Formats export with variable names in SAS - sas

I created a format for a variable as follows
proc format;
value now 0=M
and now I apply this to a dataset.
Data X;
set X2;
format Var1 now.;
and I want to export this format using cntlout
proc format library=work cntlout=form; run;
this gives me the list of formats in the library catalog. But doesnot give me the variable name to which it is attached.
How can I create a dataset with list of formats and the attached variables to it?
So I can see which format is linked to what variable.

If you just want to look up the variables in a specific dataset, often PROC CONTENTS is faster than using SASHELP.VCOLUMN or DICTIONARY.TABLES, particularly when there are lots of libraries/datasets defined.
57 proc contents data=x out=myvars(keep=name format) noprint;
58 run;
NOTE: The data set WORK.MYVARS has 1 observations and 2 variables.
60 data _null_;
61 set myvars;
62 put _all_;
63 run;
NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set WORK.MYVARS.

Assuming you want this for a specific library you can use the SASHELP.VCOLUMN dataset. This dataset contains the formats for all variables and you can filter it as desired.


How can I make the first row of a SAS dataset the variable names?

I have an already imported dataset where the first row contains the variable names. I know that typically when importing a dataset you use getnames = yes. However, if the data is already imported how can I make the first row the variable names using a data step?
Data looks like:
1 Name 1 Name 2 Name 3
2 2 4 66
3 3 5 6
Since reading the names as data probably made all of your variables character you can try just transposing the data twice to fix it. That will work well for small datasets.
So the first transpose will place the current name into the _NAME_ variable and convert each row into a column. The second proc transpose can drop the original name and use the first row (new COL1 variable) as the names.
proc transpose data=have out=wide ;
var _all_;
proc transpose data=wide(drop=_name_ rename=(col1=_name_)) out=want(drop=_name_ _label_);
var col:;
id _name_;
The problem with the already imported data is that all the numeric data was likely placed in a character variables because the 'first row' of data seen by the import process contained some character data, and drove the inference for automatic column construction.
Regardless, you will need to construct renaming pairs old-name=new-name for each variables that has to be renamed. The new-name being in row 1 makes it possible to transpose that row to arrange those name parts as data. SQL with :into and separated by can populate a macro variable for use in a proc datasets step that performs the column renaming without rewriting the entire data set. Finally, a DATA step with modify can remove a row in place, again, without rewriting the entire data set.
filename sandbox temp;
data _null_;
file sandbox;
put 'A,B,C';
put 'Name 1, Name 2, Name 3';
put '2,4,66';
put '3,5,6';
proc import datafile=sandbox dbms=csv replace out=work.oops;
proc transpose data=oops(obs=1) out=renames;
var _all_;
proc sql noprint;
select cats(_name_,"=",compress(col1,,"KN"))
into :renames separated by ' '
from renames;
%put NOTE: &=renames;
proc datasets nolist lib=work;
modify oops;
rename &renames;
data oops;
modify oops;
%let syslast=oops;

Value labels to be created using data from another data set

I am having two data sets. The first data set has airport codes (JFK, LGA, EWR) in a variable 'airport'. The second dataset has the list of all major airports in the world. This dataset has two variables 'faa' holding the FAA Code (like JFG, LGA, EWR) and 'name' holding the actual name of the airport (John. F Kennedy, Le Guardia etc.).
My requirement is to create value labels for in the first data set, so that instead of airport code, the actual name of the airport comes up. I know I can use custom formats to achieve this. But can I write SAS code which can read the unique airport codes, then get the names from another data set and create a value label automatically?
PS: Other wise, the only option I see is to use MS Excel to get the unique list of FAA codes in dataset 1, and then use VLOOKUP to get the names of the airports. And then create one custom format by listing each unique FAA code and the airport name.
I think "value label" is SPSS terminology. Looks like you want to create a format. Just use your lookup table to create an input dataset for PROC FORMAT.
So if your second table looks like this:
data table2;
length FAA $4 Name $40 ;
input FAA Name $40. ;
JFK John F. Kennedy (NYC)
LGA Laguardia (NYC)
EWR Newark (NJ)
You can use this code to convert it into a dataset that PROC FORMAT can use to create a format.
data fmt ;
hlo=' ';
set table2 (rename=(faa=start name=label));
proc format cntlin=fmt lib=work.formats;
Now you can use that format with your other data.
proc freq data=table1 ;
tables airport ;
format airport faa. ;
Firstly, consider if it is really a format what is needed. For example, you may just do a left join to retrieve the column (airport) name from table2 (FAA-Name table).
Anyway, I believe the following macro does the trick:
Create auxiliary tables:
data have1;
input airport $;
data have2;
input faa $ name $;
a aaaa
b bbbb
c cccc
d dddd
Macro to create Format:
%macro create_format;
*count number of faa;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct count(faa) into:n
from have2;
*create macro variables for each faa and name;
proc sql noprint;
select faa, name
from have2;
*create format;
proc format;
value $airport
%do i=1 %to &n;
"&faa%left(&i)" = "&name%left(&i)"
other = "Unknown FAA code";
%mend create_format;
Apply format:
data want;
set have1;
format airport $airport.;

Set the labels of a SAS Dataset equal to their variable name

I'm working with a rather large several dataset that are provided to me as a CSV files. When I attempt to import one of the files the data will come in fine but, the number of variables in the file is too large for SAS, so it stops reading the variable names and starts assigning them sequential numbers. In order to maintain the variable names off of the data set I read in the file with the data row starting on 1 so it did not read the first row as variable names -
proc import file="X:\xxx\xxx\xxx\Extract\Live\Live.xlsx" out=raw_names dbms=xlsx replace;
I then run a macro to start breaking down the dataset and rename the variables based on the first observations in each variable -
%macro raw_sas_datasets(lib,output,start,end);
data raw_names2;
if _n_ ne 1 then delete;
keep A -- E &start. -- &end.;
proc transpose data=raw_names2 out=raw_names2;
var A -- &end.;
data raw_names2;
set raw_names2;
data raw_values;
set raw;
keep A -- E &start. -- &end.;
%macro rename(old,new);
data raw_values;
set raw_values;
rename &old.=&new.;
%mend rename;
data _null_;
set raw_names2;
call execute('%rename('||_name_||","||col1||")");
%macro freq(var);
proc freq data=raw_values noprint;
tables &var. / out=&var.;
%mend freq;
data raw_names3;
set raw_names2;
if _n_ < 6 then delete;
data _null_;
set raw_names3;
call execute('%freq('||col1||")");
proc sort data=raw_values;
by StudySubjectID;
data &lib..&output.;
set raw_values;
%mend raw_sas_datasets;
The problem I'm running into is that the variable names are now all set properly and the data is lined up correctly, but the labels are still the original SAS assigned sequential numbers. Is there any way to set all of the labels equal to the variable names?
If you just want to remove the variable labels (at which point they default to the variable name), that's easy. From the SAS Documentation:
proc datasets lib=&lib.;
modify &output.;
attrib _all_ label=' ';
I suspect you have a simpler solution than the above, though.
The actual renaming step needs to be done differently. Right now it's rewriting the entire dataset over and over again - for a lot of variables that is a terrible idea. Get your rename statements all into one datastep, or into a PROC DATASETS, or something else. Look up 'list processing SAS' for details on how to do that; on this site or on google you will find lots of solutions.
You likely can get SAS to read in the whole first line. The number of variables isn't the problem; it is probably the length of the line. There's another question that I'll find if I can on this site from a few months ago that deals with this exact problem.
My preferred option is not to use PROC IMPORT for CSVs anyway; I would suggest writing a metadata table that stores the variable names and the length/types for the variables, then using that to write import code. A little more work at first, but only has to be done once per study and you guarantee PROC IMPORT isn't making silly decisions for you.
In the library sashelp is a table vcolumn. vcolumn contains all the names of your variables for each library by table. You could write a macro that puts all your variable names into macro variables and then from there set the label.
Here's some code that I put together (not very pretty) but it does what you're looking for:
data test.label_var;
label x = 'xx';
label y = 'yy';
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) into: cnt
from sashelp.vcolumn
where memname = 'LABEL_VAR';quit;
%let cnt = &cnt;
proc sql noprint;
select name into: name1 - :name&cnt
from sashelp.vcolumn
where memname = 'LABEL_VAR';quit;
%macro test;
%do i = 1 %to &cnt;
proc datasets library=test nolist;
modify label_var;
label &&name&i=&&name&i;
%mend test;

proc contents is truncating the values in out put dataset.How to get full values in out put dataset?

I'm trying to get all dataset names in a library in to a data set.
proc datasets library=LIB1 memtype=data ;
contents data=_all_ noprint out=Datasets_in_Lib1(keep=memname) ;
The final data set (Datasets_in_Lib1) is having all the data set names that are in LIB1, but names are truncated to 6 characters.Is there any way to get full names of the datasets with out truncation.
Ex: If dataset name is x123456789, the Datasets_in_Lib1 will have x12345 only.
Thanks in advance,
Agree with the comment, in 9.3 memname is $32. I don't think there was a version of SAS where data set names were limited to 6 characters. They went from 8 characters to 32 characters in v7 (I think).
Here's a log from running your code, showing it works as you want in 9.3
51 data work.x123456789;
52 x=1;
53 run;
NOTE: The data set WORK.X123456789 has 1 observations and 1 variables.
55 proc datasets library=work memtype=data nolist;
56 contents data=_all_ noprint out=Datasets_in_Lib1(keep=memname) ;
57 run;
NOTE: The data set WORK.DATASETS_IN_LIB1 has 1 observations and 1 variables.
59 data _null_;
60 set Datasets_in_Lib1;
61 put _all_;
62 run;
MEMNAME=X123456789 _ERROR_=0 _N_=1
NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set WORK.DATASETS_IN_LIB1.
You can also query the sashelp.vtable to obtain the list of datasets:
proc sql;
create table mem_list as
select memname
from sashelp.vtable
where libname='LIB1' and memtype='DATA';

SAS: PROC MEANS Grouping in Class Variable

I have the following sample data and 'proc means' command.
data have;
input measure country $;
250 UK
800 Ireland
500 Finland
250 Slovakia
3888 Slovenia
34 Portugal
44 Netherlands
4666 Austria
PROC PRINT data=have; RUN;
The following PROC MEANS command prints out a listing for each country above. How can I group some of those countries (i.e. UK & Ireland, Slovakia/SLovenia as Central Europe) in the PROC MEANS step, rather than adding another datastep to add a 'case when' etc?
proc means data=have sum maxdec=2 order=freq STACKODS;
var measure;
class country;
Thanks for any help at all on this. I understand there are various things you can do in the PROC MEANS command itself (like limit the number of countries by doing this:
proc means data=have(WHERE=(country not in ('Finland', 'UK')
I'd like to do the grouping in the PROC MEANS command for brevity.
This is very easy with a format for any PROC that takes a CLASS statement.
Simply build a format, either with code or from data; then apply the format in the PROC MEANS statement.
proc format lib=work;
value $countrygroup
"UK"="British Isles"
"Ireland"="British Isles"
"Slovakia","Slovenia"="Central Europe"
proc means data=have;
class country;
var measure;
format country $countrygroup.;
It's usually better to have numeric codes for country and then format those to be whichever set of names is needed at any one time, particularly as capitalization/etc. is pretty irritating, but this works well enough even here.
The CNTLIN= option in PROC FORMAT allows you to make a format from a dataset, with FMTNAME as the value statement, START as the value-to-label, LABEL as the label. (END=end of range if numeric.) There are other options also, the documentation goes into more detail.