Postgres: regexp_replace & trim - regex

I need to remove '.0' at the end of the string but I have some issues.
In PG 8.4 I have this expression and its was worked fine.
select regexp_replace('', '(\\\\.0)+$', '');
and result was
'' - good result.
But after PG was updated to 9.x version result is
'' - the input string and its not ok.
Also I tried to use trim function
it this case it is ok
select trim('.0' from '');
result is '' - ok
but when I have 10 at the end of the code I have unexpected result
select trim('.0' from '');
select trim('.0' from '');
result is - 0 is trimmed from 10
Somebody can suggest me solution and explain what is wrong with trim function and what was changed in regexp_replace in latest versions?

I would suggest doing something like this:
select (case when col like '%.0' then left(col, length(col) - 2)
else col
This will work in all versions of Postgres and you don't need to worry about regular expression parsing.
As for the regular expression version, both of these work for me (on recent versions of Postgres):
select regexp_replace('', '(\.0)+$', '');
select regexp_replace('', '([.]0)+$', '');
I suspect the problem with the earlier version is the string parsing with the backslash escape character -- you can use square brackets instead of backslash and the pattern should work in any version.


How to split a string in db2?

I've some URL's in my cas_fnd_dwd_det table,
casi_imp_urls cas_code
----------------------------------- -----------
how do i copy the letters between last '/' and '.pdf' to another column
expected outcome
casi_imp_urls cas_code
----------------------------------- ----------- qnxp as vindq mnip
the below URL's are static
Advise, how do i select the codes between last '/' and '.pdf' ?
I would recommend to take a look at REGEXP_SUBSTR. It allows to apply a regular expression. Db2 has string processing functions, but the regex function may be the easiest solution. See SO question on regex and URI parts for different ways of writing the expression. The following would return the last slash, filename and the extension:
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('','\/(\w)*.pdf' ,1,1)
FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
The following uses REPLACE and the pattern is from this SO question with the pdf file extension added. It splits the string in three groups: everything up to the last slash, then the file name, then the ".pdf". The '$1' returns the group 1 (groups start with 0). Group 2 would be the ".pdf".
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('','(?:.+\/)(.+)(.pdf)','$1' ,1,1)
FROM sysibm.sysdummy1
You could apply LENGTH and SUBSTR to extract the relevant part or try to build that into the regex.
For older Db2 versions than 11.1. Not sure if it works for 9.5, but definitely should work since 9.7.
Try this as is.
with cas_fnd_dwd_det (casi_imp_urls) as (values
, ''
, ''
, ''
, xmlcast(xmlquery('fn:replace($s, ".*/(.*)\.pdf", "$1", "i")' passing casi_imp_urls as "s") as varchar(50)) cas_code
from cas_fnd_dwd_det

regexp_replace() - matches but does not replace at end of line

I'm trying to regexp_replace() all the values of a column ending without "/", by adding "/".
I can get the correct values by using this statement (the pattern was tested with a PCRE checker):
SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` REGEXP("(?<=[^\/])$");
And the non-matching ones with:
SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` REGEXP("(?<![^\/])$");
But when the statement is:
UPDATE `table` SET `column` = REGEXP_REPLACE(`column`, "(?<=[^\/])$", "/");
Then, there is no change, whatever value I put into the third parameter:
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1031 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0
You could do this easily without regex:
UPDATE `table` SET `column` = `column` + '/'
WHERE RIGHT(`column`, 1) <> '/'
trying to understand why it does not work
As I rationalize the problem, you are asking REGEXP_REPLACE to do two things:
Discover that something is missing, and
Point to a location in the string.
Your regexp says that it is missing, but I question whether it points to a specific substring (even an empty one) for replacing. It's easy to point to a found substring (or substrings). It is hard to point to a missing substring. And such a 'pointer' is needed to do the replacement.
Hence, Michal's approach (even if some regexp were needed) is the "right" way to solve the problem.

Replace pair of % in oracle

please, I have in Oracle table this texts (as 2 records)
"Sample text with replace parameter %1%"
"You reached 90% of your limit"
I need replace %1% with specific text from input parameter in Oracle Function. In fact, I can have more than just one replace parameters. I have also record with "Replace this %12% with real value"
This functionality I have programmed:
IF poc > 0 THEN
FOR i in 1 .. poc LOOP
p := get_param(mString => mbody);
mbody := replace(mbody,
'%' || p || '%', parameters(to_number(p, '99')));
But in this case I have problem with text number 2. This functionality trying replace "90%" also and I then I get this error:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value
It's a possible to avoid try replace "90%"? Many thanks for advice.
Best regards
PS: Oracle version: 10g (OCI Version: 10.2)
Regular expressions can work here. Try the following and build them into your script.
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE( 'Sample text with replace parameter %1%',
'db_size' )
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE( 'Sample text with replace parameter 1%',
'db_size' )
The pattern is pretty simple; look for patterns where a '%' is followed by 1 or more numbers followed by a '%'.
The only issue here will be if you have more than one replacement to make in each string and each replacement is different. In that case you will need to loop round the string each time replacing the next parameter. To do this add the position and occurrence parameters to REGEXP_REPLACE after the replacement string, e.g.
REGEXP_REPLACE( 'Sample text with replace parameter %88888888888%','\%[0-9]+\%','db_size',0,1 )
You are getting the error because at parameters(to_number(p, '99')). Can you please check the value of p?
Also, if the p=90 then then REPLACE will not try to replace "90%". It will replace "%90%". How have you been sure that it's trying to replace "90%"?

REGEXP and operator .+

I am trying to use MySql REGEXP to find rows where green and 2012 occurs in the column
I am using .+ in the regexp.
This works:
select 'green 2012-01' REGEXP 'green.+2012'
returns 1
but if I place the '2012' first it returns 0
select 'green 2012-01' REGEXP '2012.+green';
returns 0
I am using MYSQL Software version: 5.1.43 - MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Regular expressions are kinda order dependent. What you'll need to do is put an | (or) operator between your two items to make it look for either one.
select 'green 2012-01' REGEXP '(green.*2012)|(2012.*green)'
As an alternative to REGEX, while potentially less efficient, you could simply use LOCATE twice.
SELECT * FROM table WHERE LOCATE('2012', column) AND LOCATE('green', column);

Finding and removing Non-ASCII characters from an Oracle Varchar2

We are currently migrating one of our oracle databases to UTF8 and we have found a few records that are near the 4000 byte varchar limit.
When we try and migrate these record they fail as they contain characters that become multibyte UF8 characters.
What I want to do within PL/SQL is locate these characters to see what they are and then either change them or remove them.
I would like to do :
but Oracle does not implement the [:ascii:] character class.
Is there a simple way doing what I want to do?
I think this will do the trick:
If you use the ASCIISTR function to convert the Unicode to literals of the form \nnnn, you can then use REGEXP_REPLACE to strip those literals out, like so...
UPDATE table SET field = REGEXP_REPLACE(ASCIISTR(field), '\\[[:xdigit:]]{4}', '')
...where field and table are your field and table names respectively.
I wouldn't recommend it for production code, but it makes sense and seems to work:
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(COLUMN,'[^' || CHR(1) || '-' || CHR(127) || '],'')
The select may look like the following sample:
select nvalue from table
where length(asciistr(nvalue))!=length(nvalue)
order by nvalue;
In a single-byte ASCII-compatible encoding (e.g. Latin-1), ASCII characters are simply bytes in the range 0 to 127. So you can use something like [\x80-\xFF] to detect non-ASCII characters.
There's probably a more direct way using regular expressions. With luck, somebody else will provide it. But here's what I'd do without needing to go to the manuals.
Create a PLSQL function to receive your input string and return a varchar2.
In the PLSQL function, do an asciistr() of your input. The PLSQL is because that may return a string longer than 4000 and you have 32K available for varchar2 in PLSQL.
That function converts the non-ASCII characters to \xxxx notation. So you can use regular expressions to find and remove those. Then return the result.
The following also works:
select dump(a,1016), a from (
'3735844533120%$03  ',
'[^!#/\.,;:<>#$%&()_=[:alnum:][:blank:]]') a
I had a similar issue and blogged about it here.
I started with the regular expression for alpha numerics, then added in the few basic punctuation characters I liked:
select dump(a,1016), a, b
(select regexp_replace(COLUMN,'[[:alnum:]/''%()> -.:=;[]','') a,
from TABLE)
where a is not null
order by a;
I used dump with the 1016 variant to give out the hex characters I wanted to replace which I could then user in a utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2.
I found the answer here:
str VARCHAR2(2000);
act number :=0;
cnt number :=0;
askey number :=0;
for i in 1 .. cnt loop
askey :=0;
select ascii(substr(str,i,1)) into askey
from dual;
if askey < 32 or askey >=127 then
str :=’^'||REPLACE(str, CHR(askey),”);
end if;
end loop;
OUTPUT_STR := trim(ltrim(rtrim(trim(str),’^'),’^'));
Then run this to update your data
update o1dw.rate_ipselect_p_20110505
Try the following:
-- To detect
select 1 from dual
where regexp_like(trim('xx test text æ¸¬è© ¦ “xmx” number²'),'['||chr(128)||'-'||chr(255)||']','in')
-- To strip out
select regexp_replace(trim('xx test text æ¸¬è© ¦ “xmxmx” number²'),'['||chr(128)||'-'||chr(255)||']','',1,0,'in')
from dual
You can try something like following to search for the column containing non-ascii character :
select * from your_table where your_col <> asciistr(your_col);
I had similar requirement (to avoid this ugly ORA-31061: XDB error: special char to escaped char conversion failed. ), but had to keep the line breaks.
I tried this from an excellent comment
'[^ -~|[:space:]]'
but got this ORA-12728: invalid range in regular expression .
but it lead me to my solution:
select t.*, regexp_replace(deta, '[^[:print:]|[:space:]]', '#') from
(select '- <- strangest thing here, and I want to keep line break after
-' deta from dual ) t
displays (in my TOAD tool) as
replace all that ^ => is not in the sets (of printing [:print:] or space |[:space:] chars)
Thanks, this worked for my purposes. BTW there is a missing single-quote in the example, above.
REGEXP_REPLACE (COLUMN,'[^' || CHR (32) || '-' || CHR (127) || ']', ' '))
I used it in a word-wrap function. Occasionally there was an embedded NewLine/ NL / CHR(10) / 0A in the incoming text that was messing things up.
Answer given by Francisco Hayoz is the best. Don't use pl/sql functions if sql can do it for you.
Here is the simple test in Oracle 11.2.03
select s
, regexp_replace(s,'[^'||chr(1)||'-'||chr(127)||']','') "rep ^1-127"
, dump(regexp_replace(s,'['||chr(127)||'-'||chr(225)||']','')) "rep 127-255"
from (
select listagg(c, '') within group (order by c) s
from (select 127+level l,chr(127+level) c from dual connect by level < 129))
And "rep 127-255" is
Typ=1 Len=30: 226,227,228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255
i.e for some reason this version of Oracle does not replace char(226) and above.
Using '['||chr(127)||'-'||chr(225)||']' gives the desired result.
If you need to replace other characters just add them to the regex above or use nested replace|regexp_replace if the replacement is different then '' (null string).
Please note that whenever you use
regexp_like(column, '[A-Z]')
Oracle's regexp engine will match certain characters from the Latin-1 range as well: this applies to all characters that look similar to ASCII characters like Ä->A, Ö->O, Ü->U, etc., so that [A-Z] is not what you know from other environments like, say, Perl.
Instead of fiddling with regular expressions try changing for the NVARCHAR2 datatype prior to character set upgrade.
Another approach: instead of cutting away part of the fields' contents you might try the SOUNDEX function, provided your database contains European characters (i.e. Latin-1) characters only. Or you just write a function that translates characters from the Latin-1 range into similar looking ASCII characters, like
å => a
ä => a
ö => o
of course only for text blocks exceeding 4000 bytes when transformed to UTF-8.
As noted in this comment, and this comment, you can use a range.
Using Oracle 11, the following works very well:
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(dummy, '[^ -~|[:space:]]', '?') AS dummy FROM DUAL;
This will replace anything outside that printable range as a question mark.
This will run as-is so you can verify the syntax with your installation.
Replace dummy and dual with your own column/table.
Do this, it will work.
trim(replace(ntwk_slctor_key_txt, chr(0), ''))
I'm a bit late in answering this question, but had the same problem recently (people cut and paste all sorts of stuff into a string and we don't always know what it is).
The following is a simple character whitelist approach:
SELECT est.clients_ref
, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890#$%^&*()_+-={}|[]:";<>?,./'
FROM edms_staging_table est