Change the email placeholder in cloudfoundry uaa - cloud-foundry

I've managed to install and configure a Cloudfoundry UAA app in my network. I'd like to change the Email placeholder text to say Username. Is there a way to do this through the uaa.yml file?

Please make sure that your login.yml has the the following setting
text: Employee ID


Set password for VM users when OS Login is enabled: Authentication token manipulation error

I have created a simple Google Cloud VM and enabled OS Login for it. Login using SSH keys works perfectly fine.
I would now like to allow individual users to sign in with a fixed password as well (instead of the public key).
Unfortunately, this results in an error:
$ sudo passwd myusername
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
passwd: password unchanged
$ passwd
passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
passwd: password unchanged
Is it impossible to set passwords for users managed by OS Login?
By default, password-based logins are disabled for Google Cloud VMs.
Log in to the instance.
Edit the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Look for the line PasswordAuthentication no.
Change it to yes.
Restart the SSH server: sudo systemctl restart sshd.
There are other password related settings. Review the documentation:
I had the same issue and found a very simple solution in Goggle's Documentation.
The user account created by Compute Engine doesn't have a password.
However, several desktop environments require one for unlocking
screensavers and authorizing administrative actions. It is therefore
important to set a password for your user:
Connect to the instance using SSH, as you did when you first set up the instance.
Create a password for the user:
sudo passwd $(whoami)

Google Compute engine WHM root password

I am updating my password using the sudo passwd command in the SSL.
It tells me I have changed the root password but when I try to login I get "The login is invalid."
Changing password for user root.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Any ideas as to why this is not updating? (I am currently unable to login to WHM until this password updates).
Turns out I was using the wrong password originally. When I came to try the correct password it was still telling me I had the wrong details.
By the time I came to reset the password the server had blacklisted my IP (Too many attempts).
The solution was to remove the IP ban and everything was working fine again.
(Huge thanks to the cPanel Support team for helping me find the issue!!)

Google django-allauth config

I have been able to successfully configure django-allauth with my Django app. When i attempt to signup via Google, i see a Sign Up form getting shown before login, which is prompting user to enter username, email etc. like the following:
Sign Up You are about to use your Google account to login to As a final step, please complete the following form:
E-mail (optional):
Sign Up ยป
Is there a config. which i can use to bypass this form? Please suggest how to avoid this.
Figured this out. The form was popping up because the Gmail user email ID that i was trying to login with was same as the Super Admin Email ID created via "django-admin createsuperuser" command.

AWS Cognito Change User Password

I'm following this tutorial to create a react js app with AWS.
I followed every steps but now I'm facing a challenge, when i want to test my api with npx command with a user I created in the user pool, it needs to change his password.
npx aws-api-gateway-cli-test --username='' --password='password' --user-pool-id='user-pool-id' --app-client-id='app-client-id' --cognito-region='region' --identity-pool-id='identity-pool' --invoke-url='url' --api-gateway-region='region' --path-template='/notes' --method='POST' --body='{"content":"hello world","attachment":"hello.jpg"}'
npx: installed 106 in 7.229s
Authenticating with User Pool
Given user needs to set a new password
All ids are hidden in the command.
How can I do that ? I tried the change password command but it needs an access token and I don't know where to found it.
Thanks for your help

Can't login parse dashboard on AWS (amazon web service)

After creating an instance of parse server on AWS, I can see the configuration.
var api = new ParseServer({
databaseURI: "mongodb://root:gzkThVPNmUS5#",
cloud: "./node_modules/parse-server/lib/cloud-code/Parse.Cloud.js",
appId: "XXXXXXXaef",
masterKey: "XXXXX33150",
fileKey: "XXXXXXX7073",
serverURL: ""
The problem is when I use the serverURL to my web browser, it asks user and password which I do know. I tried my user name and password from AWS but it does not allow me to login the parse dashboard.
This link helps: parse server credentials
User: user
The application password is randomly generated during the first boot. This password can be viewed as follows:
Log in to the AWS Cloud Console.
In the left navigation bar, select the "Instances -> Instances" menu
Select your instance in the dashboard.
From the "Actions" drop-down menu, select the "Get System Log" menu
Review the system log until you find the application password.
I had the same issue, which I have just resolved:
When looking into the AWS system log for the generated username user (by default) and password, make sure you manually type out the password that is generated when trying to login to the Parse dashboard.
Such copy and pasted clear-text passwords sent over the insecure http protocol doesn't work, and shouldn't work.