Use and (&) in queryset only when the parameters extists Django - django

I don't know if there's a quick way to do this, but what I want to do is a search according to six parameters, where 5 of them come from Select Inputs, and the other one from an Input text, the search needs to be more specific when more options are selected.
Is there a way to do this with lookups? Or I need to make an if for every combination of parameters? If I have to write all the if's, what is the more efficient way? Because if I'll have to do 2^6 if statements to cover all the combinations, that will be a little bit slow. Consider that the parameters doesn't have an specific order, so any combination is possible.
I was thinking in Q objects but I don't know if they work for that, I have only used them for OR satements, I know that they can be used for and statements too, but I don't know if they are different than using comma. Probably something like this:
result = Product.objects.filter(Q(field1=param1)&Q(field2=param2)&Q(field3=param3)&Q(field4=param4)&Q(field5=param5)&Q(field6=param6))

It seems like you probably have access to a form's cleaned_data and you're looking to do something like an "advanced search." In that case, given that all of the form fields are relevant to the search, you could do something like
result = Product.objects.filter(**form.cleaned_data)
since you want to only include fields that are specified you can then add a filtering statement to ensure you're only looking at the relevant fields. Unfortunately, that depends a lot on how your form looks. If your form's non-empty values are all truthy, you could do something like
result = Product.objects.filter(**{k: v for k, v in form.cleaned_data.items() if v})
If on the other hand, you only want to apply filters where the fields have changed from what they populated the form with, you might be well served by
result = Product.objects.filter(**{k: v for k, v in form.cleaned_data.items() if form.changed_data})
Unfortunately, if you have a checkbox named turtle_safe, you'll need to record whether someone's indicated that they want results that are safe for turtles or results that are not safe for turtles. Both of the follow up approaches I've suggested would not apply a filter for "not safe for turtles" and would instead filter for "no preference for turtle safety" (assuming the default is False in the option with changed_data).
If that isn't sufficient, you may be able to avoid posting fields that the user hasn't deliberately selected by disabling / enabling the fields with javascript until the user adds them for their search.
If you end up with that, you may want to set the default values to None and use the second check (so long as None isn't a valid option!).

You do not have to use Q and &. Every filter operation does and with previous. So You will have the same number of if operations as parameters.
q = Product.objects.all()
if param1 != None:
q = q.filter(field1=param1)
if param2 != None:
q = q.filter(field2=param2)
#and so on
It is equivalent to your code but with if.


How to get boolean result in annotate django?

I have a filter which should return a queryset with 2 objects, and should have one different field. for example:
obj_1 = (name='John', age='23', is_fielder=True)
obj_2 = (name='John', age='23', is_fielder=False)
Both the objects are of same model, but different primary key. I tried usign the below filter:
qs = Model.objects.filter(name='John', age='23').annotate(is_fielder=F('plays__outdoor_game_role')=='Fielder')
I used annotate first time, but it gave me the below error:
TypeError: QuerySet.annotate() received non-expression(s): False.
I am new to Django, so what am I doing wrong, and what should be the annotate to get the required objects as shown above?
The solution by #ktowen works well, quite straightforward.
Here is another solution I am using, hope it is helpful too.
queryset = queryset.annotate(is_fielder=ExpressionWrapper(
Here are some explanations for those who are not familiar with Django ORM:
Annotate make a new column/field on the fly, in this case, is_fielder. This means you do not have a field named is_fielder in your model while you can use it like plays.outdor_game_role.is_fielder after you add this 'annotation'. Annotate is extremely useful and flexible, can be combined with almost every other expression, should be a MUST-KNOWN method in Django ORM.
ExpressionWrapper basically gives you space to wrap a more complecated combination of conditions, use in a format like ExpressionWrapper(expression, output_field). It is useful when you are combining different types of fields or want to specify an output type since Django cannot tell automatically.
Q object is a frequently used expression to specify a condition, I think the most powerful part is that it is possible to chain the conditions:
AND (&): filter(Q(condition1) & Q(condition2))
OR (|): filter(Q(condition1) | Q(condition2))
Negative(~): filter(~Q(condition))
It is possible to use Q with normal conditions like below:
The point is Q object must come to the first or it will not work.
Case When(then) can be simply explained as if con1 elif con2 elif con3 .... It is quite powerful and personally, I love to use this to customize an ordering object for a queryset.
For example, you need to return a queryset of watch history items, and those must be in an order of watching by the user. You can do it with for loop to keep the order but this will generate plenty of similar queries. A more elegant way with Case When would be:
item_ids = [list]
ordering = Case(*[When(pk=pk, then=pos)
for pos, pk in enumerate(item_ids)])
watch_history = Item.objects.filter(id__in=item_ids)\
As you can see, by using Case When(then) it is possible to bind those very concrete relations, which could be considered as 1) a pinpoint/precise condition expression and 2) especially useful in a sequential multiple conditions case.
You can use Case/When with annotate
from django.db.models import Case, BooleanField, Value, When
Model.objects.filter(name='John', age='23').annotate(
When(plays__outdoor_game_role='Fielder', then=Value(True)),

Django: Add arbitrary additional data to a queryset

I am trying to display a map of my data based on a search. The easiest way to handle the map display would be to serialized the queryset generated by the search, and indeed this works just fine using . However, I'd really like to allow for multiple searches, with the displayed points being shown in a user chosen color. The user chosen color, obviously cannot come from the database, since it is not a property of these objects, so none of the aggregators make sense here.
I have tried simply making a utility class, since what I really need is a somewhat complex join between two model classes that then gets serialized into geojson. However, once I created that utility class, it became evident that I lost a lot of the benefits of having a queryset, especially the ability to easily serialize the data with django-geojson (or natively once I can get 1.8 to run smoothly).
Basically, I want to be able to do something like:
querySet = datumClass.objects.filter(...user submitted search parameters...).annotate(color='blue')
Is this possible at all? It seems like this would be more elegant and would work better than my current solution of a non-model utility class which has some serious serialization issues when I try to use python-geojson to serialize.
The problem is that extra comes with all sorts of warning about usefulness or deprecation... But this works:
.extra(select={'color': "'blue'"})
Notice the double quotes wrapping the string value.
This translates to:
SELECT ('blue') AS "color"
Not quite sure what you are trying to achieve, but you can add extra attributes to your objects iterating over the queryset in the view. These can be accessed from the template.
for object in queryset :
if object.contition = 'a'
object.color = 'blue'
object.color = 'green'
if you have a dictionary that maps fields to values, you can do things like
filter_dictionary = {
'date__lte' : '2014-03-01'
qs = DatumClass.objects.filter(**filter_dictionary)
And qs would have all dates less than that date (if it has a date field). So, as a user, I could submit any key, value pairs that you could place in your dictionary.

intelligent methodology for filtering server side

My lack of CS and inexperience is really coming to the forefront in this moment. I've never really handled filtering results server side. I'm thinking that this is not the right way to go about it. I'm using Django....
First, I assume that I can keep it DRYer by keeping this validation in my form definitions. Next, I was concerned about my chained filter statements. How important is it to use Q complex lookups as opposed to chaining filters at this point? I'm just building a prototype and I assume that I'll eventually have to go for a search solution more powerful than full text search.
My big issue right now (besides the length of the code and clearly the inefficiency) is that I'm not sure how to handle my rooms and workers inputs, which are select forms. If the user does not select a value, I want to remove these filters from the process server side. Should I just create two separate conditional series of lookups for these outcomes?
def search(request):
if request.method=='GET' and request.GET.get('region',''):
min_rent=re.sub(r'[,]','',min_cost) #remove any ','
max_cost=re.sub(r'[,]','',max_cost) #remove any ','
if not date_min:
date_min=u'%s' %date
if not date_max:
if not rooms:
if not workers:
#I should probably use Q objects here for complex lookups
#return HttpResponse('%s' %posts)
return render_to_response("website/search.html",{'posts':posts),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
First, I assume that I can keep it
DRYer by keeping this validation in my
form definitions.
Yes, I'd put this in a form as it looks like you are using one to display the form anyways? Also, you can put a lot of your date formatting stuff right in the clean_FIELD methods to format the data in the cleaned_data dict. The only issue here is that output is actually modified so your users will see the change from 1,000 to 1000. Either way, I would put this logic in a form method.
# makes the view clean.
if form.is_valid():
return response
My big issue right now (besides the
length of the code and clearly the
inefficiency) is that I'm not sure how
to handle my rooms and workers inputs,
which are select forms. If the user
does not select a value, I want to
remove these filters from the process
server side. Should I just create two
separate conditional series of lookups
for these outcomes?
Q objects are only for complex lookups. I don't see a need for them here.
I also don't see why you need to chain the filters. I at first wondered if these are m2m, but these types of queries (__gt/__lt) don't behave any differently chaining as there is no overlap between the queries.
# this is more readable / concise.
# I'd combine as many of your queries as you can just for readability.
posts = Posts.objects.filter(
# etc
Now, if you want optional arguments, my suggestion is to use a dictionary of keyword arguments so that you can dynamically populate the kwargs.
keyword_arguments = {
'region__in': region,
'cost__gte': min_cost,
'cost__lt': max_cost,
'availability__gt': date_min,
'availability__lt': date_max,
if request.GET.get('rooms'):
keyword_arguments['rooms'] = request.GET['rooms']
if request.GET.get('workers'):
keyword_arguments['workers'] = request.GET['workers']
posts = Posts.objects.filter(**keyword_arguments)

Django most efficient way to do this?

I have developed a few Django apps, all pretty straight-forward in terms of how I am interacting with the models.
I am building one now that has several different views which, for lack of a better term, are "canned" search result pages. These pages all return results from the same model, but they are filtered on different columns. One page we might be filtering on type, another we might be filtering on type and size, and on yet another we may be filtering on size only, etc...
I have written a function in which is used by each of these pages, it takes a kwargs and in that are the criteria upon which to search. The minimum is one filter but one of the views has up to 4.
I am simply seeing if the kwargs dict contains one of the filter types, if so I filter the result on that value (I just wrote this code now, I apologize if any errors, but you should get the point):
def get_search_object(**kwargs):
q = Entry.objects.all()
if kwargs.__contains__('the_key1'):
q = q.filter(column1=kwargs['the_key1'])
if kwargs.__contains__('the_key2'):
q = q.filter(column2=kwargs['the_key2'])
return q.distinct()
Now, according to the django docs (, these is fine, in that the DB will not be hit until the set is evaluated, lately though I have heard that this is not the most efficient way to do it and one should probably use Q objects instead.
I guess I am looking for an answer from other developers out there. My way currently works fine, if my way is totally wrong from a resources POV, then I will change ASAP.
Thanks in advance
Resource-wise, you're fine, but there are a lot of ways it can be stylistically improved to avoid using the double-underscore methods and to make it more flexible and easier to maintain.
If the kwargs being used are the actual column names then you should be able to pretty easily simplify it since what you're kind of doing is deconstructing the kwargs and rebuilding it manually but for only specific keywords.
def get_search_object(**kwargs):
entries = Entry.objects.filter(**kwargs)
return entries.distinct()
The main difference there is that it doesn't enforce that the keys be actual columns and pretty badly needs some exception handling in there. If you want to restrict it to a specific set of fields, you can specify that list and then build up a dict with the valid entries.
def get_search_object(**kwargs):
valid_fields = ['the_key1', 'the_key2']
filter_dict = {}
for key in kwargs:
if key in valid_fields:
filter_dict[key] = kwargs[key]
entries = Entry.objects.filter(**filter_dict)
return entries.distinct()
If you want a fancier solution that just checks that it's a valid field on that model, you can (ab)use _meta:
def get_search_object(**kwargs):
valid_fields = [ for field in Entry._meta.fields]
filter_dict = {}
for key in kwargs:
if key in valid_fields:
filter_dict[key] = kwargs[key]
entries = Entry.objects.filter(**filter_dict)
return entries.distinct()
In this case, your usage is fine from an efficiency standpoint. You would only need to use Q objects if you needed to OR your filters instead of AND.

Django Newbie here... Is there a good way of handling empty MultipleChoiceField results (like a List-Comp format?)

I came across this blog entry which describes an elegant way of handling results returned from a ChoiceField to a view using a list comprehension technique - one that eliminates empty keys/values without all the intermediate data structures. This particular approach doesn't seem to work for MultipeChoiceFields, though. Is there a similar way one might approach those? (If, for example, the bedroom and bathrooms fields in the following example returned multiple values).
The code is as follows:
if search_form.is_valid():
searchdict = search_form.cleaned_data
# It's easier to store a dict of the possible lookups we want, where
# the values are the keyword arguments for the actual query.
qdict = { 'city': 'city__icontains',
'zip_code': 'zip_code',
'property_type': 'property_type_code',
'county': 'county__icontains',
'minimum_price': 'sale_price__gte',
'maximum_price': 'sale_price__lte',
'bedrooms': 'bedrooms__gte',
'bathrooms': 'baths_total__gte'}
# Then we can do this all in one step instead of needing to call
# 'filter' and deal with intermediate data structures.
q_objs = [Q(**{qdict[k]: searchdict[k]}) for k in qdict.keys() if searchdict.get(k, None)]
Thank you very much...this is an awesome community.
Hmm... tricky one, the problem is that you only want that specific case to work as multivalued so you can't use the "normal" approach of adding the filters.
Atleast... I'm assuming that if someone selects multiple bathrooms that it would be either instead of both.
This is too much for a one liner I think, but it can work ;)
import operator
create_qs = lambda k, vs: reduce(operator.or_, [Q(**{k: v}) for v in vs])
q_objs = [create_qs(k, searchdict.getlist(k)) for k in qdict.keys() if k in searchdict]
You might be looking for the IN field lookup like this:
'bathrooms': 'baths_total__in',