I send packets of different sizes one after the other, how can I receive the packets separately at the size I send, not cumulated in the buffer. It seems that now the server adds to the buffer until it fills it and then I can process them.
Buffer size: 84.
Send from client: 84 bytes, 76 bytes, 76 bytes, 80 bytes
Receive in server: 84 bytes, 84 bytes, 84 bytes, 64 bytes.
I would like to receive them as I sent them. Is it possible?
int port = stoi(getConfig("server_port"));
std::string ipAddress = getConfig("ip_address");
// Create a socket
int listening = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (listening < 0){
std::cerr << "Can't create a socket!" << endl;
Logger("Can't create a socket!");
std::cout << "The socket server was created successfully." << endl;
// Bind the socket to a IP / port
sockaddr_in hint;
hint.sin_family = AF_INET;
hint.sin_port = htons(port);
inet_pton(AF_INET, ipAddress.c_str(), &hint.sin_addr);
if (bind(listening, (sockaddr*)&hint, sizeof(hint)) < 0){
cerr << "Can't bind to IP/port!" << endl;
Logger("Can't bind to IP/port!");
// Mark the socket for listening in
if (listen(listening, SOMAXCONN) < 0){
cerr << "Can't listen!" << endl;
Logger("Can't listen!");
// Accept a call
sockaddr_in client;
socklen_t clientSize = sizeof(client);
char host[NI_MAXHOST];
char svc[NI_MAXSERV];
int clientSoket = accept(listening, (sockaddr*)&client, &clientSize);
if(clientSoket < 0){
cerr << "Problem with client connecting!" << endl;
Logger("Problem with client connecting!");
cout << "The client whas conected successfully." << endl;
memset(host, 0, NI_MAXHOST);
memset(svc, 0, NI_MAXSERV);
int result = getnameinfo((sockaddr*)&client, clientSize, host, NI_MAXHOST, svc, NI_MAXSERV, 0);
if(result == 0) {
cout << host << " connected on " << svc << endl;
} else {
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &client.sin_addr, host, NI_MAXHOST);
cout << host << " connected on " << ntohs(client.sin_port) << endl;
// While receiving
char buff[84];
// Clear the buffer
memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff));
// Wait for a message
int bytesRecv = recv(clientSoket, buff, sizeof(buff), 0);
if(bytesRecv < 0){
cerr << "There was a connection issue!" << endl;
Logger("There was a connection issue!");
if(bytesRecv == 0){
cout << "The client disconnected." << endl;
Logger("The client disconnected");
cout << "bytesRecv: " << bytesRecv << endl;
// Close the socket
No, stream sockets don't work that way.
A stream socket is an unstructured byte stream, without any structure to it, whatsoever. In this respect it is no different from a plain file. If you wrote your records, of varying sizes, to a plain file and you are now prepared to read them back, how do you expect to read the your variably-sized records?
Whichever answer you give here, the same answer applies to sockets, with the additional twist that a read() on a socket offers you no guarantees whatsoever as to how much you'll read, except that it'll be less than or equal to the size parameter to read(). That's the only warranty you'll get from read().
If the sender called write() twice (and, by the way, sockets also don't guarantee that however much you want to write, that much gets written, write can also return a byte count less than or equal to its size parameter, and it's up to your code to figure out how to deal with it), once writing 76 bytes and the second time with 84, read()ing that (assuming a sufficiently large buffer size) can read any number of bytes between 1 and 160 bytes, on the initial read.
If you wish to implement some formal structure, records of some kind, it is up to you to figure out how to implement it within these constraints. Maybe by sending the size of each record, in bytes, followed by the record itself. Or do whatever you want. Just keep in mind that you have no guarantees, whatsover, how much an individual read() returns. If, for example, you're sending the record count first, as a four byte value. Your initial read() may return one, two, or three bytes. Your code must be prepared to handle any eventuality.
Hi I am new in Socket Programming and try to create a client server applciation using in which my server is Camera and client in my C++ application.
When I see the packet transfer between computer and camera it showing that camera is sending more than 150000 packets after that it stops. But when I am receving that I am able to receive 400 - 450 packets at a time after that the recvfrom function goes to waiting state. and If I again run that exe file without stopping the previous one it again receive 400-450 packets.
Code for Receving Packets
if (out1 == INVALID_SOCKET)
cout << out1 << endl;
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons(3956);
inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &server.sin_addr);
int serverLength = sizeof(server);
connect(out1, (sockaddr*)&server, serverLength);
while (1)
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
int bytesIn = recvfrom(out1, buf, 1444, 0, (sockaddr*)&server, &serverLength);
if (bytesIn > 0)
cout << "Image Received :" << bytesIn <<packet_counter << endl;
cout << "Not Received : " << endl;
I am running the .exe with the administrator rights.
So can anyone please tell me why the recvfrom function is going in waiting state.
Thanks in Advance.
Sorry that I am providing the whole code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <thread>
#include <WinSock2.h>
// Library
#pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib")
using namespace std;
//***** Function Decleration *****//
void _packetConfig(SOCKET);
void _sendPacket(SOCKET, const char*, int, int);
// Global Variable
sockaddr_in server;
//***** Main Function *****//
void main(char argc, char* argv[])
WORD version = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
if(WSAStartup(version, &data) == SOCKET_ERROR)
cout << "Can't Start Socket" << WSAGetLastError<<endl;
char buf[2000];
if (out1 == INVALID_SOCKET)
cout << out1 << endl;
server.sin_family = AF_INET;
server.sin_port = htons(3956);
inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &server.sin_addr);
int serverLength = sizeof(server);
connect(out1, (sockaddr*)&server, serverLength);
int packet_counter = 0;
cout << "Inside Main" << endl;
while (1)
//connect(out1, (sockaddr*)&server, serverLength);
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
int bytesIn = recvfrom(out1, buf, 1444, 0, (sockaddr*)&server, &serverLength);
if (bytesIn > 0)
cout << "Image Received :" << bytesIn <<packet_counter << endl;
cout << "Not Received : " << endl;
//***** Function to Send Bytes to the Camera *****//
void _sendPacket(SOCKET sock, const char* s, int len, int i)
int sendOk = sendto(sock, (const char*)s, len, 0, (sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server));
if (sendOk == SOCKET_ERROR)
cout << "Didn't Work" << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
cout << "\nSend Succesfully" << " " << i << endl;
char buf[2000];
int serverLength = sizeof(server);
int bytesIn = recvfrom(sock, buf, 2000, 0, (sockaddr*)&server, &serverLength);
if (bytesIn > 0)
cout << "Message Received :" << bytesIn << endl;
//***** Function to call the _sendPacket function and send commands to the Camera *****//
void _packetConfig(SOCKET sock)
// 59 Commands and every command call _snedPacket function to send commands to camera it will working properly
In the above code I have to first send this 59 commands written in _packetConfig function then only camera will send Image packets I am receiving the reply of all that commands.
When I run wireshark also with that code I can see that after these 59 commands
the camera is giving 3580*51 packets.i.e 51 frames and each frame contain 3580 packets
Thank you for posting your code. There are actually a few things wrong with it so first I will post some code that works as a reference and then mention the major issues I noticed with yours afterwards.
OK, here is some code that works for me:
#include <WinSock2.h> // ** before** windows.h
#include <WS2tcpip.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib")
const int port = 3956;
// main
int main (char argc, char* argv[])
WSADATA wsadata;
WORD version = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
int err = WSAStartup (MAKEWORD (2, 2), &wsadata);
if (err)
std::cout << "WSAStartup failed, error: " << err << std::endl;
return 255;
char buf [1444];
bool send = argc > 1 && _stricmp (argv [1], "send") == 0;
if (send)
// Send
assert (skt_out != INVALID_SOCKET);
sockaddr_in destination_address = { };
destination_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
destination_address.sin_port = htons (port);
inet_pton (AF_INET, "", &destination_address.sin_addr);
memset (buf, 'Q', sizeof (buf));
printf ("Sending: ");
for ( ; ; )
sendto (skt_out, buf, sizeof (buf), 0, (const sockaddr *) &destination_address, sizeof (destination_address));
printf (".");
Sleep (50);
closesocket (skt_out);
WSACleanup ();
return 0;
// Receive
assert (skt_in != INVALID_SOCKET);
int receive_buffer_size = 65536;
if ((setsockopt (skt_in, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (const char *) &receive_buffer_size, sizeof (int)) ) < 0)
std::cout << "Could not set SO_RCVBUF, error: " << WSAGetLastError () << std::endl;
sockaddr_in receive_address = { };
receive_address.sin_family = AF_INET;
receive_address.sin_port = htons (port);
receive_address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);
if (bind (skt_in, (const sockaddr *) &receive_address, sizeof (receive_address)) == -1)
std::cout << "bind failed , error: " << WSAGetLastError () << std::endl;
return 255;
int packetCounter = 0;
printf ("Receiving: ");
for ( ; ; )
int bytesIn = recvfrom (skt_in, buf, sizeof (buf), 0, NULL, 0);
if (bytesIn > 0)
std::cout << "Packet received:" << bytesIn << " bytes (" << ++packetCounter << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Receive error: " << WSAGetLastError () << std::endl;
closesocket (skt_in);
WSACleanup ();
return 0;
To run this in 'send' mode, specify send as the first argument on the command line. Otherwise it acts as a receiver (aka server).
So what's wrong with your code? Well, in no particular order:
as we already said, you shouldn't be using SOCK_RAW
you need to call bind on the receiving socket so that it knows what port to listen on. The sockaddr *from parameter to recvfrom doesn't mean what you think it means (please check the docs). You will see I pass this as NULL.
you were misinterpreting the return value from WSAStartup. Again, please check the docs.
But having said all that, it was essentially the call to bind that you were missing. I rewrote the code because yours is rather messy.
Also, important detail, UDP doesn't guarantee delivery - there are a number of reasons why a packet that has been sent does not get received or might even get received out of sequence (does your camera sequence the packets in some way?)
You need to cater for that in the logic of your application (and it that's a problem, it's better to use TCP, which does guarantee packet delivery and sequencing).
I'm working on implementing a C++ client server chat program to learn more / practice socket programming. I'm using winsockV2.
the client program connects to a server, who stores the client socket in a vector
client program sends messages for the server to distribute to other clients in the vector.
The problem I think I'm running into is that the clients and server are receiving the message and storing it in a char message[256] and if the message is shorter than 256, strange chars are displayed when I std::cout << message; which I'm being told is uninitialized memory. Here's an example of the output:
k:message from client to other client╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠╠(■o
Is there some way of creating a character array of the size of the received message? i.e
char recvMessage[4096];
int s = recv(socket, recvMessage, sizeof(recvMessage),0);
char recvOutput[strlen(recvMessage)] = recvMessage;
std::cout << recvOutput << std::endl;
Otherwise what is your solution for recv'ing messages which you do not know the length of?
If I'm being a complete idiot, please be kind, I came from PHP. classes are below:
See receiveMessages() and distributeMessages() functions
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "svr.h"
//WSA Business I don't understand
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
int err;
/* Use the MAKEWORD(lowbyte, highbyte) macro declared in Windef.h */
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);
if (err != 0)
/* Tell the user that we could not find a usable */
/* Winsock DLL. */
printf("WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", err);
//End of WSA Business
//get addressSize
addressSize = sizeof(address);
//set address data members
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_port = htons(444);
address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
//init sListen
sListen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
bind(sListen, (sockaddr*)&address, addressSize);
void svr::start()
std::thread newConnThread(&svr::newConnection, this);
void svr::receiveMessages(int clientIndex)
std::cout << "\tsvr::recv thread started for client index:" << clientIndex << std::endl;
//create char arr
char recvMessage[256];
while (true)
//receive message and input it to recvMessage char arr.
recv(clients[clientIndex], recvMessage, sizeof(recvMessage), 0);
//if message is not null, send out to other clients
if (recvMessage != NULL)
std::cout << "\t\tINFO:Received message of length: " << std::strlen(recvMessage) << " size: " << sizeof(recvMessage) << " : " << recvMessage << std::endl;
distributeMessages(recvMessage, clientIndex);
//distributes messages to all clients in vector. called by receiveMessages function, normally in rMessages thread.
void svr::distributeMessages(std::string message, int clientIndex)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++)
if (clientIndex != i)
send(clients[i], message.c_str(), message.length(), 0);
//would have sent to self, not useful.
//accepts new connections and adds sockets to vector.
void svr::newConnection()
//mark for accept, unsure of somaxconn value;
listen(sListen, SOMAXCONN);
std::cout << "\tSERVER: awaiting new connections..." << std::endl;
while (true)
//accept connection and push on to vector.
clients.push_back(accept(sListen, (sockaddr*)&address, &addressSize));
//responds to new clients.
const char *message = "Hi, you've successfully connected!";
int clientIndex = clients.size() - 1;
int sent = send(clients[clientIndex], message, 33, 0);
//start new receiveMessage thread
std::thread newClient(&svr::receiveMessages, this, clientIndex);
//detach here, let newConn thread operate without depending on receiveMessages
std::cout << "\tSERVER: no longer listening for new connections" << std::endl;
See cSend() and cRecv() functions
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cli.h"
cli::cli(char *ip)
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
int err;
// Use the MAKEWORD(lowbyte,highbyte) macro declared in windef.h
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);
if (err != 0)
std::cout << "WSAStartup failed with the error: " << err;
//get addressSize
addressSize = sizeof(address);
//set address struct data members
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_port = htons(444);
//if ip empty, prompt user;
if (ip == NULL)
std::string ipInput;
std::cout << "\n\tConnect to which IP: ";
std::cin >> ipInput;
address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ipInput.c_str());
address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
std::cout << "\n\tYour username: ";
std::cin >> uname;
void cli::start()
//hold string
char message[33];
std::cout << "\n\tcli::start() called";
int conRet;
//connects to server socket & receives a message, stores in it message variable
conRet = connect(sock, (sockaddr*)&address, (int)addressSize);
recv(sock, message, sizeof(message), 0);
std::cout << "\n\tSERVER: " << message;
//starts threads, pass this for object scope.
std::thread sendThread(&cli::cSend, this);
std::thread recvThread(&cli::cRecv, this);
//this function (start) will return/end when send and recv threads end.
catch (std::exception e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
void cli::cSend()
std::cout << "\n\tcli::send thread started";
//char arr for sending str;
std::string getLine;
while (true)
std::cout << "\n\t" << uname << ":" << std::flush;
//set to "" because i suspected the value remains in the string after a loop.
std::string message = "";
//get input, put it in message
std::getline(std::cin, message);
//get full message
std::string fullMessage = uname + ":" + message;
//get constant int, size of fullMessage
const int charArrSize = fullMessage.length();
std::cout << "\t\tINFO: Sending character array of length: " << charArrSize << " size: " << sizeof(fullMessage.c_str()) << " : " << fullMessage.c_str() << std::endl;
//sends it
send(sock, fullMessage.c_str(), charArrSize, 0);
void cli::cRecv()
std::cout << "\n\tcli::recv thread started";
//initialize arr to 0, will hopefully help avoid the weird chars in the cout
char recvMessage[256]{ '\0' };
while (true)
recv(sock, recvMessage, sizeof(recvMessage), 0);
std::cout << "\t\tINFO:Received message of length: " << std::strlen(recvMessage) << " size: " << sizeof(recvMessage) << " : " << recvMessage << std::endl;
std::cout << recvMessage << std::endl;
what is your solution for recv'ing messages which you do not know the
length of?
recv() tells you the length of the message it received. You don't have to wonder what it is. That's recv()'s return value.
int s = recv(socket, recvMessage, sizeof(recvMessage),0);
See -- there you go. It's right here in front of you. It's s. Of course if there was an error s would be negative and you need to check for that. But, ignoring that little detail, your worries are over: s is the length of your message you just received.
char recvOutput[strlen(recvMessage)] = recvMessage;
That's not going to work. What is strlen() doing here? strlen() computes the size of the string, expecting the string to be an old-fashioned, C-style character string that's terminated by a \0 byte. recv() does not terminate anything it receives with a \0 byte. Instead, it returns the actual character count.
And, besides, this won't work anyway. You can't initialize an array this way.
Your obvious intent here, apparently, is to expect to receive a text string as message. Well, since your language of choice is C++, and you tagged your question as such, the logical conclusion is that you should be using what C++ gives you to deal with text strings: the std::string class:
std::string recvOutput{recvMessage, recvMessage+s};
There you go. Mission accomplished. Since you already known the length of the received message in s, as we've determined before (and after double-checking that s is not negative), you can simply use std::string's existing constructor that initializes the new string given an iterator, or a pointer, to the start and the end of string.
When dealing with low-level operating system interfaces, like sockets, you have no choice but to use primitive data types, like plain char arrays and buffers, because that's the only thing that the operating system understands. But, with the rich set of templates and classes offered by the C++ library, your code should switch to using C++ classes and templates at the first opportunity, in order to be able to use all those resources. As such, as soon as you've determined how big is the text string recv() just came up with, just stuff it into a std::string before figuring out what to do with it.
After opening a connection between client and server, I need to handle any write command sent to the server using the command read(); (i.e. when the client write(); the server should read(); right away).
It sounds to be a trivial problem. Firstly, I sent 58 bytes from the client. But, I am always receiving huge amount of data on the server side. Here you could find just the relevant part of code:
int sockfd, newsockfd;//, n0,n1,n2;
socklen_t clilen;
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr;
int reuse=1;
sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sockfd < 0)
cerr << "ERROR opening socket"<< endl;
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&reuse, sizeof(int)) == -1)
cerr << "ERROR on reusing port"<< endl;
bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(iport);
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
cerr << "ERROR on binding"<< endl;
cout << "Listening on port: "<< iport<< endl;
clilen = sizeof(cli_addr);
newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen);
if (newsockfd < 0)
cerr << "ERROR on accept" << endl;
while (1) {
size_t msgSize=0;
int n = read(newsockfd,&msgSize,sizeof(size_t));
cout << "Breakpoint " << msgSize<< endl;
// Reading bytes size from socket until 10MB
if ( n> 0 && msgSize< 10485760) {
byte bytes [msgSize];
if (read(newsockfd, bytes, msgSize) > 0) {
char ip [16];
memset (bytes + msgSize, '\0', MSGMAXSIZE - msgSize - 1);
if (read(newsockfd,ip,15) > 0) {
string cIP = (string)ip;
//cout << "Sender Ip: " << cIP << endl;
process p = currentView.getProcess(cIP);
message m(bytes,p);
cout << "*************************" << endl
<< "Message received:" << endl
<< "*****************" << endl;
This is the result i got:
Listening on port: 4444
Connected to:
Breakpoint 58
Message received:
Message text: I am trying to send a message
Message size: 58
Message sender:
Message stability: 0
Breakpoint 825634866
Breakpoint 808600630
Breakpoint 842478647
Breakpoint 959854903
Breakpoint 926303542
Breakpoint 876032050
Breakpoint 808601142
Breakpoint 892744503
Breakpoint 875971894
Breakpoint 825634866
Breakpoint 1144401970
Breakpoint 859256118
Breakpoint 825635639
Breakpoint 892745526
Breakpoint 775369265
Breakpoint 774909488
Breakpoint 14897
Segmentation fault
And here you could find the relevant part of code from the client side:
while (1)
if (!bufferMsg(m)) break;
bool bufferMsg(message m) // Sends a message (m) to a process (p)
if(fifoBuffer.size() < 5)
size_t sizeMsg = m.getHeader().sizeMsg;
byte * bytes = m.getBytes();
if (!write(sendsockfd,&sizeMsg,sizeof(size_t)) || !write(sendsockfd,bytes,sizeMsg) || !write(sendsockfd,(char*)m.getHeader().sender.getIp().c_str(),strlen(m.getHeader().sender.getIp().c_str())))
cerr << "ERROR writing to socket"<< endl;
return true;
return false;
Here you could find the header of the message:
typedef struct HeaderType {
size_t sizeMsg;
process sender; // The header.sender process
//view currentView; // the Current view
//iClock C; // reserved for later use
bool stability; // reserved for later use
PS: The terms message and process are some classes which I already created but are out of our concern.
Please feel free should you need more clarification or information.
I have the impression you think that client side write should be blocking and waits until the data is eaten up by the server. The OS is free to deliver as many bytes as it likes on a TCP stream.
You have a lot of if if(read(newsockfd, bytes, msgSize) > 0) in your code where you seem to silently assume that the read either fails completely or delivers exactly the amount of data you're waiting for. That doesn't need to be the case.
if ( n> 0 && msgSize< 10485760) {
byte bytes [msgSize];
is dangerous since the byte array (which I assume is a typedef) gets allocated on the stack and I assume no OS on the planet accepts a 10MB local variable. But I might be wrong or even modern compilers start to silently allocate it on the heap. It's the top candidate for your segfault the first time msgSize <10MB. Better do something like:
std::auto_ptr<byte> bytes(new byte[msgSize]);
For your read in of msgSize better do something like:
int n = 0;
int nn = 0;
while((nn=read(newsockfd,((char *)&msgSize)+n,sizeof(size_t)-n)>0
&& n<sizeof(size_t)) {
On the client site you do something like:
To transfer something like an IP (I assume a string like But on the server side you read it like:
which doesn't need to fit each other. That would lead to a frame shift in your read and the next msgSize is bogus. May I assume the the first msgSize you ever read is correct ? Under the assumption that the first read actually delivers sizeof(size-t).
size_t msgSize=0;
int n = 0;
int t=read(newsockfd,((char*)&msgSize) + n, sizeof(size_t) - n);
continue; //if no data is available (in nonblocking mode, or on timeout)
break; //connection closed
n+=t; //increase counter n by the amount actually read
} while(n<sizeof(size_t));
cout << "Breakpoint " << msgSize<< endl;
// Reading msgSize bytes from socket until 10MB
if ( n> 0 && msgSize< 10485760) {
byte bytes [msgSize];
int t;
while((t=read(newsockfd, bytes + n, msgSize - n)) > 0 //if something was read
&& (n+=t)<msgSize //and the total is below msgSize, we continue reading
|| t<0) //or when there is no data available, we will give it another attempt
cout << "successful: " << n << endl;
} else {
cout << "only " << n << " of " << msgSize << "read" << endl;
Tricky parts explained:
((char*)&msgSize) + n
This casts the pointer to size_t to a pointer to char and + n increments the pointer by n-times the size of the type it points to.
(t=read(newsockfd, bytes + n, msgSize - n)) > 0
An assignment returns the assigned value. It has to be inside brackets, as without brackets the boolean result of the > comparison would be assigned to t.
You should not send the raw binary representation of an integer value to another computer. The sender might uses a MSB byte order while the recipient could be using LSB. You should use the methods provided to convert from host byte order to network byte order. They are called htonl and ntohl (h:host, to:to, n:network l:long [4 bytes]).
Hey guys, here is my code.
int main() {
char buffer[BUFSIZE];
// define our address structure, stores our port
// and our ip address, and the socket type, etc..
struct sockaddr_in addrinfo;
addrinfo.sin_family = AF_INET;
addrinfo.sin_port = htons(PORT);
addrinfo.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
// create our socket.
int sock;
if ( (sock = socket(addrinfo.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
cout << "Error in creating the socket.";
// bind our socket to the actual adress we want
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addrinfo, sizeof(addrinfo)) != 0) {
cout << "Error in binding.";
// open the socket up for listening
if (listen(sock, 5) != 0) {
cout << "Error in opening listener.";
cout << "Waiting for connections...." << endl;
char *msg = "Success! You are connected.\r\n";
// continuously accept new connections.. but no multithreading.. yet
while(1) {
struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
socklen_t sin_size = sizeof(client_addr);
if(int client = accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &sin_size)) {
cout << "Recived new connection from " << inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr) << endl;
send(client, msg, strlen(msg), 0);
while(1) {
send(client, buffer, recv(client, buffer, BUFSIZE, 0), 0);
cout << buffer << endl;
strcpy(buffer, "");
} else {
cout << "Error in accepting new connection." << endl;
return 0;
Now, I'm very new to sockets, Im just sort of trying to get a feel for them but I do have some experience with sockets in PHP. I'm using telnet via putty on my linux machine to test this, I don't know if thats causing any issues but the server is outputting some strange characters and I don't know why. I think it has something to do with the buffer, but I'm not really sure. I can send things like "hi" to the server via telnet and it outputs them just fine and sends them back to me but when I send things like "hoobla" it starts the funky character stuff. Any suggestions would be helpful!
Thanks in advance!
You're getting rubbish printed out because recv does not null-terminate your buffer.
The important section in the below code is:
int num = recv(client,buffer,BUFSIZE,0);
if (num < 1) break;
send(client, ">> ", 3, 0); // <<-- Nice to have.
send(client, buffer, num, 0);
buffer[num] = '\0'; // <<-- Really important bit!
if (buffer[num-1] == '\n') // <<-- Nice to have.
buffer[num-1] = '\0'; // <<-- Nice to have.
cout << buffer << endl;
which will properly terminate your buffer before trying to print it, as well as remove the trailing newline if present (and allow the client to distinguish between input and echoed lines).
This one (a complete program) works a little better:
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#define BUFSIZE 1000
#define PORT 1234
int main() {
char buffer[BUFSIZE];
// define our address structure, stores our port
// and our ip address, and the socket type, etc..
struct sockaddr_in addrinfo;
addrinfo.sin_family = AF_INET;
addrinfo.sin_port = htons(PORT);
addrinfo.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
// create our socket.
int sock;
if ( (sock = socket(addrinfo.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
cout << "Error in creating the socket.";
return -1;
// bind our socket to the actual adress we want
if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&addrinfo, sizeof(addrinfo)) != 0) {
cout << "Error in binding.";
return -1;
// open the socket up for listening
if (listen(sock, 5) != 0) {
cout << "Error in opening listener.";
return -1;
char *msg = "Success! You are connected.\r\n";
// continuously accept new connections.. but no multithreading.. yet
while(1) {
cout << "Waiting for connections...." << endl;
struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
socklen_t sin_size = sizeof(client_addr);
if(int client =
accept(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&client_addr, &sin_size))
cout << "Recieved new connection from "
<< inet_ntoa(client_addr.sin_addr) << endl;
send(client, msg, strlen(msg), 0);
while(1) {
int num = recv(client,buffer,BUFSIZE,0);
if (num < 1) break;
send(client, ">> ", 3, 0);
send(client, buffer, num, 0);
buffer[num] = '\0';
if (buffer[num-1] == '\n')
buffer[num-1] = '\0';
cout << buffer << endl;
strcpy(buffer, "");
} else {
cout << "Error in accepting new connection." << endl;
return 0;
On the client side:
$ telnet 1234
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Success! You are connected.
>> hello
my name is pax
>> my name is pax
and you?
>> and you?
Connection closed by foreign host.
and, on the server side:
$ ./testprog
Waiting for connections....
Recived new connection from
my name is pax
and you?
Waiting for connections....
The problem is that buffer is not guaranteed to contain a string-terminating null character. Add the line buffer[BUFSIZE-1] = '\0' just before your cout << buffer.
Even better, actually record how many bytes were received, and use that information to determine if you overran your buffer.