I've recently upgraded to intellij 2016.2.4, and it seems that I can't get my test code to recompile before running a test. I've even triggered rebuilding the entire project, and the tests still run and give the same result even if i change what line the failure should be happening on, or delete the offending test.
I've messed with the "build automatically" tag. It doesn't seem to do anything. Has anyone experienced this? Any ideas?
The code coverage tool in VS2017 enterprise no longer shows what application code is covered. Whether I run it on selected tests or all tests, it shows what code in the unit tests are covered, but shows the code actually being tested at 0%. When I first started using the tool it worked just fine and showed application code coverage. I only check coverage occasionally, so I'm not sure when it broke or what I might have done to cause the issue. I'm thinking that there is something in the Registry that is causing it since I haven't been able to find anything in Tools/Options/...
I installed JetBrains dotCoverage and it does the same thing even when I exclude the unit test project from the coverage session. I've tried to repair the VS installation. My next step is uninstall/reinstall. However, unless that cleans up the registry where I think the configuration error is, it will fail to address the problem.
So any suggestions on where I can look to figure this out would be appreciated.
I'm using Xcode 3.0 on a PowerBook G4. I needed to test some code to see how it runs on a big endian host. I already had it set up to go so got it out to test.
I first created an empty project and added my binary as a custom executable as well as loading in some source files. This seemed to be working fine. The code is a C++ terminal application and I had already setup a Makefile with CMake.
In the beginning I set up some breakpoints and started up the debugger. And it worked well. Stopping at my breakpoints. But then something happened that I don't know what and it started ignoring them.
I setup a new project like before and started from scratch again. Loaded the debugger. And once again it ignored them!
So then I managed to get CMake (2.8.12) to generate an Xcode project file. Which didn't go too easy as it didn't know what compiler I had. Looks like I stumbled onto another bug there. I eventually got past it by going between the CMake GUI and terminal.
I then closed all windows in Xcode and quit it. I then opened up the new project to start afresh. I set up some new breakpoints and loaded up the debugger. The code fell through again but then I realised I didn't set any arguments. So I did that and tried again. It ran through again! I looked up how to reset Xcode prefs and did so. Try again and it keeps ignoring my breakpoints!
I know it's kinda bad to setup an account to ask a question. And I hate to do that. But I'm really over this and don't know what is wrong with it. I've Googled for answers, got some hits here, and tried suggestions like disabling lazy symbols, making sure strip doesn't kill debug symbols and other symbol stuff but none has any affect. I've wasted hours trying to fix it instead of testing code I need too.
What's disconcerting is that no source is loading into the [GDB] debugger either. I actually forced it to stop by doing an implicit read from location zero in my source. And even this wasn't right. It didn't even load up the source but just gave me a disassembly. Even though I had it set to show only source. There's something wrong with it. :-?
Well thanks for any help. I don't know if I'm getting old or what. But this is getting as annoying as a small hidden bug in code that brings the whole house down! ;-)
Good afternoon,
There is an error that has been occasionally occurring right after my project successfully builds. This error states "Errors exist int he active configuration, proceed with Launch?" This error usually occurs after I get some errors in the build previously, fix/clean them, and rebuild again. It occurs between the build and launching the debugger, because if I am disconnected from the remote system, it pops up before it attempts connecting to GDB.
The project builds without issues, and if I restart eclipse, I am able to build and debug without a problem. The issue is that I end up losing all of my undo states and the general discomfort of having to restart eclipse all the time.
This seems like strictly an eclipse issue,
Things I've tried that have made no difference: Cleaning the project, deleting files, etc. This seems to be a bug in eclispe,
If anyone has any knowledge on how to get rid of this prompts, please advise,
Thank you,
I do use to work in Eclipse cause i find it pretty good, but every day i am encountering this problem..."'Cleaning all projects has encountered a problem'. Errors occured during the build." when I hit the "clean projects" button. I have win 7 64 bit.
The only solution for this issue to work is to restart my computer. But I don't find it that good, because even if I restart my computer in the next 5 minutes when I compile a certain program it gets stuck again, it shows the same annoying message.
Please give me a solution to make this work. I wouldn't like to switch to visual studio...
It's hard to tell for sure, but your application might have some unreleased resources which 'clean' command can't remove. Did executable process terminate? If not, you whould have this error. You could try to remove binaries from build folder manually and see what file causes and error.
I want to get rid of the dialog saying
There were build errors. Would you like to continue and run tests from
the last successful build
when I am running unit tests (I use test -> run -> all tests).
How do I do that? I already know how to disable it when running a normal project.
I also want to know how this can ever be a useful feature?
How do I do that?
You can't.
I also want to know how this can ever be a useful feature?
I find it useful when I am working closely with someone who is configuring test data. I can re-run tests to ensure new test data is valid, without having to worry about compiling any changes that I have done in the meantime.
For example if someone has changed some data in a database, I want to be able to run my tests to ensure that this new data is valid, and I want to be able to run the tests whether the current state of my code compiles or not.
For Visual Studio 2017 / MSTestV2 you can do:
Tools > Options > Project and Solutions > Build and Run
"On Run, when build or deployment errors occur:" "Do not launch"