If the object wasn't found in the first, that was the end of the line.
Am I misunderstanding how behaviors work? Has anyone attempted anything like this?
That is expected behavior. An origin tells Amazon CloudFront where to obtain the data to serve to users, based upon a prefix, suffix, etc.
For example, you could serve old-bucket/* from one Amazon S3 bucket, while serving new-bucket/* from a different bucket.
However, there is no capability to 'fall-back' to a different origin if a file is not found.
You could check for the existence of files before serving the link, and then provide a different link depending upon where the files are stored. Otherwise, you'll need to put all of your files in the location that matches the link you are serving.