Need Help regading Unity CN Controls Joystick - assert

I am learning unity 2D Games though video tutorials. The video tutorial I am following has used the older version of "CN Controls Joystick" (!/content/15233).
Current version of "CN Controls Joystick" is completely different from the older version used in the tutorial.
So, does anyone have older version of "CN Controls Joystick". If anyone have, please share with me for my practice.

the older version its not necesary, you only have to know are the axis names of every joystick, i think now its easier, and I recomend you to open the example scene, and look for the scripts atached to the player... if you need more help, I can help you. only tell me what you want to done and ill show you how to do it.


How to embed Chromium Embbeded Framework into GLFW

I am trying to do as the title implies. I am looking for a tutorial or an existing github project that will show me how to make this possible. As far as what I have or haven't tryed: nothing. I have been at a lose of documentation on CEF and don't know where to begin. I am aware of the alternatives (librocket, awesomium, and berkelium). If any of these have been embbeded in GLFW successfully link appropriately. As far as finding no documentation, I have looked on CEF's website and wiki and found installation instructions and an example that uses #include <window.h> instead of opengl.
It took a bit of massaging to get it to work, as the file is too big to be stored on github and the cef implementation is a few years old, however, I've posted a few "issues" with fixes and suggestions here to assist you. The software here is pretty good however it's completely lacking of decent documentation, and it depends greatly upon what directory you launch it from. Big hint: Launch the software from the base directory of this git.
Hope this helps.
I think this is a bit too much for a novice programmer. GLFW is a down-to-the-absolute-minium framework for creating OpenGL applications. CEF on the other hand depends on many utilities provided by the application it's built into. GLFW doesn't offer them, so you have to implement them in a way that CEF can live within GLFW. That's feasible, but requires some expierience. If you look at there's one short paragraph "Off-Screen Rendering". This is what you want to integrate it into a OpenGL project. Render off-screen and present the result through a textured quad (either viewport space aligned).

Importing a blender model into a DirectX 11.2 C++ application

I'm new to DirectX applications, with a decent knowledge of C++ and some experience in working with Blender. So for starters i would like to know how could i import, say, a UV sphere from Blender into a DirectX 11.2 C++ application. I'm using november edition compiler. Is there a tutorial for working with Blender models in DirectX applications that is up to date? Because i read that the .X format is not supported anymore after DirectX 10, and i need to use it in a DirectX 11.2 enviroment. I'm pretty much clueless about what to do and in what direction to go, so any help would be much appreciated.
If you 'just' want to display some 3D objects using native DirectX there is no other way than doing all the initialization stuff, writing a file loader for some kind of format that Blender is able to export and setting up a respective render pipeline. Indeed the way is long until you can see your Blender model in your own application. But if you intend to write your own graphics engine eventually it is a way you have to take. If this is not your goal I recommend you to use an open source 3D engine of your choice.
I used a very good online tutorial on a web page which unfortunately does not exist any more and of course the MSDN libraray to learn about DirectX 11. You can still find these tutorials at an internet archive. Additionally I found another tutorial which seems to look good at a first glance.
If you don't need to do very special things which Blender must write into the file you are exporting, I suggest using the .obj format since it is easy to understand and to load.
By chance I'm writing my own graphics engine in the moment. So if you have any further questions concerning this topic feel free to contact me.
You can always make your own format if its, i dont know, just for some school project or something like that (wild guess). Format your data the way you want, for example:
for vertices and after you list all your vertices you could use some char like '$' or '%' or something like that which will signify end of vertices and start of indices which will make it easier to parse later. You can assume it is always TriangleList topology but you may also dedicate first line of file to configuration and have int 1 for instance represent that you will use trinagleList and so on...
Hope it helps!
P.S.: Julians answer is better in my opinion, its always good to learn new useful stuff for future projects (like in Bioware :D ), just proposing alternative here.

Why should cocos2d-iphone users avoid using the #2x file extension?

Cocos2d-iphone uses the -hd extension for Retina images (and other assets). The cocos2d Retina guide speaks only vaguely of "some incompatibilities" regarding #2x:
Apple uses the ”#2x” suffix, but cocos2d doesn't use that extension
because of some incompatibilities. Instead, cocos2d has its own
suffix: ”-hd”.
WARNING: It is NOT recommend to use the ”#2x” suffix. Apple treats
those images in a special way which might cause bugs in your cocos2d
Great. I feel well informed.
Through a 2-year old bug report regarding #2x I got the link to a forum thread that supposedly explains the issues with #2x. However, it does not. The only hints I found in there is that there are iOS (4.0/4.1) bugs regarding #2x which I suppose are no longer relevant. It's possible that I might have missed some crucial aspect (there was some talk about caching or repeat loading issues) - the thread is very long after all.
I'd like to know what specific issues might a cocos2d developer encounter if (s)he is using the #2x suffix for images instead of -hd?
Please give concrete examples of things that might go or actually will be wrong.
This seems to be the main reason from this link:
Specifically this post by riq:
I don't know if initWithContentsOfFile was fixed, but in 4.0 it was broken and it wasn't working with #2x, ~iphone extensions.
imageNamed caches all the loaded files so it consumes much more memory than initWithContentsOfFile
Also the #2x extension does something (I don't know exactly what) but it doesn't work OK with cocos2d.
Another good point: Back when the iPhone 4 was just released with the retina display, I am sure some users of Cocos2D were using an older version of it so when the user was using the retina display on a version of Cocos2D that didn't support it, things were twice as large as they should've been. Again this is now fixed to most unless you are using a VERY early version of Cocos2D.
Overview, so it seems that the main issue was with initWithContentsOfFile from iOS 4 but they have fixed this since because I use that exact API with Cocos2D 2.0-rc2 in my app and I do not have any issues whatsoever. I use all Apple specified extensions for images and everything works jolly good! :)
It seems as if this has a historic background.
What makes using -hd graphics still worthwhile is that loading them doesn't rely on Apple functionality but is rather done in framework code. So -hd can be loaded for iPads in iPhone Simulator mode and make use of the higher resolution pictures in 2x mode.
Other than that I couldn't find any more reasons to not use #2x when I was looking into this a week ago.
In case you want all the details it is probably best to drop riq an email.

Poor look of a gtkmm program

I'am writing with my friends a simple photo viewer in C++ using gtkmm. Everything goes quite well, except that our app is looking very poor and completely diffrent from any other GTK+ application on ours Linux desktops. If anyone could give us some advice about what are we doing wrong, we will be very grateful.
Code responsible for creating the window is here (the rest is in the repository):
Screenshot with the look:
Any help would be apprecieated, thanks in advance!
GTK 3.0 has a different theming than GTK 2.0. Probably any of your other GTK+ applications still depend on 2.0 so you don't have set a theme for 3.0. Find out how to set it to e.g. Adwaita in your desktop environment.
Btw: have a look at Glib::RefPtr<>.

Rudimentary 3D graphics in C++ .NET

I am looking to implement an extremely rudimentary FPS game with extremely rudimentary 3D graphics using C++ .NET and DirectX.
I'm not interested in any third party libraries or anything special like that.
Having never done graphics based programming besides 2D stuff I don't really know where to get started or even how to find the right resources online.
I have a few weeks to build this game so im trying to keep it simple.
Can anyone give me a little guidance on how to get started?
This looks as though it may give you a push in the right direction:
I always found that OpenGL was easier to learn though. So unless it's necessary for you to use DirectX, I'd suggest you have a quick look at GL and see what you think.
If you download DirectX SDK you can find plenty of samples there in C++ and C#.
May I recommend "Introduction to Game Programming in DirectX 9" by "Wordware" Publishing. I know you just want something very simple like the rotating cube classic, so do not be put off by the 'game' element. I got 3/4 the way through and wrote a screen saver! DX10 is now available but I stick to 9 - card backward compatibility.
The maths can get silly in 3D, but if you can get the basics, the rest will follow very quickly.
If you haven't done so already the "DirectX SDK" download is also a must - it contains (most important) the help files for the methods, functions etc. and a few not so helpful getting started stuff.
You might want to have a look at SlimDX, even if you're not interested in third-party libraries.
Although I don't have Visual C++ 2008/2010 Express installed, you could add SlimDX as a reference to your project. Be sure you check out the tutorial section, even though it's in C#, but if you know C++/CLI pretty well, you should be able to convert the code to C++/CLI.