Understanding; for i in range, x,y = [int(i) in i.... Python3 - list

I am stuck trying to understand the mechanics behind this combined input(), loop & list-comprehension; from Codegaming's "MarsRover" puzzle. The sequence creates a 2D line, representing a cut-out of the topology in an area 6999 units wide (x-axis).
Understandably, my original question was put on hold, being to broad. I am trying to shorten and to narrow the question: I understand list comprehension basically, and I'm ok experienced with for-loops.
Like list comp:
land_y = [int(j) for j in range(k)]
if k = 5; land_y = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
for i in the range(4)
a = 2*i = 6
ab.append(a) = 0,2,4,6
But here, it just doesn't add up (in my head):
6999 points are created along the x-axis, from 6 points(x,y).
surface_n = int(input())
for i in range(surface_n):
land_x, land_y = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
I do not understand where "i" makes a difference.
I do not understand how the data "packaged" inside the input. I have split strings of integers on another task in almost exactly the same code, and I could easily create new lists and work with them - as I understood the structure I was unpacking (pretty simple being one datatype with one purpose).
The fact that this line follows within the "game"-while-loop confuses me more, as it updates dynamically as the state of the game changes.
x, y, h_speed, v_speed, fuel, rotate, power = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
Maybe someone could give an example of how this could be written in javascript, haskell or c#? No need to be syntax-correct, I'm just struggling with the concept here.

input() takes a line from the standard input. So it’s essentially reading some value into your program.
The way that code works, it makes very hard assumptions on the format of the input strings. To the point that it gets confusing (and difficult to verify).
Let’s take a look at this line first:
land_x, land_y = [int(j) for j in input().split()]
You said you already understand list comprehension, so this is essentially equal to this:
inputs = input().split()
result = []
for j in inputs:
land_x, land_y = results
This is a combination of multiple things that happen here. input() reads a line of text into the program, split() separates that string into multiple parts, splitting it whenever a white space character appears. So a string 'foo bar' is split into ['foo', 'bar'].
Then, the list comprehension happens, which essentially just iterates over every item in that splitted input string and converts each item into an integer using int(j). So an input of '2 3' is first converted into ['2', '3'] (list of strings), and then converted into [2, 3] (list of ints).
Finally, the line land_x, land_y = results is evaluated. This is called iterable unpacking and essentially assumes that the iterable on the right has exactly as many items as there are variables on the left. If that’s the case then it’s just a nice way to write the following:
land_x = results[0]
land_y = results[1]
So basically, the whole list comprehension assumes that there is an input of two numbers separated by whitespace, it then splits those into separate strings, converts those into numbers and then assigns each number to a separate variable land_x and land_y.
Exactly the same thing happens again later with the following line:
x, y, h_speed, v_speed, fuel, rotate, power = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
It’s just that this time, it expects the input to have seven numbers instead of just two. But then it’s exactly the same.


Excel, duplicates in string, single cell iteration

I'm trying to extract certain pieces of data from a very long string within a single cell. For the sake of this exercise, this is the data I have in cell A1.
a:2:{s:15:"info_buyRequest";a:5:{s:4:"uenc";s:252:"WN0aW9uYWwuaHRlqdyZ2dC1hdD0lN0JhZHR5cGUlN0QmdnQtcHRpPSU3QmFkd29yZHNfcHJvZHVjdHRhcmdldGlkJTdEJiU3Qmlnbm9y,";s:7:"product";s:4:"1253";s:8:"form_key";s:16:"wyfg89N";s:7:"options";a:6:{i:10144;s:5:"73068";i:10145;s:5:"63085";i:10141;s:5:"73059";i:10143;s:5:"73064";i:13340;s:5:"99988";i:10142;s:5:"73063";}s:3:"qty";s:1:"1";}s:7:"options";a:6:{i:0;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:5:"Color";s:5:"value";s:11:"White";s:11:"print_value";s:11:"White";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10144";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"73068";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:1;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:4:"Trim";s:5:"value";s:11:"Black";s:11:"print_value";s:11:"Black";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10145";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"63085";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:2;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:7:"Material";s:5:"value";s:15:"Vinyl";s:11:"print_value";s:15:"Vinyl";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10141";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"73059";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:3;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:6:"Orientation";s:5:"value";s:17:"Left Side";s:11:"print_value";s:17:"Left Side";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10143";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"73064";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:4;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:12:"Table";s:5:"value";s:16:"YES! Add Table";s:11:"print_value";s:16:"YES! Add Table";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"13340";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"99988";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}i:5;a:7:{s:5:"label";s:8:"Shipping";s:5:"value";s:20:"Front Door Delivery";s:11:"print_value";s:20:"Front Door Delivery";s:9:"option_id";s:5:"10142";s:11:"option_type";s:9:"drop_down";s:12:"option_value";s:5:"73063";s:11:"custom_view";b:0;}}}
The end result, would be to separate the values for Color, Trim, Material Orientation, etc.
The formula I was using is this:
This basically looks in between two points and trims out the fat. It works, but only for the first iteration of "print_value". If I were to use this searching for "Trim"...
...I get an empty result. This happens because print_value is duplicate and not unique to the string. Excel doesn't understand what point to apply its function to and poops itself.
Even though there are unique factors within this string that I could essentially attach myself to (and arrive at the desired result), I CAN NOT use them as they will not be consistent and will render the formula useless when applied to other cells.
That said, here is what I need. Within this formula, I need a way to either A) tell the formula which iteration of print_value to find or B) change print_value to print_value(1,2,3,4, etc) and then run my trimming formula.
Few options based on this link:
1) VBA - Using a User Defined Function
If you're new to these then follow this tutorial.
Function FindN(sFindWhat As String, _
sInputString As String, N As Integer) As Integer
Dim J As Integer
FindN = 0
For J = 1 To N
FindN = InStr(FindN + 1, sInputString, sFindWhat)
If FindN = 0 Then Exit For
End Function
2) Using a Formula
c is the character you want to find
A1 is the text you want to look in
3 is the nth instance

Compare a portion of String value present in 2 Lists

Below code extract a particular value from List srchlist and check for a particular value in List rplzlist. The contents of list srchlist and rplzlist looks like below.
srchlist = ["DD='A'\n", "SOUT='*'\n", 'PGM=FTP\n', 'PGM=EMAIL']
rplzlist = ['A=ZZ.VVMSSB\n', 'SOUT=*\n', 'SALEDB=TEST12']
I am extracting the characters after the '='(equal) sign and within the single quotes using a combination of strip and translate function.
Of the elements in the srchlist only the 'SOUT' matches with the rplzlist.
Do let me know why the below code does not work, also suggest me a better approach to compare a part of string present in the list.
for ele in srchlist:
sYmls = ele.split('=')
vAlue = sYmls[1].translate(None,'\'')
for elem in rplzlist:
rPls = elem.split('=')
if vAlue in rPls:
Here is the more pythonic approach for what you wanted to do:
>>> list(set([(i.split('='))[1].translate(None,'\'') for i in srchlist]) & set([j.split('=')[1] for j in rplzlist]))
I used set() and then get the whole output as list, you may use .join().
Inside set(), list comprehension is given which is faster than the normal for loops.
Another Solution Using join(), and replace() in place of translate():
>>> "".join(set([(i.split('='))[1].replace('\'','') for i in srchlist]) & set([j.split('=')[1] for j in rplzlist]))

Applying regexp and finding the highest number in a list

I have got a list of different names. I have a script that prints out the names from the list.
req.add_header('AUTHORIZATION', 'Token token=hash')
response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
json_content = json.loads(response)
for name in json_content:
print name['name']
I need to find the max number that comes with the name Thomas. Is there a simple way to to apply regexp for all the elements that contain "Thomas" and then apply max(list) to them? The only way that I have came up with is to go through each element in the list, match regexp for Thomas, then strip the letters and put the remaining numbers to a new list, but this seems pretty bulky.
You don't need regular expressions, and you don't need sorting. As you said, max() is fine. To be safe in case the list contains names like "Thomasson123", you can use:
names = ((x['name'][:6], x['name'][6:]) for x in json_content)
max(int(b) for a, b in names if a == 'Thomas' and b.isdigit())
The first assignment creates a generator expression, so there will be only one pass over the sequence to find the maximum.
You don't need to go for regex. Just store the results in a list and then apply sorted function on that.
>>> l = ['Thomas001',
>>> [i for i in sorted(l) if i.startswith('Thomas')][-1]

How to smooth numbers from a file as many times as wanted in Python 2.7?

I'm trying to create a code that will open a file with a list of numbers in it and then take those numbers and smooth them as many times as the user wants. I have it opening and reading the file, but it will not transpose the numbers. In this format it gives this error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'float'. I also need to figure out how to make it transpose the numbers the amount of times the user asks it to. The list of numbers I used in my .txt file is [3, 8, 5, 7, 1].
Here is exactly what I am trying to get it to do:
Ask the user for a filename
Read all floating point data from file into a list
Ask the user how many smoothing passes to make
Display smoothed results with two decimal places
Use functions where appropriate
Never change the first or last value
Compute new values for all other values by averaging the value with its two neighbors
Here is what I have so far:
filename = raw_input('What is the filename?: ')
inFile = open(filename)
data = inFile.read()
print data
data2 = data[:]
print data2
print data2
print data2
print data2
You almost certainly don't want to be manually indexing the list items. Instead, use a loop:
data2 = data[:]
for i in range(1, len(data)-1):
data2[i] = sum(data[i-1:i+2])/3.0
data = data2
You can then put that code inside another loop, so that you smooth repeatedly:
smooth_steps = int(raw_input("How many times do you want to smooth the data?"))
for _ in range(smooth_steps):
# code from above goes here
Note that my code above assumes that you have read numeric values into the data list. However, the code you've shown doesn't do this. You simply use data = inFile.read() which means data is a string. You need to actually parse your file in some way to get a list of numbers.
In your immediate example, where the file contains a Python formatted list literal, you could use eval (or ast.literal_eval if you wanted to be a bit safer). But if this data is going to be used by any other program, you'll probably want a more widely supported format, like CSV, JSON or YAML (all of which have parsers available in Python).

IO for julia reading fortran files

Noob question:
I have the output of a complex matrix done in Fortran, the contents looks like this:
(-0.783378034185788,-0.182301028756558) (-0.794024313844809,0.128219337674814)
I want to read and use this data in a julia program.
No, I don't want to change the writting format, I would like to learn how to strip off
the "trash" characters like '(', or ','. This may be useful for arbitrary Input files.
2.I have tried with the following code:
file = open(pathtofilename, "r")
data_str = readall(ifile)
data_numbers_str = split(data_str)
data_numbers = split(data_numbers_str, ['('])
However, the manual is not quite self-explanatory [http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.2/stdlib/base/?highlight=split].
Here is what I'd do
data = "(-0.594209719263636,1.463867815703586E-006) (-0.783378034185788,-0.182301028756558) (-0.794024313844809,0.128219337674814) (0.592814294881930,4.069892201461069E-002)"
function pair_to_complex(pair)
nums = float(split(pair[2:end-1], ","))
return Complex(nums...)
numbers = map(pair_to_complex, split(data, " "))
To explain
The pair[2:end-1] removes the parenthesis
I then split that on the , to get an array with two numbers, still as strings
I convert them to Float64 with float(), obtaining an array of floats
I make a new complex number. The ... splats the array out so it provides the two arguments to Complex - I could have done Complex(nums[1],nums[2])
I then apply this logic using map to every term in the data.