I have two raspberry pi. Suppose this two pi are denoted as A and B
So A and B are connected with each other over socket.
On particular event, A is generating value every one seconds.
and on event A stops generating those values.
So B needs to read those values from A every 1 second over socket.
So B has while loop running
So what I have done is that I am reading time every while loop iteration and checking whether 1 seconds elapsed or not. If 1 seconds elapsed, I am reading values from B.
Here is some pseudo code for this.
while True:
on = read_from_A()
if on: // "on" will suggest me to start read from B
current_time = time.time()
if current_time - last_time == 1:
last_time = current_time
With this approach I am not able to read read values from A exact after 1 seconds. B is missing some values from A.
So suppose A generated 360 values in 6 minutes
B should be able to read those 360 values.
What is the way that I should be using so that there should not be any data loss.
I have an audio signal that has a kind of FM encoded signal on it. The encoded signal is using this Biphase mark coding technique <-- see at the end of this page.
This signal is a digital representation of a timecode, in hours, minutes, seconds and frames. It basically works like this:
lets consider that we are working in 25 frames per second;
we know that the code is transmitting 80 bits of information every frame (that is 80 bits per frame x 25 frames per second = 2000 bits per second);
The wave is being sampled at 44100 samples per second. So, if we divide 44100/2000 we see that every bit uses 22,05 samples;
A bit happens when the signal changes sign.
If the wave changes sign and keeps its sign during the whole bit period it is a ZERO. If the wave changes sign two times over one bit period it is a ONE;
What my code does is this:
detects the first zero crossing, that is the clock start (to)
measures the level for to = to + 0.75*bitPeriod... 0.75 to give a tolerance.
if that second level is different, we have a 1, if not we have a 0;
This is the code:
// data is a C array of floats representing the audio levels
float bitPeriod = ceil(44100 / 2000);
int firstZeroCrossIndex = findNextZeroCross(data);
// firstZeroCrossIndex is the value where the signal changed
// for example: data[0] = -0.23 and data[1] = 0.5
// firstZeroCrossIndex will be equal to 1
// if firstZeroCrossIndex is invalid, go away
if (firstZeroCrossIndex < 0) return
float firstValue = data[firstZeroCrossIndex];
int lastSignal = sign(firstValue);
if (lastSignal == 0) return; // invalid, go away
while (YES) {
float newValue = data[firstZeroCrossIndex + 0.75* bitPeriod];
int newSignal = sign(newValue);
if (lastSignal == newSignal)
firstZeroCrossIndex += bitPeriod;
// I think I must invert the signal here for the next loop interaction
lastSignal = -newSignal;
if (firstZeroCrossIndex > maximuPossibleIndex)
This code appears logical to me but the result coming from it is a total nonsense. What am I missing?
NOTE: this code is executing over a live signal and reads values from a circular ring buffer. sign returns -1 if the value is negative, 1 if the value is positive or 0 if the value is zero.
Cool problem! :-)
The code fails in two independent ways:
You are searching for the first (any) zero crossing. This is good. But then there is a 50% chance, that this transition is the one which occurs before every bit (0 or 1) or whether this transition is one which marks a 1 bit. If you get it wrong in the beginning you end up with nonsense.
You keep on adding bitPeriod (float, 22.05) to firstZeroCrossIndex (int). This means that your sampling points will slowly run out of phase with your analog signal and you will see strange effects when you sample point gets near the signal transitions. You will get nonsense, periodically at least.
Solution to 1: You must search for at least one 0 first, so you know which transition indicates just the next bit and which indicates a 1 bit. In practice you will want to re-synchronize your sampler at every '0' bit.
Solution to 2: Do not add bitPeriod to your sampling point. Instead search for the next transition, like you did in the beginning. The next transition is either 'half a bit' away, or a 'complete bit' away, which gives you the information you want. After a 'half a bit' period you must see another 'half a bit' period. If not, you must re-synchronize since you took a middle transition for a start transition by accident. This is exactly the re-sync I was talking about in 1.
Let's say I have an input signal, could be a random double:
double t; // = current time, let's assume I know that
double input = rand();
I want to generate an output signal that simply applies a 0.5 sec time delay (a 0.5sec dead time in signal processing terms.)
double input = rand();
// in pseudocode double output(t) = input(t-0.5)
I was thinking about storing the input in a vector, along with a time stamp in another vector, and then look up output = input(0.5sec ago). However, that seems very inefficient.
What's an appropriate data structure for this type of problem? (A buffer that let's me recall a value that was stored 0.5 sec ago and discards recorded values that are further in the past than the chosen time delay)
The struct you use to store data should have a timestamp (either expiry or the moment it was enqueued) along with the double value.
The data structure to store the structs should be a priority queue (sorted on timestamp).
The consumer thread should sleep for n milliseconds where n is initialized to 500ms.
When the consumer pops the first item, it can check the second item and calculate n (the amount of time to sleep for the next iteration). Else it can sleep again for 500 ms.
Let me know if I should write code for it.
What immediately comes to mind is the Producer-Consumer Pattern.
Have the producer push the input to a std::queue and every 0.5 seconds (using a std::thread) have the consumer pop from it.
I am trying to get my arduino mega to run a function in the background while it is also running a bunch of other functions.
The function that I am trying to run in the background is a function to determine wind speed from an anemometer. The way it processes the data is similar to that of an odometer in that it reads the number of turns that the anemometer makes during a set time period and then takes that number of turns over the time to determine the wind speed. The longer time period that i have it run over the more accurate data i receive as there is more data to average.
The problem that i have is there is a bunch of other data that i am also reading in to the arduino which i would like to be reading in once a second. This one second time interval is too short for me to get accurate wind readings as not enough revolutions are being completed by the anemometer to give high accuracy wind data.
Is there a way to have the wind sensor function run in the background and update a global variable once every 5 seconds or so while the rest of my program is running simultaneously and updating the other data every second.
Here is the code that i have for reading the data from the wind sensor. Every time the wind sensor makes a revolution there is a portion where the signal reads in as 0, otherwise the sensor reads in as a integer larger than 0.
void windmeterturns(){
startime = millis();
endtime = startime + 5000;
windturncounter = 0;
turned = false;
int terminate = startime;
while(terminate <= endtime){
terminate = millis();
windreading = analogRead(windvelocityPin);
if(windreading == 0){
if(turned == true){
windturncounter = windturncounter + 1;
turned = false;
else if(windreading >= 1){
turned = true;
The rest of the processing of takes place in another function but this is the one that I am currently struggling with. Posting the whole code would not really be reasonable here as it is close to a 1000 lines.
The rest of the functions run with a 1 second delay in the loop but as i have found through trial and error the delay along with the processing of the other functions make it so that the delay is actually longer than a second and it varies based off of what kind of data i am reading in from the other sensors so a 5 loop counter for timing i do not think will work here
Let Interrupts do the work for you.
In short, I recommend using a Timer Interrupt to generate a periodic interrupt that measures the analog reading in the background. Subsequently this can update a static volatile variable.
See my answer here as it is a similar scenario, detailing how to use the timer interrupt. Where you can replace the callback() with your above analogread and increment.
Without seeing how the rest of your code is set up, I would try having windturncounter as a global variable, and add another integer that is iterated every second your main program loops. Then:
// in the main loop
if(iteratorVariable >= 5){
iteratorVariable = 0;
// take your windreading and implement logic here
} else {
I'm not sure how your anemometer stores data or what other challenges you might be facing, so this may not be a 100% solution, but it would allow you to run the logic from your original post every five seconds.
I want to run a function for example func() exactly 1 time per second. However the running time of func() is about 500 ms. How Can I do that? I know if the running time of the function is low, I can write a while loop in func() and sleep() for 1 second after each execution. But now, the running time is high. What should I do to ensure the func() run exactly 1 time per second? Thanks.
Yo do:
Take the current time in start_time.
Perform your job
Take the current time in end_time
Wait for (1 second + start_time - end_time)
That way, you can perform your tasks every seconds reliably. If the task takes less time, you will wait longer and vice versa. Note however that this assumes that your task takes always less than 1 sec. to execute. In the real code, you want to check for that before the sleep statement.
Implementation details depend on the platform.
Note that using this method still results in a small drift due to the time it takes to compute step 4. A more accurate alternative would be to synchronize on integer multiple of one second. That way, over 1000s of cycles you would not drift.
It depends on the level of accuracy you need.
If you want a brute, easy to code solution, you can get the time before first run of the function and save it in some variable (start_time). Create repeat index count variable (repeat_number) that stores next repeat number. Then you can do kinda this:
1) next_run_time = ++repeat_number*1sec + start_time;
2) func();
3) wait_time = next_run_time - current_time;
4) sleep(wait_time)
5) goto 1;
This approach disables accumulation of time error on each iteration.
But for the real application you should find some event framework or library.
In pygame, I am using function "pressed_key"
This is my Code:
base += 10;
But when I do it by pressing it only once, the "base" increased 200ish. I want to know if there is a way to increase the time between two entry?
Thanks for helping!
(p.s. I really dont know how to search similar questions on this question. I hope this is not duplicate. But in case it is, let me know. I will delete this question. Thanks again!)
Here http://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/key.html#pygame.key.set_repeat
pygame.key.set_repeat(delay, interval): return None
pygame.key.get_pressed()[K_y]: return bool
another way is to get the time you accepted the "key pressing" ,and wait before accepting it again:
import time
interval = 100 #you set your interval in miliseconds
lasttime = 0
while 1:
draw() #draw routine
events() #another events
now = time.time() #save in one variable if you are going to test against more than one, reducing the number of time.time() calls
if(pressed_keys[K_y] and (now-lasttime)>interval):
lasttime = now
base += 10
time.time() Return the time in seconds since the epoch as a floating point number.
The epoch is the point where the time starts. On January 1st of that year, at 0 hours, the “time since the epoch” is zero. For Unix, the epoch is 1970.
knowing that, you are getting the time right now against the lasttime you saved it:
now-lasttime. When this delta is more than the interval, you are allowed to continue your event, don't forget to update your lasttime variable.
I hope you know enough about pygame to use a clock.
(For simplicity's sake we'll say the time interval required will be one second)
A simple solution would be to only check for input every second, using a simple counter and the pygame clock.
First off start the clock and the counter, outside of your main loop.
Also, add a boolean variable to determine if the key was pressed within this second.
FRAMERATE = 30 #(The framerate used in this example is 30 FPS)
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
counter = 0
not_pressed = True
Then inside the main loop, the first thing you do is increase the counter, then tick the clock.
while argument:
Then were you have your code, an if statement to see if the button has been pressed this second:
if not_pressed:
base += 10
#Rest of code:
Finally, at the end of your main loop, add a checker to switch the boolean not_pressed back to True every second:
if counter == FRAMERATE:
That should allow the program to only take input from the user once every second.
To change the interval, simply change the if counter == FRAMERATE: line.
if counter == FRAMERATE: would be 1 Second
if counter == (FRAMERATE*2): would be 2 Seconds
if counter == int(FRAMERATE/4): would be a quarter of a second*
*note- make sure you turn FRAMERATE divided by a number, into an integer, either by using int() surrounding the division, or by using integer division: (FRAMERATE//4)
For a similar example to see how everything fits, see this answer.
See also: Pygame: key.get_pressed() does not coincide with the event queue To use repeated movement while key is held down. Using state polling for those keys works better.