Web Application with Charm Crypto - web-services

I suppose to make a web application where the users can login in this platform with username and password (I want to make a MySQL database to stare username and password).
After when the user is logged, he selects a file from his computer and send this file on server.
I want encrypt this file to a group of users (I want use HybridABE cryptography with Charm Crypto).
Now I have these architectural/programming question.
Suppose that we have this program:
from charm.toolbox.pairinggroup import PairingGroup,GT
from charm.adapters.abenc_adapt_hybrid import HybridABEnc as HybridABEnc
from charm.schemes.abenc.abenc_waters09 import CPabe09
group = PairingGroup('SS512')
cpabe = CPabe09(group)
hyb_abe = HybridABEnc(cpabe, group)
policy = '((ONE or THREE) and (TWO or FOUR))'
msg = "hello world this is an important message."
(master_secret_key, master_public_key) = hyb_abe.setup()
attr_list = ['THREE', 'ONE', 'TWO']
secret_key = hyb_abe.keygen(master_public_key, master_secret_key, attr_list)
cipher_text = hyb_abe.encrypt(master_public_key, msg, policy)
decrypted_msg = hyb_abe.decrypt(master_public_key, secret_key, cipher_text)
Where can I save the Master Private Key and the Master Public Key ? On a directory server like file ? On database ?
Where can I save the secret key of user ?

An Attribute-based Encryption system is usually created once and has only one master secret key and public key pair.
The master secret key is stored on the server that generates the user secret keys. Since there is usually only one master secret key, you can even generate it and put it into the source code of your server code. Of course, you can include it in the server database.
User secret keys have to be given to users. Remember to give your users some kind of (public) identifier along with the user secret key so that you can manage the list of attributes that a certain user has at the server-side. Otherwise, you will have a headache when you try to update attributes, because you will need to contact users with their new user secret key.
The master public key (usually called "public parameters" or simply "public key") is public. It's a good idea to include it in the package that you give to your users. You can also create an API endpoint so that interested "users" can ask your server for the public key.


Google API user creation with service account

I'm trying to create a user using Googles Directory API and a service account. However I'm getting the error
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://admin.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/users?alt=json returned "Not Authorized to access this resource/api". Details: "Not Authorized to access this resource/api">
I've created a service account on the Google Console and allowed Domain wide delegation. It also says the Admin SDK API is enabled for my project. However I can't seem to create a user. The documentation is confusing me slightly. Here is my implementation
def create_googleuser(content, randpass):
''' This function creates a Google Apps account for a user passing webhook contents and password as arguments '''
# Get User info from Webhook and store them in variables
firstname = get_firstname(content)
secondname = get_secondname(content)
emailaddress = firstname + "." + secondname + "#example.com"
# Connect to google API
userscope = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user']
service_account_credentials = ('serviceaccountcredentials.json')
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_credentials, scopes=userscope)
userservice = googleapiclient.discovery.build('admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=credentials)
# Create a user dictionary with user details
userinfo = {"primaryEmail": emailaddress,"name":{"givenName":firstname,"familyName":secondname},"password":randpass}
print (emailaddress)
# Create user through googleAPI
userservice.users().insert(body = userinfo).execute()
I'm thinking that my implementation is wrong rather than the permissions as the serviceaccountcredentials.json should have the correct permissions. Any suggestions?
There are two possibilities for getting this error.
If the API method requires an impersonated user to be used.
If the impersonated user has not the relevant service enabled.
Solution for case 1:
Follow the documentation to impersonate a user account.
Solution for case 2:
In the Admin console, open user information and check that the user is not suspended.
Open the "Apps" panel and check that the relevant service is "On".
May be caused by a user not having a license which allows access to the service (Cloud Identity instead of Google Workspace), or a user being in an organizational unit which has the service disabled.
Also this link might be helpful.
Thanks for the input. You were both correct to a point. Basically there were two issues. The service account user needs to be delegated domain administrator privileges that require domain admin actions, domain wide delegation isn't enough. Also the domain scope needed to be broader in the Admin console and the scope definition within the code. There is github issue open which helped here:
My working code looks like this
def create_googleuser(content, randpass):
''' This function creates a Google Apps account for a user passing webhook contents and password as arguments '''
# Get User info from Webhook and store them in variables
username = get_username(content)
firstname = get_firstname(content)
secondname = get_secondname(content)
emailaddress = firstname + "." + secondname + "#example.com"
# Connect to google API
userscope = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user', 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/admin.directory.user.security']
service_account_credentials = ('serviceaccountcredentials.json')
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_credentials, scopes=userscope)
delegated_credentials = credentials.with_subject('domain.admin#example.com')
userservice = googleapiclient.discovery.build('admin', 'directory_v1', credentials=delegated_credentials)
# Create a user dictionary with user details
userinfo = {"primaryEmail": emailaddress,"name":{"givenName":firstname,"familyName":secondname},"password":randpass}
# Create user through googleAPI
userservice.users().insert(body = userinfo).execute()

How to disable a user's password in AWS using boto3

I am auditing user passwords in AWS using boto3 and I'm not finding a way to accomplish the following CIS Benchmark: "Ensure credentials (with password enabled) unused for 90 days or greater are disabled."
I have the code to pull the password age and to pull the last time the password was used, but I do not find anything to make inactive a password.
For access keys (but not passwords), we have the following:
client = session.client('iam')
... (get user and keyid) ...
last_used = client.get_access_key_last_used(AccessKeyId=keyid)
... (determine the age of the key) ...
if age >= 90:
client.update_access_key(AccessKeyId=keyid, Status='Inactive', UserName=user)
Does anyone have any pointers?
delete_login_profile is the one you should use if you want to delete the password for the specified IAM user, which terminates the user's ability to access AWS services through the AWS Management Console.
However to prevent all user access (including CLI and API access) you must also either make any access keys inactive or delete them.
From Boto3 Documentation:
Deleting a user's password does not prevent a user from accessing AWS
through the command line interface or the API. To prevent all user
access you must also either make any access keys inactive or delete
them. For more information about making keys inactive or deleting
them, see UpdateAccessKey and DeleteAccessKey.
If you want to change the password, you should use update_login_profile boto3 API. If you want to disable the password, you need to use delete_login_profile.
boto3 documentation for update_login_profile can be found here.
boto3 documentation for delete_login_profile can be found here.
Thanks to the responders, delete_login_profile followed by a password reset using create_login_profile is exactly what I needed. I saw it in the docs, but "delete" just sounded too scary.
def getPassword(client, user):
''' get the password data from aws '''
response = client.get_login_profile(UserName=user)
return response
except client.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException as e:
return ''
# setup the client handler
client = session.client('iam')
# set the user
user = 'some.user'
# if the user has a password, execute this code block
if getPassword(client=client, user=user):
... code to test the password age here ...
... if it's too old, then ...
# remove the login_profile/password/ability to use the Console
# set the new password
passwd = raw_input('Enter New Password: ')
# create the new login_profile with the new password and force the user to change the password on the next login
client.create_login_profile(UserName=user, Password=passwd, PasswordResetRequired=True)

Odoo website, Creating a signup page for external users

How can I create a signup page in odoo website. The auth_signup module seems to do the job (according to their description). I don't know how to utilize it.
In the signup page there shouldn't be database selector
Where should I store the user data(including password); res.users or res.partner
you can turn off db listing w/ some params in in odoo.cfg conf
db_name = mydb
list_db = False
dbfilter = mydb
auth_signup takes care of the registration, you don't need to do anything. A res.user will be created as well as a partner related to it.
The pwd is stored in the user.
User Signup is a standard feature provided by Odoo, and it seems that you already found it.
The database selector shows because you have several PostgresSSQL databases.
The easiest way is to set a filter that limits it to the one you want:
start the server with the option --dbfilter=^MYDB$, where MYDBis the database name.
User data is stored both in res.userand res.partner: the user specific data, such as login and password, are stored in res.user. Other data, such as the Name is stored in a related res.partner record.

Websphere Role Based WS-Security with UsernameToken

Through the Websphere Console I've setup a Policy Set and a Policy Set Binding in order to support UsernameToken authentication on a webservice. As expected, it is rejecting web service calls without correct usernames and passwords. However, it is now accepting every user in the connected LDAP.
I would like to be able to only allow access to users in a specific LDAP group. I have the feeling that I need to create a custom JAAS Login in the Caller settings, but I'm not completely sure.
Does anybody have a solution for this, or a direction where I should be looking?
Edit: I'm doing this to expose an IBM BPM web service.
Create your web service based on EJB not a POJO, and then use #RolesAllowed annotation to specify roles which are allowed to invoke particular method from your service. Use adminconsole, scirpt or binding file to map defined role to user or groups from the LDAP server.
This is probably much easier than fighting with Login module and more flexible.
You can create a custom JAAS login module to use when consuming the username token. You can use a JAAS config that first calls the built-in token consumer, then your custom consumer. Doing it this way means that you can use the built-in consumer to parse the token and do timestamp and nonce processing and you only have to do the username/password validation in your own login module.
The instructions can be found here: http://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/wsbroker/redirect?version=phil&product=was-nd-dist&topic=twbs_replace_authmethod_usernametoken
(Please forgive the formatting. I'm doing the best I can with what I have available here.)
Replacing the authentication method of the UsernameToken consumer using a stacked JAAS login module
By default, the Web services security UsernameToken consumer, UNTConsumeLoginModule, always validates the username and password that are contained within the token against the WebSphere registry. You can use the SPIs that GenericSecurityTokenFactory provides to bypass this authentication method.
About this task
If you want to replace the authentication method that UNTConsumeLoginModule uses, you must provide your own custom JAAS login module to do the authentication. The custom login module is stacked under UNTConsumeLoginModule in a custom JAAS configuration. The UNTConsumeLoginModule consumes and validates the token XML. The validation of the values provided for username and password is deferred to the custom stacked login module.
Because the use of UNTConsumeLoginModule carries with it the assumption that the username and password will be authenticated, more requirements are put on a stacked login module that intends to perform this function than are put on login modules that are only intended to provide dynamic token functionality.
To indicate to UNTConsumeLoginModule that it should not authenticate the username and password, you must set the following property on the configured callback handler:
Like most WS-Security login modles, UNTConsumeLoginModule always puts the consumed token in the shared state map to which all login modules in the stack have access. When authDeferred=true is specified, in the commit phase, UNTConsumeLoginModule ensures that the same UsernameToken object that had originally been put on the shared state has been put in another location in the shared state. If this UsernameToken object cannot be found, a LoginException occurs. Therefore, you cannot just set authDeferred=true on the callback handler without having an accompanying login module return the token to the shared state.
Develop a JAAS login module to do the authentication and make it available to your application code. This new login module stacks under the com.ibm.ws.wssecurity.wssapi.token.impl.UNTConsumeLoginModule.
This login module must:
Use the following method to get the UsernameToken that UNTConsumeLoginModule consumes.
UsernameToken unt = UsernameToken)factory.getConsumerTokenFromSharedState(sharedState,UsernameToken.ValueType);
In this code example, factory is an instance of com.ibm.websphere.wssecurity.wssapi.token.GenericSecurityTokenFactory.
Check the username and password in the manner that you choose.
You can call unt.getUsername() and unt.getPassword() to get the username and password.
Your login module should throw a LoginException if there is an authentication error.
Put the UsernameToken, that was obtained in the previous substep, back on the shared state.
Use the following method to put the UsernameToken back on the shared state.
factory.putAuthenticatedTokenToSharedState(sharedState, unt);
Following is an example login module:
package test.tokens;
import com.ibm.websphere.wssecurity.wssapi.token.GenericSecurityTokenFactory;
import com.ibm.websphere.wssecurity.wssapi.WSSUtilFactory;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
import javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule;
import com.ibm.websphere.wssecurity.wssapi.token.UsernameToken;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.ibm.wsspi.security.registry.RegistryHelper;
import com.ibm.websphere.security.UserRegistry;
public class MyUntAuthenticator implements LoginModule {
private Map _sharedState;
private Map _options;
private CallbackHandler _handler;
public void initialize(Subject subject, CallbackHandler callbackHandler,
Map<String, ?> sharedState, Map<String, ?> options) {
this._handler = callbackHandler;
this._sharedState = sharedState;
this._options = options;
public boolean login() throws LoginException {
//For the sake of readability, this login module does not
//protect against all NPE's
GenericSecurityTokenFactory factory = null;
WSSUtilFactory utilFactory = null;
try {
factory = GenericSecurityTokenFactory.getInstance();
utilFactory = WSSUtilFactory.getInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new LoginException(e.toString());
if (factory == null) {
throw new LoginException("GenericSecurityTokenFactory.getInstance() returned null");
UsernameToken unt = (UsernameToken)factory.getConsumerTokenFromSharedState(this._sharedState,UsernameToken.ValueType);
String username = unt.getUsername();
char [] password = unt.getPassword();
//authenticate the username and password
//to validate a PasswordDigest password (fixpack and later)
//String pw = yourCodeToLookUpPasswordForUsername(username);
//boolean match = utilFactory.verifyDigestedPassword(unt, pw.toCharArray());
//if (!match) throw new LoginException("Digested passwords do not match");
try {
simpleUserGroupCheck(username, password, "cn=group1,o=ibm,c=us");
} catch (Exception e) {
LoginException le = new LoginException(e.getMessage());
throw le;
//Put the authenticated token to the shared state
factory.putAuthenticatedTokenToSharedState(this._sharedState, unt);
return true;
private boolean simpleUserGroupCheck(String username, char [] password, String group) throws Exception {
String allowedGroup = null;
//get the default user registry
UserRegistry user_reg = RegistryHelper.getUserRegistry(null);
//authenticate the user against the user registry
user_reg.checkPassword(username, new String(password));
//get the list of groups that the user belongs to
java.util.List<String> groupList = user_reg.getGroupsForUser(username);
//you can either use a hard-coded group
allowedGroup = group;
//or get the value from your own custom property on the callback handler
//WSSUtilFactory util = WSSUtilFactory.getInstance();
//Map map = util.getCallbackHandlerProperties(this._handler);
//allowedGroup = (String) map.get("MY_ALLOWED_GROUP_1");
//check if the user belongs to an allowed group
if (!groupList.contains(allowedGroup)) {
throw new LoginException("user ["+username+"] is not in allowed group ["+allowedGroup+"]");
return true;
//implement the rest of the methods required by the
//LoginModule interface
Create a new JAAS login configuration.
In the administrative console, select Security > Global security.
Under Authentication, select Java Authentication and Authorization Service.
Select System logins.
Click New, and then specify Alias = test.consume.unt.
Click New, and then specify Module class name = com.ibm.ws.wssecurity.wssapi.token.impl.UNTConsumeLoginModule
Click OK.
Click New, and then specify Module class name = test.tokens.MyUntAuthenticator
Select Use login module proxy.
Click OK, and then click SAVE.
Configure your UsernameToken token consumer to use the new JAAS configuration.
Open your bindings configuration that you want to change.
In the administrative console, select WS-Security > Authentication and protection.
Under Authentication tokens, select the UsernameToken inbound token that you want to change.
Select JAAS login = test.consume.unt.
Set the required property on the callback handler that is configured for the UsernameToken consumer.
Click Callback handler.
Add the com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.token.UsernameToken.authDeferred=true custom property.
Click OK.
Click SAVE.
Restart the application server to apply the JAAS configuration changes.
Test your service.

Pydrive authentication using

I was using gdata module to access, upload, download files from google doc. I have the oauth key and secret with me. Now I want to switch to google drive api. Learning and studying a bit on google drive api , it looks like a bit different in the authentication. I also have downloaded pydrive module so as I can start things up. But I am not able to authorize my server side python code to authorize/authenticate the user using my oauth keys and access my drive. Do any one has any spare know how on how I can use pydrive to access my drive with my previous auth keys. I just need a simple way to authenticate.
For using the gdata module we use either of these credentials-
1> username & password or
2> consumer oauth key and secret key.
Since you are trying to use oauth credentials, I think you want a Domain Wide Delegated Access for Google Drive, which will help you to achieve uploading/downloading files into any user's google drive through out the domain.
For this you need to generate a new Client ID of a Service Account Type from
Developer's Console
*.p12 file will get downloaded. Note the path where you save it.
Also note the email address of your Service account. These will be use while coding.
Below is the python code where u have to carefully edit-
PATH TO SERIVE ACCOUNT PRIVATE KEY, something#developer.gserviceaccount.com, EMAIL_ID#YOURDOMAIN.COM in order to run it properly and test it.
Hope this will help!
Resource- Google Drive API
import httplib2
import pprint
import sys
from apiclient.discovery import build
from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
"""Email of the Service Account"""
SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL = 'something#developer.gserviceaccount.com'
"""Path to the Service Account's Private Key file"""
def createDriveService(user_email):
"""Build and returns a Drive service object authorized with the service accounts
that act on behalf of the given user.
user_email: The email of the user.
Drive service object.
key = f.read()
credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL, key,
scope='https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive', sub=user_email)
http = httplib2.Http()
http = credentials.authorize(http)
return build('drive', 'v2', http=http)
result = []
page_token = None
while True:
param = {}
if page_token:
param['pageToken'] = page_token
files = drive_service.files().list().execute()
#print files
page_token = files.get('nextPageToken')
if not page_token:
except errors.HttpError, error:
print 'An error occurred: %s' % error
for f in result:
print '\n\nFile: ',f.get('title')
print "\n"