cant figure out how to acces these elements - c++

this is my header
#include <SDL.h>
class Grid
int** Cells;
int x;
int y;
SDL_Color* palette[255];
void DrawGrid(SDL_Renderer*);
void SetPalette(int c, int r, int g, int b, int a);
and this is my source:
Grid::Grid(int a,int b,int s)
std::cout << "grid constructed";
x = a;
y = b;
Grid::Cells = (int**) malloc(x*s);
for (int i = 0;i < x;i++)
Grid::Cells[i] = (int*)malloc(y*s);
SetPalette(1, 255, 255, 255, 0);
void Grid::DrawGrid(SDL_Renderer* renderer)
std::cout << Grid::palette[Cells[i][o]].r << " : " << Cells[i][o];
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, palette[Cells[i][o]].r, palette[Cells[i][o]].g, palette[Cells[i][o]].b, palette[Cells[i][o]].a);
SDL_RenderDrawPoint(renderer, i, o);
void Grid::SetPalette(int c, int r, int g, int b, int a)
palette[c].r = r;
i have this for green blue and alpha too
it says expression must have class type. how do i fix
i have tried hard to figure it out. so i hope i get an answer at least
i did remove some of the irellevant code so it wouldn't take too much space

You did not allocate memory for your palette elements. Without modifying data layout (which is bad, see below), you'll need at least allocate elements in your constructor (prior to SetPalette):
for(int i = 0; i != 255; i++) {
palette[i] = new SDL_Color;
(you will also need to release this memory e.g. in destructor).
With palette declared as SDL_Color* palette[255];, expression palette[c] have type SDL_Color*. Accessing structure field with . operator needs structure, not a pointer - so direct solution is palette[c]->r (or manually dereferencing and using ., but that's exactly what -> does).
However allocating a lot of so small objects have a relatively high cost and in given example there is no point to do so. If your palette size is constant (as it is) you could just use SDL_Color palette[255] and remove all allocation/deallocation code (and there will be no need for -> since type of palette[c] is now SDL_Color). If size isn't known at compile time - you can allocate array of colours with a single allocation (malloc or new[]). And if size is changing during runtime, it is probably easier to use vector.


Why does 'new' fail in class initialization

gcc 6.4.0
cygwin 2.9.0
the following code fails in function g_block during class initialization but not when used in main. The failure is in the 'for' loop when I attempt to initialize the code (initialization is a side issue here). In both cases allocation seems successful but when used in a class, I can't use the memory allocated.
# include <iostream>
# include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
typedef struct { // gsl allocation 'block' descritpoin
size_t size; // block bytes size
double* data; // pointer to the first byte of the block
} gsl_block;
typedef struct { // matrix definition
size_t size1; // number of rows
size_t size2; // number of columns
size_t tda; // number of elements in row (stride between rows)
double* data; // pointer to matrix[0][0]
gsl_block* block; // pointer to the gsl_matrix block
int owner; // 1: deallocation permitted
} gsl_matrix;
class X {
inline static gsl_matrix& g_matrix(size_t row, size_t col)
{return g_matrix(row, col, g_block(row * col));};
static gsl_block& g_block(size_t size) {
double* ptr = new double(size);
cout << "size " << setw(5)<< size << " addr range "
<< hex << setfill('0') << ptr << " - " << (ptr + size*sizeof(double))
<< dec << setfill(' ') << endl;
for(size_t ndx = 0; ndx < size; ndx++) ptr[ndx] = 0.0;
return * new gsl_block{size, ptr};
static gsl_matrix& g_matrix(size_t row, size_t col, gsl_block& block) {
return * new gsl_matrix{row, col, col,, &block, 0}; }
gsl_matrix& g_mat;
X() : g_mat(g_matrix(92, 92)) {}
}; // class X
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
gsl_matrix& mat = X::g_matrix(92, 92);
X* x = new X();
return 0;
double* ptr = new double(size);
This line creates a single double with the value size on the free store, and returns a pointer to it.
for(size_t ndx = 0; ndx < size; ndx++) ptr[ndx] = 0.0;
This line then invokes undefined behavior by attempting to write to memory that your program does not own.
You should really use std::vector instead of raw pointers. As your program stands, you have a significant potential to leak memory. If you made gsl_block::data a std::vector<double>, your classes would get proper copy and move semantics for free, and you wouldn't need to directly use new anywhere in your code.
Now that you've mentioned you're using GNU Scientific Library, you should probably just use the functions that library provides for allocating and freeing matricies: gsl_matrix_alloc and gsl_matrix_free. I would re-write your X class to just contain a std::unique_ptr with gsl_matrix_free as its deleter:
struct X
struct free_matrix
void operator()(gsl_matrix* mat)
std::unique_ptr<gsl_matrix, free_matrix> g_mat;
X(std::size_t rows, std::size_t cols)
: g_mat(gsl_matrix_alloc(rows, cols))
You could even go further and completely wrap gsl_matrix in a more C++-like interface, with member functions that call gsl_matrix_get/gsl_matrix_set or gsl_matrix_pointer to provide simple access to the matrix elements.

Transferring an array pointer into CUDA memory via separate class

I have a class named "Coordinate" which consist of an int array pointer and a bool variable. I want to send this pointer into CUDA, modify it and then use it back in CPU memory.
Here is Coordinate.h :
#ifndef __COORDINATE_H
#define __COORDINATE_H
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cuda.h>
using namespace std;
class Coordinate {
int *array_pointer;
bool flag;
Coordinate() { flag = false; }
Coordinate(int array_length) {
flag = false;
array_pointer = new int[array_length];
for (int i = 0; i < array_length; i++) {
array_pointer[i] = -1;
I have made 2 global functions in Check1 and Check2, both will take a Coordinate as argument. Check1 function will change only boolean flag which Check2 will change boolean flag and also modify the array.
Here is :
#include <iostream>
#include <cuda.h>
#include "Coordinate.h"
using namespace std;
__global__ void check1(Coordinate *ptr) {
c->flag = true;
__global__ void check2(Coordinate *c) {
c->flag = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
c->array_pointer[i] = i;
int main() {
Coordinate *d_a, *d_b, a, b;
a = Coordinate(10); b = Coordinate(10);
size_t size = sizeof(Coordinate);
cudaMalloc((void**)&d_a, size); cudaMalloc((void**)&d_b, size);
cudaMemcpy(d_a, &a, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); cudaMemcpy(d_b, &b, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
check1 << <1, 1 >> > (d_a);
cudaMemcpy(&a, d_a, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cout <<"d_a result-> " <<a.flag <<" " <<a.array_pointer[9] << endl;
check2 << <1, 1 >> > (d_b);
cudaMemcpy(&b, d_b, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
cout << "d_b result-> " << b.flag << " " << b.array_pointer[9] << endl;
return 0;
I made 2 separate coordinate objects a and b, a will go with check1 and b will go with check2. Both a and b are initialized in same way.
The result I get is
d_a result-> 1 -1
d_b result-> 0 -1
Expected result:
d_a result-> 1 -1
d_b result-> 1 9
Different Coordinate objects may have different array length so I can't initialize the array pointer in the coordinate class.
You cannot access host memory from a CUDA kernel by dereferncing, unless that piece of memory was specially-allocated to allow this, e.g. using cudaMallocManaged(). So your program cannot work. Read this Parallel4All post on accessing the same memory both from the host and the device. Another alternative is the one #RobertCrovella linked to, involving allocating device-side memory.
But, frankly, I doubt any of these two options are what you should go for in this case, since a class named Coordinate does not seem to be something which would need a variable-size array of integers. Are you sure something like
template <unsigned NumDimensions>
class Coordinate<N> {
std::array<int, NumDimensions> a;
// etc. etc.
won't do?
(Note that the std::array class itself cannot really be used in device code, like most of the standard library. But you can easily clone std::array and then use your cuda::array class on both the host and the device side.)
Even if dynamic allocation of memory is required for some reason, it is not a good idea to have a class which, it seems, would be used many times, allocate its own memory. Consider using some pre-allocated buffer and have your Coordinates just advance an offset into it (although this would require synchronization for thread safety, or making the buffer thread-local).

Array without parameters in c++

I'm pretty new in c++ althought a bit experienced in java, and my problem it's the next one:
I'm doing a sudoku project where I'm creating an abstract data type of the box and the board. In the board one, I'm creating a bidimesional array of boxes, but when I want to create it as a public data so I can use it in the whole class and not only in the board constructor.
I'm creating it in the board constructor because If I don't create it there, I have no way of knowing the value of each dimension, and if I create the variable Box box[int][int] where I can use it in the class, I've got no way of knowing the dimensions. It'll be better understandable with some code.
This code allows me to create the Box array with the dimensions I want, because it's in the board constructor than when it's created it has as a parameters the number of boxes, but it don't let me use the "casilla" variable in the other part of the class nor other classes:
class tablero{
int filas;
int columnas;
tablero (int filas, int columnas){
this->filas = filas;
this->columnas =columnas;
Casilla casilla[filas][columnas];
Casilla getCasilla(int n, int m){
return casilla[n][m]; <- Here shows an error because casilla cannot be resolved.
And this other code lets me use the casilla variable, but I have to give it the parameters to the dimensions before I know them:
class tablero{
int filas;
int columnas;
Casilla casilla[0][0];
tablero (int filas, int columnas){
this->filas = filas;
this->columnas =columnas;
Casilla getCasilla(int n, int m){
return casilla[n][m];
No error, but the dimensions of the casilla array have to be given before I know them, and so, they may be the wrong ones (because the board may have different dimensions.
It's the first time I'm programming in c++, and I'm really frustated with this problem, can anyone help me to find a way to make it so it works both ways? (I already tried to leave both dimensions empty and then in the constructor put casilla[][] = Casilla cas[filas] [columnas] but it gives me an error..)
Thanks for the help everyone. Also, If you think the title is not clear enough, you can suggest one and I'll change it.
The Casilla code is this one:
class Casilla{
int fila;
int columna;
int numero;
// constructor
Casilla(int fila, int columna,int numero)
this->fila = fila;
this->columna = columna;
this->numero = numero;
Thanks everyone for your answers, I've already found the answer I needed from 3 different people. I can't upvote all of you because I still don't have 15 reputation, but when I have it i'll upvote you all. Thanks for all your answers, really. I just need to know what I commented on the checked answer and it'll be all answered.
A solution with an array
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
class Casilla
int fila;
int columna;
int numero;
// default constructor
this->fila = -1;
this->columna = -1;
this->numero = 0;
int GetNumero() {return numero;}
void SetCasilla (int _fila, int _columna) //set a cell position
fila = _fila;
columna = _columna;
void SetCasilla (int _numero) //set a cell value
numero = _numero;
void SetCasilla (int _fila, int _columna, int _numero) //set a cell position and value
fila = _fila;
columna = _columna;
numero = _numero;
class Tablero
int filas;
int columnas;
Casilla **casilla;
Tablero (int filas, int columnas)
this->filas = filas;
this->columnas =columnas;
casilla = new Casilla* [filas];
for (int i = 0; i<filas; i++)
casilla[i] = new Casilla [columnas];
for (int i = 0; i<filas; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<columnas; j++)
casilla[i][j].SetCasilla(i,j); //set the right position for each cell
//the values = 0 by default
for (int i = 0; i<filas; i++)
delete [] casilla[i];
delete [] casilla;
//set a cell value in the table
void ChangeCasillaValue (int _fila, int _columna, int _numero)
casilla[_fila][_columna].SetCasilla (_numero);
Casilla getCasilla(int n, int m)
return casilla[n][m];
void PrintTablero ()
for (int i = 0; i<filas; i++)
for (int j = 0; j<columnas; j++)
std::cout << std::setw(5)<<casilla[i][j].GetNumero();
std::cout << "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
int main()
int N = 5, M = 6;
Tablero table(N, M);
table.ChangeCasillaValue(1,1,-5); //change value in cell(1,1)
return 0;
You have to add a bunch of setters and getters of your own.
But, as a draft, it works.
C-style array dimensions must be known at compile-time in C++. So there is no variant of Casilla casilla[filas][columnas]; that will work.
Instead you should use a container which can hold the data you want to put in it. Use of C-style arrays in C++ is discouraged because they have some strange behaviour and rules, they are mainly there for backwards compatibility.
The simplest option is a 1-dimensional array with runtime size, that is called vector:
class tablero{
int filas;
int columnas;
std::vector<Casilla> casilla;
tablero (int filas, int columnas)
: filas(filas), columnas(columnas), casilla(filas * columnas)
{ }
Casilla getCasilla(int f, int c) const
return casilla[f * columnas + c];
Note the use of the constructor initializer list. You should provide initial values for class members this way, instead of using assignment statements inside the constructor.
In your first example, in your constructor, the line
Casilla casilla[filas][columnas];
declares casilla an array of arrays of Casilla objects local to your constructor. Once your constructor returns, casilla goes out of scope. There is no casilla member variable or local variable in your getCasilla function, so of course it cannot be resolved.
In your second example, your class has a public member casilla declared as 0 by 0 array of Casilla objects. Your getCasilla function would return the item in the nth row and mth column of the 0 by 0 array. In C++, there is no bound checking on array dereferences, so this is returning some out of bounds memory location and is very bad.
You can create dynamic C arrays yourself by using malloc and free, but since you are using C++ it will be easier to just use std::vector.
For example, you could use:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class Casilla
class tablero
int filas_;
int columnas_;
std::vector<std::vector<Casilla> > casilla_; // a vector of vectors of Casillas
tablero(int filas, int columnas) : filas_(filas), columnas_(columnas),
casilla_(filas, std::vector<Casilla>(columnas))
// The above is an initialization list
// We initialize casilla_ as a vector of filas vectors of columnas Casillas
std::vector<std::vector<Casilla> > getCasilla() const
return casilla_;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
tablero t(3, 3);
std::cout << "casilla rows: " << t.getCasilla().size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "casilla cols: " << t.getCasilla()[0].size() << std::endl;
return 0;
First Casilla casilla[filas][columnas]; needs to be a class variable so it's accessible to all methods.
Second the sizes of rows and columns must be a fixed number e.g Casilla casilla[9][9];
If it need to be dynamically allocated you could you Vectors or Vectors of Vectors.
If it's 2d array, you can still create it as 1d array, but depends which is best for your purposes.

"dynamic constructor" in c++

i am new to classes in C++ and i need to create a class "Plot" which has a method that reads in data from a file and creates a 3d grid.
i understand that you can make "default" constructors with default values or you can create a special constructor with predefined values.
in my "private" section, i have:
int nx; // number of "x" values
int ny; // number of "y" values
int nz; // number of "z" values
double* grid; // one dimensional array which stores nx*ny*nz values
double tgrid(int ix, int iy, int iz); // function which searches grid and returns value
now, i want to create my "plot" object and then AFTER that, dynamically create the "grid" array. is it possible to do this? or will i need to declare the size of the array "grid" when i first create "plot"?
Use std::vector grid; as your member. Then you can use grid.resize(nx*ny*nz) to force the size you want or use grid.push_back(value); for each value you want to add to the array.
It is possible:
class Plot{
int nx; // number of "x" values
int ny; // number of "y" values
int nz; // number of "z" values
double* grid; // one dimensional array which stores nx*ny*nz values
double tgrid(int ix, int iy, int iz); // function which searches grid and returns value
grid = NULL;
delete[] grid;
void init(int x, int y, int z)
delete[] grid; //make sure no memory leaks since grid might have already been allocated
nx = x;
ny = y;
nz = z;
grid = new double[nx*ny*nz];
After the construction, just call the method init:
Plot p();
You should however consider Mark B's answer. I would also use something from std:: rather than a dynamically allocated array. Much easier to manage.
As per Constantinius' answer, avoid init() methods when you can. If you specifically need the initalization AFTER construction, use it, otherwise keep all initialization logic in the constructor.
It depends on how your Plot class should be used. If you consider it necessary to create objects of this class only with valid sizes you should not allow a default constructor. You do this by defining your own constructor like that:
Plot(int _nx, int _ny, int _nz) : nx(_nx), ny(_ny), nz(_nz)
// initialize your array
grid = new double[nx*ny*nz];
also don't forget your destructor to clear the allocated memory:
delete[] grid;
class Plot {
int nx; // number of "x" values
int ny; // number of "y" values
int nz; // number of "z" values
double* grid; // one dimensional array which stores nx*ny*nz values
double tgrid(int ix, int iy, int iz); // function which searches grid and returns value
/* default constructor */
Plot() : nx(0), ny(0), nz(0), grid(NULL) { }
/* rule of five copy constructor */
Plot(const Plot& b) : nx(b.nx), ny(b.ny), nz( {
int max = nx*ny*nz;
if (max) {
grid = new double(max);
for(int i=0; i<max; ++i)
grid[i] = b.grid[i];
} else
grid = NULL;
/* rule of five move constructor */
Plot(Plot&& b) : nx(b.nx), ny(b.ny), nz( grid(b.grid) { b.grid = NULL; }
/* load constructor */
Plot(std::istream& b) : nx(0), ny(0), nz(0), grid(NULL) { Load(b); }
/* rule of five destructor */
~Plot() { delete[] grid; }
/* rule of five assignment operator */
Plot& operator=(const Plot& b) {
int max = b.nx*b.ny*;
double* t = new double[max];
for(int i=0; i<max; ++i)
t[i] = b.grid[i];
//all exceptions above this line, NOW we can alter members
nx = b.nx;
ny = b.ny;
nz =;
delete [] grid;
grid = t;
/* rule of five move operator */
Plot& operator=(Plot&& b) {
nx = b.nx;
ny = b.ny;
nz =;
delete [] grid;
grid = b.grid;
b.grid = NULL;
/* always a good idea for rule of five objects */
void swap(const Plot& b) {
std::swap(nx, b.nx);
std::swap(ny, b.ny);
std::swap(grid, b.grid);
/* your load member */
void Load(std::istream& in) {
//load data
//all exceptions above this line, NOW we can alter members
//alter members
int main() {
Plot x; //default constructor allocates no memory
Plot y(x); //allocates no memory, because x has no memory
Plot z(std::cin); //loads from stream, allocates memory
x = z; //x.grid is _now_ given a value besides NULL.
This answers your questions I think. Still: use a std::vector.

What's the proper way to pass a pointer to a function for deletion?

I have a matrix declared like int **matrix, and I know that the proper way to pass it to a function to allocate memory should be like this:
void AllocMat(int ***mat, int size);
But now I need to delete these memory in another function and am not sure about what to pass:
void DeallocMat(int **mat, int size);
void DeallocMat(int ***mat, int size);
I think the second one should be right, but neither way gives me segmentation fault as I tried.
The question is tagged C++, and yet the answers only use the C subset...
Well, first of all, I would recommend against the whole thing. Create a class that encapsulates your matrix and allocate it in a single block, offer operator()(int,int) to gain access to the elements...
But back to the problem. In C++ you should use references rather than pointers to allow the function to change the argument, so your original allocate signature should be:
void AllocMat(int **&mat, int size);
And call it like:
int **matrix = 0;
AllocMat( matrix, 5 );
Or better, just return the pointer:
int **AllocMat( int size );
int **matrix = AllocMat( 5 );
For the deallocation function, since you don't need to modify the outer pointer, you can just use:
void DeallocMat( int**mat, int size ); // size might be required to release the
// internal pointers
Now, for a sketch of the C++ solution:
template <typename T> // no need to limit this to int
class square_matrix {
const unsigned size;
T * data;
square_matrix( unsigned size ) : size(size), data( new T[size*size]() ) {}
square_matrix( matrix const & m ) : size( m.size ), data( new T[m.size*m.size] ) {
std::copy(,*size, data );
~matrix() {
delete [] data;
T const & operator()( unsigned x, unsigned y ) const {
// optional range check and throw exception
return data[ x + y*size ];
void set( unsigned x, unsigned y, T const & value ) {
// optional range check and throw exception
data[ x + y*size ] = value;
First is correct. But your real problem is that you are using pointers when there are better alternatives. For a 2d matrix you should use a vector of vectors
#include <vector>
typedef std::vector<std::vector<int> > Matrix;
Matix m;
Now there is no need to delete anything, so one less thing to go wrong.
void DeallocMat(int **mat, int size) - allows you to deallocate memory (since you have passed the value of mat only allowing to deallocate memory but not change mat)
void DeallocMat(int ***mat, int size) - allows you to deallocate memory and change the value of mat to NULL (since you have now passed a pointer to mat allowing you to change its value)
The extra "*" just handles the pointer to be behaved as call by reference. If you want to get the output from your function, you need an extra "*" in your declaration. In this case, you should pass the reference of your pointer (using &) to these functions.
The reason why you required to pass a pointer to double pointer because your local variable must required to reflect with the new updated memory
void Foo(int * a)
a = new int[10];
int main()
int *a = 0;
Foo( a );
Now the memory will be allocated but the pointer A will not be update because the value of pointer A is simply copied to another pointer variable which is parameter of Foo. Once the Foo is returned, a will remain 0. To make it refect that, you should write code like follows
void Foo(int ** a)
*a = new int[10];
int main()
int *a = 0;
Foo( &a );
Here you're passing the address of a pointer. The which means that, the value which contains in the pointer will be updated from the Foo function.You can debug through and see how it works.
If you're sure that you will not access the pointer anymore, please use the first type. Otherwise use the second one. Make sure that you set the pointer to NULL to avoid further memory corruptions or dangling pointers.
The thing that confuses me about your question is that most people would not declare a matrix as an int **. The reason for this is that you would be forced to then allocate it in a loop. Your allocation function would require two parameters, which are the dimensions of the array like this:
void AllocMat(int *** mat, int n, int m) {
int ** result = new int * [ n ];
for (int x=0; x<n; x++) {
result[x] = new int [ m ];
*mat = result;
If this were the case, the corresponding deallocation function would require knowledge of the size of n as follows:
void DeallocMat(int *** mat, int n) {
if (mat == NULL || *mat == NULL) return;
int ** tmp = *mat;
for (int x=0; x<n; x++) {
if (tmp[x] != NULL) delete [] tmp[x];
delete [] tmp;
*mat = NULL;
With this approach, you could access your matrix like this:
int ** mat = NULL;
AllocMat(&mat, n, m);
for (int x=0; x<n; x++) {
for (int y=0; y<m; y++) {
mat[x][y] = 1;
DeallocMat(&mat, n);
Usually, people allocate matrices as a single buffer of memory to avoid extra allocations and pointer indirections, which is how I recommend you do it. In that case, you allocation function would look like this:
void AllocMat2(int ** mat, int n, int m) {
*mat = new int [ n * m ];
And the corresponding deallocation function like this:
void DeallocMat2(int ** mat) {
if (mat != NULL && *mat != NULL) {
delete [] *mat;
*mat = NULL;
And you would access it follows:
int * mat2 = NULL;
AllocMat2(&mat2, n, m);
for (int x=0; x<n; x++) {
for (int y=0; y<m; y++) {
mat2[x * n + y] = 1;
Either way works, but if you pass a pointer to the pointer you need to dereference it first. And the size parameter is redundant.
void DeallocMat(int **mat)
delete[] mat;
void DeallocMat(int ***mat)
delete[] *mat;
*mat = NULL;