Called stop() outside of a test context in Ember acceptance test - ember.js

I made my first acceptance test with Ember CLI. I use Ember Mirage to mock the server.
test('create file', function(assert){
fillIn('input[name=username]', 'Joe');
fillIn('input[name=password]', 'foo');
andThen(function() {
The test runs successfully, but it hangs, and I am getting the following error
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Called stop() outside of a test context
at Object.stop (http://localhost:4200/assets/test-support.js:2469:10)
at Class.asyncStart (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:49507:13)
at asyncStart (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:41446:44) at
Object.async (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:41460:7) at
fulfill (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:61624:26) at
handleMaybeThenable (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:61584:9)
at resolve (http://localhost:4200/assets/vendor.js:61597:7) at sealed
Ajax service
I use an ajax service, which makes calls to custom api endpoints. As you can see it uses the standard JSONAPISerializer. Could be still a problem ? This is an existing app, and there is no easy way to turn off this service, to test without it.
export default Ember.Service.extend({
call: function(method, type, id, action, hash = null){
var owner = Ember.getOwner(this);
var adapter = owner.lookup('adapter:application');
var url = adapter.buildURL(type, id) + '/' + action;
if (hash) { = $.extend({}, hash);
return adapter.ajax(url, method, hash);
I have changed the test slightly + turned on ENV.APP.LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL and ENV.APP.LOG_TRANSITIONS to see better whats going on:
$.Velocity.mock = true
var done = assert.async();
fillIn('input[name=username]', 'Joe');
fillIn('input[name=password]', 'foo');
andThen(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
assert.equal( find('.btn-primary').length, 2,"button was found" );
}, 20000);
It looks like the login works fine, then
Transition #2: calling deserialize
hook ember.debug.js:51061 Transition #2: calling afterModel hook
ember.debug.js:51061 Transition #2: Resolved all models on destination
route; finalizing transition. ember.debug.js:6520 generated ->
controller:projects Object {fullName: "controller:projects"}
tells me, that the transition was ok, and I can see the new page in qunit's container.
sometimes I also receive
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: You have turned on testing mode,
which disabled the run-loop's autorun. You will need to wrap any code
with asynchronous side-effects in a run


How to test VueRouter's beforeRouteEnter using '#vue/test-utils'?

I'm trying to test my 'Container' component which handles a forms logic. It is using vue-router and the vuex store to dispatch actions to get a forms details.
I have the following unit code which isn't working as intended:
it('On route enter, it should dispatch an action to fetch form details', () => {
const getFormDetails = sinon.stub();
const store = new Vuex.Store({
actions: { getFormDetails }
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent, { store });
With the following component (stripped of everything because I don't think its relevant (hopefully):
export default {
async beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) {
await store.dispatch('getFormDetails');
I get the following assertion error:
AssertionError: expected false to be true
I'm guessing it is because I am not mounting the router in my test along with a localVue. I tried following the steps but I couldn't seem to get it to invoke the beforeRouteEnter.
Ideally, I would love to inject the router with a starting path and have different tests on route changes. For my use case, I would like to inject different props/dispatch different actions based on the component based on the path of the router.
I'm very new to Vue, so apologies if I'm missing something super obvious and thank you in advance for any help! 🙇🏽
See this doc:
Based on the doc, your test should look like this:
it('On route enter, it should dispatch an action to fetch form details', async () => {
const getFormDetails = sinon.stub();
const store = new Vuex.Store({
actions: { getFormDetails }
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent, { store });
const next = sinon.stub(), undefined, undefined, next)
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick()
A common pattern with beforeRouteEnter is to call methods directly at the instantiated vm instance. The documentation states:
The beforeRouteEnter guard does NOT have access to this, because the guard is called before the navigation is confirmed, thus the new entering component has not even been created yet.
However, you can access the instance by passing a callback to next. The callback will be called when the navigation is confirmed, and the component instance will be passed to the callback as the argument:
beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
next(vm => {
// access to component instance via `vm`
This is why simply creating a stub or mock callback of next does not work in this case. I solved the problem by using the following parameter for next:
// mount the component
const wrapper = mount(Component, {});
// call the navigation guard manually, undefined, undefined, (c) => c(wrapper.vm));
// await
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();

Ember; how to test behavior of a caught exception which wraps code in

I am testing a service method that returns a promise; I want to verify that it catches an error, calls an error-reporting service, and then rethrows the error. I thought that since this error handler was a callback, I should run the catch code in, but that is making my tests fail after upgrading from Ember 2.3 to Ember 2.13. Removing the fixes the tests but I assume uses the autorun loop, which the guides discourage. What am I doing wrong?
// .... service boilerplate
doAsyncThing() {
return get(this, 'someService').postV2Request().catch((e) => {
// tests fail unless I remove => {
let logError = new Error('foobar error');
// ... service boilerplate
test('doAsyncThing reports an error if there is one', function(assert) {
let done = assert.async();
let deferred = RSVP.defer();
let apiService = mock({
postV2Request: sinon.stub().returns(deferred.promise)
let reportErrorStub = sinon.stub();
let service = this.subject({
reportError: reportErrorStub
service.doAsyncThing('foo', 'bar', 'baz').catch(() => {
assert.ok(true, 'The exception is rethrown');
assert.ok(reportErrorStub.called, 'reportError was called');
assert.equal(reportErrorStub.args[0][0].message, 'foobar error', 'format of message is ok');
As it turns out, promise callbacks are automatically wrapped in run loops by Ember, so my extra call to run was probably getting scheduled later. More details here but the TLDR was, the was superflous and made Ember think the exception was uncaught due to specifics about Ember's testing mode.

dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread [duplicate]

React Tests Fails after set State causes second render
Up until now testing has been going well with JSDOM and Mocha. So far have not had to test any components that change their state. I found my first issue testing a component that changes it's state.
The Error
1) Reduced Test Case - #current Tests that Fail when Component changes state and renders "before each" hook:
Error: Invariant Violation: dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread. Make sure `window` and `document` are available globally before requiring React when unit testing or use React.renderToString for server rendering.
at Context.<anonymous> (test/react-reflux/parts/Reduced-spec.js:47:32)
The Component : Reduced.js
var React = require('react');
var Reduced = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
console.log("start off with editing as false");
return {editing: false};
edit() {
console.log("Setting State to Edit");
this.setState({editing: true});
render() {
return (
<span onClick={this.edit}>
{(this.state.editing) ? "Editing" : "Click To Edit"}
module.exports = Reduced;
The Tests : 1-pass, 1-fail
var React, TestUtils, jsdom, Reduced, expect;
describe('Reduced Test Case', function () {
before(function () {
jsdom = require('jsdom');
global.document = jsdom.jsdom('<!doctype html><html><body></body></html>');
global.window = global.document.parentWindow;
React = require('react/addons');
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
Reduced = require('./Reduced');
expect = require('chai').expect;
this.component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<Reduced />
var root = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(this.component, 'span');
this.el = root.getDOMNode();
describe("Tests Pass without simulate", function () {
it("Root Element Reads 'Click To Edit'", function () {
expect(this.el.innerHTML).to.equal('Click To Edit');
describe("Tests that Fail when Component changes state and renders", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
// Simulate invokes edit, invokes set state, invokes render, then error occures
it("Root Element Reads 'Editing'", function () {
The Results
> mocha --compilers js:babel/register
Reduced Test Case - #current
start off with editing as false
Tests Pass without simulate
✓ Root Element Reads 'Click To Edit'
Tests that Fail when Component changes state and renders
Setting State to Edit
1) "before each" hook
1 passing (379ms)
1 failing
1) Reduced Test Case Tests that Fail when Component changes state and renders "before each" hook:
Error: Invariant Violation: dangerouslyRenderMarkup(...): Cannot render markup in a worker thread. Make sure `window` and `document` are available globally before requiring React when unit testing or use React.renderToString for server rendering.
at Context.<anonymous> (test/Reduced-spec.js:47:32)
I've been going crazy
Everything is loaded after global.window and global.document
The Simulate Event invokes edit(), then render() before error
All React Mocha JSDOM tests have been working well until this state change issue
Please help ???
The setup JSDOM setup was missing global.navigator.
global.navigator = {
userAgent: 'node.js'
Insert your global object modifying(passing window and document objects to global) before React is required.
Because React creates its ExecutionEnvironment object while required and don't modify it while works.

Ember-CLI-Mirage enforcing JSON:API?

Stumped on a couple failures and want to know if I'm understanding Mirage correctly:
1.In ember-cli-mirage, am I correct that the server response I define should reflect what my actual server is returning? For example:
this.get('/athletes', function(db, request) {
let athletes = db.athletes || [];
return {
athletes: athletes,
meta: { count: athletes.length }
I am using custom serializers and the above matches the format of my server response for a get request on this route, however, on two tests I'm getting two failures with this error: normalizeResponse must return a valid JSON API document: meta must be an object
2.Is mirage enforcing the json:api format, and is it doing so because of the way I'm setting up the tests?
For example, I have several tests that visit the above /athletes route, yet my failures occur when I use an async call like below. I would love to know the appropriate way to correctly overwrite the server response behavior, as well as why the normalizeResponse error appears in the console for 2 tests but only causes the one below to fail.
test('contact params not sent with request after clicking .showglobal', function(assert) {
let done = assert.async();
server.createList('athlete', 10);
//perform a search, which shows all 10 athletes
fillIn('.search-inner input', "c");
andThen(() => {
server.get('/athletes', (db, request) => {
//get global athletes, which I thought would now be intercepted by the server.get call defined within the andThen block
✘ Error: Assertion Failed: normalizeResponse must return a valid JSON API document:
* meta must be an object
expected true
I tried changing my server response to a json:api format as suggested in the last example here but this looks nothing like my actual server response and causes my tests to fail since my app doesn't parse a payload with this structure. Any tips or advice must appreciated.
You are correct. Are the failures happening for the mock you've shown above? It looks to me like that would always return meta as an object, so verify the response is what you think it should be by looking in the console after the request is made.
If you'd like to see responses during a test, enter server.logging = true in your test:
test('I can view the photos', function() {
server.logging = true;
server.createList('photo', 10);
andThen(function() {
equal( find('img').length, 10 );
No, Mirage is agnostic about your particular backend, though it does come with some defaults. Again I would try enabling server.logging here to debug your tests.
Also, when writing asserts against the mock server, define the route handlers at the beginning of the test, as shown in the example from the docs.
I was able to get my second test to pass based on Sam's advice. My confusion was how to assert against the request params for a route that I have to visit and perform actions on. I was having to visit /athletes, click on different buttons, and each of these actions was sending separate requests (and params) to the /athletes route. That's is why I was trying to redefine the route handler within the andThen block (i.e. after I had already visited the route using the route definition in my mirage/config file).
Not in love with my solution, but the way I handled it was to move my assertion out of route handler and instead assign the value of the request to a top-level variable. That way, in my final andThen() block, I was able to assert against the last call to the /athletes route.
//will get assigned the value of 'request' on each server call
let athletesRequest;
//override server response defined in mirage/config in order to
//capture and assert against request/response after user actions
server.get('athletes', (db, request) => {
let athletes = db.athletes || [];
athletesRequest = request;
return {
athletes: athletes,
meta: { count: athletes.length }
//sends request to /athletes
andThen(() => {
//sends request to /athletes
fillIn('.search-inner input', "ab");
andThen(function() {
//sends (final) request to /athletes
andThen(function() {
//asserts against /athletes request made on click('') assert.notOk(athletesRequest.queryParams.hasOwnProperty("contact"));
I'm still getting console errors related to meta is not an object, but they are not preventing tests from passing. Using the server.logging = true allowed me to see that meta is indeed an object in all FakeServer responses.
Thanks again to Sam for the advice. server.logging = true and pauseTest() make acceptance tests a lot easier to troubleshoot.

Ember CLI Controller Test: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transitionToRoute' of null

I have a controller I'm testing with Ember CLI, but the controller's promise will not resolve, as the controller's transitionToRoute method is returning null:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transitionToRoute' of null
success: (response) ->
# ...
attemptedTransition = #get("attemptedTransition")
if attemptedTransition
#set "attemptedTransition", null
#transitionToRoute "dashboard"
`import {test, moduleFor} from "ember-qunit"`
moduleFor "controller:login", "LoginController", {
# Replace this with your real tests.
test "it exists", ->
controller = #subject()
ok controller
Test whether the authentication token is passed back in JSON response, with `token`
test "obtains authentication token", ->
expect 2
workingLogin = {
username: "",
password: "pass"
controller = #subject()>
username: "",
password: "pass"
token = controller.get("token")
ok(controller.get("token") isnt null)
equal(controller.get("token").length, 64)
When the line #transitionToRoute("dashboard") is removed, the test passes; otherwise, the test fails.
How can I fix this error, while still maintaining my controller logic?
Work around: bypass transitionToRoute if target is null. Something like:
if (this.get('target')) {
I ran into the same error and dug into Ember source code a little bit. In my case this error is thrown by ControllerMixin because get(this, 'target') is null at this line. The test module probably has no idea what target should be in a controller unit test like this without further context, so you may need to manually set it or just bypass it.
Since you're not interested in the transition itself, you can just stub out the transitionToRoute method on the controller.
test('Name', function() {
var controller = this.subject();
controller.transitionToRoute = Ember.K;
test "it exists", ->
controller = #subject()
controller.transitionToRoute = Ember.K
ok controller
Not sure why transitionToRoute method is undefined when you execute it within an unit test - it is probably related to the fact that the execution context is different.
One possible workaround to this would be if you move your transitionToRoute call to the route instead of it being in the controller. That way your controller will send action to its route and you'll keep routing only in the route.
There is a big discussion around which is better practice - routing from controller or not but this is another story.