Is there a way to have something like
myapp hostname:port
parsed by boost program_options? I'm also using other options and I would love to use boost program_options without having to roll my own parser for argc/argv.
I tried with some combinations of
("help", "list all available options")
(new MyCustomValue(&store_var), "")
but it didn't work
As Dan MaĊĦek writes, this looks more fitting for a positional argument. Since you specify a specific structure for the option, though, you might want to add std::regex_match.
Say you start with
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::program_options;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
try {
options_description desc{"Options"};
("help,h", "Help screen")
("ip_port", value<std::string>()->required(), "ip:port");
positional_options_description pos_desc;
pos_desc.add("ip_port", -1);
command_line_parser parser{argc, argv};
parsed_options parsed_options =;
variables_map vm;
store(parsed_options, vm);
const auto ip_port = vm["ip_port"].as<string>();
At this point, we have the user's input for ip_port. We can define a regex to match it. Note that first part can be a string (e.g., localhost), but the second part must be an integer:
const regex ip_port_re("([^:]+):([[:digit:]]+)");
smatch ip_port_match;
if(!regex_match(ip_port, ip_port_match, ip_port_re))
throw validation_error{validation_error::invalid_option_value, ip_port, "ip_port"};
cout << "ip: " << ip_port_match[1] << " port: " << ip_port_match[2] << endl;
catch (const error &ex) {
cerr << ex.what() << '\n';
When running it, it looks like this:
$ g++ --std=c++11 po.cpp -lboost_program_options && ./a.out
ip: port: 30
$ g++ --std=c++11 po.cpp -lboost_program_options && ./a.out localhost:30
ip: localhost port: 30
$ g++ --std=c++11 po.cpp -lboost_program_options && ./a.out localhost:30d
the argument for option 'localhost:30d' is invalid
$ g++ --std=c++11 po.cpp -lboost_program_options && ./a.out
the option '--ip_port' is required but missing
$ g++ --std=c++11 po.cpp -lboost_program_options && ./a.out localhost:30 foo
option '--ip_port' cannot be specified more than once
When I'm using boost::program_options, after throwing out validation_error, the error message does not display the full option name.
I have the following simple example source code, compiled with g++ -std=c++11 test.cpp -lboost_program_options. This program has one valid command line option: --hello-world, which is supposed to be set to either a or b, e.g. ./a.out --hello-world a is valid but ./a.out --hello-world c is invalid. Then, execute the code with an invalid option, for example ./a.out --hello-world c. The error message is like the following:
the argument for option 'world' is invalid
But I would expect the option name to be hello-world and the invalid value should also be displayed. Is there any way I can change this?
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
namespace po = boost::program_options;
char v;
po::options_description desc("Options");
("hello-world", po::value<>(&v)->default_value('a')->notifier(
[](char x)
if (x != 'a' && x != 'b')
throw po::validation_error(
"hello-world", std::string(1, x));
"An option must be set to either 'a' or 'b'");
po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv). options(desc).run(), vm);
catch (const std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
The name of your option is invalid "hello-world". Option names can not contain a dash, "-".
Typically the message will look like:
the argument ('32768') for option '--the_int16' is invalid
I found out, that gtkmm is delaying the output I wrote to std::cerr/std::cout until the Gtk::Window is closed.
But after a bit of researching I found out, that this is not always true. For example, if I add a Button to the Window, and I show the button, outputs on STDOUT and STDERR are working as exepcted.
To test this, I have written an MWE: (If you uncomment the line;, you would see, that output is not delayed. But if you don't show the button, the output is delayed, until the window is closed.)
Also I have addedd a ofstream, which outputs the contents in both cases directly to /tmp/test.
#include <gtkmm/window.h>
#include <gtkmm/button.h>
#include <gtkmm/application.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
class window_t : public Gtk::Window {
Gtk::Button _button;
window_t::window_t(void): _button("Click ME") {
std::cerr << "construct-cerr" << std::endl;
std::cout << "construct-cout" << std::endl;
std::ofstream file("/tmp/test");
file << "construct-file" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
auto app = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "com.example.test");
window_t gtkmm_window;
return app->run(gtkmm_window);
You can compile this code by:
g++ main.cpp -o main `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtkmm-3.0` -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wcast-qual -Wcast-align -Wconversion -fdiagnostics-color=auto -g -O2 -std=c++11
Why does gtkmm delay outputs to STD(OUT|ERR) and how can I prevent this?
I am using gcc version 4.9.2 and gtkmm 3.14.
I'm learning cpp-netlib and I tried running the exmaple client given on the official website. The code is very simple:
#include <boost/network/protocol/http/client.hpp>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
using namespace boost::network;
if (argc != 2) {
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [url]" << std::endl;
return 1;
http::client client;
http::client::request request(argv[1]);
request << header("Connection", "close");
http::client::response response = client.get(request);
std::cout << body(response) << std::endl;
return 0;
And here is my makefile for this c++ application:
CC = g++ -std=c++11
CFLAG = -I/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.57.0/include
LIBFLAG = -L/usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.57.0/lib
all: client
client: client.o
$(CC) $(LIBFLAG) -lboost_system -lboost_thread client.o -o client
client.o: client.cpp
$(CC) -c $(CFLAG) client.cpp
rm -rf *.o client
It complains about not finding lboost_thread library after compilation:
ld: library not found for -lboost_thread
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [client] Error 1
In my boost library directory, the boost_thread library shows up like this:
libboost_thread-mt.a libboost_thread-mt.dylib
Why isn't it able to find this library? Did I make any mistake in the linking?
Try changing your makefile to link to -lboost-thread-mt instead of -lboost-thread.
You seems to be missing libboost_thread for some reason
I use boost.program_options library. Consider this simplified case.
po::options_description desc("Usage");
("uninstall,u", "uninstall program")
("custom,c", po::wvalue<std::wstring>(), "specify custom action");
po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
I want to produce error on such command-line:
testprog.exe -u c- action1
Note, user made a typo "c-" instead of "-c". But the parser understands this as a single -u option. How do I handle such cases?
I want to produce error on such command-line:
testprog.exe -u c- action1
Note, user made a typo "c-" instead of "-c". But the parser
understands this as a single -u option. How do I handle such cases?
Instruct the program_options library to accept no positional arguments and you get the desired behavior
code & compile:
macmini:stackoverflow samm$ cat
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#include <iostream>
main(int argc, char* argv[])
namespace po = boost::program_options;
po::options_description desc("Usage");
("uninstall,u", "uninstall program")
("custom,c", po::wvalue<std::wstring>(), "specify custom action")
po::variables_map vm;
po::command_line_parser cmd_line( argc, argv );
cmd_line.options( desc );
cmd_line.positional( po::positional_options_description() );
try {
po::store(, vm );
} catch ( const std::exception& e ) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return -1;
return 0;
macmini:stackoverflow samm$ g++ -I /opt/local/include -L/opt/local/lib -lboost_program_options -Wl,-rpath,/opt/local/lib
macmini:stackoverflow samm$ ./a.out -u c- action1
too many positional options
macmini:stackoverflow samm$ ./a.out -u -c action1
macmini:stackoverflow samm$
Compare argc-1 to the number of arguments found by program_options? If it doesn't match, there is a syntax error.
It won't catch all cases but it may catch those important to you.
I think the only way you can do this is to ensure that each argument you require is present, for example by testing the count of each type.
if (vm.count("uninstall")) { ... }
if (vm.count("custom")) { ... }
You can generate an error if the options you require are not present (i.e. count is 0) or are present (for example -u and -c cannot be specified would be count of both is >0).
I am writing the following code on boost's program_options (version 1.42). This seems straight-forward and taken pretty much as is from the tutorial. However, I get a "multiple_occurrences" error. Further investigation discovers that it's (probably) the "filename" parameter that raises it.
The parameters I am giving are:
3 1 test.txt 100
I have no insight to it whatsoever.. any help will be appreciated.
po::options_description common("Common options");
("help", "produce help message")
("motif_size", po::value<int>(&motif_size), "Size of motif (subgraph)")
("prob", po::value<double>(&prob), "Probably to continue examining an edge")
("filename", po::value<string>(&input_filename), "Filename of the input graph")
("repeats", po::value<int>(&n_estimates), "Number of estimates")
po::options_description all;
po::positional_options_description p;
p.add("motif_size", 0).add("prob", 1).add("filename", 2).add("repeats", 3);
po::variables_map vm;
po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
options(all).positional(p).run(), vm);
the second parameter to po::positional_options_description::add is the max count, not the position. The position is implied in the order you specify the positional options. So
p.add("motif_size", 0).add("prob", 1).add("filename", 2).add("repeats", 3);
should be
p.add("motif_size", 1).add("prob", 1).add("filename", 1).add("repeats", 1);
Here's a compilable snippet
include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
main(unsigned argc, char** argv)
namespace po = boost::program_options;
po::options_description common("Common options");
("help", "produce help message")
("motif_size", po::value<int>(), "Size of motif (subgraph)")
("prob", po::value<double>(), "Probably to continue examining an edge")
("filename", po::value<std::string>(), "Filename of the input graph")
("repeats", po::value<int>(), "Number of estimates")
po::options_description all;
po::positional_options_description p;
p.add("motif_size", 1).add("prob", 1).add("filename", 1).add("repeats", 1);
po::variables_map vm;
try {
po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
options(all).positional(p).run(), vm);
} catch ( const boost::program_options::error& e ) {
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
and sample invocation.
macmini:~ samm$ g++ -lboost_program_options
macmini:~ samm$ ./a.out 3 1 test.txt 100
macmini:~ samm$
My original answer is below.
What version of program_options? I had the same problem using boost 1.39, to solve it I ended up using boost 1.42.
Here's a link to the ticket describing the problem, and a patch to apply if you don't want to or can't upgrade your copy of boost. To use the new functionality, do something like this
try {
// argument parsing goes here
} catch ( const boost::program_options::multiple_occurrences& e ) {
std::cerr << e.what() << " from option: " << e.get_option_name() << std::endl;