How to edit SIM800l library to ensure that a call is established - c++

I use SIM800l to make calls with arduino UNO with AT commands. By using this library I make calls with gprsTest.callUp(number) function. The problem is that it returns true even the number is wrong or there is no credit.
It is clear on this part code from GPRS_Shield_Arduino.cpp library why it is happening. It doesnt check the return of ATDnumberhere;
bool GPRS::callUp(char *number)
//char cmd[24];
if(!sim900_check_with_cmd("AT+COLP=1\r\n","OK\r\n",CMD)) {
return false;
//HACERR quitar SPRINTF para ahorar memoria ???
//sprintf(cmd,"ATD%s;\r\n", number);
return true;
The return of ATDnumberhere; on software serial communication is:
If number is wrong
If there is no credit
`MO CONNECTED //instant response
+COLP: "003069XXXXXXXX",129,"",0,"" // after 3 sec
If it is calling and no answer
MO RING //instant response, it is ringing
NO ANSWER // after some sec
If it is calling and hang up
MO RING //instant response
NO CARRIER // after some sec
If the receiver has not carrier
If it is calling , answer and hang up
+COLP: "69XXXXXXXX",129,"",0,""
The question is how to use different returns for every case by this function gprsTest.callUp(number) , or at least how to return true if it is ringing ?

This library code seems better than the worst I have seen at first glance, but it still have some issues. The most severe is its Final result code handling.
The sim900_check_with_cmd function is conceptually almost there, however only checking for OK is in no way acceptable. It should check for every single possible final result code the modem might send.
From your output examples you have the following final result codes
but there exists a few more as well. You can look at the code for atinout for an example of a is_final_result_code function (you can also compare to isFinalResponseError and isFinalResponseSuccess1 in ST-Ericsson's U300 RIL).
The unconditional return true; at the end of GPRS::callUp is an error, but it might be deliberate due to lack of ideas for implementing a better API so that the calling client could check the intermediate result codes. But that is such a wrong way to do it.
The library really should do all the stateful command line invocation and final result code parsing with no exceptions. Just doing parts of that in the library and leaving some of it up to the client is just bad design.
When clients want to inspect or act on intermediate result codes or information text that comes between the command line and the final result code, the correct way to do it is to let the library "deframe" everything it receives from the modem into individual complete lines, and for everything that is not a final result code provide this to the client through a callback function.
The following is from an unfinished update to my atinout program:
bool send_commandline(
const char *cmdline,
const char *prefix,
void (*handler)(const char *response_line, void *ptr),
void *ptr,
FILE *modem)
int res;
char response_line[1024];
DEBUG(DEBUG_MODEM_WRITE, ">%s\n", cmdline);
res = fputs(cmdline, modem);
if (res < 0) {
error(ERR "failed to send '%s' to modem (res = %d)", cmdline, res);
return false;
* Adding a tiny delay here to avoid losing input data which
* sometimes happens when immediately jumping into reading
* responses from the modem.
do {
const char *line;
line = fgets(response_line, (int)sizeof(response_line), modem);
if (line == NULL) {
error(ERR "EOF from modem");
return false;
DEBUG(DEBUG_MODEM_READ, "<%s\n", line);
if (prefix[0] == '\0') {
handler(response_line, ptr);
} else if (STARTS_WITH(response_line, prefix)) {
handler(response_line + strlen(prefix) + strlen(" "), ptr);
} while (! is_final_result(response_line));
return strcmp(response_line, "OK\r\n") == 0;
You can use that as a basis for implementing proper handling. If you want to
get error responses out of the function, add an additional callback argument and change to
success = strcmp(response_line, "OK\r\n") == 0;
if (!success) {
error_handler(response_line, ptr);
return success;
Tip: Read all of chapter 5 in the V.250 specification, it will teach you almost everything you need to know about command lines, result codes and response handling. Like for instance that a command line should also be terminated with \r only, not \r\n-
1 Note that CONNECT is not a final result code, it is an intermediate result code, so the name isFinalResponseSuccess is strictly speaking not 100% correct.


How to read ZeroMQ return values from .recv() and .send() methods in c++?

I'm trying to write a c++ class for communicating between two computers via ZeroMQ.
To be able to handle errors I am trying to read the return values of the .recv()- and .send()- methods but I get the following error
error: cannot convert 'zmq::send_result_t' {aka 'zmq::detail::trivial_optional<unsigned int>'} to 'int' in assignment
ret = msocket.send(reply, zmq::send_flags::none);
The code looks like this:
Publisher::Publisher(dataHandler & mdatahandler) :datahandler(mdatahandler)
// construct a REP (reply) socket and bind to interface
std::string Publisher::transfer(zmq::socket_t& msocket, std::string replyString,
int receiveFlag = 0)
zmq::send_result_t ret = 0;
if (receiveFlag)
zmq::message_t receivedData;
ret = msocket.recv(receivedData, zmq::recv_flags::none);
if (verbose)
std::cout << "Received " << receivedData.to_string() << std::endl;
return receivedData.to_string();
zmq::message_t reply{ replyString.cbegin(), replyString.cend() };
// send the reply to the client
ret = msocket.send(reply, zmq::send_flags::none);
if (ret == -1)
std::cout << zmq_strerror(errno) << std::endl;
the socket is defined as
zmq::context_t context{ 1 };
zmq::socket_t socketState{ context, ZMQ_REP };
How can I reliably catch errors and is there a better way of handling errors if they occur?
Edit:I added the zmq::send_result_t but how can I do anything with it? I can't compare it to anything and I can't print it either.
zmq::recv_result_t is based on trivial_optional<unsigned int>.
trivial_optional<T> is a class template that encapsulates that it may or may not contain a value. Instances of type trivial_optional<unsigned int> are interrogated with bool trivial_optional<unsigned int>::has_value() to see if there is a value.
If there is a value it is extracted using T trivial_optional<unsigned int>::operator*() or T trivial_optional<unsigned int>::value().
zmq::recv_result_t ret(msocket.recv(receivedData, zmq::recv_flags::none));
if (ret.has_value() && (EAGAIN == ret.value()))
// msocket had nothing to read and recv() timed out
Q : "How can I reliably catch errors and is there a better way of handling errors if they occur?"
This can be split into two questions:
Part A: "How can I reliably catch errors"
First understand the language tools. There are exceptions related tools and best-practices and other Do-s and Don't-s. Obey them.
Part B: "a better way of handling errors"
The best way of handling errors is by avoiding them completely - this does not save the Planet ( you can read about Ms. Margaret Hamilton ( she saved lives and national pride on doing this correctly for the Apollo Guidance Computer software ) and her genuine methodology, that saves unavoidable principally colliding cases ).
The next, a lot weaker strategy is to design architectures ( then code ), that thoroughly inspects the state of the system ( return values, RTT-times and other factors ), so as to be continuously ready to handle Exception, as it happens and in full-context with the state of the system ( not to find yourself surprised as standing as uninformed as a blind person in the middle of the crossroads, once the Exception was thrown ... and it will be thrown, at some later time, so be prepared a-priori, not panicking ex-post, resorting to but chaotic ad-hoc options )
Solution :
Step 1) Understand and master the language tools.
Step 2) Understand and master the ZeroMQ tools ( No REP can ever start with .send() )
Step 3) Understand and master the published ZeroMQ API, there are all details on details needed for successful Exception handling details ( preventive error-state indications - hidden gems in { EINVAL | ETERM | ENOTSOCK | EINTR | ... } error-states, explained for each and every API call method, in due context for each one such method.
If still not convinced, at least read the fabulous Pieter Hintjens' book "Code Connected, Volume 1", there one will get the roots of what the Zen-of-Zero is all about.

SSL_shutdown returns -1 with SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ infinitely long

I cannot understand how to properly use SSL_Shutdown command in OpenSSL. Similar questions arisen several times in different places, but I couldn't find a solution which matches exactly my situation. I am using package libssl-dev 1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.15 (the latest for now) under Ubuntu in VirtualBox.
I am working with a small legacy C++ wrapper over the OpenSSL library with non-blocking IO for server and client sockets. The wrapper seems to work fine, except in the following test case (I'm not providing the code of the unit test itself, because it contains a lot of code not related to the problem):
Initialize a server socket with self-signed certificate
Connect to that socket. SSL handshake completes successfully, except that I'm ignoring X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT return of SSL_get_verify_result for now.
Successfully send/receive some data through the connection. This step is optional and it doesn't affect the problem which follows. I mention it only to show that the connection is really established and set into correct state.
Trying to shutdown SSL connection (server or client, doesn't matter which one) which leads to infinite wait on select.
All of the calls to SSL_read and SSL_write are synchronized, locking_callback is also set. After step 3 there are no other operations on sockets except shutting down on one of them.
In the code snippet below I omit all of the error processing and debugging code for clarity, none of the OpenSSL/POSIX calls fail (except cases where I left error processing in place). I also provide connect functions, in case this is important:
void OpenSslWrapper::ConnectToHost( ErrorCode& ec )
ctx_ = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx_, NULL, config_.verify_locations.c_str());
if (config_.use_standard_verify_locations)
bio_ = BIO_new_ssl_connect(ctx_);
BIO_get_ssl(bio_, &ssl_);
SSL_set_mode(ssl_, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY);
std::string hostname = config_.address + ":" + to_string(config_.port);
BIO_set_conn_hostname(bio_, hostname.c_str());
BIO_set_nbio(bio_, 1);
int res = 0;
while ((res = BIO_do_connect(bio_)) <= 0)
BIO_get_fd(bio_, &fd_);
if (!BIO_should_retry(bio_))
{ /* Never happens */}
res = SSL_get_verify_result(ssl_);
if (res != X509_V_OK && res != X509_V_ERR_DEPTH_ZERO_SELF_SIGNED_CERT)
{ /* Never happens */ }
// config_.handle is a file descriptor which was got from
// accept function, stx_ is also set in advance
void OpenSslWrapper::ConnectAsServer( ErrorCode& ec )
ssl_ = SSL_new(ctx_);
int flags = fcntl(config_.handle, F_GETFL, 0);
flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(config_.handle, F_SETFL, flags);
SSL_set_fd(ssl_, config_.handle);
while (true)
int res = SSL_accept(ssl_);
if( res > 0) {break;}
if( !WaitAfterError(res).isSucceded() )
{ /* never happens */ }
// The trouble is here
void OpenSSLWrapper::Shutdown()
// ...
while (true)
int ret = SSL_shutdown(ssl_);
if (ret > 0) {break;}
else if (ret == 0) {continue;}
else {WaitAfterError(ret);}
// ...
ErrorCode OpenSSLWrapper::WaitAfterError(int res)
int err = SSL_get_error(ssl_, res);
switch (ret)
WaitForFd(fd_, k_WaitRead);
return ErrorCode::Success;
WaitForFd(fd_, k_WaitWrite);
return ErrorCode::Success;
return ErrorCode::Fail;
WaitForFd is just a simple wrapper over the select, which waits on a given socket infinitely long on a specified FD_SET for read or write.
When the client calls Shutdown, the first call to SSL_Shutdown returns 0. After the second call it returns -1 and SSL_get_error returns SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, but selecting on the file descriptor for reading never returns. If specify timeout on select, SSL_Shutdown will continue returning -1 and SSL_get_error continue returning SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ. The loop never exits. After the first call to SSL_Shutdown the shutdown status is always SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN.
It doesn't matter if I close a server or a client: both have the same behavior.
There's also a strange situation when I connect to some external host. The first call to SSL_Shutdown returns 0, the second one -1 with SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ. Selecting on the socket finishes successfully, but when I call to SSL_Shutdown next time, I again got -1 with error SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL and errno=0. As I read in other places, it is not a big deal, although it still seems strange and maybe it is somehow related, so I mention it here.
UPD. I ported that same code for Windows, the behavior didn't change.
P.S. I am sorry for mistakes in my English, I'd be grateful if someone corrects my language.

What is the purpose of boost mpi request's m_handler

I am trying to test an mpi request if it is done or not. However, there is a problem that I could not figure out. If I use test_all method as below, then I see that request is not done.
string msg;
boost::mpi::request req = world->irecv(some_rank, 0, msg);
vector<boost::mpi::request> waitingRequests;
if(boost::mpi::test_all(waitingRequests.begin(), waitingRequests.end()))
cout << "test_all done" << endl;
When I try this code, I see that request is done:
string msg;
boost::mpi::request req = world->irecv(some_rank, 0, msg);
cout << "test done" << endl;
So, I looked at the code in test_all function and realized that it returns false because of the condition "first->m_handler" (line 5 in the below code).
template<typename ForwardIterator> bool test_all(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last) {
std::vector<MPI_Request> requests;
for (; first != last; ++first) {
// If we have a non-trivial request, then no requests can be completed.
if (first->m_handler || first->m_requests[1] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL)
return false;
int flag = 0;
int n = requests.size();
(n, &requests[0], &flag, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE));
return flag != 0;
Now, I wonder what m_handler is for.
MPI does not support intrinsicly complex C++ objects such as std::string. That's why Boost.MPI serialises and correspondingly deserialises such objects when passing them around in the form of MPI messages. From a semantic point of view, the non-blocking operation started by irecv() should complete once the data has been received and an std::string object has been filled in appropriately. The additional step of processing the received message and deserialising it is performed by a special handler method, pointer to which is stored in the m_handler variable:
if (m_handler) {
// This request is a receive for a serialized type. Use the
// handler to test for completion.
return m_handler(this, ra_test);
} else ...
No such handling is needed for simple datatypes.
The same applies to isend() when it operates on C++ objects. In that case a handler is not attached, but the class data is sent in the form of two separate messages and special care is taken for both sends to complete. That's what the second boolean expression (m_requests[1] != MPI_REQUEST_NULL) is for.

EOF in boost::async_read with thread_pull and boost 1.54

I have a strange problem with my server application. My system is simple: I have 1+ devices and one server app that communicate over a network. Protocol has binary packets with variable length, but fixed header (that contain info about current packet size). Example of packet:
char pct[maxSize] = {}
pct[0] = 0x5a //preambule
pct[1] = 0xa5 //preambule
pct[2] = 0x07 //packet size
pct[3] = 0x0A //command
... [payload]
The protocol is built on the principle of a command-answer.
I use boost::asio for communication - io_service with thread pull (4 threads) + async read/write operation (code example below) and create a "query cycle" - each 200ms by timer:
query one value from device
get result, query second value
get result, start timer again
This work very well on boost 1.53 (Debug and Release). But then i switch to boost 1.54 (especially in Release mode) magic begins. My server successfuly starts, connects to device and starts "query cycle". For about 30-60 seconds everything work well (I receive data, data is correct), but then I start receive asio::error on last read handle (always in one place). Error type: EOF. After recieving the error, I must disconnect from device.
Some time of googling give me info about EOF indicate that other side (device in my case) initiated disconnect procedure. But, according to the logic of the device it can not be true.
May somebody explain what's going on? May be i need set some socket option or defines? I see two possible reason:
my side init disconnect (with some reason, that i don't know) and EOF is answer of this action.
some socket timeout firing.
My environment:
OS: Windows 7/8
Compiler: MSVC 2012 Update 3
Sample code of main "query cycle". Is adapted from official boost chat example All code simplified for reduce space :)
SocketWorker - low level wrapper for sockets
DeviceWorker - class for device communication
ERes - internal struct for error store
ProtoCmd and ProtoAnswer - wrapper for raw array command and answer (chat_message
analog from boost chat example)
lw_service_proto namespace - predefined commands and max sizes of packets
So, code samples. Socket wrapper:
namespace b = boost;
namespace ba = boost::asio;
typedef b::function<void(const ProtoAnswer answ)> DataReceiverType;
class SocketWorker
typedef ba::ip::tcp::socket socketType;
typedef std::unique_ptr<socketType> socketPtrType;
socketPtrType devSocket;
ProtoCmd sendCmd;
ProtoAnswer rcvAnsw;
//[other definitions]
ERes SocketWorker::Connect(/*[connect settings]*/)
ERes res(LGS_RESULT_ERROR, "Connect to device - Unknow Error");
using namespace boost::asio::ip;
boost::system::error_code sock_error;
//try to connect
devSocket->connect(tcp::endpoint(address::from_string(/*[connect settings ip]*/), /*[connect settings port]*/), sock_error);
if(sock_error.value() > 0) {
//[work with error]
else {
//[res code ok]
return res;
ERes SocketWorker::Disconnect()
if (devSocket->is_open())
boost::system::error_code ec;
devSocket->shutdown(bi::tcp::socket::shutdown_send, ec);
return ERes(LGS_RESULT_OK, "OK");
//query any cmd
void SocketWorker::QueryCommand(const ProtoCmd cmd, DataReceiverType dataClb)
sendCmd = std::move(cmd); //store command
if (sendCmd .CommandLength() > 0)
ba::async_write(*devSocket.get(), ba::buffer(sendCmd.Data(), sendCmd.Length()),
this, ba::placeholders::error, dataClb));
cerr << "Send command error: nothing to send" << endl;
// boost socket handlers
void SocketWorker::HandleSocketWrite(const b::system::error_code& error,
DataReceiverType dataClb)
if (error)
cerr << "Send cmd error: " << error.message() << endl;
//[send error to other place]
//start reading header of answer (lw_service_proto::headerSize == 3 bytes)
ba::buffer(rcvAnsw.Data(), lw_service_proto::headerSize),
this, ba::placeholders::error, dataClb));
//handler for read header
void SocketWorker::HandleSockReadHeader(const b::system::error_code& error, DataReceiverType dataClb)
if (error)
//[error working]
//decode header (check preambule and get full packet size) and read answer payload
if (rcvAnsw.DecodeHeaderAndGetCmdSize())
ba::buffer(rcvAnsw.Answer(), rcvAnsw.AnswerLength()),
this, ba::placeholders::error, dataClb));
//handler for andwer payload
void SocketWorker::HandleSockReadBody(const b::system::error_code& error, DataReceiverType dataClb)
//if no error - send anwser to 'master'
if (!error){
if (dataClb != nullptr)
//[error process]
//here i got EOF in release mode
Device worker
class DeviceWorker
const static int LW_QUERY_TIME = 200;
LWDeviceSocketWorker sockWorker;
ba::io_service& timerIOService;
typedef std::shared_ptr<ba::deadline_timer> TimerPtr;
TimerPtr queryTimer;
bool queryCycleWorking;
//[other definitions]
ERes DeviceWorker::Connect()
ERes intRes = sockWorker.Connect(/*[connect settings here]*/);
if(intRes != LGS_RESULT_OK) {
//[set result to error]
else {
//[set result to success]
//start "query cycle"
return intRes;
ERes DeviceWorker::Disconnect()
return sockWorker.Disconnect();
void DeviceWorker::StartNewCycleQuery()
queryCycleWorking = true;
//start timer
queryTimer = make_shared<ba::deadline_timer>(timerIOService, bt::milliseconds(LW_QUERY_TIME));
this, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
void DeviceWorker::StopCycleQuery()
//kill timer
if (queryTimer)
queryCycleWorking = false;
//timer handler
void DeviceWorker::HandleQueryTimer(const b::system::error_code& error)
if (!error)
ProtoCmd cmd;
//query for first value
cmd.EncodeCommandCore(lw_service_proto::cmdGetAlarm, 1);
sockWorker.QueryCommand(cmd, boost::bind(&DeviceWorker::ReceiveAlarmCycle,
this, _1));
//receive first value
void DeviceWorker::ReceiveAlarmCycle(ProtoAnswer adata)
//check and fix last bytes (remove \r\n from some commands)
//[working with answer]
if (queryCycleWorking)
//query for second value
ProtoCmd cmd;
cmd.EncodeCommandCore(lw_service_proto::cmdGetEnergyLevel, 1);
sockWorker.QueryCommand(cmd, b::bind(&DeviceWorker::ReceiveEnergyCycle,
this, _1));
//receive second value
void DeviceWorker::ReceiveEnergyCycle(ProtoAnswer edata)
//check and fix last bytes (remove \r\n from some commands)
//[working with second value]
//start new "query cycle"
if (queryCycleWorking)
Any ideas are welcome :)
After several test I see anower picture:
this issue reproduce on boost 1.54 only (Debug and Release mode, Release - much more faster), with boost 1.53 no more error (maybe i poorly clean my code then rebuild first times....)
with boost 1.54 and 1 thread (instead of 4) all work well
I also spend some time with debugger and boost source and making some conclusion:
When i receive EOF my data is already fully received.
This EOF indicate that is nothing to transfer in this operation, i.e. socket result flag is 0 (no error), but boost operation flag if EOF (transfer bytes == 0)
At this moment I am forced to switch on boost 1.53...
I had the exact same problem and I am quite sure that this is a bug of boost::asio 1.54.0
Here is the bug report.
The solution is effectively to get back to 1.53, although there is a patch available for 1.54 in the bug report page.
If your application works fine with a single thread invoking io_service::run() but fails with four threads, you very likely have a race condition. This type of problem is difficult to diagnose. Generally speaking you should ensure your devSocket has at most one outstanding async_read() and async_write() operation. Your current implementation of SocketWorker::QueryCommand() unconditionally invokes async_write() which may violate the ordering assumption documented as such
This operation is implemented in terms of zero or more calls to the
stream's async_write_some function, and is known as a composed
operation. The program must ensure that the stream performs no other
write operations (such as async_write, the stream's async_write_some
function, or any other composed operations that perform writes) until
this operation completes.
The classic solution to this problem is to maintain a queue of outgoing messages. If a previous write is outstanding, append the next outgoing message to the queue. When the previous write completes, initiate the async_write() for the next message in the queue. When using multiple threads invoking io_service::run() you may need to use a strand as the linked answer does.

Losing characters in TCP Telnet transmission

I'm using Winsock to send commands through Telnet ; but for some reason when I try to send a string, a few characters get dropped occasionally. I use send:
int SendData(const string & text)
return 0;
Any suggestions?
I checked and the error still occurs even if all the characters are sent. So I decided to change the Send function so that it sends individual characters and checks if they have been sent:
void SafeSend(const string &text)
char char_text[1];
for(size_t i = 0; i <text.size(); ++i)
char_text[0] = text[i];
while(send(hSocket,char_text,1,0) != 1);
Also, it drops characters in a peculiar way ; i.e. in the middle of the sentence. E.g.
set variable [fp]exit_flag = true
is sent as
ariable [fp]exit_flag = true
set variable [fp]app_flag = true
is sent as
setrable [fp]app_flag = true
As mentioned in the comments you absolutely need to check the return value of send as it can return after sending only a part of your buffer.
You nearly always want to call send in a loop similar to the following (not tested as I don't have a Windows development environment available at the moment):
bool SendString(const std::string& text) {
int remaining = text.length();
const char* buf =;
while (remaining > 0) {
int sent = send(hSocket, buf, remaining, 0);
if (sent == SOCKET_ERROR) {
/* Error occurred check WSAGetLastError() */
return false;
remaining -= sent;
buf += sent;
return true;
This is not relevant for the OP, but calls to recv should also structured in the same way as above.
To debug the problem further, Wireshark (or equivalent software) is excellent in tracking down the source of the problem.
Filter the packets you want to look at (it has lots of options) and check if they include what you think they include.
Also note that telnet is a protocol with numerous RFCs. Most of the time you can get away with just sending raw text, but it's not really guaranteed to work.
You mention that the windows telnet client sends different bytes from you, capture a minimal sequence from both clients and compare them. Use the RFCs to figure out what the other client does different and why. You can use "View -> Packet Bytes" to bring up the data of the packet and can easily inspect and copy/paste the hex dump.