What is the graql query for getting everything in the graph - vaticle-typeql

I have a small graph with just a couple of vertices. How can I print out all the vertices in the graph using graql?

I assume you mean all the instances. In that case, the easiest way is:
match $x isa $type; $type isa concept-type; select $x
If you only want entities, you can change concept-type to entity-type above.

match $a isa $b
This gives you everything in the graph, because everything has a type.


Using foreach instead of map and grep in perl

my #a_columns = map { s/^"|"$|\n|\r|\n\r|"//g; $_ } split /;/, $s_act_line;
above mentioned is my code. i am getting automatic warning while merging this code because of the usage of the map function.
please help me to convert this using for or foreach or any loop.
I have already tried couple of ways but nothing works for me.
please help me guys
The warning appears to follow Perl::Critic (even though it seems to be issued by your IDE).
The variable $_ in map, but also in grep and foreach, is an alias for the currently processed array element. So once it gets changed the input array gets changed! This is usually unwanted, and can surely be considered a tricky practice in general, thus the warning.
But in this case the input for map is the list produced by split, used on your variable. So code in map's block cannot change your variables by changing $_. Then it is safe to tell Perl::Ciritic to ignore this statement
my #a_columns =
map { s/^"|"$|\n|\r|\n\r|"//g; $_ } split /;/, $s_act_line; ## no critic
or for more than one statement
## no critic
... code that Perl::Critic should ignore
## use critic
If the warning is indeed produced by Perl::Critic (and not by IDE) this should stop it.
Better yet, the idiom used in map's block is unneeded with Perl versions from 5.14, since we got the non-destructive substitution. With it s///r returns the changed string, leaving the original unchanged. So you can do
my #a_columns = map { s/^"|"$|\n|\r|\n\r|"//gr } split /;/, $s_act_line;
which is also much cleaner and safer. Now Perl::Critic should not flag this.
The problem is that you're modifying $_ in the map, which means you're modifying the values passed to map. That can lead to surprises. Switching to for wouldn't help.
It's actually harmless in this case since split returns temporary values, but the following are "clean" alternatives:
my #a_columns =
map { ( my $tmp = $_ ) =~ s/^"|"$|\n|\r|\n\r|"//g; $tmp }
split /;/, $s_act_line;
use List::MoreUtils qw( apply );
my #a_columns =
apply { s/^"|"$|\n|\r|\n\r|"//g; }
split /;/, $s_act_line;
my #a_columns =
map { s/^"|"$|\n|\r|\n\r|"//rg }
split /;/, $s_act_line;

Powershell regex Matches[0].Groups vs Matches.Groups key name based indexing

I have just encountered this weird behavior in PowerShell and I'm wondering if there is any logical explanation for it:
After running a regex match on a string:
(Yes, I know, that this might not be the best way to do so, but the issue occurred when building a pipeline and here I only present a stripped down minimal example that still exhibits the behavior.)
$r = "asdf" | Select-String "(?<test>\w+)"
The following two expressions print the same results for me:
But out of these two only the second one works:
The weirdest thing is that if I use numeric indexes, it works in both cases.
Edit: I know that in this example the capture group is not necessary at all, but I only wanted to show a simple example that illustrates a problem. Originally I'm working with multiple patterns with multiple capture groups, that I would like to access by name. I know that I could solve it by just using Matches[0], but I'm interested in an explanation.
This is because of a PowerShell feature called property enumeration.
Since PowerShell 4.0, whenever you reference a member that doesn't exist on a collection type, PowerShell will enumerate the collection and invoke the member on each item.
That means that this expression:
$g = $r.Matches.Groups
... is basically the same as:
$g = foreach($match in $r.Matches){
foreach($group in $match.Groups){
So, at this point, $g is no longer a GroupCollection- it's just an array of the values that were in any group from any match in $r.Matches.
This also explains why the [0] index expression works - regular arrays can be indexed into just fine.

Matching the IP using regular expression

set ip 10.10.
if {[regexp
{^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.?){4}$} $ip
match]} { puts $match }
the above pattern matching 10.10. can anyone tell me how this happening
First, using a regular expression to check ip addresses is extremely fragile and unnecessarily complex, and you still have to do the heavy lifting yourself. Instead, use the Tcllib_ip package.
package require ip
If you want to know if a given string is an IPv4 address, just check with
::ip::is 4 $str ;# 1 if valid ipv4, 0 otherwise
::ip::version $str ;# returns 4 or 6 for ipv4 or ipv6, -1 otherwise
The commands in the package also handle address strings that aren't dotted decimal.
The package isn't included in all distributions, but can be installed using teacup install or by downloading the files and sourcing them into the script.
To answer the question: the original asker has one error and one problem. The error is that the regular expression used to match the ip address also matches strings that aren't ip addresses. This is one of the most common problems when using regular expressions. The reason and the fix is addressed in other answers to the question. To recap: Captain noted that since the original regular expression makes the dot optional, the string 10.10. can be matched as 1 0. 1 0.. There are several possible solutions: {^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.|$)){4}$} as suggested by the same Captain seems valid but may turn out to have more problems if tested.
The main problem is that a non-trivial regular expression is used to match the address. For all but the most trivial regular expressions, rigorous testing must be performed to ensure that they don't produce false positives. This testing is usually impractical to make exhaustive, which means that you can't know for sure if it works until an angry customer tells you it doesn't. When a case of false positive match is found, the solution is either to drop the regular expression and try another method, or alternatively to make the regular expression more complex in order to make the match more strict. At this point, the test suite may also have to grow.
A better way is to step back and look for other solutions. If there is a standard library function for it, that should be used. If we imagine there is none in this case, simply reflecting on the most basic formulation of an ipv4 decimal-dot address ("four groups of integers from 0 to 255, joined by dots") suggests some simple and safe functions:
proc isOctet n {
expr {[string is integer -strict $n] && 0 <= $n && $n <= 255}
proc splitIpv4dd1 str {
split $str .
proc splitIpv4dd2 str {
scan $str %d.%d.%d.%d
proc splitIpv4dd3 str {
lrange [regexp -inline {^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$} $str] 1 end
# plug any of the preceding splitIpv4ddN functions into this command
proc putsIpv4dd str {
set count 0
foreach n [splitIpv4dd1 $str] {
if {[isOctet $n]} {
incr count
if {$count == 4} {puts $str}
It is much easier to verify that each of these functions does its job correctly without false negatives or positives, and if they do, the command to print ip addresses can be assumed to work correctly. The third splitting function uses a regular expression, but in this case it's a trivial one without alternatives and optional atoms.
One important goal when writing robust and maintainable code is to keep functions cohesive and clear-cut without loopholes or irregularities. Matching with non-trivial regular expressions runs counter to this.
I certainly understand and actually applaud the wish to understand what went wrong, but the correct conclusion to draw from this is that regular expression matching isn't a good method to use in this case.
You can try to use this regex:
Regex Demo
To answer "how this is happening" - ´.´ optional, it finds 1, 0., 1, 0.
And the answer to the unasked question
The below expression will make the dot optional only if it is the end of the string (modified to ensure no trailing dot):
Please remember that the original question was asking "how is this happening" - i.e. understanding the regular expression behaviour... NOTHING about how to change the regex or how this should be done...

Tcl regexp cache with lists of RE

I read that Tcl caches the last 30 regexp compiled and also that assigning a variable to the RE in string version will make Tcl attach the compiled RE to the variable the first time it is used. But what I can't seem to find is if that compiled RE caching will still be done if the RE are contained in a list and iterated upon.
Basically, imagine I have this :
set REs {
"RE 1"
"RE 2"
"RE 39"
"RE 40"
foreach re $REs {
if { [regexp -nocase $re $line] } {
AchieveWorldPeace $line
Since those REs are used over and over and since I have more than 30 REs (and I don't want to recompile Tcl after changing the corresponding #define based solely on that script), the caching becomes important for the script to run at its fastest. My question is therefore : in this example, would the regular expression be recompiled at each loop? If yes, is there a way to ensure caching when using lists of regular expressions?
Basically, is there a way for the caching to be attached to the Tcl_Object pointed to by the list and not to the Tcl_Object pointed to by the iterator in the foreach ? (Note : that question might be wrong on multiple levels because I don't have any experience in terms of Tcl source code, but it's how I imagined the whole thing to be implemented.)
Please note that this question is more oriented on a better understanding of Tcl than on a specific code answer.
Also, I know I can do something like this :
set RE "(RE 1|RE 2| ... |RE 39|RE 40)"
if { [regexp -nocase $RE $line] } {
AchieveWorldPeace $line
And, from my tests, I know that this speeds up my script by about a factor of two (which is not bad considering the script does a lot more). However, there is no way to tell easily which RE was matched when implemented this way, so it's not quite the same. (Not critical in my case, but just saying...)
Tcl uses two caches of RE compilations. One is the per-thread cache, and the other is in the Tcl_Obj internal representation of the RE. Since the values in a list retain their internal representations, the foreach of a list will keep them as well: your example code will be perfectly well cached with no need for further special action by you. Easy!

What's a good Perl regex to untaint an absolute path?

Well, I tried and failed so, here I am again.
I need to match my abs path pattern.
I am in taint mode etc..
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use strict;
use warnings;
$ENV{PATH} = "bin:/usr/bin";
I need to open the same file a couple times or more and taint forces me to untaint the file name every time. Although I may be doing something else wrong, I still need help constructing this pattern for future reference.
my $file = "$var[5]";
if ($file =~ /(\w{1}[\w-\/]*)/) {
$under = "/$1\.cnt";
} else {
You can see by my beginner attempt that I am close to clueless.
I had to add the forward slash and extension to $1 due to my poorly constructed, but working, regex.
So, I need help learning how to fix my expression so $1 represents /public_html/mystuff/10000001/001/10/01.cnt
Could someone hold my hand here and show me how to make:
$file =~ /(\w{1}[\w-\/]*)/ match my absolute path /public_html/mystuff/10000001/001/10/01.cnt ?
Thanks for any assistance.
Edit: Using $ in the pattern (as I did before) is not advisable here because it can match \n at the end of the filename. Use \z instead because it unambiguously matches the end of the string.
Be as specific as possible in what you are matching:
my $fn = '/public_html/mystuff/10000001/001/10/01.cnt';
if ( $fn =~ m!
)\z!x ) {
print $1, "\n";
Alternatively, you can reduce the vertical space taken by the code by putting the what I assume to be a common prefix '/public_html/mystuff' in a variable and combining various components in a qr// construct (see perldoc perlop) and then use the conditional operator ?::
use strict;
use warnings;
my $fn = '/public_html/mystuff/10000001/001/10/01.cnt';
my $prefix = '/public_html/mystuff';
my $re = qr!^($prefix/[0-9]{8}/[0-9]{3}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}\.cnt)\z!;
$fn = $fn =~ $re ? $1 : undef;
die "Filename did not match the requirements" unless defined $fn;
print $fn, "\n";
Also, I cannot reconcile using a relative path as you do in
$ENV{PATH} = "bin:/usr/bin";
with using taint mode. Did you mean
$ENV{PATH} = "/bin:/usr/bin";
You talk about untainting the file path every time. That's probably because you aren't compartmentalizing your program steps.
In general, I break up these sort of programs into stages. One of the earlier stages is data validation. Before I let the program continue, I validate all the data that I can. If any of it doesn't fit what I expect, I don't let the program continue. I don't want to get half-way through something important (like inserting stuff into a database) only to discover something is wrong.
So, when you get the data, untaint all of it and store the values in a new data structure. Don't use the original data or the CGI functions after that. The CGI module is just there to hand data to your program. After that, the rest of the program should know as little about CGI as possible.
I don't know what you are doing, but it's almost always a design smell to take actual filenames as input.